AIPAC PC 2015 Monday Morning Session-Live

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s speech begins at the 1 hour: 26 minute mark. Samantha Power, United States Ambassador to the United Nations spoke beforehand. She emphasized the close, enduring relationship the U.S. has with Israel.

“God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.”  Matthew’s Eyewitness account, the Gospel, chapter 5 vs. 9

We The People must hold Samantha Power and the Obama Administration accountable.   Their words never ever seem to match the reality of their actions.

The church’s ‘corporate’ foreign policy

  1. Speak truth to power.
  2. Speak truth every man to his neighbor.
  3. Defend widows and orphans-the helpless.
  4. Pray for those in authority over us.
  5. Carry out Civil Disobedience (think Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and Daniel) (think Esther) when evil laws are decreed.  

    Shadrach Meshach and Abednego meet the Lord in the Fire

    Shadrach Meshach and Abednego meet the Lord in the Fire

  6. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  7. Wait on the Lord. He will act.
  8. Live an uncompromised unblemished life before the Lord and the world.
  9. Hold accountable those in authority over us.


The Kingdom Disciple’s Personal responsibility:

  1. 1.    Live out the Sermon on the Mount in all it facets
  2. Apotheosis: “Laying Aside” Yourself for the Gospel – Saeed Abedini

(Remember this Iranian Christian still being held captive by the war-mongering terrorist abetting Iranians? Pastor Saeed Abedini had returned to Iran to set up an orphanage. But because he is a Christian he was taken captive and has been badly mistreated since. Now Obama wants to give the Iranians sweeping diplomatic ‘latitude’. You must know by now that Obama is a Muslim and was never a Christian. He lied to get himself elected the first time; he also lied about being against homosexual marriage to get elected the first time, this per his close aide David Axelrod.

  1. Speak the Good News-the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel message is not a fire insurance plan to save you from this earth and from hell fire. it is not about getting into heaven. It is not, in toto, God ‘imputing’ His righteousness onto us somehow. Rather, the Gospel message is that the One True Righteous God who, to the children of Israel, gave his promises, his covenants, fulfilled those covenants in His Son Jesus Christ, the Messiah. And these promises were not just for Israel but for all who would come to believe in the One true God who keeps his promises. God is faithful to keep and to do that which you have committed to Him. His righteousness makes us righteous if we choose to accept and believe His message. If you do, then you will ask, “What will you have me do, Lord?”  Wait on Him and He will answer.

All of God’s promises were given so that God could set up His Kingdom on earth in order to merge God’s ‘space’ with man’s ‘space’. (More about God’s kingdom on earth will be written in a later post.)

  1. Discern the spirits to know whether they are from God. Become educated in Scripture and in science and in all manner of intellectual concerns which lead back to the truth.
  2. Understand that the spirit of the anti-Christ is at work in the world today. Have you noticed that lies, lawlessness, scandals, chaos and confusion constantly follow Barack Obama? Have you noticed that Radical Islam is the spirit of anti-Christ in a religious form? Radical Islam wants to kill all that involves the One True God-mainly Christians and Jews. This may be why Barack Obama cannot speak the words “Radical Islam” just as he cannot say the words “The Lord Jesus Christ”.


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