Is This Our Last Independence Day?

“One, if by land, and two, if by sea”, and three, if by One Health.

Who can forget COVID tyranny? Who can forget the constant fear porn driving people to disarm themselves of critical thinking to allow entry of the COVID narrative into their lives?

Who can forget that our churches, our businesses, our relationships, and our lives were masked and quarantined for a flu with a 99% recovery rate? Who can forget the horrific mandates imposed upon us? Who can forget the threats made to induce vaccine submission? Who can forget the severe adverse events that have occurred and will continue to occur from the untested mRNA vaccine?

Who can forget that the CDC banned the use of effective repurposed drugs – Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine – so that an “emergency use authorization” could make it possible to flood the country with the untested mRNA vaccine? Lives were lost because of this ban.

And, who can forget that before the COVID plandemic the country was rapidly bouncing back from Obama’s anti-America years?

As I write this, a worldwide totalitarian medical police state is being formed that will make the COVID plandemic’s years of oppression look like a maskless walk in the park. I’ve posted warnings about what’s coming – digital ID’s and digital currency – at least twice before. What is coming is hundreds of times more oppressive than what happened during the COVID plandemic. (They are planning to release another pandemic soon – as a test of our response and the overlords authority.)

Tell me. Have you heard about any of this in the main stream media? Have you heard anyone in the media talk about what the CCP-backed World “Health” Organization (WHO) is up to? Have you heard anyone mention digital passports and digital currency? Have you heard about One Health, a global biotech surveillance state, complete with surveillance and censorship of virtually every aspect of life on earth?

Have you heard about any of this from your rep or senators? No? Why not? Is this off their radar? Could our rep or senators be all in on global governance? Could the Uniparty, aka the Swamp, which is made up of both Dems and Republicans, be all in on the subjugation of the U.S. to global governance? Could it be: “It’s a BIG club and you ain’t in it!”

Nothing in this post is conspiracy theory. What is taking place is mostly out in the open. You can read what they doing on websites. For example, One health (

“By linking humans, animals and the environment, One Health can help to address the full spectrum of disease control – from prevention to detection, preparedness, response and management – and contribute to global health security.”

And here is WEF’s Klaus Schwab praising the CCP – communist China:

World Economic Forum Concludes “Annual Meeting of the New Champions” in China with Accelerated Plans Toward Global Social Credit and Digital Surveillance | The Gateway Pundit | by Shawn Bradley Witzemann | 181

Wanting to learn more about the attack on our independence, I attended, on Wednesday, June 28th, Webinar | A Treaty by Any Other Name: The WHO’s Latest Attack on Our Sovereignty (

Co-Host and Moderator

Frank Gaffney, Chairman, Center for Security Policy; Co-Chair, Stop Vaccine Passports Task force; Co-Founder, Sovereignty Coalition.

Co-Host and Panelist

Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers; Co-Chair, Stop Vaccine Passports Task force; Co-Founder, Sovereignty Coalition.
– Topic: The WHO’s new “Bureau’s Draft” of the Pandemic Treaty: Surveillance, Censorship and Loss of Sovereignty


Hon. Michele Bachmann, Member of Congress (2007-2015); Presidential candidate (2012); Dean, Robertson School of Government, Regent University
– Topic: What I observed in Geneva at the World Health Assembly. Once sovereignty is lost, it cannot be regained.  No one is a more powerful speaker on that topic than you.

 Dr. David Bell, M.D., Senior Scholar at Brownstone Institute; public health physician and biotech consultant in global health; former medical officer and scientist at the World Health Organization (WHO)
– Topic: Deferring to the WHO regarding Pandemic Preparedness Makes No Sense.

Dr. Francis Boyle, Ph.D., Professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law; JD degree magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, and a Ph.D in Political Science from Harvard University; Former Board Member, Amnesty International; Draft author, U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush
– Topic: Any agreement coming out of the WHO is already baked into U.S. law. It will not have to wait for the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate to be implemented here.

Dr. Kat Lindley, D.O., family physician and president of the Texas branch of the American Academy of Physicians and Surgeons; co-Founder, Global Health Project; member
– Topic: The constitutional, legal and legislation protections we have depended on will not work to stop the WHO power grab.

