Silence of the Masses

As learned in my previous post Fear and Loathing in Ward No 6, the self-contented interior life of Dr. Andrei Yefimich Ragin allowed him to reason away interaction with suffering and to maintain a nihilist point of view. From that post:

“The doctor extrapolates from his daily routine and reasons ‘why interfere with people dying if death is the normal and prescribed end for everyone?’ and ‘If the aim of medicine is to utilize drugs to alleviate suffering, the question necessarily arises: why alleviate it?’ With similar thoughts, he reasons away the need for himself to be involved in the lives of suffering people. Why should anyone be spared pain when ‘their lives have nothing of importance in them and would be entirely empty, like the life of an amoeba, were it not for suffering’?

Like Dr. Rabin, globalists and the Progressive Left can intellectualize away the suffering they levy on others with a self-contented interior life that keeps them detached. A thought life of neo-Marxism and the “The Science” allows them to abstract their neighbors into otherness, into exclusion, and into prejudices that speak of “oppressors” “racists”, “science deniers”, and “extremists”.

With humans put at an ideological distance away from personal concern and responsibility, it is then easy for globalists and the Progressive Left to propose sweeping reforms to fix the world. Among the most prominent “fixes” are “fundamental transformation” and The Great Narrative (formerly, The Great Reset).

With humans put at an ideological distance away from personal concern and responsibility, it is then easy to for them to say like Dr. Rabin ‘Why should anyone be spared pain when ‘their lives have nothing of importance in them and would be entirely empty, like the life of an amoeba, were it not for suffering’?

One example where we see the globalist’s dispassionate view of humans is their passionate pet project “climate change”. The climate change theory puts mankind directly in the crosshairs of “The Science”. So, the theory justifies individual suffering to mitigate climate change.

Finally admitting to the realization that intermittent wind and solar cannot hope to be feasible alternatives to natural gas, nuclear and coal continuous baseload generation, the climate schemers want us to lower our expectations going forward. Instead of them revising their “green energy” theory and plans we are told to accept a downgraded quality of life. “Would an Occasional Blackout Help Solve Climate Change?” is their answer.

Globalists and the Progressive Left insulate themselves from human suffering with a fanaticism for their problem-solving ideas. No need to lift a finger for that man lying by the side of the highway. The ideology we are proposing will take care of that.

For the Davos WEF crowd, you and I are the flyover country they jet over to powwow in the Swiss alps where they talk about how to alleviate climate change and how to make a fair and just world by curtailing access to capital and property ownership and wood-fired pizza and air conditioning and gas stove cooking and combustion engines and travel beyond a fifteen minutes and freedom and all those human things that get in the way of their plans for a better world.

 (Note: Despite the lofty rhetoric, there is no fear of God before Globalist eyes. And there is no mention of humanity’s corporate imago dei given so that man would continue to generate the good form and function of Creation over the earth. Globalists, nihilists all, find meaning in “let us make a name for ourselves. They have no Lord or master they report to.”

Put in no nonsense terms: Christians, more than any other group, give materially, physically, and yes, spiritually, to meet the needs of humans. Globalists and Progressive Democrats have ideological and political programs – “Let’s throw money at that” “Let’s call people racist and white supremist” “Let’s divide people into classes and make them at war with each other.”)

What I am trying to convey is that there is a way of thinking that reasons that suffering and death are going to happen anyway so why not let both happen as a means to a sociopolitical end.


Since March of 2020 and the pandemic that Anthony Fauci (“The science”), Francis Collins (NIH) and others made possible by illegally operating a bioweapons program in a Wuhan China lab, I’ve posted many times about what elitists/globalists have been up to. You won’t find these things mentioned in the legacy media. Like WH press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, legacy media is paid to obfuscate, deflect, create absurd narratives and pronounce “conspiracy theory” when things get too real. So, again, let’s now take a look at one of globalist’s anti-human projects you won’t hear about on TV.

