A Flood of Devastating Disorder

It has been said by those who have gone on before us that in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. The Left, with its love of death and taxes and underworld ideology, have added to what is said to be certain: racism and climate change.

Racism’s certainty, as claimed by those who seek to benefit, is the Heart of Darkness inherent in all white people from time immemorial – a sweeping generalization that ignores vast accounts of reality. (Union troops killed in action: 110,000. Total dead: 360,000. Wounded: 275,200. And you need reparations? You need your head examined!)

As wielded by the Left, racism is that which does not accord with that which comes out of the Left’s mouth or pen. That is a well-documented documented certainty. A charge of racism is meant to silence dissent and to proclaim the above forgone conclusion. For, one is even deemed “racist” just for opening one’s mouth in utter disbelief upon hearing the Left speak.

Regarding the other certitude candidate, the Left is working the climate change apocalypse narrative up to a fever pitch of do-or-die certainty. Do what you are told or the world will end. This they know, for The Science tells them so. The media and classrooms are the Sunday Schools of the climate religion.

“Climate realists should gird their loins in preparation for the pending onslaught of stories in the mainstream media proclaiming this or that seasonal weather event is being enhanced by anthropogenic climate change to some degree somehow or other.

For the past two decades, every year as winter wanes and spring springs, the media has engaged in its contemporary rite of spring: climate fear.”

 – H. Sterling Burnett, PhD, [Fill in the Blank Climate Crisis] Season Is Here

The first day of spring this past week and, lo and behold, rain is forecasted. Heavy rains and flood warnings are noted for certain areas. Low lying areas, flood plains, areas close to existing water and sewer systems that cannot handle the runoff will see flooding, as expected.

TV viewers will again see pictures of flooded streets and videos of some reporter dude flapping his jaw in flapping rain gear in a flapping storm. No one likes flooding. Some have incurred it and have dealt with it. We can’t control weather but we can control what we do with the weather given us. But hold on! Climate bookies are telling us the stakes have been raised.

 “Never before extreme weather” is being forecasted based on the certainty of assumptions:

The hydrological cycle is expected to intensify with global warming, which likely increases the intensity of extreme precipitation events and the risk of flooding. (Emphasis mine)

How climate change is making record-breaking floods the new normal (unep.org)

As global warming increases the likelihood for more extreme weather events to occur, risks will expand beyond the high-risk areas known today. More extreme flooding must be expected, and for the towns and cities where flooding has already occurred, theirs will no longer be a ‘once in a lifetime’ risk but now far more frequent. (Emphasis mine)

Climate change impact on flood and extreme precipitation increases with water availability | Scientific Reports (nature.com)

Will the risk of flooding in your area soon be media-ascribed to an anthropogenic-caused risk level of RED based on the transmission of rain drops in your area? Anything is possible as we have seen with the COVID plandemic. Flatten the curve of that nonsense.

H. Sterling Burnett, PhD recommends that “when you see stories this year claiming climate change is causing an apocalypse of allergies, maple syrup disappearance, floods, hurricanes, drought, and wildfires, check the facts. It will make you feel better. The Heartland Institute provides the fully referenced data on these and other extreme weather trends at ClimateRealism.com and ClimateataGlance.com.”

Climate Change Weekly #465: [Fill in the Blank Climate Crisis] Season Is Here – The Heartland Institute

Here’s a podcast discussing green imperialism and what myopic climate activism does to poor

Manmade extreme flood conditions, not of the hydrologic kind, are upon us. Economic flood waters, digital flood waters and cultural flood waters are rising quickly around us. They are devasting in nature.

Economic Flood Waters:

Food costs, fuel costs, declining and stagnant wages, high interest rates, the inverted yield curve, and increasing levels of personal debt are some of the major indicators of the catastrophic effect of the reckless control of the economy.

The Fed is ‘trying’ to get the flood waters of inflation under control while the Biden regime along with Democrats and feckless Republicans are flooding the economy with massive inflationary spending. The $1.7 trillion Omnibus bill is the latest torrential rainfall. More dollars are chasing fewer goods. The dollar is being devalued. It makes perfect nonsense.

U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen and chair of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell are incompetent in their roles. They should never have been put into their respective positions.