Alex Newman, Contributor, The Epoch Times and other diverse publications; award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and consultant who co-wrote the book “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children”
– Topic: The dangers of digital heath passports and their connection with the ability to buy or sell.

 Dr. Karladine Graves, D.O., Private Family Physician in North Kansas City, MO; Advocate for physicians 
– Topic: If the Pandemic Treaty goes through, it will injure or destroy the doctor/patient relationship and give the WHO power to force vaccinations. 

A May 15th webinar provides insight into “a global biotech surveillance state, complete with surveillance and censorship of virtually every aspect of life on earth under the One Health approach”:

Webinar | ONE HEALTH: The W.H.O.’s Dangerous New Ideology (

Co-Host and Moderator

Frank Gaffney, Chairman, Center for Security Policy; Co-Chair, Stop Vaccine Passports Task force; Co-Founder, Sovereignty Coalition.

Co-Host and Panelist

Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers; Co-Chair, Stop Vaccine Passports Task force; Co-Founder, Sovereignty Coalition.
Topic:  One Health and the Bio-Medical Surveillance State


Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D., President and CEO of the Truth for Health Foundation; Member of the International Society of Gynecologic Endocrinology.
Topic:  One Health: The Vise of Totalitarianism

Dr. Kat Lindley, D.O., family physician and president of the Texas branch of the American Academy of Physicians and Surgeons.
Topic:  One Health and the Disruption of the Physician/Patient Relationship

Dr. David Bell, M.D., Senior Scholar at Brownstone Institute; public health physician and biotech consultant in global health; former medical officer and scientist at the World Health Organization (WHO).
Topic:  The Hijacking of One Health

Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D., Board-certified internist; biological warfare epidemiologist and expert in anthrax.
Topic: One Health – W.H.O. land grab?

Brian O’Shea, Private investigator and security expert.
Topic:  One Health: Global Public Health’s & The CCP’s Authoritarian Trojan Horse.  

For more on the globalist takeover see Webinars – Stop Vax Passports

This is at least my third alarm about what is coming to our shores to destroy life as we know it. Globalist overlords are intent on redistributing money, resources, and control to themselves. They use highfalutin sales rhetoric from “ESG” to “stakeholder capitalism” to “conscientious capitalism.” But all the gibberish, for those of us not in the globalist “club”, leads to “You’ll own nothing and be happy.”

Globalist overlords are intent on using every world crisis they create (pandemics and Climate Change) to “reset” the lives of people to their own vagary. They act to crush our wills and claim our children. They tell us what to think and do from sun up to sundown, everything from “Cut carbon” to “No stone-fired pizza” to “Eat bugs” to “You’ll own nothing and be happy.” And yet most Americans love their trucks, their home, and eating real meat. Most Americans have faith in God, but the intelligentsia, aka politically connected radical socialist atheists, want nothing to do with God in any form or fashion including “In God We Trust” America.

The destruction of our lives and all we hold dear is their creative inclination. The suits acting to “reset” our lives act in line with what Mikhail Bakunin, revolutionary socialist, social anarchist, and collectivist anarchist once said:

“The urge to destroy is also a creative urge.”

And they will creatively destroy quietly. Consider that with digital technology, no one has to be sent to a gulag or shot for not going the way of the tyrants. None of that KGB stuff needs to happen as was done in the past. Except for some public figures, there will be none of that public messy stuff that would make globalists look like Stalinists. Digital technology will do all the dirty work. Your digital device will be a KGB agent looking in on you.

Digital governance will decide if one eats, travels and leaves their home. So, when people are deprived of liberty, of choice, of movement and of hope, they will go mad. They can then be institutionalized if they don’t commit suicide first. Like Pontius Pilate, globalists can then wash their hands of the matter.

If you still doubt the extremes to which a global biotech surveillance state will deal with you, then recall the authoritarian-directed days of COVID. And look now at the two-tier system of justice under the Biden regime’s DOJ and Merrick Garland. And look at how J6 political prisoners are being treated. Each example brought together is but a small preview of what digital global governance will become.

With the extra time you have this Fourth of July weekend, I urge you to view the videos posted here. Then take action. There may not be another election.