Globalist elitists were up to population control in the 60’s. We see their proposed measures (below) at work in our society today.

The 1969 Jaffe Memo, allegedly written by eugenicist and Planned Parenthood Vice President Frederick Jaffe, listed various strategies needed for achieving population control. Among the Proposed Measures to Reduce U.S. Fertility: alter the ideal family, increase homosexuality, encourage women to work, increased taxes, compulsory abortions, and payments to encourage sterilizations and abortions.

The Jaffe memo: a disturbing compilation of population control measures – Live Action News

U.S. Population Growth and Family Planning: A Review of the Literature (

No BS. Below, a link to a deep dive into the “US Federal Government global population control/depopulation agenda, as well as the similarities to various activities known to have been performed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, World Health Organization, United Nations and other non-governmental (and governmental) organizations.”

“. . . the top 10 methods “they” are using to reduce human population down to a “manageable” amount, at which point those remaining (apparently including the heirs to the fortunes of those driving this bus) will all live in a “utopian society”.

Population Control and Official USG Policy (

There are multiple ways to reduce population beyond what is shown on the 1969 Reduce U.S. Fertility chart:

-the promotion of transgenderism, another form of sterilization,

-child trafficking, a means to destroy the body and the mind,

– open the southern border allowing in tuberculosis,

-open the southern border allowing in fentanyl, criminals, and terrorists to have their way with us,


-sending cluster bombs to Ukraine,

-cashless bail in Democrat cities allowing criminals to go and kill again,

-premeditated acts of terrorism such as COVID-19,

-create mRNA vaccines that have debilitating effects on fertility and deadly results,

-keep low-cost repurposed drugs, that are highly effective, from being used, e.g., Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin

-biological and chemical warfare perpetrated on the human race,

-creating fear porn about a climate catastrophe so that couples won’t consider having children.

Among the many other de-populating-the world projects, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is working to discourage private ownership of homes – “You’ll own nothing and be happy” ~ Whatever you do, don’t pass anything (home, farm, business) on to your children and keep the fertility cycle going. Besides, you’ll be a nomad eating bugs and won’t have time to have children.

Jane Goodall

What do the elitists fear with increased population? Widespread hunger?

The massive amount of money going to Ukraine could be used instead to fund hunger relief projects across the globe. The Fauci grant money funding bioweapons research could be used to produce arable farming land. The billions in advertisement money going to cable news shows that lie to us could be redirected to feeding orphans and supporting inner city families.

What do the elitists fear with increased population? An increase in undesirable races and peoples?

“Arguing whether we have under or overpopulation is unhelpful and distracting when, in reality, there is very little we can do to influence population growth. Worse, these arguments often have racist, eugenicist undertones. Overpopulation arguments frequently originate in the global north and aim at reducing fertility in the global south (developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America), where the majority of the world’s black, brown, indigenous and multi-heritage people live.”

8 billion people: why trying to control the population is often futile – and harmful (

What do the elitists fear with increased population? Human activity driving a climate crisis? Too many carbon footprints?

“As this short history of failed predictions reveals, prominent environmentalists have been using fears of famine and ecological disaster to promote a population-control agenda for many years. Recent claims that man-made global warming might be yet another disaster to be laid at the feet of population growth are no more credible.

“The Armageddon scenarios put forward by climate change alarmists are greatly exaggerated. Even if global population growth had not slowed, the human impact on climate has simply been too small to reliably measure against background variation. Further, the net impact of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is expected to be a positive for at least the next century. The benefits of modest warming – on crops, heating expenses, human health, and more – exceed the costs by a wide margin.”

Research & Commentary: Climate Change Is Not a Valid Argument for Population Control – The Heartland Institute

The Killing Fields – a short history of population control based on fear of the other

Sir Francis Galton coined the term “eugenics” in 1883 which inspired fear of “race degeneration” in countries like Germany, which infamously applied many of Galton’s theories to their master race ideologies under Nazi rule.