When it comes to inflation incompetence, look no further than Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. In her powerful position, Ms. Yellen is supposed to advocate sound economic policies that help the American people. But when millions of hardworking families were struggling with out-of-control inflation not seen in 40 years, Ms. Yellen helped pave the way for the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which had nothing to do with reducing inflation. Even Paul Krugman at The New York Times admits: “The strategically misleadingly named Inflation Reduction Act is mainly a climate bill.”In Biden’s incompetent Cabinet, how has no one been fired or asked to resign? – Washington Times

Jerome Powell has no economic background. Both Yellen and Powell talk the talk as they are Washington insiders. They are also puppets of the Biden regime and that doesn’t bode well for Americans who are under water. And there’s this:

Growing Distrust Of Federal Reserve Heightens Concerns Of Incompetence (forbes.com)

The Federal Reserve is supposed to monitor the nation’s banks for risk. Is it up to the job? (nbcnews.com)

The same person who said “inflation is transitory” and later admitted that she was wrong is now saying “the banking system is sound” even though After SVB collapse, almost 190 new banks could fail, says new study (usatoday.com)

From now on, moral hazard rules.

The End of Market Discipline for Banks – WSJ (archive.fo)

The people entrusted to secure the U.S. dollar and the financial system are incompetent and politically biased and that means that low and middle class people like you and me will be soon overwhelmed by the extreme financial events pouring out of bad decisions.

For people who are acutely aware of their debts, higher rates intensify the woes, said Ashley Agnew of Centerpoint Advisors in Needham, Mass. “It feels more like a punishment than an interest rate,” she said.

Fed hike: Here’s how much rates for credit cards, car loans and mortgages have jumped – MarketWatch

The following three screen shots from Data Visualization | The Biden Inflation Tracker | The Heritage Foundation:

Under the Biden regime . . .

All of the above financial flood waters didn’t have to rain down on us, but the Biden regime brought the devastating disorder of the green new deal upon us starting on day one: Biden executive orders: The 17 things Joe Biden did on Day One (politico.com)

BIDEN ECONOMY: Federal Government Spending UP 40% Since 2019 as Inflation Soars and Recession Looms | The Gateway Pundit

Keep in mind: the people who are mishandling the economy and bringing about the managed decline of the country are some of the same people who call you names and want to control the climate.

Digital Flood Waters:

We immerse ourselves in digital streams. We own handheld devices for texting, paying, playing, watching and talking. We are walking data streams. And driving data streams.

Late model cars have digital tracking. It’s there for “roadside assistance” and to track your wear and tear on the car. Drive Safe & Save type apps used to monitor your driving habits and to automatically record trips. The app will give you feedback about your acceleration, braking corner, speeding and distracted driving. The insurance company rewards you (premium discount) for being enrolled in their data stream.

Panera Bread to Introduce Palm Scanners Next Month that Will Store its Customers’ Biometric Data for its Loyalty Program and Cashless Payment | The Gateway Pundit

Biometric screening at airports is spreading fast, but some fear the face-scanning systems (nbcnews.com)

To Enjoy an “Easier and Better Life With Smart Home Devices” we buy smart TVs, smart appliances, smart thermostats, smart cameras, smart locks, smart security systems, smart speakers, etc. etc. We are embedded in data streams and may have them embedded in us. And that’s a problem.

There are enormous risks in involved with online data. For example, at the end of last year I learned that the company I had been working for had received a ransomware attack. I received a letter from the company saying that my personal information had been stolen. The company set me up with a credit monitoring company but my personal information is out there in the cyber underworld.

There are home title thieves who can go online and steal your title and leave you holding enormous debt and no title.

On the receiving end of your data are people and/or AI systems monitoring you. Neither consider you a person. You are a data stream that for one, can be monetized and for another can be controlled to be the perfect consumer. You already know this and go along with it with every click.

So, you should know that when the Fed comes out with Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and replaces physical cash, your whole life will then be a data stream not under your control.

Your purchases of food and gas, of everything, will be monitored and controlled by ESG AI algorithms who don’t give a hoot about you and your situation. A social credit system will be employed to the end that you will be made to submit to whatever the gods of this world decide atop the DAVOS ziggurat.

Many have been seduced by the programmable digital world. Many spend their time knee deep in digital streams. But the manmade digital flood that is coming will overtake them. They will be left hanging on to whatever non-digital flotsam you can find to hold on to.

Below is a brief summary of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and how they can be wielded against society to enforce ESG compliance. From Digital Dollars – The Heartland Institute:

A digital dollar’s threats to privacy and freedom are real.  First, the government could easily block transactions.  This already happens as government pressure has led banks and PayPal to cancel accounts.  The Canadian government blocked funding for the Freedom Convoy truckers.  A CBDC empowers government micromanagement of our transactions.

