Diabolical Comedy?

Was it a dream? A prophetic vision?

I saw myself standing before a parchment. It was Sandro Botticelli’s Map of Hell based on Dante’s Inferno. Or, was it? The illustration matched Botticelli’s – a structure of an inverted cone, like a funnel, which degrades with its nine circles to the center of the Earth, where . . .

But as I looked closer, I saw that this Abyss of Hell was a perverted version of Botticelli’s illustration. All that held what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable – the root and the branch of the good and sublime – had been torn up and thrown into the circles of punishment which spiraled downward to the mouth of the drain and into perpetual exile.

Millions upon millions had been ripped from their homes, their farms, their businesses, and their churches. For, it was determined that the abolition of property, families, and religion was necessary for the one true faith of Globalist/Marxist revolution.

Above the pit– the Overworld –was deep darkness and an overpowering stench. It was the darkest of ages, filled with ignorance and propaganda and saturated with a kind of speech that is purely instrumental and devoid of all sincerity and honesty. The smell of death arose from the wars, bio-plagues and famines.

With light shining up from the pit I saw a pair of towers called “Violence” and “Lies”. They stood at the edge of the pit, one at each end of its diameter. Between the towers along the perimeter of the pit stood the corrupt, the slanderers, the licentious, the liars, the moral relativists, the self-righteous ideologues, and fanatics of all sorts.

The mob howled and laughed as they tossed “the enemies of the people” and “those cockroaches!” into the pit. Some danced with signs: “Democracy!” “Progress!” “Revolution!” “Diversity! Equity! Inclusion!” and “No Enemies to the Left”.

I saw myself journey downward. Entering the first circle I saw many wringing their hands. Here were scientists, doctors, and academics required to work on Overworld projects in exchange for better provisions and gentler treatment than others in the lower circles. One doctor whispered in my ear, saying that if she fell into disfavor with the Overworld authorities, she would lose privileges and be sent down.

In circle 2 were people sentenced for their lust for truth and tradition. I saw one man tightly clenching a book – “The Rule of Law” – and another, the U.S. Constitution. I saw many holding onto the Holy Scriptures. Others clutched scores of classical music and others held great works of art and literature. One man held a photograph of his dead mother and father. All of the past had been banished from society, for the past was being rewritten for the future.

In circle 3 were the gluttonous. These had an insatiable appetite for “misinformation” – that which isn’t authorized and allowed by the Overworld.

In circle 4 were placed the greedy. These had kept to themselves and wouldn’t join in the Overworld marches and campaigns. They hid their money from the central bank of the Over Lords, bought and sold in the black market, and gave to the poor. Both the use of the black market and charity had been outlawed. All currency was to pass through the State for its approval and distribution.

In circle 5 I found those who had made the Over Lords angry. These were considered belligerent and useless. For, these had had a life of their own and were unwilling to collaborate and turn in their neighbors. These were also unwilling to vote in and steal the vote for the Overworld elections.

In the 6th circle held those known for heresy: deniers of “the science”, climate apocalypse deniers, the unvaccinated, the “misinformation” repeaters and those who believed in a “kingdom of God”. One of the Overworld commandments: “Thou shall not question”.

The 7th circle held those who acted with violence. These had used “hate speech” against those in the Overworld. These had blasphemed the Over Lords with memes, political cartoons, and jokes. Also held here, those who were believed to hold thoughts of animus against the Over Lords.

The 8th circle held the frauds. These can’t be trusted in the Overworld. They had said good things about the Over World up top but in private they ridiculed the Over World and called for revolt. These had been turned in by a neighbor.

The 9th circle was reserved for the treacherous. These included whistle blowers, “extremists”, and political subversives -those “truth-tellers” who spoke and acted against the Overworld regime. Those who called Jesus “Lord” were considered treasonous. All in the 9th circle were sentenced to perpetual exile at the bottom of the funnel gulag and eventual death.

When I came out of this most disturbing trance, I wrote down all that I had witnessed and understood.

There had been a radical reversal of the moral universe: evil was being hailed as “good” and “progressive” in its work of uniting the Overworld with One Ideology. The truly good was vilified as an evil that kept the “good” of the One Ideology from uniting the Overworld.