1975-1975. The Khmer Rouge regime murdered hundreds of thousands of their perceived political opponents. Its racist emphasis on national purity resulted in the genocide of Cambodian minorities. 1.8 million Cambodians is a conservative figure.

Population Control Then and Now:

India’s dark history of sterilisation – BBC News

The Use of Forced Sterilisation as a Key Component of Population Policy: Comparative Case Studies of China, India, Puerto Rico and Singapore – Sam Rowlands, Pramod R. Regmi, 2022 (

Population Control Behind UN’s Agenda 21 – The Heartland Institute


LISTEN: WEF contributor’s CHILLING metaverse idea for ‘USELESS PEOPLE’ – YouTube

“I strongly believe that given the technologies we are now developing, within a century or two at most, our species will disappear. I don’t think that in the end of the 22nd century, the Earth will still be dominated by Homo sapiens.” -Yuval Harari


“We get our meaning from the fact that we are made in God’s image, born with a free will to decide whether we will follow Him or follow the rest of the sheep who are following vain leaders, blind guides like Harari and Schwab, mere mortals who think they are smarter than everyone else when in fact they are pitiful human beings devoid of the discernment of God’s Holy Spirit. They are vacant souls, uttering silly human “hypotheses,” because they have no rudder to keep them on the path that leads to life, eternal life. All Harari can offer is hopelessness. Oh but he sounds so smart in delivering his dismal message.”

“This is where modern technocracy starts to resemble the old gnostic paganism where a certain elitist class of people have access to secret knowledge that the common folks just aren’t able to tap into.”

-Leo Hohmann

Yuval Noah Harari spills the beans: ‘We just don’t need the vast majority of the population’ –


Survival of the Elitist: Adapt or Become Extinct

Harari: What Do We Do With The Useless Eaters? – YouTube

Yuval Harari and dehumanization via technology

Technology will make humans “meaningless and worthless”

“drugs and computer games” will keep people occupied

Yuval Harari, historian and futurist, gay Israeli and WEF advisor, @ 1:09:  keeping useless people happy with drugs and computer games

Population Control: History Of This Anti-Human Agenda – In The Tank #407 – YouTube

Population Control: History Of This Anti-Human Agenda – In The Tank #407 – The Heartland Institute

Population Control: History of This Anti-Human Agenda


The TRUTH about their secret globalist agenda (


Informed Dissent:

Remedy – The Truth About Vaccines Presents REMEDY

‘Serious Doubt’ Raised About COVID-19 Vaccine Safety After Forced Release of 15,000 Pages of Clinical Trial Data (

Leaked Report Confirms Myocarditis Cases Spiked in US Military Following Forced COVID Shots – As Gateway Pundit Has been Reporting now for Over 2 Years | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Dr. David E. Martin – Covid Was An Act Of War Against The Human Race – London Real

“So how did this get so out of hand?

A handful of factors played in to the psychosis that led most of humanity into believing that what happened in early 2020 was worthy of the fastest rollup of power in human history, and has Congress up in arms strategizing on legislation to prevent the “next one,” surely via more centralization of power.”

The myth of a deadly Covid virus strain (

The Flu did not disappear, it was simply rebranded as Covid. With further commentary from the longtime lead scientist of the CDC’s molecular diagnostic laboratory.

How the Flu “disappeared” during Covid (

Govt. Study: Flu Shots Not Effective in Elderly–Potentially Deadly | Sharyl Attkisson

Rand Paul: “Bill Gates Is Largest Funder Of Trying To Find Viruses In Caves And Bring Them To Big Cities” – Summit News

“. . . what we discovered in the process is that they weren’t pure mRNA. They actually had a lot of DNA in the background.”

The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery ⋆ Brownstone Institute

12ft | Nolte: NY Times Reports Coronavirus Deaths Overcounted by 30% … on Paragraph 17

Make your voice heard. Download this WORD doc, modify it as needed and send it to your representative’s email. Let them know that these things are on your watch.