Second, digital dollars could have expiration dates or automatically lose value.  This undermines money’s ability to serve as a store of value, or let people hold onto purchasing power.  Non-counterfeit money represents unconsumed production, the accumulated pay you never spent.  It should not expire, ever. (Emphasis mine.)

The Unified Commercial Code (UCC) is being modified to accommodate digital assets:

The Proposed 2022 Amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code: Digital Assets (americanbar.org)

Tell your representatives that you do not want CBDC and to kill UCC modification bills. Tell your representatives that you are not all happy with the managed decline of America that they are taking part in.

US Senator Ted Cruz tries again with new bill to block CBDC (cointelegraph.com)

Cultural Flood Waters:

Here’s the CDC’s advice about Floodwater After Disaster or Emergency:

Open wounds and rashes exposed to floodwater can become infected. Vibrios, for example, are naturally occurring bacteria that live in certain coastal waters and can cause skin infections when an open wound is exposed to them. This can happen during floods. To protect yourself and your family: Avoid exposure to floodwater.

It is difficult to avoid the bacterial flood waters of our culture. Without proper borders, it flows in and infects.

The culture’s bacterial flood waters have entered our home via TV, the internet, and smartphones. Children are babysat by TV programs that infect and wound young susceptible minds. It is no different for teens and adults, as they passively invite in the bacterial flood waters with its deteriorating effect on their being.

Bacterial flood waters have entered our education systems via the degenerate sponsors of CRT and the sexualization of children. Our school children are becoming infected with gay porn that is promoted in the classroom and in school libraries.

Elementary school teacher says confusing kids about gender is ‘the goal’ – Alpha News

Bacterial flood waters have entered our churches via “acceptance” and “inclusion” policies and via mega church structures that hid sin. Catholic congregations are becoming infected by priests who promote open borders and homosexuality. Moral failings, abuse, toxic internal structures, and the utter hypocrisy of leadership as seen in mega churches like Hillsong and Willowcreek reveal the church has been infected with the cultural bacteria.

Sewers have backed up from torrents of hedonism that rain down on us from the digital clouds. One is easily infected, via devices, with the bacterial sewer water of a hedonistic lifestyle. “You need such and such or so and so to be truly happy. Click here.”

Those who practice abortion, homosexuality, and “affirming care” leading to permanent mangling of children’s bodies have crossed a cultural Rubicon, unaware that they have been led there by Malthusians.

Those who are forced to use pronouns that do not match a person’s gender are being forced to lie to their neighbor.

Our culture has been infected by bacterial flood waters brought about by the manmade deluge of the misuse, disordering and dysfunction of Nature – a product of cultural climate change activism.

Gay Iconoclasm: Holding the Line against the Radical LGBT Agenda

The massive flood of illegal immigration created by the Biden regime’s manmade open border policy is altering the cultural landscape of our country. The U.S. will soon be covered in the flood waters of economic opportunists (not refugees), terrorists, gangs, drugs dealers, pedophiles, criminals, and fentanyl.

As such, the U.S. will become a third world country – just what the fundamental-transformation-hate-America ideologues have so desired. Then U.S. citizens will be ordered around like Venezuelans are dictated to by Nicolás Maduro and Brazilians by CCP controlled Lula de Silva.

The open border’s flood of illegal immigrants is not being done as an act of compassion and generosity on the part the Left. It is being done to destabilize America. It is being done to flood the zone of American’s resolve against a New World Order leadership that wants to own America, with those who come in depending on government, aka the Biden regime.

A very brief history of back in time:

In the beginning the cosmos, established by God, was non-ordered. The primary act of creation was bringing into existence the ordering of the material cosmos and human society. God brought order to our world and at the same time left non-order for humans to “subdue and rule”, i.e., work with God to bring about order.

“God didn’t produce a ready-made world. The Creator has done something cleverer than this, making a world able to make itself.” – John Polkinghorne

Disorder stands in opposition to order. Disorder works to move the center of order from God to man who says “I will order life my way”. Order and the yet-to-be-ordered are affected by the inherently evil disorder. Chaos – out of order – ensues, as evidenced in our world today. Human disorder flooded the days of Noah and is flooding our lives today.