The rainbow, a pure reflection-of-light symbol of the Creator’s over-arching love for his creation, had been forced to the ground and spoiled by the self-deified. Light was banished, sent underground and out of sight. The One Ideology was declared “the way, the truth and the life”.

I understood that the “fundamental transformation” tempest had so shipwrecked the created order and function of the world that one could say “Hell was empty and all the devils were here” in the Overworld.

I understood the Overworld as a capricious, violent, and lawless place filled with insanity and terror-imposed ideology. The true nature of reality had been subverted by a “two plus two equals five” compulsory mentality. Pamphlets promoting scientism, determinism, collectivism, and the core “ism” – materialism were handed out with the daily ration. As people fed on this “bread” and the gruel of the media, the unthinkable was normalized and so were gulag camps. Squalid personalities, whose conviction of their own vanity and power came from their urge to destroy and their grandiose talk of building a “New World Order”, ruled the Overworld with the steamroller of their ideological enterprise.

And finally, I understood that into the darkness and stench of the Overworld there rose sparks of the human spirit and the incense of prayers from the pit’s soul-destroying circumstance of suffering and repression. I understood these phenomena as the ascent of the human soul in its struggle against the forces of evil. These in the pit had not given up their souls to the Ideological Lie.

I understood that in the man-made Abyss of Hell, created to overcome the light, that night, darkness, and despair could be purged from the soul with suffering’s catharsis. I saw light overcoming the darkness. And I saw the rainbow once again . . . in the glimmering tears of the suffering, the sad, and the longing.


“Macbeth’s self-justifications were feeble – and his conscience devoured him. Yes, even Iago was a little lamb, too. The imagination and spiritual strength of Shakespeare’s evildoers stopped short at a dozen corpses. Ideology—that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others’ eyes, so that he won’t hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors. That was how the agents of the Inquisition fortified their wills: by invoking Christianity; the conquerors of foreign lands, by extolling the grandeur of their Motherland; the colonizers, by civilization; the Nazis, by race; and the Jacobins (early and late), by equality, brotherhood, and the happiness of future generations…. Without evildoers there would have been no Archipelago.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956


Violence does not and cannot flourish by itself; it is inevitably intertwined with lying.

-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


Socialism of any type leads to a total destruction of the human spirit.

-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


“Alexander Solzhenitsyn, in volume I of The Gulag, argued that totalitarianisms share ten things in common:

  1. Fear.  “Fear was not always the fear of arrest.  There were immediate threats: purges, inspections, the completion of security questionnaires—routine or extraordinary ones—dismissal from work, deprivation of resident permit, expulsion or exile.”
  2. Servitude.  Internal passports, legal prohibitions on buying, selling, or renting housing stock greatly limited one’s ability to escape, the right to exit was denied.
  3. Secrecy and Distrust.  “This universal mutual mistrust had the effect of deepening the mass-grave pit of slavery.  The moment someone began to speak up frankly, everyone stepped back and shunned him: ‘A provocation!’  And therefore anyone who burst out with a sincere protest was predestined to loneliness and alienation.”
  4. Universal Ignorance.  Because of number three, no one could trust the information of another, or trust another with information.  This resulted in true isolation of the right-thinking person.
  5. Squealing on one another, further eroding any trust that might exist.  Without trust, civilization proved impossible.
  6. Betrayal, therefore, became a norm.  Sons betrayed fathers, daughters betrayed mothers, husband betrayed wives, and supposed best friends betrayed one another.
  7. Corruption, as a result, became endemic, as the betrayers became professionals, earning positions, status, and wealth for their inside information, true or false.  Frequently, one informed on a person simply to acquire something the other person had or had created.  The informer then became the owner and the “creator.”
  8.  Lies.  “The permanent lie becomes the only safe form of existence, in the same way as betrayal.  Every wag of the tongue can be overheard by someone, every facial expression observed by someone.  Therefore every word, if it does not have to be a direct lie, is nonetheless obliged not to contradict the general, common lie.  There exists a collection of ready-made phrases, of labels, a selection of ready-made lies.
  9. Cruelty.  “And where among all the preceding qualities was there any place left for kindheartedness?  How could one possibility preserve one’s kindness while pushing away the hands of those who were drowning?  Once you have been steeped in blood, you can only become more cruel. . . . And when you add that kindness was ridiculed, that pity was ridiculed, that mercy was ridiculed—you’d never be able to chain all those who were drunk on blood.”
  10. Slave psychology.  The system, ultimately, made men impotent.”