I urge priests, pastors and leaders of the church to warn people of what’s coming and to help parishioners put a stop to it. I have no doubt that the godless globalists will restrict all Christian activity by calling it a global health “concern” (see communist China, the globalist’s role model for suppression of religion). Send a link to this post to church leaders.

Will you resist tyranny, or will this be the last Independence Day? Will you act to defend our injured, bleeding Country and insure its independence?


“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” –Captain Nathan Hale, an American soldier and spy for the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He was hanged by the British.

“However, at the gallows, he made a sensible and spirited speech; among other things, told them they were shedding the blood of the innocent, and that if he had ten thousand lives, he would lay them all down, if called to it, in defense of his injured, bleeding Country.”

-Captain Nathan Hale’s execution, as reported in the Essex Journal (13 February 1777).


(Warning: Language!)

George Carlin – It’s A BIG Club & You Ain’t In It! – YouTube


Take action:

Information you can use to make a difference: Social Toolkit – Sovereignty Coalition

Tell your reps that you do not want digital currency (CBDC) to replace physical cash. What we have now works.

Tell your reps to withdraw the U.S. from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Tell your reps to pass these bills.

H.R.79 – 118th Congress (2023-2024): WHO Withdrawal Act | | Library of Congress

H.R.343 – 118th Congress (2023-2024): No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act | | Library of Congress

H.R.1425 – 118th Congress (2023-2024): No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act | | Library of Congress

Tell your reps that you do not consent to a bio-tech totalitarian state under the WHO and the WEF.

Tell your reps that you do not consent to a digital health passport.

Note: Twenty states, all with Republican governors, prohibit proof-of-vaccination requirements. In eleven states, governors banned proof-of-vaccination requirements through executive orders. In nine states, legislators passed laws banning proof-of-vaccination requirements.

Six states—California, Illinois, New York, Hawaii, and Oregon, and Washington—have facilitated the creation of digital vaccination status applications or passed laws or enacted orders exempting fully vaccinated individuals from some COVID-19 restrictions if they can provide proof of vaccination. All six states have Democratic governors.

State government policies about vaccine requirements (vaccine passports) – Ballotpedia

Sign the It’s Time for America to Exit the W.H.O. declaration: Sovereignty Coalition

Take Action! Repeal or Amend – International Pandemic Prevention Act 2022 – Stop Vax Passports

A Cheat Sheet for Legislators Regarding the WHO and Health Emergencies ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Take action! WITHDRAW US FROM THE W.H.O. NOW! – Stop Vax Passports

Understand what’s going on around you:

Global Covid Summit

Home – Global Health and Education Projects | GHEP (

The CCP is at War with America – The Chinese Communist Party’s COVID-19 Biological Warfare Attack and What’s Next (

Of interest:

 A Christian response.

Torch Of Freedom – WHO is running the world? -Part 2 -June 8 2023 (Repared) (

Digital ID-ing is already here. You are being surveilled:

Hohmann: Atlanta Airport goes full dystopian, using digital facial recognition IDs, fulfilling Klaus Schwab’s prophecy that humans will be digitized | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft | 2

Atlanta’s End-to-End Digital Identity Experience

Delta reveals first-ever dedicated TSA PreCheck® lobby, bag drop | Delta News Hub


“CEO Larry Fink says he is going to stop using the term “ESG.” BlackRock is setting itself up to be an intermediary to help “rebuild” the Ukrainian economy. Also, James O’Keefe recently exposed an employee of BlackRock saying some really frightening things.”

Blackrock—the largest asset holder in the world

BlackRock’s Stealthy Global Ambitions – In The Tank #404 – The Heartland Institute

BREAKING: BlackRock Recruiter Who ‘Decides People’s Fate’ Says ‘War is Good for Business’ While Spilling Info on Asset Giant (

A lawsuit waiting to happen: ESG violates fiduciary duty | The Hill


Informed dissent:

And you think it will not happen here to you? Wake up

UK is weaponizing banking now – by Robert W Malone MD, MS (

THOUGHTCRIME: Michigan May Imprison Residents for Years for “Misgendering” or “Threatening” LGBTQ Individuals Under New “Hate Speech” Bill | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger | 165

They finally debated RFK Jr. on vaccines and it did NOT go well for “the science”… – Revolver News

American Patriotic Independence Day | 4th of July Music with Beautiful Scenes of America – YouTube

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