“The suffering and evil of the world are not due to weakness, oversight, or callousness on God’s part. But rather, are the inescapable costs of a creation allowed to be other than God.” – John Polkinghorne

Hyperbole was used by a Hebrew author to describe a devastating flood just like other Ancient Near East (ANE) account authors did. For example, reading these accounts one gets the idea that the flood was universal and covering the earth. But there is no geological record of such a worldwide flood. The flood is certainly wide-ranging in its devastation, so it is not a local flood either. Hyperbole was used to make important theological points.

In ANE accounts the gods were dependent on humans to supply their needs. They became unhappy with unruly mankind and decided to flood the earth and wipe away mankind. A remnant was saved to continue serving the gods’ needs.

The Hebrew flood account can be understood as a God “order-bringing event” to the creation he once ordered. Noah is to be the order-preserving remnant.

“The connection of Noah’s name to the flood suggests that besides being presented as an act of judgement, grace and deliverance, the narrator is recounting this event as a sort of “reset button.” God uses non-order (the waters) to eliminate disorder (pervasive violence) and then to reestablish optimal order (even as he recognizes that disorder remains [Ge. 8:21]).” – Tremper Longman III & John Walton, The Lost World of the Flood, Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate, 118

What I see happening in our world today is similar to the ANE accounts of the flood. The gods of this world, who are dependent on humans to supply their needs, specifically wealth and power, have become unhappy with mankind. Mankind is too independent and not organized the way they want. They have decided to flood the earth and bring about a Great Reset: “We will order life our way”. A flood of disorder, they assume, will wipe away the God-ordered world. But they are off center . . .

The human mind may devise many plans,
    but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established. -Proverbs 19:21

The climate apocalypse narrative is hyperbole. It is being used as hyperbole to produce a theological point: that transformational change, not of the climate but of humanity, away from the image of God, is necessary. The gods of this world will use any means necessary, including and not limited to the above, to bring about devasting disorder that they believe leads to a New World Order.

As we have seen, the NWO gods used “The Science” for the COVID plandemic to move people to a place of submission. Consider the devastating disorder brought upon people with mandates and the untested mNRA DNA altering vaccine.

They are now using “The Science” in the climate change narrative for the same reason. “The Science” will be used again and again to bring about the NWO.

Now, because I don’t accept NWO theology and won’t submit to NWO gods does not mean that I reject science. That is an oft used criticism used by NWO gods to say that I’m not thinking straight or that I’m not thinking about the right things. I don’t reject science. I reject the NOW’s “The Science” hyperbole.

Having said all this, what are you prepared to do . . . about devastating disorder?


Climate Change – What is the science behind this?


Alarmism? I guess that I am somewhat inured to it. The year the United States detonated the world’s first thermonuclear weapon, the hydrogen bomb, on Eniwetok atoll in the Pacific, I was born. There were Duck and cover drills in my elementary school.

I have lived with a heightened state of alarm brought about by the prospect of nuclear war, the state of the Cold War, and the burgeoning unrest centered around the Viet Nam War. And, there was and continues to be the alarming outcomes brought about by the economic mishandling of policy makers.

And there was the end of the world eschatology alarmism of The Late Great Planet Earth and later, the Left Behind series.

I don’t know of anyone on the earth who is omniscient or all knowing. And that includes scripture and science prognosticators. False prophets abound. They over promise and under deliver.

All of the above situations and alarms were manmade.

On another familiar subject . . .

My own experience with flooding goes way back to the time my father was mayor of a suburban Chicago village. Continuous rain flooded a creek that runs from the Wisconsin border down into the Des Plaines River and right through the eastern section of the village.

The flooding caused significant damage to commercial and residential property. The overflow of the creek’s waters blocked the main throughfare through the village, preventing commerce.

Illinois Senator Charles Percy came down to meet with my father. The two of them got into a row boat to survey the damage. State monies came later to shore up the creek, to pay for the damage, and to help with storm water management. A year later a tornado hit our village and tore up some apartment buildings. Extreme weather happens.

The village was situated on a flood plain. Our basement flooded every spring until my father put in a sump pump. He saw what would happen again and adapted.


Informed dissent:

Notice the increase. These terms and “white supremacy” are used more and more to silence dissent and to program you to react the same way.

Former CDC Director: “This pandemic was caused by SCIENCE”… – Revolver News

12ft | Court blocks COVID-19 vaccine mandate for US gov’t workers | AP News

Significant birth rate drop in most heavily Covid-vaccinated European countries | Sharyl Attkisson

Children Dying at Highest Rate in Decades, Researchers Warn – Slay News

Research shows that, for Europe, C19 “Vaccines” kill 3-4 times more than C19 Disease (substack.com)

View the video in the following link . . .  and don’t let them get away with it.

Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice (Video) (substack.com)

A Letter to Dr Andrew Hill | Dr Tess Lawrie | Oracle Films (rumble.com)

U.S. Doctors Admit Tens of Thousands Killed During The “Pandemic” By Putting Them On Ventilators – Nwo Report

What Ed Dowd says here is the most powerful assessment of the humanitarian catastrophe wrought by public health authorities (& those who control them) via their demonstrably & increasingly insane policies of mass toxic vaccination with denial of effective, cheap early treatments. -Dr. Pierre Kory

Informed Dissenter:

These “public health” hoodlums (Fauci & Bowser) come to the hood to push vaccines but not Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin to save lives.

Watch: Fauci, DC Mayor Bowser Rejected As They Promote COVID Vaccine Door-to-Door (resistthemainstream.com)

[VIDEO] One guy from the hood looks Fauci in the eye and demolishes 3 years of propaganda in 37 seconds flat… – Revolver News

Mind control is extremely dangerous to our democracy:


The “ESG” Climate Report:

Biden Times

Just the other day I received email from a local Democrat representative, one of our Build Back Betters:

Dear Friend,

Every day, I hear from constituents about the financial stress and anxiety they experience as a result of rising prices of necessities like groceries and gas. I understand the worry this creates. That is why I put together an update on how I’m fighting inflation with resources to help lower costs for you and your families.

But let’s be clear: Big oil needs to be held accountable for their role in the sky-high prices we are experiencing. Last year, the five largest oil companies made over $75 billion in profits, the highest increase in seven years. This gouging along with Russia’s unwarranted aggression in Ukraine has led to supply chain issues and higher prices for American families. That is why I introduced the Stop Price Gouging Tax and Rebate Act to hold big oil companies accountable while providing families a $100 monthly tax credit to offer immediate relief.  (Emphasis mine.)

From her website:

How is it that under Trump we didn’t have “rising prices of necessities like groceries and gas.” How is it that under Trump there was no energy crisis? And no Putin-Ukraine conflict? Do you think the 40-year high inflation has to do with the current Democrat regime policies and not with corporations and oil and gas companies, the Dems favorite scapegoats?

Yes, it is Biden’s Inflation: NOT Caused by the Ukraine Crisis (substack.com)

First, he declared open war on domestic American energy, from pipelines to drilling, prioritizing a radical eco agenda over dependable and affordable American domestic energy. Then, he and Chuck and Nancy embarked on a truly exorbitant borrowing and spending spree that sent interest rates and prices for nearly every conceivable physical asset soaring. Finally, he issued draconian and unscientific workplace vaccine mandates – many of which still remain in place – that prevented full staffing in key industries like trucking and logistics for supply lines. -Steve Cortes

Supposedly, the Stop Gas Price Gouging Tax and Rebate Act would lower energy costs for Americans with a tax rebate. Households will receive a monthly, advanced, and refundable tax credit that will be phased out for single filers earning more than $75,000 and joint filers earning more than $150,000 per year.

You see, Democrats create a problem, blame someone else (e.g., corporate greed) and then offer for us to keep our money (e.g., I’m fighting inflation with resources) as a panacea.

Greed? Price gouging? Pritzker signs bill doubling Illinois gas tax (illinoispolicy.org); Fact check: Pritzker’s gas tax delay doesn’t ‘lower prices’ | Madison – St. Clair Record (madisonrecord.com)

Not only have Joe Biden and the Democrats created horrible economic conditions with uncompromising Green energy policies, they are intent on harming people with uncompromising mandates and vaccines.  Whatever is good, Democrats do the opposite.

This Is Big: Naomi Wolf Confirms Big Pharma Was Adding Varying Amounts of Active Ingredient to Batches of COVID Vaccine (VIDEO) – Survival Magazine & News – Bushcraft Prepper Offgrid SHTF Blog & Conservative News

Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines

You won’t get reality from the effete and greedy corporate media – CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, NYT, WaPo, etc. No. Instead, you get their social-emotional learning narratives. Democrats, like the rep above, parrot media narratives.

I have questions that the media won’t delve into:

Why is the U. S. involved in a proxy war to uphold a corrupt socialist oligarchy and jeopardizing our national security and readiness?

Why is Joe Biden trying to escalate conflict?

Why is the Biden regime sending our tax dollars to Ukraine and involving the U.S. in this conflict?