Complied by Brad Birzer @ Totalitarianism’s 10 Things in Common | Spirit of Cecilia


The rapidly advancing totalitarian nightmare:

The advent of high-speed large volume (5G) digital technology leading to world-wide digital communications leading to almost unlimited interface will be used for totalitarian control. The advent of this technology is already being developed to bring about ultimate control via smart devices, digital health passports, digital implants and the coming Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

Previous totalitarian leaders controlled everything they could – the media, the church, the education, production, etc. – with physical terror and show trials. But they didn’t have the omnipresent terror of digital control of communications, commerce, and currency. Digital technology will be the ultimate totalitarian and will bring about the scenario above.

If the Biden regime turns over U.S. sovereignty to the World Health Organization, our health freedom and all of our freedoms, will become dependent on a few people at the WHO. Right now, I am seeing elected leaders and local governments turning over authority to public health agencies in the state. Local public health authorities do not want the responsibility or the liability of public health, so they will accept WHO’s authority.

Green energy/climate change/environmental justice tyranny. Laws are being passed, regulations are being issued from the administrative state, and the Biden regime has signed an Executive Order that will define and incumber life for Americans. We are living with an energy crisis of Biden’s own making. Inflation is just one of the destructive outcomes of Biden’s policies.

The administrative state, where the likes gain-of-function Anthony Fauci come from, bypasses laws to regulate every part of our lives.

The weaponized DOJ and FBI under Merrick Garland are assailing private citizens in their use of the First Amendment to speak against the government and setting them up for arrest.

The CIA is tracking U.S. citizens, collecting data to be used against them.

Quarantine camps, employed during COVID, will be built and used for the next pandemic – a deadly bird flu bioweapon pandemic.

Smart cities – a control grid for humankind. TRI-STATE SMART CITIES (rumble.com)

Media outlets are given the same narrative so Groupthink is established. The bought-and-paid for media will repeat what it is told. (The same and more will occur when the WHO takes over our health!)



2017-10-03 – Daniel J. Mahoney – Hillsdale College (The Gulag Archipelago Reconsidered)

The Ascent from Ideology (Audio Archives) : Daniel J. Mahoney : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


Books and link:

Instead of spending time on Twitter, Tik Tok, Facebook, and TV, spend time reading about what actually took place the last century and what will take place again if one is more disposed to spend time on Twitter, Tik Tok, Facebook, and TV.

In the 1980’s I read the three volumes of Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. For some reason I was draw to these works during the Reagan era. Now I understand that these accounts prepared me for the tyranny of COVID mandates starting in 2020 and the totalitarian days ahead.

The Gulag Archipelago: The Authorized Abridgement by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn | Goodreads

The Conservative Foundations of the Liberal Order: Defending Democracy against Its Modern Enemies and Immoderate Friends by Daniel J. Mahoney | Goodreads

The Gulag Archipelago in three volumes : Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

The Persistence of the Lie – Daniel J. Mahoney (lawliberty.org)




General note: In order to clear up memory for future podcasts, videos, and documents, I will need to remove older podcasts and documents in the coming weeks. Please download as you see fit. Thank you.



Informed Dissent:

More “less bad news” – in the last week, 45 Americans were reported dead (amongst 67 reported to the US from around the world) – “NOBODY WANTS THE STEENKING VACCINES” (substack.com)

You gotta love green energy solutions:

Video of trucks burning in Dearborn highlights what makes electric vehicle fires so dangerous – YouTube

Wind turbine collapses at Petersburg high school | WCIA.com

The Real Reason Why Fox Fired Tucker Carlson – YouTube

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