Why “The $800 million (weapons) assistance program

Why is the Biden regime requesting $33 billion more taxpayer money?

Biden Announces Another $33 Billion in Economic Assistance to Ukraine — As US Economy Crumbles, Inflation Hits 40-Yr Highs, Gas Prices Skyrocket, GDP Declines (thegatewaypundit.com)

The U.S. is sending $33 billion in aid to Ukraine. Meanwhile, this is Los Angeles.

You can be sure that media coverage of the Ukraine-Russia conflict is a distraction. It is meant to have you look away at what is happening here at home – the invasion on our southern border (2 million+ in 2021 and soon, 2022 also) and the devastating Green economic policies that destroy life as we know it to save the planet, save face and pad bank accounts.

Why is the media focused on Ukraine’s border when our southern border is being overrun by all kinds of opportunistic moochers?

Why is the Biden regime promoting illegal immigration? Foreigners wanting a better situation than the one they fostered in their own country is not sufficient legal ground for their immigration to take place.

Why are NGOs like Catholic Charities aiding and abetting the takeover of our country?

Why? “Corporations and liberal non-profits are currently organizing a mass invasion of the United States, endangering our national security and the safety of our communities.” – Rep. Lance Gooden

Why are Obama/Biden and Democrats afraid of truth (i.e., losing control of the narrative that hides their evil ways), hence the creation of the “Disinformation Governance Board” akin to Orwell’s 1984 Ministry of Truth)?

What is the Biden crime family hiding? Nina Jankowicz formerly worked as an advisor to the Ukrainian government under a Fulbright-Clinton Fellowship.


Don’t listen to the noise. Listen to the signal. Listen to adults who speak in adult reality terms.

We discuss the economy, Ukraine, Covid vaccine, and more w/ Dr. Naomi Wolf, Dave Brat, Dr. Peter Navarro
Naomi Wolf: The Untold Dangers Of The Covid Vaccine For Pregnant Women; Dave Brat/Peter Narro’s Analysis Of The Crashing American Economy


Informed Dissent:

BREAKING REPORT… Naomi Wolf on War Room – FDA Failed to Mention Heart Damage to Teens When Approving Pfizer Vaccine (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)

Newly Released Pfizer Documents Reveal COVID Jab Dangers (mercola.com)

“I cannot say this enough times: Covid vaccine restrictions are ending not because the mRNA vaccines have succeeded but because they have failed.”

The Covid vaccine era is ending already – by Alex Berenson (substack.com)

Whoops! The TOGETHER Trial actually showed that ivermectin worked. (substack.com)

Revolver Exclusive Study: COVID-19 Lockdowns Over 10 Times More Deadly Than Pandemic Itself – Revolver


Tucker Carlson Tonight 04/11/22 (FULL SHOW) (bitchute.com)

Tennessee Makes Ivermectin Available Without Prescription – UncoverDC

Naomi Wolfe stunner… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Dr. Wolf: COVID Vaccines and Pregnancy

Headwind—Dr. Robert W. Malone (theepochtimes.com)

Democrats are evil:

Lawmakers reject amendment to prevent monitoring of unvaccinated (reclaimthenet.org)

Coerced Consent:

No Insurance Payments: The Next COVID Shot ‘Mandate’? (mercola.com)

Where DEI won’t go:

The Left loves ESG. The Left hates humans. Climate change is just another scheme to hate on humans. And, another litigious way to transfer money and control:

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink believes in “forcing behaviors.”
“Behaviors are going to have to change and this is one thing we are asking companies, you have to force behaviors and at Blackrock, we are forcing behaviors”

The Securities and Exchange Commission voted 3-1 to advance a proposed rule requiring public companies to disclose climate risks. . .

The main intent of the rule is to make it easier for left-leaning asset managers like BlackRock, public pension funds and trial lawyers to bully companies. Public companies will be liable for climate disclosures the SEC deems inaccurate or incomplete.

Gary Gensler Stages a Climate Coup – WSJ (archive.ph)

Alternative Media:

Manifold Productions

It’s not only CNN personnel:

DOJ Accidentally Publishes Bombshell List of Elites Caught In Sex Cult — The Republic Brief

Homeschooling, not grooming:

Across the country, we’re in the midst of an unprecedented explosion in homeschooling and alternative education. The main triggers were Covid-19 shutdowns and masking policies. But parents were already frustrated and revolting — even in some of the most liberal cities — over radical social agendas and poor academic results. Today, we investigate the mass exodus from America’s public schools. Public Schools | Full Measure

The Solution To the GQ (Groomer Question) – Gab News

Senator Ron Johnson is a Truth Warrior and COVID hero (substack.com)

De-Programming Feminism: Feminist Propaganda in Disney Films Part 1, “The Little Mermaid” (substack.com)

Our Children, Our Grandchildren are under attack by the Democrat Left:

Kaiser Permanente Ad Says ‘Too Bad’ to Those Who Say Drag Queen Story Hour Is ‘Too Much’ | Newsbusters

Creepy: Biden Goes “Off Script” To Tell Teachers That Kids Are “Yours When You’re In The Classroom” – Summit News

Advice from the Disconnected:

More… Bloomberg News Offers Tips For Americans Struggling With Inflation: Let Your Pets Die (thegatewaypundit.com)

Let them eat grass:

“Meat prices have increased about 14% from February 2021 and will go up even more. Though your palate may not be used to it, tasty meat substitutes include vegetables (where prices are up a little over 4%, or lentils and beans, which are up about 9%). Plan to cut out the middle creature and consume plants directly. It’s a more efficient, healthier and cheaper way to get calories.”  Teresa Ghilarducci, the Schwartz Professor of Economics at the New School for Social Research. 

No hock, Sherlock:

Inflation Stings Most for Those Earning Under $300,000 – Bloomberg

“an issue of evil – pure evil”

“I was a stranger and you . . . you treated me like chattel.”

Legal immigrants come to the U.S. to better their circumstances. Many immigrants entering the U.S. illegally are doing so for the same reason.

And, there are those illegal immigrants seeking new circumstances for their nefarious deeds. Pedophiles, rapists, drug dealers, MS-13 gang members, and terrorists also want in.

And the sick:

The CDC specifically cites the possibility of the cross-border movement of HIV, measles, pertussis, rubella, rabies, hepatitis A, influenza, tuberculosis, shigellosis and syphilis. Chris Cabrera, a Border Patrol agent in South Texas, warned: “What’s coming over into the U.S. could harm everyone. We are starting to see scabies, chickenpox, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections and different viruses.” Some of the youngsters illegally entering our country are known to be carrying lice and suffering from various illnesses. Because there have been no medical examinations of undocumented immigrants, we have no idea how many are carrying infectious diseases that might endanger American children when these immigrants enter schools across our nation.

Talking about the realities of illegal immigration is not fear-mongering or xenophobia. Who and what is crossing the border affects everyone (except for a small minority who live in gated communities, e.g., Fort Pelosi, Washington D.C.) The effect of open borders will be coming to a town near you. In fact, the venal thinking behind open borders has already migrated into our lives.

The Democrats passage of H.R. 1 is an assault on humanity. From voting to gender to increased taxes, H.R. 1 imposes a Progressive ideology on America. HR 1 reveals the Hideous Strength underlying “the most progressive bill in U.S. history”.

Along with H.R.1, an open borders policy will bring about a dilution of Judeo-Christian values in America. Values will be then be reconstituted to that which Big Brother Tech ordains and enforces through dependency.

Humanity is threatened by the evil attached to policies. As always, there are government policies which slow the spread of evil and there are policies that rapidly deploy evil. The stolen 2020 election fostered the latter.

With the construction of the wall and a wait-in-Mexico policy among others, the previous administration throttled the flow of illegal immigration. The many deleterious effects of unbridled illegal immigration (e.g., human trafficking) that we are seeing today were held in check.

 The current “border crisis”, acknowledged by those involved except for the Biden administration, is growing exponentially. The reason?

The Biden administration, via EOs, canceled the previous administration’s policies. Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki spins the canceling EOs to the world as moral high ground.

What you won’t hear from Press Secretary Jen Psaki is that the massive inflow of illegal immigrants is the low-cost labor force that Globalist’s require. To compete in the world market of consumerism, a cheaper labor force is required to sustain profits and their vision of a techno-utopia.

Allowing an incursion of illegal immigrants is hawked by a mawkish Christianity as compassionate. But what is happening is not humane. It is not Christian. To wit: the hardest hit by lower wages and a massive labor pool are the minorities – Blacks and Hispanics. But that is of no concern to Globalists and the virtue signalers they encourage.

Rather, the open border policy is diabolical, evil. Illegal immigrants are being used by Globalists including the Catholic church Globalists to shore up their Globalist agenda. That agenda first and foremost is the Great Reset – a dehumanized mankind made to service and accommodate centralized power. The Communist Chinese party is a prime example of this agenda in action.

The Globalist Elite need minions – blissfully ignorant and pliable “proles” – to grow the P in their P&L and to sustain a techno-utopia. That is why you will hear Progressives, secular and religious, pushing for open borders and illegal immigration. The Biden regime is now Executive-ordering the takeover and repurposing of humanity.

Biden, called the “Migrant President” by the very concerned president of Mexico, is actually the Human Trafficking President.

The cartels will literally tell these people, ‘If you have a minor with you we’ll give you a lower price of $3,200,’” he told War Room, Friday. “’We’ll give you safe passage.’”

On top of child smuggling, “we have all these pedophiles, rapists, and kidnappers being released into the United States,” Hernadez said. “This is not a Republican issue, not a Democrat issue.

This is an issue of evil.

Cartels Are Selling Children for $3,200 at Biden’s Open Border – Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

If they don’t pay their debt then the cartel has the information about where they’re going, but more importantly, they have the information on their families in home countries,” Jones said. “From there, they can start the threats and hold them accountable through debt bondage, a form of human trafficking. Either pay or we’re going to come after your family.

Overwhelmed Mexican Alien-Smuggling Cartels Use Wristband System to Bring Order to Business (cis.org)

The Mexican government is concerned that President Biden’s asylum policies are encouraging illegal immigration and providing revenue to drug cartels through human trafficking across the US border.

Mexico says Biden asylum policies boost illegals, cartels (nypost.com)

Should the administration fail to address the weaknesses in U.S. law that serve as a magnet drawing foreign nationals to enter the United States illegally, I will be writing a lot more about recoveries of human remains, rather than rescues of migrants in distress. I don’t want to.

An unnamed Mexican official recently quoted in Reuters stated: “Migrants have become a commodity” for smuggling gangs. “But if a packet of drugs is lost in the sea, it’s gone. If migrants are lost, it’s human beings we’re talking about.” That is eminently self-evident.

Simply telling migrants “[t]hey need — they need to wait”, as Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas did on March 1, is not a deterrent, or a life-saving strategy. In fact it’s not a strategy at all.

Do Biden’s Border Policies Now Have a ‘Body Count’? (cis.org)

The Migrant Crisis Isn’t Just At The Border, It Stretches To Central America (thefederalist.com)

The Biden Administration Is Releasing COVID Positive Illegal Aliens into the United States by Katie Pavlich (townhall.com)

“Episode_7946 Biden is the President Of Human Trafficking”.

By Day 48, Biden’s White House Had Made Major Progress in Destroying America. (thenationalpulse.com)

The Moral Arithmetic of Lawlessness

“He that is not governed by the moral arithmetic of the case, or who acts from a disposition directly at war with that arithmetic, is unjust. In other words, morality requires that we should be attentive only to the tendency which belongs to any action by the necessary and universal laws of existence. ” William Godwin (emphasis added)

From the “unconstrained vision” of a product of the Enlightenment, a lapsed Presbyterian minister and an atheist…

“William Godwin (3 March 1756 – 7 April 1836) an English journalist, political philosopher and novelist. He is considered one of the first exponents of utilitarianism, and the first modern proponent of anarchism.” Wikipedia

The morally ad hoc and utilitarian William Godwin authored “Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and its Influence on Morals and Happiness.” One of the chapters is entitled “The Characters of Men Originate in their External Circumstances”.

In Godwin’s writing we are told that in-the-moment utilitarian license to act guided by proper institutions surrounding us provide happiness. Proper institutions and proper sanctuaries of reason supposedly improve mankind’s felicity. So for Godwin and his latter-day Progressives, man’s unhappiness is a problem that needs solving by any means necessary and calculated by using the ‘new math’ of each man’s ad hoc reason-based morality. In effect, man is to be a god unto himself within the constraints of man-made institutions.

Per Godwin, Utilitarian Man must act from reason alone, adding and subtracting internally the merits of his actions. And, the sum of his actions must never equate to an external ‘impractical’ divine absolute. And then, somehow, good will come out of nowhere aka Utopia. Godwin’s moral arithmetic is basically the arithmetic of lawlessness within a rule-of-reason.

Now to the lawless and flippant…

“House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said today that San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy had nothing to do with the murder of Kate Steinle.”

Really? Think before you talk, Nancy. What you are saying doesn’t add up to happiness for the family and friends of Kate Steinle.

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s Opening Statement at Sanctuary Cities Hearing, Judiciary Committee: