Polly Want a Crisis?

If only it was something that remained on the pages of a dystopian novel . . .the ways the anointed ones deal with us. But the stark reality is that the anointed ones have learned that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste and that a manufactured crisis affords the anointed the opportunity to wield total power for its own sake.

“When the anointed say that there is a crisis this means that something must be done —and it must be done simply because the anointed want it done.”
― Thomas Sowell, The Vision Of The Annointed: Self-congratulation As A Basis For Social Policy

The fourth anniversary of “15 days to slow the spread” has come and gone. But the harm inflicted upon our lives and our country during the COVID “crisis” has not. More “public health” strategies are being developed to tyrannize us into “wellness” (See the WHO treaty below.) We will be made to follow “the science” even into hell if it suits the anointed ones.

We (the remnant) somehow lived through the “something must be done” ill-treatment by means of the public health anointed: Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins, and others of the anointed ilk.

And somehow, we lived through the abrogation of our freedom by the anointed ones. We came out the other side of the social experiment with the knowledge that the anointed ones conceived the abuse done to us and will do it again. What we had to endure mentally at the hands of the anointed arch-COVIDians was horrible: their fearmongering, their lies, their scientism, their silencing of contrary evidence, and their absurd mandates – clearly a test of wills as common sense was not considered “the science.”

The introduction of the anointed anxiety-soothing shot – the SOMA serum – has had devastating implications on the health and livelihoods. Many have suffered the loss of loved ones with an “unexpected death”, the loss of livelihood, and the loss of health. It has only been recently reported that the anointed of the CDC intentionally HID more than a quarter of a million adverse effects reports for the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

We continue to be subjected (via the anointed one’s talking heads) to the badgering about a (non-existent) climate “crisis.” We are told to do away with gasoline-powered vehicles and natural gas ranges and with all thought of fossil fuels as an energy source. We are told to become completely dependent on weather-dependent turbines and solar panels, and on hydropower and on their “climate science” directives for the energy to power a modern industrial economy.

(See my post Earth Day – Don’t Re-Greta Green Energy | Kingdom Venturers where I wrote about the exploitation of children and poor countries to secure the minerals needed for millions of electronic products e.g., rechargeable lithium batteries, sold year after year. The anointed ones have hearts of darkness.

“. . . cobalt, mined by the Congolese (and the Uyghurs in China), is a coveted substance in man’s conquest of earth. And we find, if we dare to look, that Green Energy-based colonialism is no different than the ivory-based colonialism talked about in [Joseph Conrad’s] Heart of Darkness.”)

The anointed of the World Economic Forum (WEF) had included “Climate-related risks” as “the biggest future threat facing the world.” The WEF have since moved on to “misinformation and disinformation” as the biggest risk near-term risk (to their narratives), followed by extreme weather events, social polarization and armed conflict.

Citing soaring energy and food prices resulting in inflationary pressures and a cost-of-living crisis, social unrest, conflicts, carbon emissions and future pandemics, the anointed of the WEF have created a new word for the cascading and connected crises they envision: Polycrisis.

For, the anointed of the WEF must make alarming predictions and announce sweeping solutions to create a demand for their services. These “Teflon prophets” (Thomas Sowell) predict that there will be future social, economic, or environmental problems in the absence of their anointed intervention.

It will be noted by those with an expanded personal bandwidth (informed common sense), that the cost-of-living crisis has been caused by the massive deficit spending and reckless energy policies of the anointed ones in our government. They also know that the shutdown of our economy during COVID was caused by the public health anointed ones. Wars are caused by the anointed ones. Carbon emissions have not risen to any threatening level except in the “acceptable” papers the anointed present to the WEF and the UN.

The WEF will not let their Polycrisis go to waste. They are conspiring to centrally plan the world because “something must be done” and done “for our own good.” Did anyone ask you about wanting a Great Reset?

Public health anointed ones are setting up for the next medical “crisis”. The World Health Organization (WHO) wants complete sovereignty (To call the shots!) over our health . . . and anything it calls a “crisis”. A “crisis” would include the climate, the water supply, gun ownership, how food is produced – basically, anything they can claim is an existential threat to humanity.

For these anointed ones to have complete say and sway over us, they must make an end run around to subvert our own physical sovereignty and the sovereignty of the U.S.

Dr. Meryl Nass: ‘We’re undergoing a soft coup’

Dr. Meryl Nass explains how the WHO’s proposed pandemic treaty will enable the WHO “to take over jurisdiction of everything in the world by saying that climate change, animals, plants, water systems [and] ecosystems are all central to health”. In addition to that, it will remove human rights protections, enforce censorship and digital passports, require governments to push a single “official” narrative, and enable the WHO to declare “pandemics” on a whim.

In a nutshell, the WHO is all in for whatever it takes to promote disease-related pharmaceutical interventions, including surveillance, digital health passports, tracing, the ability to impose lockdowns, and mandating vaccines, even experimental ones like the mRNA COVID-19 shots. (Emphasis mine.)

More on this here: Short Videos – Sovereignty Coalition

“The COVID-19 mandates and resulting lockdowns taught us that, given the chance, governments worldwide will seek to control citizens if a pandemic emergency is declared. The World Health Organization (WHO) closed its negotiations on May 27 with the production of an accord consisting of two treaties that could meaningfully impinge on our sovereignty as Americans. The proposed WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty threatens to give unprecedented power in real or maybe even perceived “public health emergencies of international concern.” -Wendi Strauch Mahoney

The WHO Accord: Global Governance is a Real Threat to American Sovereignty | uncoverdc.com | uncoverdc.com

If only it was something that remained on the pages of a dystopian novel . . .the ways the anointed ones deal with us.

Coming May 2024!!!!!!!!!

Global Health Project – Protecting the Health & Future for All Humans – The Global Health Project

You may be clutching your pearls and saying “I don’t know what to think or do.” Does Polly want a crisis so that Polly can find out what to think and do from the anointed ones?

Take Action Now!!!!! At this link: “Not Now” on the Surrender of Our Sovereignty to the WHO | AlignAct

Listen. We can’t change the past. But we can continue to learn from it and work to prevent it from happening again, so the next “crisis” doesn’t represent the death of our Constitution, our livelihood, and our freedom.

For what has happened During COVID, we must demand answers. We must demand accountability. We must demand that those who perpetrated this be tried and, as appropriate, fined and sent to prison.

The takeover of our lives “for your own good” by the anointed ones must stop now.

I am not vaxxed and not because of some partisan influence or misinformation as the Leftist media is wont to claim. I took the time to read and understand the science from various sources and I knew my own almost seventy-year old body.

I did not comply during the COVID “crisis”. I did not come to love Big Brother. I raised my voice and held strong. (See my posts since March 2020). Unfortunately, many swallowed the slogans and were like sheep led to the mRNA slaughter.

All I want from the government or any authority is information to make my own decisions. I do not want, unless authorized by me, to have decisions made for me. (One might say that a transmissible disease warrants strict compliance to “health standards” or someone might die. But there would be no evidence of such transmission, only speculation and finger pointing.)

The United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the First and Second Amendments are the Supreme Law of the Land – not the WEF, not the WHO, and not a warrantless FISA.

The eclipse came and went but the tax man cometh again and again to overshadow our lives. April 15th – the day when the work of our hands is conscripted into the service of the oligarchical ruling class.

Characteristics of the anointed one’s Big Brother approach:

Increasing depression, despondency, mental illness, and suicides.

Ugliness in tone, in art and architecture – beauty is deemed subversive.

Truth, facts and language are manipulated (Newspeak).

There is a militant focus on “misinformation and disinformation” (Ministry of Truth).

History is destroyed (doublethink).

Constant surveillance.

Systematic brainwashing (Ministry of Love). 

There is obsession with population control and control of population.

If only it was something that remained on the pages of a dystopian novel . . .the ways the anointed ones deal with us.


There are those who see themselves as morally and intellectually superior to the general public and therefore superior to Democracy and its laws created by elected representatives.

Ad hoc justice, not established rule of law, is one product of their superior ways as is remaking society with inegalitarian means to create equal outcomes. Promoting the hatred of whites to promote blacks is another product of their superior ways.

Claremont Institute Senior Fellow Angelo Codevilla had this to say about America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution:

“This dismissal of the American people’s intellectual, spiritual, and moral substance is the very heart of what our ruling class is about. Its principal article of faith, its claim to the right to decide for others, is precisely that it knows things and operates by standards beyond others’ comprehension . . .

“Because ordinary people will pervert reason with ideology, religion, or interest, science is “science” only in the “right” hands. Consensus among the right people is the only standard of truth. Facts and logic matter only insofar as proper authority acknowledges them . . .

“That is why the ruling class is united and adamant about nothing so much as its right to pronounce definitive, “scientific” judgment on whatever it chooses . . .

“The fact that the “hockey stick” conclusion stands discredited and Mann and associates are on record manipulating peer review, the fact that science-by-secret-data is an oxymoron, the very distinction between truth and error, all matter far less to the ruling class than the distinction between itself and those they rule.”


Anointed ones run our cities:

The Democratic-run city of Denver, Colorado, plans to defund its police department to pay for illegal immigrants.

Denver’s police department will be hit with an $8.4 million reduction — about 1.9% of its total operating budget, the city confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Blue City Plans To Defund Its Police Force To Pay For Illegal Immigrants | (dailycallernewsfoundation.org)

The anointed ones who run our cities into the ground want to create new hell holes:

Hamster cages for humans, the 15-minute cities, are on city planner agendas. Soy boys and girls can walk around the city and look at their screens without a worry – “the idea is that every need is fulfilled within a 15-minute walk or short bike ride.”


“Democracy!” is in crisis, according to the anointed ones on the Left: Trump is on the ballot and might be elected! Anointed talking heads want to tell you what to think and do about it: “Whatever you do, Don’t Think. Accept what is said about Trump and “Democracy!””

Despotism has so often been established in the name of liberty that experience should warn us to judge parties by their practices rather than their preachings.
—Raymond Aron, The Opium of the Intellectuals

(Replace “liberty” with the Left’s “crisis of Democracy!” and you will understand what they are after.)

Tucker Carlson: For the Third Time in Three Consecutive Cycles, Secretive Federal Agencies are Trying to Rig Our Presidential Election – This Is What They Call ‘Democracy’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft


You won’t get the common sense found in the words and writings of Thomas Sowell from the anointed ones.

Thomas Sowell on Intellectuals and Society (youtube.com)

Sowell argues that American thought is dominated by a “prevailing vision” which seals itself off from any empirical evidence that is inconsistent with that vision.

“…the very commonness of common sense makes it unlikely to have any appeal to the anointed. How can they be wiser and nobler than everyone else while agreeing with everyone else?”
― Thomas Sowell, The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy

The vision of the anointed — with Thomas Sowell (1995) | THINK TANK (youtube.com)

Thomas Sowell and a Conflict of Visions (youtube.com)

Original air date: October 12, 1995


Were you assigned George Orwell’s 1984 in school? I wonder if it’s being assigned in schools today.

We are living in an age that is increasingly characterized by the eerily prophetic 1984. Authoritarianism and coercion. The censoring of speech. The mandates. The propaganda. Utopia for the brotherhood elite. Dystopia for the rest.

Nineteen Eighty-Four

Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss Orwell’s dystopian novel where the state rewrites history, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength – and Big Brother is watching you

Nineteen Eighty-Four – George Orwell

BBC Radio 4 – In Our Time, Nineteen Eighty-Four


Novel Conversations: “1984” by George Orwell

 1984 follows the life of Winston Smith, a low-ranking member of ‘the Party’, who is frustrated by the omnipresent eyes of the party, and its ominous ruler, Big Brother. Orwell effectively explores the themes of mass media control, government surveillance, how a dictator can manipulate and control history, thoughts, and lives in such a way that no one can escape it.

“1984” by George Orwell

“1984” by George Orwell | Evergreen Podcasts


Mike Johnson Is Fighting to Protect the Government Spy Program Used on Trump (youtube.com)

Not Heard, Herded

“We whip the groaning masses … towards a theoretical future happiness, which only we can see.”

– Rubashov, a functionary of the Communist Party in Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler

Rebuilding Trust” – the theme of this year’s World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos Switzerland.

The mission of the “international” WEF, as the link states, involves “public-private cooperation” by engaging “the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas”. Sounds rather benign, so far.

To advance its “agendas”, the WEF needs the buy-in of the rich, the powerful, and the celebrated:

As we face an increasingly fractured and polarised world, this year’s World Economic Forum summit will look at ways of rebuilding and strengthening trust amongst global stakeholders.

But what about the trust between the global stakeholders and the common man? This was brought up by the CEO of Allianz.

Leaders speaking the truth would be a great start. But someone saying “I have to invest hundreds of billions in transforming our economy” is a non-starter for the common man who is to foot the bill for WEF “agendas”. And, our well-functioning economy won’t survive DEI, Degrowth and a lot of tinkering.

What I hear this guy saying: “the common man should know how he will be exploited for the cost of future WEF projects as if he was all in in their determination.

Behind the façade of benign WEF is malign WEF. The organization that presents itself as an instrument of deliverance is actually an instrument of totalitarianism. The WEF, while working to “Rebuild Trust” amongst global stakeholders, is intent on destroying trust in anything besides itself – the elites in cahoots.

From The People’s Voice:

The World Economic Forum has declared that anybody who promotes a “different perception of reality” and questions the authority of “experts” should be considered “more dangerous” than a terrorist in 2024. [sounds like Dictator Biden’s J6 speech: “We must be absolutely clear about what is true and what is a lie.”]

The danger for the global elite, according to [WEF managing director Saadia] Zahidi, lies in the fact that non-authorized views are capable of encouraging “different perceptions of reality” which can encourage people to question whether the mainstream media and global elite are telling the truth.

[non-authorized views? Tyranny? Anyone?]

“If some of those views start spilling over into very different perceptions of reality, when it comes to health, when it comes to what people are thinking about education, what people think about specific people, who then becomes the owner of the truth? “

For the WEF to be the sole owner of truth – The party is never wrong! – digital technology has been and will continue to be deployed to monitor content (via smartphones, online social media, and digital devices in your home and car) and circumscribe all aspects of one’s life (via social credit scoring and CBDC) so as to crush “misinformation”.

Did you know that information warriors are engaged in the act of shutting down dissent. . .

Per the Centre for Research on Globalization:

“At the height of the pandemic, the United Nations recruited over 100,000 “digital first responders’ to push the establishment narrative on COVID via social media.

“The revelation actually slipped out in October 2020 during a World Economic Forum podcast called ‘Seeking a cure for the infodemic’, although it is only going viral on Twitter today.

“In the podcast, Melissa Fleming, head of global communications for the United Nations, explains how the COVID pandemic and lockdowns created a “communications crisis” in addition to a public health emergency.

“Fleming acknowledged that in order to fight so-called “misinformation” about the pandemic, the UN tapped up 110,000 people to amplify their messaging across social media.

““So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’ in those spaces where misinformation travels,” Fleming stated.

“That was nearly 2 years ago. It is not known how many ‘digital first responders’ have been recruited up to this point.”

You can listen to the WEF podcast in question here.

And so it is, the WEF in concert with the UN and the WHO, mankind’s Nemesis triumvirate, will enact its inescapable ‘divine’ retribution against those committing hybris or insolence towards them. For, we are to believe, the world needs the “owners of truth” to shape global, regional and industry agendas to make them instruments of deliverance from all that ails the world, so help themselves.

“Whip the groaning masses towards . . . a theoretical future happiness, which only we[f] can see”?

Not heard, herded?

Tell me. Does one “Rebuild Trust” by censoring voices? Doesn’t rebuilding trust involve hearing each other out? Doesn’t rebuilding trust involve embrace and not exclusion?

Speak out against the WEF madness!


Regarding the quote at the top:

The main character of Darkness at Noon, Nicholas Salmanovitch Rubashov, was at one time a “Commissar of the People” but he fell out of favor.  He wasn’t discreet. He talked to his friends concerning his doubts about the effectiveness and correctness of certain Party policies. He is imprisoned and subsequently put on trial.

In Darkness at Noon, The Second Hearing: 7 we learn:

Rubashov is contemplating the suffering of the masses deliberately caused by the Party and its methods of control. He questions these draconian and inhumane actions because they are based only on a theoretical notion of the future. The Party thinks it can see the future it is whipping the masses toward, but in fact it can’t possibly know what future its actions will create.

The Party line is that the suffering of the masses will be compensated by future happiness. But, again, this happiness is purely notional and may never come about. Still the Party imposes pain on the people in the name of this unknown, hypothetical future.

“Darkness at Noon” by Arthur Koestler | A Podcast Summary of Classic Novels (youtube.com)

Interesting to note:

Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 was influenced by Darkness at Noon, as Jonathon R. Eller writes in his essay The Story of Fahrenheit 451 in the 60th Anniversary Edition of the book:

Bradbury was initially inspired by Arthur Koestler’s riveting exposé of Stalin’s political terrors and finally motivated to write by the emerging climate of fear during the early years of the Cold War. His hatred of all totalitarian regimes came into sharp focus in his “Day After Tomorrow” essay, published in The Nation just as he was about to finish the final draft of Fahrenheit 451: Consider the similarity of two books—Koestler’s “Darkness at Noon,” laid in our recent past, and George Orwell’s “1984,” set in our immediate future. And here we are, poised between the two, between a dreadful reality and an unformed terror, trying to make such decisions as will avoid the tyranny of the very far right and the tyranny of the very far left, the two of which can often be seen coalescing into a tyranny pure and simple, with no qualifying adjective in front of it at all.

Seems to me, based on the suppression of dissent, the use of legal forums for political purposes – “lawfare”, and the central planning going on, that the Biden regime, the Uniparty, big tech, the WEF, the UN, and the WHO are coalescing into a tyranny pure and simple, with no qualifying adjective in front of it at all.

Biden calling Americans “extremist” for their objections to the above and to the direction their country is being taken is tyranny.

Lawfare seeking to keep Trump off the ballot and from being elected president is not “saving Democracy”. It is the opposite – tyranny.

Arresting J6ers and giving them horrific sentences and prison conditions for a made-up “insurrection” are draconian and inhumane actions. This injustice, highlighted by a J6 show trial, was meant to instill fear and to silence protest in Americans. Do not be silent about the injustice done to J6ers and the tyranny pure and simple it represents.

Ashli Babbitt was murdered that day.

Time for Truth and Accountability J6 Committee (declassified.live)

During COVID, voices opposing “the science” were censored. They were not to be heard. For, people were to be herded in one direction – toward big pharma.

The voice of millions was stolen during the 2020 election. For, “Democracy!” was to be herded in one direction – toward the OBiden regime and tyranny.

Isn’t ironic that while the Left is subverting systems of power in the name of social justice, critical race theory, and whatever so as to be liberated, they are creating a top-down monolithic power that will enslave them.

All one has to do to go along with the coalescing tyranny: remain isolated, remain silent and remain dependent on the state media.

Think local, not global.


Mattias Desmet / Tucker Carlson – MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS [Mirror] (youtube.com)


Not everyone is ready to turn over their lives to a totalitarian movement masking itself as an instrument of deliverance from inequality, poverty, sickness, and manufactured crises, e.g., “the climate crisis”.

President of Argentina Javier Milei demolishes socialism in front of a bunch of socialists at the World Economic Forum.

“I’m here to tell you that the western world is in danger and it is endangered because those who are supposed to have to defend the values of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that inextricably leads to socialism and thereby to poverty.”

“Unfortunately, in recent decades, motivated by some well-meaning individuals willing to help others and others motivated by the wish to belong to a privileged caste.”

The main leaders of the Western world have abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism. We are here to tell you that collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world. Rather, they are the root cause.”

Javier Milei slams the west for ‘abandoning freedom for socialism’ in Davos (bitchute.com)

Sweden Scraps Agenda 2030 Goals – The People’s Voice (thepeoplesvoice.tv)


In a society where so many feel unseen and unknown, how do we become the kind of people who deeply see and know those around us? The conflict and division in our society demonstrate the need for people committed to pursuing human connection, even across lines of difference. What can we do – as individuals and in community – that will help us really understand the people in our lives?

In this podcast, David Brooks, discusses his book How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen. What do you think?

How to Know a Person with David Brooks

Episode 67 | How to Know a Person with David Brooks | The Trinity Forum (ttf.org)


DAVOS Watch:

Davos Elite’s Vision Of Your Future | Davos Watch Ep. 1 (youtube.com)

Dire Destiny or Fortunate Destiny?

The fortune from the fortune cookie that came with the Mongolian Beef and egg roll read “Every step forward brings you closer to your destiny”.

Turns out that it’s every step forward by the UN and the WHO that brings me and you closer to a destiny not of our own choosing. Below is a webinar detailing the fast-forwarding steps being taken to control not just our health, but our whole lives. Take action as recommended below.

(Note: you won’t hear about these things mentioned on the mainstream media. The mainstream media is paid to talk about distracting things; none of the things mentioned below are conspiracy theories. One can go to the UN and WHO websites to see what is going on. Also, please send this post to your friends, relatives, and your church.)

The following quote is from this link:

Webinar | Soft Coup, Hard Tyranny: Spawning Global Governance on September 20 – Committee on the Present Danger: China (presentdangerchina.org)

“On September 20, the UN hosted one of three high-level meetings on health with WHO officials attending.
“At the “Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response” meeting on the 20th, the outcome will be a political declaration that “aims at ‘mobilizing political will at the national, regional and international levels for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.’ This meeting and the document they will likely pass appear to be designed to provide political momentum to the passage of the problematic Amendments to the International Health Regulations and the new proposed pandemic treaty, both of which would seriously compromise if not destroy our national sovereignty and personal medical freedom.

“In addition, the United Nations itself is calling for an “Emergency Platform” that would “operationalize automatically” . . . “in the event of a future complex global shock . . .”  This shock could range from a “major climactic event” to a “cyberspace connectivity disruption,” a “major event in outer space” or even an “unforeseen ‘black swan’ event.”  In other words, the United Nations, like the WHO, wants to take over operations that should be run by our own government in case of any event on earth or in outer space that it deems an “emergency.”” (Emphasis mine.)

Are you aware that your destiny is being determined by elitists? I am. I attended the following webinar last Wednesday (9/20/23). It was produced by the Stop Vax Passports Task Force (SVPTF) and The Sovereignty Coalition (@SovCoalition).

You will want to watch the video to see what is being planned for you – a Communist China type destiny. Become informed so you know what you can do about this.


Hon. Michele Bachmann, Member of Congress (2007-2015); Presidential candidate (2012); Dean, Robertson School of Government, Regent University
• Topic: The need for our leaders to stand against global tyranny

Dr. Francis Boyle, Ph.D., Professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law; JD degree magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, and a Ph.D in Political Science from Harvard University; Former Board Member, Amnesty International; Draft author, U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush
• Topic: “Stop the Globalists WHO/UN Totalitarian Medical and Scientific Police State!”

Dr. David Bell, M.D. Senior Scholar at Brownstone Institute; public health physician and biotech consultant in global health; former medical officer and scientist at the World Health Organization (WHO)
• Topic: Why the WHO and the UN should not be trusted to control our healthcare and run a world government

Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D., Board-certified internist; biological warfare epidemiologist and expert in anthrax
• Topic: Spawning pandemics and hyping fear through the new Pandemic Treaty

 Dr. Karladine Graves, M.D., family physician, physician’s rights advocate
• Topic: The WHO takeover will obliterate doctor-patient relationships and medical privacy

Alex Newman, Contributor, The Epoch Times and other diverse publications; award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and consultant who co-wrote the book “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children”
• Topic: What life will be like for Americans after the Globalist coup?

 Ron Armstrong, President, Stand Up Michigan
• Topic: Americans must demand their elected officials and candidates save our sovereignty and secure our civil rights

Webinar resources are located at the following link:

Webinar | Soft Coup, Hard Tyranny: Spawning Global Governance on September 20 (rumble.com)


“This week, the United Nations (UN), the parent organization for the WHO (just like the CDC reports to our federal government) met to adopt a statement on Pandemic Prevention Preparedness and Response. As expected, the declaration was adopted at that “high-level” meeting, but interestingly, it was not without protest. A group of countries got together to raise an alarm about the transparency of the process and lodge an on-the-record complaint against the process.

The United States can cooperate in international agreements and protect constitutional rights at the same time.

 The White House has an opportunity in the IHR amendments to reassert our Constitutional rights, on the record. In 2005, when the WHO last amended the IHR, the U.S. put a formal “reservation” on record, which stated that we will go along with global public health agreements only to the point where our Constitution draws a line.

 Click the button above to learn more, and sign your name to take an easy stand for our Constitutional rights.

 Friends, we are not powerless against this global body, by signing you will be joining with other freedom-minded citizens to remind our representatives that our constitution comes first.” (Emphasis mine.)

Things are happening quickly. We must act now. Sign the petition and alert you representatives:

Read about the Stand For Health Freedom stand and what the petition states here:

The WHO can’t tell the states what to do – STAND FOR HEALTH FREEDOM

“Stand for Health Freedom will be prepared to use the petition in three ways:

To send to the White House to show that Americans are watching and willing to join together to stop any threat to our Constitution. 

To support members of Congress who will uphold their oath of office by checking the president in overreach or unconstitutional agreements;

To deliver to the Office of Global Affairs at U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS), informing those who are directly negotiating the treaty and IHR, that this is a simple step they can take to protect Americans;, and we expect them to follow the precedent set by the previous administration, in updating and asserting the reservation for federalism.”Health Freedom Advocacy Center | Stand For Health Freedom


Informed Dissent:

The 2023 Cochrane review of “Physical Interventions to Interrupt or Reduce the Spread of Respiratory Viruses” found masking had no effect on confirmed infection rates. The review also found no difference between medical/surgical masks and N95/P2 respirators.

Fauci is still doubling down on masking, saying masks work “on an individual level” even though randomized controlled trials show it makes no difference on the population level

If mask recommendations are renewed this fall, do not comply.

More Mask Masquerades (mercola.com)

Paraphrasing Dr. Peter Marks: “We don’ need no public health emergency to emergency use authorize mismatched boosters”

“Many of us knew this day would come, and now here it is. As of Monday, September 11, 2023, the FDA has provided “Emergency Use Authorization” for the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine boosters. But there is no public health emergency at this time. And the “boosters” being “Emergency Use Authorized” are designed to provide protection against the Omicron variant called “Kraken”. Which is on its way to becoming extinct, outcompeted by newer variants like Eris which have evolved even further to escape the antibody pressure elicited by the globally deployed leaky “vaccines”.”

FDA has Gone Rogue – by Robert W Malone MD, MS (substack.com)

Dr. Malone: COVID-19 Vaccine Found To Have “Negative Effectiveness”, Increasing Health Risks (rumble.com)

Lipid Nanoparticles and mRNA Shots (substack.com)

What You Need to Know About the Latest COVID Jab Rollout (mercola.com)

Minister of Health:

Citizen Free Press on X: “Fauci now admits the Covid Vaccine causes Myocarditis. Twitter used to ban you for saying exactly this. https://t.co/r4iiZyeiwv” / X

Threads blocks search for ‘COVID,’ ‘vaccines,’ ‘coronavirus’ over disinformation fear (nypost.com)

Dr. Robert Malone Re: New COVID Variants & More! | Judicial Watch

New Study Detects Spike Protein in Vaccinated 6 Months After COVID-19 Vaccination: Researchers Suggest 3 Possible Reasons | The Epoch Times

The risks of tinkering with shrimp genetics, and using mRNA shots in pigs, cattle and other animals intended for food, are completely unknown

“Few are aware that, since 2018, pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based “vaccines” on their herds — as it largely slipped by under the radar.” (Emphasis mine.)

mRNA Vaccines Now Headed for Shrimp (mercola.com)

“We know that the COVID vaccines have done various degrees of damage to the immune system in a fraction of people who’ve taken them,” attested Dr. Harvey Risch in a recent interview with The Epoch Times.

“And that damage could be anywhere from getting COVID more often, getting other infectious diseases, and perhaps it may also be cancer in the longer term,” he warned.

Top Doctor Explains Why “Turbo Cancer” Rates Are Likely to Get Even Worse (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

“Completely untested, variant-outdated, toxic vaccines approved for infants. I called it unconscionable as the (P)FDA no longer even bothers to pretend science and public health are their guideposts. They used to do a much better job of pretending.” Dr. Pierre Kory

‘Unconscionable’: FDA Approves New COVID Vaccines — Even for Infants as Young as 6 Months — Based on Minimal Data or Testing • Children’s Health Defense (childrenshealthdefense.org)

Myopericarditis and mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines – FDA and CDC administrators lied, and people (particularly children) died. (substack.com)

“Sure, it’s absolutely insane that people are still getting injected with the mRNA Pharma sauce, but we wanted to know how much they’re being billed to make themselves sick with the hopes to fend off the Wuhan sniffles.

Here’s the numbers that major American pharmacies gave us when we called and asked what the cost of the new vaccine would come out to without insurance.

CVS: $190

Walgreens: $155.99

Publix: $202

Costco: Didn’t have any new shots yet

Walmart: Didn’t have any new shots yet

[The pharmacies without shots in stock have no inventory because they had to dump the whole supply of old shots, since the FDA deauthorized their use]”

Expensive poison: Top U.S. pharmacies charging $200+ a shot for new Covid “vaccines” (dossier.today)COVID-19 Vaccines Revealed as ‘Neither Safe, Nor Effective’: Watchdog | The Epoch Times

The Symptom Burden of Post-Covid Vaccine Injury Syndrome (substack.com)

“Cancer Gene Jock” Dr Buckhaults exposes the Plasma DNA that has been found & identified in the Covid 19 Pfizer shots.
*News flash – there shouldn’t be ANY DNA in these shots. These pieces of DNA are now integrated in the DNA of those who took the previous versions of the shots & yes it’s also present in the brand new Booster Shots.

“The DNA in the Pfizer jabs are capable of facilitating future cancers – no question about it.
This is a PERMANENT genetic alteration. Once the DNA is integrated into the human genome – there is NO GOING BACK.” – Dr. Tenpenny (Emphasis mine.)

SC Senate Hearing – USC Professor Dr. Phillip Buckhaults – YouTube

All Heads on Deck

It’s the beginning of September and the neighborhood is showing signs of Halloween. The season of dabbling in fear for fun is crouching at the door ready to have you. And, so are the days of government-sponsored terror. . .  again.

Remember September of 2021? `The trickster in the White House backdoored the use of OSHA to ensure that all workers in companies with 100 or more employees were either fully vaccinated [with the unholy mRNA serum] or submitted to weekly testing and mandatory masking? Members of the military and hospital workers were forced to take the jab. No exemptions allowed. Never forget. Our government, spooks and all, hasn’t forgotten either.

It/They/Them created a reason for their dabbling-in-fear seasons: obsessing about personal health.

Did you know that August was NATIONAL IMMUNIZATION [$Big Pharma$] AWARENESS MONTH?

And, from the CDC website:

“September is National Preparedness [for martial law] Month, an observance “to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time.” In 2023, we are launching a series of discussion-based activities to help public health departments develop “whole community” plans [using martial law] that consider the impacts of social determinants of health on personal health preparedness and response.”

Tell me. If your only tool is public health admin, then is everything a potential health issue? It would seem so based on the almost unlimited scope of the CDC’s Social Determinants of Health.

Social determinants of health (SDOH) are “non-medical factors that influence health outcomes. They are the conditions in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life[where martial law could be employed]. (Emphasis mine.)

SDOH are grouped by Healthy People 2030 into five key areas.

Economic stability

Education access and quality

Health care access and quality

Neighborhood and built environment

Social and community context

Note how overreaching and potentially meddlesome the CDC approach is to our lives. The wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life could be construed as anything including climate, guns, access to capital, what is taught in schools [CRT, LGBTQ+], how businesses are structured [DEI, ESG, tied to government, aka fascism], infrastructure [15-minute cities], religion, and much more.

The CDC, with its ties to the medical-pharmaceutical-biotech-climate industrial complex and the CIA, and with its influence on state and local government, has set itself up as pervasive authoritarian busybody/social engineers. We saw its domineering influence during season of the COVID plandemic. We will see it in this season’s government-sponsored terror.

Public health is nothing more than a mask for tyranny.

Now consider some of the track record of government agencies regarding the CDC’s Social Determinants of Health:

Mandates, locking down the economy, high energy costs, high food prices, inflation, high interest rates, and doubling the deficit with outrageous amounts of government spending – none of these government activities promote Economic stability. How does spending money we don’t have and giving billions of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine promote Economic stability? How does itmake for Healthy People 2030? By imposing more of the same?

Digital currency, not government spending reform, will be implemented as a means to bring about economic stability – by controlling our use of money.

Education access and quality has come down to what the Progressive teachers’ unions, the Marxist-lesbian president of the American Library Association, the deep state Dept. of Ed., and the corrupt DOJ want. And that comes down to wanting more taxpayer money, more CRT that fosters racism, hate, and segregation, more class warfare that fosters hate and division, more depravity with LGBTQ+ books and pornography, and more accusing parents at school board meeting of being domestic terrorists. And that has come down to less and less education for blacks and more and more of the blame game. How does this make for Healthy People 2030? By imposing more of the same?

Health care access and quality has come down to dealing with less choice, hospital consolidation and mega-hospital systems all under CDC “guidance”. It has been shown to come down to CDC recommendations turned mandates by local authoritarians, COVID camps, and the mandating of vaccines – with a multitude of adverse effects – that no one should be taking. How does this make for Healthy People 2030? By imposing more of the same?

Will you be allowed Health care access and quality if you do not have a vaccine passport? Will you be allowed into society if you do not have constant contract tracing?

Neighborhood and built environmenthave come down to defunding the police and the destruction of American cities by Democrats. No one feels safe on public transportation or walking the streets of these cities. People and businesses are leaving these cities. See Chicago, Seattle, Portland, and San Fransisco.

The open border will destroy cities. Just ask a mayor of a “Sanctuary City” like NYC Mayor Eric Adams. How does this make for Healthy People 2030? By imposing more of the same?

Neighborhood and built environment have come down to the neglect of East Palatine, Ohio by incompetent Pete Buttigieg and the deadly incompetent government leaders of Maui.  Why don’t know the number of children killed in the fires? How does this make for Healthy People 2030? By imposing more of the same?

Neighborhood and built environment have come down to forcing people to rent through high interest rates and WEF policies that say “You’ll own nothing and be happy”. Renters are put in a position of servitude to landlords who are in servitude to globalist governments who will decide how you live.

A neighborhood and built environment of renters will come down to unstable families, transitory communities, and insecurity involving terms and rent amounts. Maybe that’s why globalists so desire to make everyone a renter – to make everyone dependent on them. How does this make for Healthy People 2030? By imposing more of the same?

Some hubristic moron at Axios writing that homeownership is “holding back the economy, hobbling the Federal Reserve, and exacerbating a national housing crisis” is akin to the mayor of Chicago Brandon Johnson saying that carjacking is the fault of the car manufacturers. Both represent an inversion of reality and a purposeful misdirection of accountability.

Social and community context has come down to the anarchy caused by the invasion of our southern border, flooding America with hordes of economic opportunists, felons, child predators, sex-trafficked children, the sick and unhealthy, and drugs like fentanyl that have already killed many. How does overwhelming America’s social systems make for Healthy People 2030? By imposing more of the same?

Social and community context has also come down to injustice: Soros-bought AGs releasing criminals back onto the street without prosecution, the Democrat party arresting political opponents, and stolen elections – all supported by a bought-and-paid-for media. How does this make for Healthy People 2030? By imposing more of the same?

As for me . . .

I don’t need or want more of the same. I don’t need or want the CDC or a government public health dept. or a globalist organization, for that matter, to tell me how to live as Healthy People 2030. The people of these organizations think you and I are sheep without a shepherd. I am not a lost sheep. Are you? Give me good non-scientism (apolitical) info and I’ll decide what to do.

If they ask me why I am healthy here’s what I would say:

Economic stability: I built my own economic stability with hard work, good choices, and faith in God.

Education access and quality: I am self-taught. I read and research. That has provided me with a quality education. I was able to earn 6-figures in an engineering field without a college degree (or DEI). I applied myself.

Health care access and quality: I go to the doctor for a yearly check up and blood test to check vitals. I pay the bill. I don’t look to TV or the CDC or to a public health dept. for my health recommendations or practices. I research and take care of myself.

I take lots of vitamin D and other vitamins, eat good food, exercise, take walks, go to church, listen to classical music, and pray. I keep Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin handy. I have never taken a vaccine.

Neighborhood and built environment: I’ve moved to where there are fewer Democrats. An area with Net-Zero Democrats would be great.

Social and community context: I moved out of the Chicago area a year ago to a community that, owing to civic pride among other virtues, respects others and other’s property.

Alive and well:

I am 70+ years old. I have never taken a flu vaccine, a COVID vaccine or had any vaccination since my mother took me to the doctor before I entered kindergarten back in the 50s.

I have never worn a mask except for five minutes to vote in the 2020 Presidential election (which was stolen by COVIDIAN Democrats).

I stayed away from stores, restaurants, churches, etc. that had mask and social distance requirements. For most people, freedom is choice. And freedom with good choices makes for Healthy People.

Did you know that Healthy People 2030 | health.gov, loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life?

Healthy People 2030 sets data-driven national objectives to improve health and well-being over the next decade

Healthy People 2030 includes 359 core — or measurable — objectives as well as developmental and research objectives.

Man is born free and everywhere he is chains of public health treaties:

“The 2005 International Health Regulations (Agreement) signed by all of the world’s countries, provided that in the event of a declared global pandemic, all human, constitutional, and charter rights guaranteed by each country were to be suspended with the World Health Organization in control of the solution. This legal framework was set into motion in March 2020 when the WHO declared a global pandemic.”

Attorney Todd Callender explains the legal framework for suspension of human rights and civil liberties globally (substack.com)

The following screen capture is from Six US-Signed Treaties and Declarations Recognizing a Right to Health Care – Right to Health Care – ProCon.org

By declaring health as one of the fundamental rights of every human, they have turned over our health to government oversight! What are considered adequate health and social measures? We will soon find out.

International Health Regulations (2005) – Third edition (who.int)

How the International Health Regulations, voiding constitutional and statutory law in signatory nation-states… (substack.com)

Global Health Law: International Law and Public Health Policy – PMC (nih.gov)

Klaus Schwab’s global enslavement program in one short post… – Revolver News


Be prepared. Be very prepared. The days of government-sponsored terror are here again. All heads on deck.

Be prepared. Be very prepared. More of the same (“pandemic” response ’20, ’21, ’22) and Healthy People 2030 will be imposed on us. Say “NO!” to all of it.

Be prepared. Be very prepared. Crisis propaganda will be used again and again in the media to foment fear.

Be prepared. Be very prepared. The media’s paid-for and proposed answer to fear will be to trust the talking heads of the CDC and public health departments, vaccines, boosters, and “the science”.

Be prepared. Be very prepared. Outsider public health control of our personal health looks benign on the surface BUT understand – the impetus is to obtain more power and control over the individual. What began to take place in March of 2020 should be a clarion wakeup call. The 2005 International Health Regulations (Agreement) is nothing but a license to control you and me. See the world conquest programs of the WHO and WEF. The loss of buying power is another way to control people. And so are surveillance drones.

Be prepared. Be very prepared. Do not comply with mask mandates when they are foisted on you, your children or as a passenger of planes and public transportation.

Be prepared. Be very prepared. Depopulation and Degrowth are rising movements within the COVID, Climate and Capitalism Alarmist groups. Don’t be depopulated or degrown by any means, including submitting to vaccines.

Be prepared. Be very prepared. Catastrophizing is a cognitive distortion that prompts people to jump to the worst possible conclusion, usually with very limited information or objective reason to despair.

Be prepared. Be very prepared. Be ahead of the curve with your health and knowledge. Here are some treatment resources and information:

Early Treatment Meds

Truth for Health Foundation – A 501(c)(3) public charity incorporated in Arizona, USA

The Wellness Company (twc.health)

Vaxxchoice |

“This 25-minute video explains in detail the mechanisms of action for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, as well as highlighting some of the known risks. If you wish to have a better understanding of the technology or wish for a refresher on the tech, as well as to learn a bit of cellular and molecular biology – this is a great primer. So, sit back, relax and open your mind to a bit of science.”

Overview Video of mRNA Vaccine Technology: (substack.com)


Todd Callender on the Coming Marburg Crisis – July 28, 2022

What’s Next? Attorney Todd Callender on The Coming Marburg Crisis – July 28, 2022 

Depopulation & Degrowth:

Attorney Todd Callender: The Vax Genocide Has Likely Killed a Billion People – Freedom First Network

Attorney Todd Callender: The Vax Genocide Has Likely Killed a Billion People (spreaker.com)

Compulsory Vaccination and Forced Quarantine Camps in Arizona? – America Out Loud News

What’s Next? Attorney Todd Callender On The Coming Marburg Crisis


Opening chit chat – the climate change narrative. Then discussion about the impact of COVID restrictions and the new era of COVID nonsense. Then DAVOS Watch about elites have planned.

COVID Strikes Back – In The Tank #414 (rumble.com)

Podcast>>>>>COVID Strikes Back – In The Tank #414 – The Heartland Institute


The Return of The Masquerade – YouTube


Informed Dissent:

North Texas School Implements New COVID Testing Requirements – Texas Scorecard

Don’t let them do this to your children:

Maryland School Implements New Mask Mandate – Summit News

“Putting N95s on children fits the definition of child abuse.”

Do not comply – by Robert W Malone MD, MS (substack.com)

The Freedom to Breathe Act is cosponsored by Senators Josh Hawley (R-MO), Eric Schmitt (R-MO), and Mike Braun (R-IN).

Free to Breathe – by Sovereignty Coalition – Sovereignty (substack.com)

About Marburg Virus Disease | Marburg (Marburg Virus Disease) | CDC

🔥💉 Todd Callendar RE: Marburg Info About the Possible Release of the Zombie Apocalypse (rumble.com)

Lawyer Todd Callender Believes that the Marburg Pandemic is Coming This Summer (2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com)

Signs and Symptoms | Marburg (Marburg Virus Disease) | CDC

“With this vignette, I can tell you as a doctor I will refuse to sit in lockdown and wait for a vaccine. In 2020, Kortepeter et al published a paper highlighting potential treatments and future vaccines. Not mentioned is hydroxychloroquine which other papers have proposed as being a useful first empiric approach. Among the immediately available products in the world to consider that are known to be safe—would be hydroxychloroquine and favipiravir, a Japanese antiviral used for influenza and COVID-19. The other strategies shown in table are futuristic genetic agents or products with unacceptable toxicity such as remdesivir. Early therapeutics and high-quality supportive care which is commonly not available in poor African countries hold the promise to reduce mortality for this sporadic illness.”

Countermeasures for Marburg Virus Disease (substack.com)

Trump Lockdown Tyrant Does 180, Says No New Mask Mandates | ZeroHedge

Day of reckoning: FDA now facing serious consequences for attacking Ivermectin on Twitter… – Revolver News

Who’s Making the Variants? :: SteynOnline

Ivermectin Reduces Excess Deaths by 74%, New Study Shows – Leading Report (theleadingreport.com)

Depopulation: Experts Are Scared as Child Deaths Spike Sharply | washingtonengager.com | washingtonengager.com

COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Injuries and Government Compensation (substack.com)

Fauci Squirms As CNN Anchor Confronts Him With Data Showing Masks Don’t Work – David Icke

Judge reinstates fired Roswell Park nurse over vaccine (archive.ph)

We were ordered to ‘euthanize’ patients to falsely increase ‘Covid’ death counts while hospitals were empty’ claims whistleblowing NHS doctor – David Icke

MUST WATCH: Fauci fumbles when CNN presents evidence that masks don’t prevent Covid spread | The Post Millennial | thepostmillennial.com

The inflammatory properties of the nanoparticles used to ferry mRNA; N1-methylpseudouridine employed to prolong synthetic mRNA function; the widespread biodistribution of the mRNA and DNA codes and translated spike proteins, and autoimmunity via human production of foreign proteins, contribute to harmful effects.

This paper reviews autoimmune, cardiovascular, neurological, potential oncological effects, and autopsy evidence for spikeopathy. With many gene-based therapeutic technologies planned, a re-evaluation is necessary and timely.

‘Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA – PubMed (nih.gov)

This study provides an in-depth account of various cardiovascular adverse events reported after the mRNA vaccines’ first or second dose including pericarditis/myopericarditis, myocarditis, hypotension, hypertension, arrhythmia, cardiogenic shock, stroke, myocardial infarction/STEMI, intracranial hemorrhage, thrombosis (deep vein thrombosis, cerebral venous thrombosis, arterial or venous thrombotic events, portal vein thrombosis, coronary thrombosis, microvascular small bowel thrombosis), and pulmonary embolism.

Adverse events following COVID-19 mRNA vaccines: A systematic review of cardiovascular complication, thrombosis, and thrombocytopenia – PubMed (nih.gov)

NEW COVID VARIANTS: Dr. Robert Malone On The Government Fear Porn To Push Vaccines – YouTube

“Never forget, Lobotomies were once “Standard of Care” for rowdy young boys and other “unmanageable loved ones” and was celebrated by main-stream media as a breakthrough…
It’s possible that a doctor of that time may have told an anxious mother about to allow her son to have his brain damaged to “Trust the Science”” Dr. Ken D. Barry

Climate Changed:

Top Climate Scientist Reveals the Key Fact He Deliberately OMITTED In “Climate Change” Paper to Pacify Woke Editors and Get His Paper Published in Top Scientific Journal | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

Climate Crisis Propaganda:

The wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life could be construed as anything including climate, guns, . . .

Degrowth Me Not

Impending doom. It’s in the mouths of Climate Change activists and environmentalists. It’s in the mythos eschatology of those who want to return to primitive times – proponents of the axial age, the age of a dark green religion and Degrowth. It’s in the marketing of the WEF, WHO, and ESG. With a select focus on impending doom, the need for sweeping “solutions” follows. And with sweeping “solutions” follows chaos and destruction.

I have previously posted about the WEF, the WHO, and ESG. Let’s now take a brief look at the thinking behind Degrowth with its impetus of impending doom.

On economic anthropologist Jason Hickel’s web site we learn that “The world has finally awoken to the reality of climate breakdown and ecological collapse” and “There is only one solution that will lead to meaningful and immediate change: degrowth.”

In a book review of Jason Hickel’s Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World, we are told that the book will “serve as a gloomy yet crucial reminder of the truly existential catastrophe life on Earth is facing.”

On the Degrowth website we find a definition (with sweeping conjecture):

“Degrowth is an idea that critiques the global capitalist system which pursues growth at all costs, causing human exploitation and environmental destruction. The degrowth movement of activists and researchers advocates for societies that prioritize social and ecological well-being instead of corporate profits, over-production and excess consumption. This requires radical redistribution, reduction in the material size of the global economy, and a shift in common values towards care, solidarity and autonomy. Degrowth means transforming societies to ensure environmental justice and a good life for all within planetary boundaries.” (Emphasis mine.)

Elsewhere . . .

What is ‘degrowth’ and how can it fight climate change?

The cure for a changing climate could be a stagnant economy. (Emphasis mine.)

Degrowth, at its essence, is an alternative to capitalism, [Timothée]Parrique says. But what it absolutely is not, he says, is a planned recession on purpose. Not only does pausing economies for a moment do pretty little for the climate crisis (look how ineffective COVID-19 was at reducing emissions long-term), but it also hits the poorest and most vulnerable people first. 

“Parrique says to picture economies like people with metabolisms—when you’re young, you need to eat lots of food, and as a result, produce lots of waste, to get big and strong. But if you keep eating like a rapidly-growing human well into adulthood, that’s probably not the healthiest way to be. As an adult, it makes more sense to balance out your diet for sustaining your body’s current needs.”

Degrowth, explained. | Popular Science (popsci.com)  by Sara Kiley Watson

And . . .

Economic growth is leading to overconsumption and climate change. Degrowth argues that shrinking our economies can have benefits.  Degrowth – BBC Worklife

Why “De-growth” Shouldn’t Scare Businesses (hbr.org)

What does degrowth mean? A few points of clarification (columbia.edu)

Degrowth Buzzwords: Beyond Growth, Net Zero, Absolute Zero, Emissions, Sustainability

In short, degrowth, “an alternative to capitalism”, is communism. Degrowth is Marxism with Malthusian planning. Its outworking is as a Communist death cult. Its premise: Too many people and too much consumption means the end of Mother Earth. So, you must stop living, i.e., become Net Zero, to produce a sustainable earth.

Degrowth is Communism – YouTube

Degrowth is Communism – New Discourses

Is Degrowth something new or has its death-force always been around? Look around and see how human life has been handled and is now being handled.

Degrowth is Anthony Fauci prohibiting Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin – highly effective low-cost repurposed drugs -being used to treat COVID and save lives.

Degrowth is using Remdesivir to treat COVID patients in hospitals.

Degrowth is sending COVID-19-positive patients into nursing homes.

Degrowth is an mRNA vaccine that produces deadly adverse effects.

Degrowth is digital currency – the means to limit consumption.

Degrowth is ESG deciding who has access to capital.

Degrowth is forced social transformation.

Degrowth is employing a pandemic psyop. The creation of fear leads to submission to Degrowth “solutions”.

Degrowth is employing a climate crisis psyop. The creation of fear leads to submission to Degrowth “solutions”.

Degrowth is the WHO, the UN, and the WEF – globalists organizations that want complete control of life on earth.

Degrowth is inflation, Biden’s Green energy tax imposed upon Americans.

Degrowth is engineered scarcity. “You will own nothing and be happy.”

Degrowth is population control using abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, euthanasia, and bioweapon pandemics.

Degrowth is sending billions of tax-payer dollars over to one of the most corrupt nations on earth while Biden offers $700 to Maui residents.

Degrowth is wasting billions of tax-payer dollars for unreliable renewable gizmos and not using the money to build reliable nuclear reactors.

Degrowth is creating stifling economic conditions leading to exhaustion, despair and suicide. (Suicides reached an all-time high in 2022.)

Degrowth is incompetence, lack of foresight, neglect of infrastructure, not clearing brush and flammable grass, letting things go. (See Maui headlines below.)

Last century there were those who wanted to change the world to their vision of the world. Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, and Mao used fear to generate “cooperation” towards those ends. In the process of social transformation to produce results, millions were killed. Little wonder that the entry on ‘mass killings’ under Communism may one day be deleted. The entry won’t help the “reduce inequality and share national and global income more fairly” Degrowth narrative.

The gospel of Degrowth has all of last century’s collectivist trappings and propensity to snuff out life for the sake of a “sustainability”. The reach of last century’s tyrants didn’t cover the earth. Today, digital technology covers the earth. So now a message of “impending doom” and Degrowth “salvation” will reach across the globe and bring death and destruction to more lives. And that’s because . . .

Degrowth, like Marxism, is a God-less perspective. There is no mention of God in its prospectuses. Degrowth takes no account of God or of God’s providential care of His creation or of humans as the collective image of God acting as agents to continue to bring order and function to creation as they work with God. Degrowthers want none of that. They are their own gods.

Degrowthers, as did Marx, picture human existence after everything has been “rectified” through long struggles, a series of historic processes, and transformation of circumstances and men, to be something like that of carefree Eloi sitting around with the lion and the lamb eating fruit and reading poetry.

If we “picture economies like people with metabolisms” then Degrowth is a deadly virus.

The sub-title of my blog: Walking around on Resurrection ground. These words are not some sappy sentiments. These words speak of an eye-witnessed historical reality – God, very God, is personally involved with His creation. Jesus, in going to the cross, gave us the example we are to follow – not employing an authoritarian program of Degrowth (the wisdom of this world) but choosing the paradoxical path of self-denial leading to true life.

We are to put off our old self, which belonged to our former manner of life that was corrupted through deceitful desires, to find true life. Doing away with lack of self-control, covetousness, greed, etc.  has implications not just for the individual but for the world.

“Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone wants to come after me, they must give themselves up, and pick up their cross, and follow me. Yes: if someone wants to save their life, they must lose it; and if anyone loses their life for my sake they will find it. What use will it be, otherwise, if you win the world but forfeit your true life? What will you give to get your life back? -Jesus, the gospel of Matthew 16: 24-26

Degrowth takes its toll:

Degrowth is Communism:

Degrowth is growing:

Think about how Degrowth will be implemented when you read this.


Maui, degrowth in action:

This is a catastrophe beyond imagination and the response of the State governments has been appalling. Surprisingly, local rescue workers have high praise for the FEMA response team. They are doing the work the State government refused to do. Instead of transparency it looks like the outside world is being fed disinformation by the local government in order to down play the scope and scale of the disaster.” (Emphasis mine.)

Exclusive: Is The Government of Hawaii Lying About The Missing and Dead on Maui? | The Gateway Pundit | by Larry Johnson

Governor Josh Green on X: “Trying to take land away from our people before we’ve had a chance to grieve and rebuilt is not pono, and we will not stand for it. https://t.co/gZczd1oLTo” / X (twitter.com)

Video: Tulsi Gabbard Blasts Biden Admin’s “Horrible” Response To Maui Disaster – Summit News

GiveSendGo – Maui Fire Relief Fund : The Leader in Freedom Fundraising.Pro Surfer Kai Lenny in Maui: “I Haven’t Seen One State, County, or Federal Official at Any of the Donation Hubs Where People Are Most Suffering” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

JUST IN: Maui’s Emergency Operations Chief Resigns Amid Controversy Over Failure to Sound Lifesaving Sirens During Deadly Wildfire – Cites “Health Reasons” | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

“As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, the devastating wildfires across Maui are a classic toxic combination of liberalism, corruption and inexperience all rolled into one.”

“Water Requires Conversations Around Equity” – Meet the Radical, Obama-Loving Official Who Delayed Life-Saving Water to Maui for SEVERAL HOURS While the Fires Were Contained (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

“Hawaii’s biggest crime scene is being white washed by politicians congratulating themselves on what a fine job they did maintaining control and civil order.”

The Horrors Of Ukraine And Maui Made Possible By Government Incompetence | The Gateway Pundit | by Larry Johnson

Unconstitutional ‘Media Free Zone’ Imposed Around Maui Wildfire Disaster Area — ‘Is It No Longer America?’ – David Icke

Attempts to blame Maui fires on climate change challenged by downed power lines, possible neglect | Just The News

FEMA Administrator Questioned Over Maui Disaster and Lack of Assistance – Her Response Says It All (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Update From the Maui Fires Frontlines (substack.com)

EXCLUSIVE: Maui wildfires death toll climbs to 480 locals claim, as Hawaii morgue workers run out of body bags and survivors are left to recover the charred remains of their loved ones | Daily Mail Online

“M. Kaleo Manuel, former deputy director of the Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management, waited for more than five hours to release water during the wildfires that devastated Maui, according to reports…. A former Obama Foundation leader — part of a program by the former President’s non-profit to help participants with coaching and “practical skill building for social change” — Manuel said he considered water an important tool for social justice.” (Emphasis mine.)

Hawaii official worried about ‘equity’ over water (nypost.com)

FLASHBACK: Hawaii Official Who Allegedly Withheld Water From Firefighters Says ‘Equity’ Comes First (freebeacon.com)

Billions to Ukraine but pittance to Americans in need. America’s Degrowth in progress.



VIRAL: 15-Year-Old Goes Ballistic On School Board for Pushing Critical Race Theory – YouTube


Biden, Montana, Maui – ‘Climate Emergency’ Madness Continues With Special Guest Dr. Judith Curry

Biden, Montana, Maui – ‘Climate Emergency’ Madness Continues With Special Guest Dr. Judith Curry – The Heartland Institute


Playwright and Filmmaker David Mamet on Adam Corolla Show

Playwright and Filmmaker David Mamet on Adam Corolla Show

The Adam Carolla Show – A Free Daily Comedy Podcast from Adam Carolla | David Mamet


Those who love equality of outcomes will love communism. . ..

There is nothing more beautiful . . ..

The Next Few Minutes

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

― Zbigniew Brzezinski, 1970 quote from Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era

A totally controlled society will arrive in the next few minutes. It will be made possible by advanced digital technology that asserts “almost continuous surveillance over every citizen” and maintains “up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen”. Authoritarians will take what we have allowed and use it for their purposes.

“There will come a time when it isn’t ‘They’re spying on me through my phone’ anymore. Eventually, it will be ‘My phone is spying on me’.”

― science fiction author Philip K. Dick

Biometrics, facial recognition systems, eye sensors and voice scanners record and track our unique physical characteristics. We have allowed our personal data and privacy to be plundered with our use of Smartphones, Smart home technology, and telemetrics in our cars. Smart devices are designed to interact with their environment using context awareness.

Context-awareness is a system or system component’s ability to gather information about its environment at any given time and adapt behaviors accordingly. Cameras, microphones and Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) receivers, radar and LIDAR sensors are all potential sources of data for context-aware computing. A context-aware system may gather data through these and other sources and respond according to pre-established rules or through computational intelligence.”

Note the last bit. “Computational intelligence” is AI or “Artificial Intelligence” (Thank you Kamala Harris!).

Digital gizmos, marketed to the end user as a means of greater control, convenience, and increased productivity and efficiency, will be used by a centralized system that is contextually aware of the end user and will “respond according to pre-established rules or through “computational intelligence.”

The “more controlled society” will be here in the next few minutes. Our individual privacy will be obliterated in the next few minutes. Smart devices will turn on us. Our future is being programmed for us. The digital controlling apparatus – a Big Brother police state with “pre-established rules” – is being completed as I write this.

Why isn’t any of this all over the news? Why aren’t we hearing about FedNow and the July launch of the central bank digital currency infrastructure? Why aren’t we hearing about 15-minute cities and social credit scoring systems like what is being used in Communist China? Why aren’t we hearing about being controlled with digital currency, digital IDs, biometric IDs, facial recognition, biased AI, and one’s internet history? Isn’t the media supposed to be exposing what is actually going on?

“The way things are supposed to work is that we’re supposed to know virtually everything about what they [the government] do: that’s why they’re called public servants. They’re supposed to know virtually nothing about what we do: that’s why we’re called private individuals.”

― Glenn Greenwald

Is what I am saying science fiction? Alarmism? Conspiracy theory?

“. . . a beast of a system is quietly being built that will be used to surveil humanity, severely limit human freedom, and coerce and control human behavior. This is not an isolated pet project by a handful of bad actors; it’s a coordinated movement to control and weaponize our data.”- They’re constructing the perfect beast: Who is able to make war with him? | Stand for Health Freedom (See pdf article below.)

In the next few minutes our world will be reconstructed and restricted with digital technology. Human dignity will be reduced to data bits and bytes. We are entering a new era of dehumanization – digital dehumanization.

You will definitely want to watch the videos below so you are informed and so you can take precautions. And so you can tell your representatives, with specific knowledge, that you do not consent to a digital takeover of your life.


On Wednesday, July 26, 2023 I attended webinar Two Sides of the Same Coin –
Digital IDs and CBDC.

“WASHINGTON — In June, the WHO announced it is looking to adopt the European Union’s Digital COVID Vaccine Certificate (EU DCC) model for its proposed “Global Digital Health ID” as part of the new pandemic treaty. Furthermore, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is beavering away on a plan to establish a global Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) which when combined with a Global Digital ID will transform the way the international, national, state, and local economies function; enable non-representative, unaccountable, centralized, global governance; and promote the establishment of a social credit score like that oppressing citizens in Communist China.

Already in Europe, many of the proposed policies in the text are being rolled out by public health agencies and institutions. For example, the use of a “European Digital ID,” initially intended to track COVID vaccine status is rapidly expanding — and becoming mandatory — for many services like banking and transportation.”

Webinar | Two Sides of the Same Coin: Digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currency (rumble.com)

Co-Host and Moderator

Frank Gaffney, Executive Chairman of the Center for Security Policy; Vice-chair for the Committee on the Present Danger: China; Host, Securing America with Frank Gaffney on RAV, and author of “The Indictment: Prosecuting the Chinese Communist Party and Friends for Crimes Against America, China, and the World”

Co-Host and Panelist

Reggie Littlejohn, Esq., President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, Co-Chair of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force; Member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China, Graduate of Yale Law School.
— TOPIC: Trapped in the Digital Gulag by Digital IDs and CBDCs


Nick Corbishley, Journalist, Author of “Scanned: Why Vaccine Passports and Digital IDs Will Mean the End of Privacy and Personal Freedom”
— TOPIC: Digital IDs, A Prerequisite for CBDCs

Kevin Freeman, Host of “Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman”; President, National Security Investment Consultants Institute; author, “Secret Weapon”, “Game Plan,” “According to Plan,” and “Pirate Money: Discovering the Founders’ Plan for Economic Justice and Defeating the Great Reset” (soon to be released).
— TOPIC: Disrupting CBDC with the money used by Pirates

Leo Hohmann, Veteran Investigative Reporter; Author, “Stealth Invasion”; Contributor, FrontPage Magazine, LifeSite News, Zero Hedge, the Drudge Report, Technocracy.News, Canada Free Press, Global Research, The Gateway Pundit, World Net Daily
— TOPIC: The Beast System Is Coming Whether You Want It Or Not


Action>>>>Remind your lawmakers to protect your First Amendment right to free speech by signing Stand for Health Freedom’s petition at link below.

They’re constructing the perfect beast: Who is able to make war with him? | Stand for Health Freedom


Ownership in a Digital Economy. Nothing You Own is Really Yours. A Digital Kibbutz?

Have a Nice Future Podcast Nothing You Own is Really Yours

(Example to consider: new cars operate with telemetric software that is owned by the car company. Telemetric software monitors and controls the car. If globalists/WEF has its way with car companies, “15-minute cities” and Green Energy restrictions mean your car will not operate if you go beyond the boundaries set for you.)

Nothing You Own is Yours


“The New Agenda” / “Agenda 2030” coming to a phone near you!

All new Samsung Galaxy phones come pre-installed with the UN Agenda 2030 app.
“We are working on getting back on track for the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda” it says.
Time to stop buying Samsung phones.

Are you ready for “The New Agenda”? – by Peter Imanuelsen (substack.com)

“The New Agenda” / “Agenda 2030” coming to a town near you!

Destruction of the environment and of life forms in the name of Climate Change comes from the UN Agenda 2030 that nobody voted for.

The Dutch government wants to seize 3000 farms to meet new climate goals.
Ireland plans on slaughtering 200 000 cows to meet new climate goals.

Immanentizing the eschaton:

Bill Gates push for DIGITAL ID with $1.27 billion donation to Agenda 2030 ”Global Goals” (substack.com)


Who’s in control?

Puppet Masters of the Pandemic. Part 1: What Did The CIA Do in Wuhan?” (substack.com)

The above is worldwide control. Below, a discussion about what’s going on in the U.S. – the CIA is a world power that is not accountable to congress or the citizens of our country. Topics include virus/vaccine control, de-population agenda, WEF, Henry Kissinger, and more.

Puppet Masters of the Pandemic: Part 2. How The CIA and Global Oligarchy are Building the New Normal (rumble.com)


Don’t wait. Start now. Do not relent…Tell your representatives today that you will not abide digital tyranny!
…Silence Is Assent.
…Compliance Is Consent.
…Cooperation Is Suicide.
…Obedience Is Cowardice.


Let’s take a close look at the Life Skills of the administrative state.

BROWNSBURG, Ind. — Four staffers at a Brownsburg elementary school, who investigators say told a 7-year-old student to eat his own vomit or failed to report the incident, have now been terminated or have resigned from their position with the school.

At a Brownsburg Community School Corporation meeting on Monday night, the school board approved the termination or resignation of four staffers involved in a lunchroom incident where a special-needs student was mistreated and subjected to eating his own puke.

According to court documents, the lunchroom incident occurred on Feb. 16, although the school said officials weren’t aware until the late evening of April 12.

According to the Brownsburg Police Department, Seymour advised a 7-year-old Life Skills student that, if he vomited, he would have to eat whatever he threw up.

The child, on a tray provided by Taylor, indeed vomited, at which point Kanipe provided the child with a spoon.

Brownsburg school staffers fired after 7-year-old student forced to eat his own vomit | Fox 59

BROWNSBURG, Ind. — A law firm representing the family of a 7-year-old special needs student who was told to eat his own vomit by school staff at Brown Elementary revealed that the student’s family wasn’t notified about the abuse until two months later when media reports shed light on the incident.

[Attorney Catherine Michael of Connell Michael Kerr LLP] said the family has only been provided limited information about the abuse but was shown a video that shows the child being provided a spoon by Debra Kanipe, a Life Skills instructional aide at Brown Elementary. In the video, both Kanipe and Sara Seymour, a Life Skills teacher, stand on each side of the student as the child is told to eat his own vomit off a lunch tray. (Emphasis mine.)

Brownsburg special needs student told to eat his own vomit by school staff (fox59.com)

“The 7-year-old student is challenged by autism, memory issues and communication, according to [Attorney] Michael.

Attorney hired by parents of Brown Elementary student | wthr.com

The attorneys for the special needs student in Brownsburg say this whole situation is part of a much bigger problem.

You may remember the story of a seven-year-old boy at Brown Elementary School who police say was forced to eat his own vomit by two school staffers on February 16th, all while three others stood back and watched, never reporting the situation.

Attorneys for the family, Catherine Michael and Tammy Meyer, say this doesn’t surprise them and isn’t anything new.

“Special education abuse is actually becoming far more common,” says Catherine Michael on WIBC’s Kendall and Casey show, “we’re talking about this case now, but Tammy and I have handled many cases where unfortunately, it’s not caught on camera.”

Attorneys for special needs Indiana student says abuse is a big problem | 95.3 MNC (953mnc.com)

Radio interview of attorneys:

Kendall & Casey – 08/02/2023 on 93.1 WIBC (FM) Indianapolis

Catherine Michael & Tammy Meyer talk about Brownsburg Special Needs abuse case (1:03:20);

(Extra:  31:00:00 Mike Pence skewered)

Kendall & Casey – 08/02/2023 – YouTube



Informed Dissent:

COVID propaganda timeline, March-April 2020 (substack.com)

The Unwitting Coup: Was the Response to COVID Effectively a Coup by the Western Intelligence Community? (michaelpsenger.com)

COVID-19 Vaccines and Informed Consent (substack.com)

God help us:

NIH Appoints Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo as Replacement for Dr. Fauci as New Head of NIAID – Known Advocate for COVID Lockdowns, Vaccine and Mask Mandates, and Critic of Hydroxychloroquine | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Dr. Robert Malone explains to Grant Stinchfield why the Government is tracking Americans who do not have the Covid-19 vaccine.

How the Government is tracking Unvaxxed people — and Why (rumble.com)

Farage says small businesses that won’t go cashless are having accounts shut down – David Icke


Fundamental Trans-formation

WOW: Award-Winning Barack Obama Biographer Drops Several “Eyebrow-Raising” Claims About Ex-President in Interview Including that Obama FREQUENTLY Fantasized about Gay Sex to Former Girlfriend | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

Obama biographer: Barack ‘repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men’… – Revolver News


Climate Change Madness:

Climate Change Obsession Is a Real Mental Disorder – WSJ

The World Health Organization’s Climate Neurosis – WSJ

Bernie Sanders Now Asking DOJ to Prosecute People in the Fossil Fuel Industry for Dissenting on Climate Change | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

It Ain’t So Easy Being a Green – YouTube

Why EVs Are ‘Piling Up’ at Dealerships, Despite Massive Taxpayer Subsidies – Foundation for Economic Education (fee.org)

“The globe is boiling! The globe is boiling!”

Earth just experienced its lowest temperature in 6 years.

The Concordia Research Station in Antarctica recorded a provisional low temperature of -117.76ºF (-83.2ºC) on July 25, marking the world’s lowest temperature in six years. 

ESG supports slavery.

“Ze humans are to blame.”

The Truth About the Left’s Climate Fearmongering – YouTube

What you don’t know won’t hurt you?

Wikipedia may delete entry on ‘mass killings’ under Communism due to claims of bias (telegraph.co.uk)

Note the media’s script . . .

Donald Trump’s Lawyer Handles Hostile Liberal Reporters with Pure Class – YouTube

We’re in the Zone

You walk into this room at your own risk, because it leads to the future, not a future that will be but one that might be. This is not a new world, it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements, technological advances, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like every one of the super-states that preceded it, it has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and truth is a menace. This is Mr. Romney Wordsworth, in his last forty-eight hours on Earth. He’s a citizen of the State but will soon have to be eliminated, because he’s built out of flesh and because he has a mind. Mr. Romney Wordsworth, who will draw his last breaths in The Twilight Zone.

Obsolete – YouTube

The Twilight Zone – Obsolete Man clips BEST version – YouTube

The Obsolete Man – YouTube


Why were you and I born in these times? Was it so we could surrender our wills, our human agency, our property and our lives to the lies of the totalitarian state? To the lie of a “Climate crisis” sequel to “climate change” sequel to Henny Penny? To the lie of “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” sequel to racist Affirmative Action? To the lie of “Stakeholder Capitalism” and “ESG” sequels to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its endless mistrust of capitalism in the hands of simple (non-elite) humans? To the lie of  the Davos vision of “The Great Narrative” sequel to “The Great Reset” sequel to atheistic and murderous regimes such as the world’s first Marxist state the U.S.S. R., Marxist–Leninist and Khmer ethnonationalist Pol Pot’s Cambodia, and the Cultural Revolution of Mao’s China?

Were you and I born in these times to subject ourselves to constant revolution, upheaval, paranoia, mass hysteria, chaos, show trials, and purges – to allow the State to have its way with us with its lies?

In our country the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the State.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Lies have become the pillars of our current State. The State’s lies require corrupt power structures to keep them in place. The State’s lies require double standards of justice. The State’s lies require manipulation of data. The State’s lies require violence. The State’s lies require more and more sleight of hand. The State’s lies require daily self-deception.

We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Truth requires nothing of this world to support it. Truth stands alone. Truth is not a thing of this world. Truth is power from a different world. Jesus made this clear to Pontious Pilate, the power of this world, before being sentenced to crucifixion, the State’s method to keep lies and systems of power alive.

Romney Wordsworth did the same. He spoke truth to power in The Obsolete Man. He was content to die holding on to the truth he gave witness to during his life.

I will do the same as a follower of the Way, the Truth and the Life.

You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


2+2=5 Radiohead

Are you such a dreamer
To put the world to rights?
I’ll stay home forever
Where two and two always makes a five

I’ll lay down the tracks
Sandbag and hide
January has April showers
And two and two always makes a five

It’s the devil’s way now
There is no way out
You can scream and you can shout
It is too late now

You have not been
Paying attention
Paying attention
Paying attention
Paying attention
You have not been
Paying attention
Paying attention
Paying attention
Paying attention
You have not been
Paying attention
Paying attention
Paying attention
Paying attention
You have not been
Paying attention
Paying attention
Paying attention
Paying attention

Radiohead – 2 + 2 = 5 – YouTube


Rage Against The Machine – Testify (Official HD Video) – YouTube


Rage Against This:

Justin Trudeau – Totalitarian
Blackrock – a totalitarian asset
Dr. Francis Boyle talks about bioweapons, population control.

Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, talks about bioweapons, population reduction of “useless eaters”, the racist use of bioweapons, transhumanism.

Pass this to your congregation.


Informed Dissent:

Renowned Physicians and Members of Congress Gather at Supreme Court with 100,000 Petition Signatures, Demanding Investigation into Fauci and Goverment’s Misdealings and Corruption During COVID-19 (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

“Information warfare conducted by the US government includes covert propaganda, controlled opposition, chaos agents, divide & conquer operations, false flags, disinformation campaigns, bad jacketing, advertising and more. These are being combined with neural-linguistic programming, subliminal messaging, nudge technology, hypnosis and propaganda.”

Propaganda and Mind Control – by Robert W Malone MD, MS (substack.com)

Censorship, so lies can continue unchallenged:

“Commenting on climate alarmism, [Nobel Prize laureate Dr. John] Clauser has said that “The popular narrative about climate change reflects a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people.””

Nobel Prize winner canceled by IMF after denouncing ‘climate change’ alarmism – LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

“Yuval Harari, Klaus Schwab’s right-hand man has called for so-called “conspiracy theorists” to be banned from the Internet because of their “dangerous” belief that a global clique of elites controls the world . . .” 

Professor: Conspiracy theorists must be eliminated (azernews.az)

The Greening of the Globe – by Robert W Malone MD, MS (substack.com)

The Patriettes Podcast – Episode 1 (rumble.com)

Silence of the Masses

As learned in my previous post Fear and Loathing in Ward No 6, the self-contented interior life of Dr. Andrei Yefimich Ragin allowed him to reason away interaction with suffering and to maintain a nihilist point of view. From that post:

“The doctor extrapolates from his daily routine and reasons ‘why interfere with people dying if death is the normal and prescribed end for everyone?’ and ‘If the aim of medicine is to utilize drugs to alleviate suffering, the question necessarily arises: why alleviate it?’ With similar thoughts, he reasons away the need for himself to be involved in the lives of suffering people. Why should anyone be spared pain when ‘their lives have nothing of importance in them and would be entirely empty, like the life of an amoeba, were it not for suffering’?

Like Dr. Rabin, globalists and the Progressive Left can intellectualize away the suffering they levy on others with a self-contented interior life that keeps them detached. A thought life of neo-Marxism and the “The Science” allows them to abstract their neighbors into otherness, into exclusion, and into prejudices that speak of “oppressors” “racists”, “science deniers”, and “extremists”.

With humans put at an ideological distance away from personal concern and responsibility, it is then easy for globalists and the Progressive Left to propose sweeping reforms to fix the world. Among the most prominent “fixes” are “fundamental transformation” and The Great Narrative (formerly, The Great Reset).

With humans put at an ideological distance away from personal concern and responsibility, it is then easy to for them to say like Dr. Rabin ‘Why should anyone be spared pain when ‘their lives have nothing of importance in them and would be entirely empty, like the life of an amoeba, were it not for suffering’?

One example where we see the globalist’s dispassionate view of humans is their passionate pet project “climate change”. The climate change theory puts mankind directly in the crosshairs of “The Science”. So, the theory justifies individual suffering to mitigate climate change.

Finally admitting to the realization that intermittent wind and solar cannot hope to be feasible alternatives to natural gas, nuclear and coal continuous baseload generation, the climate schemers want us to lower our expectations going forward. Instead of them revising their “green energy” theory and plans we are told to accept a downgraded quality of life. “Would an Occasional Blackout Help Solve Climate Change?” is their answer.

Globalists and the Progressive Left insulate themselves from human suffering with a fanaticism for their problem-solving ideas. No need to lift a finger for that man lying by the side of the highway. The ideology we are proposing will take care of that.

For the Davos WEF crowd, you and I are the flyover country they jet over to powwow in the Swiss alps where they talk about how to alleviate climate change and how to make a fair and just world by curtailing access to capital and property ownership and wood-fired pizza and air conditioning and gas stove cooking and combustion engines and travel beyond a fifteen minutes and freedom and all those human things that get in the way of their plans for a better world.

 (Note: Despite the lofty rhetoric, there is no fear of God before Globalist eyes. And there is no mention of humanity’s corporate imago dei given so that man would continue to generate the good form and function of Creation over the earth. Globalists, nihilists all, find meaning in “let us make a name for ourselves. They have no Lord or master they report to.”

Put in no nonsense terms: Christians, more than any other group, give materially, physically, and yes, spiritually, to meet the needs of humans. Globalists and Progressive Democrats have ideological and political programs – “Let’s throw money at that” “Let’s call people racist and white supremist” “Let’s divide people into classes and make them at war with each other.”)

What I am trying to convey is that there is a way of thinking that reasons that suffering and death are going to happen anyway so why not let both happen as a means to a sociopolitical end.


Since March of 2020 and the pandemic that Anthony Fauci (“The science”), Francis Collins (NIH) and others made possible by illegally operating a bioweapons program in a Wuhan China lab, I’ve posted many times about what elitists/globalists have been up to. You won’t find these things mentioned in the legacy media. Like WH press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, legacy media is paid to obfuscate, deflect, create absurd narratives and pronounce “conspiracy theory” when things get too real. So, again, let’s now take a look at one of globalist’s anti-human projects you won’t hear about on TV.

Globalist elitists were up to population control in the 60’s. We see their proposed measures (below) at work in our society today.

The 1969 Jaffe Memo, allegedly written by eugenicist and Planned Parenthood Vice President Frederick Jaffe, listed various strategies needed for achieving population control. Among the Proposed Measures to Reduce U.S. Fertility: alter the ideal family, increase homosexuality, encourage women to work, increased taxes, compulsory abortions, and payments to encourage sterilizations and abortions.

The Jaffe memo: a disturbing compilation of population control measures – Live Action News

U.S. Population Growth and Family Planning: A Review of the Literature (sntjohnny.com)

No BS. Below, a link to a deep dive into the “US Federal Government global population control/depopulation agenda, as well as the similarities to various activities known to have been performed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, World Health Organization, United Nations and other non-governmental (and governmental) organizations.”

“. . . the top 10 methods “they” are using to reduce human population down to a “manageable” amount, at which point those remaining (apparently including the heirs to the fortunes of those driving this bus) will all live in a “utopian society”.

Population Control and Official USG Policy (substack.com)

There are multiple ways to reduce population beyond what is shown on the 1969 Reduce U.S. Fertility chart:

-the promotion of transgenderism, another form of sterilization,

-child trafficking, a means to destroy the body and the mind,

– open the southern border allowing in tuberculosis,

-open the southern border allowing in fentanyl, criminals, and terrorists to have their way with us,


-sending cluster bombs to Ukraine,

-cashless bail in Democrat cities allowing criminals to go and kill again,

-premeditated acts of terrorism such as COVID-19,

-create mRNA vaccines that have debilitating effects on fertility and deadly results,

-keep low-cost repurposed drugs, that are highly effective, from being used, e.g., Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin

-biological and chemical warfare perpetrated on the human race,

-creating fear porn about a climate catastrophe so that couples won’t consider having children.

Among the many other de-populating-the world projects, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is working to discourage private ownership of homes – “You’ll own nothing and be happy” ~ Whatever you do, don’t pass anything (home, farm, business) on to your children and keep the fertility cycle going. Besides, you’ll be a nomad eating bugs and won’t have time to have children.

Jane Goodall

What do the elitists fear with increased population? Widespread hunger?

The massive amount of money going to Ukraine could be used instead to fund hunger relief projects across the globe. The Fauci grant money funding bioweapons research could be used to produce arable farming land. The billions in advertisement money going to cable news shows that lie to us could be redirected to feeding orphans and supporting inner city families.

What do the elitists fear with increased population? An increase in undesirable races and peoples?

“Arguing whether we have under or overpopulation is unhelpful and distracting when, in reality, there is very little we can do to influence population growth. Worse, these arguments often have racist, eugenicist undertones. Overpopulation arguments frequently originate in the global north and aim at reducing fertility in the global south (developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America), where the majority of the world’s black, brown, indigenous and multi-heritage people live.”

8 billion people: why trying to control the population is often futile – and harmful (theconversation.com)

What do the elitists fear with increased population? Human activity driving a climate crisis? Too many carbon footprints?

“As this short history of failed predictions reveals, prominent environmentalists have been using fears of famine and ecological disaster to promote a population-control agenda for many years. Recent claims that man-made global warming might be yet another disaster to be laid at the feet of population growth are no more credible.

“The Armageddon scenarios put forward by climate change alarmists are greatly exaggerated. Even if global population growth had not slowed, the human impact on climate has simply been too small to reliably measure against background variation. Further, the net impact of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is expected to be a positive for at least the next century. The benefits of modest warming – on crops, heating expenses, human health, and more – exceed the costs by a wide margin.”

Research & Commentary: Climate Change Is Not a Valid Argument for Population Control – The Heartland Institute

The Killing Fields – a short history of population control based on fear of the other

Sir Francis Galton coined the term “eugenics” in 1883 which inspired fear of “race degeneration” in countries like Germany, which infamously applied many of Galton’s theories to their master race ideologies under Nazi rule.

1975-1975. The Khmer Rouge regime murdered hundreds of thousands of their perceived political opponents. Its racist emphasis on national purity resulted in the genocide of Cambodian minorities. 1.8 million Cambodians is a conservative figure.

Population Control Then and Now:

India’s dark history of sterilisation – BBC News

The Use of Forced Sterilisation as a Key Component of Population Policy: Comparative Case Studies of China, India, Puerto Rico and Singapore – Sam Rowlands, Pramod R. Regmi, 2022 (sagepub.com)

Population Control Behind UN’s Agenda 21 – The Heartland Institute


LISTEN: WEF contributor’s CHILLING metaverse idea for ‘USELESS PEOPLE’ – YouTube

“I strongly believe that given the technologies we are now developing, within a century or two at most, our species will disappear. I don’t think that in the end of the 22nd century, the Earth will still be dominated by Homo sapiens.” -Yuval Harari


“We get our meaning from the fact that we are made in God’s image, born with a free will to decide whether we will follow Him or follow the rest of the sheep who are following vain leaders, blind guides like Harari and Schwab, mere mortals who think they are smarter than everyone else when in fact they are pitiful human beings devoid of the discernment of God’s Holy Spirit. They are vacant souls, uttering silly human “hypotheses,” because they have no rudder to keep them on the path that leads to life, eternal life. All Harari can offer is hopelessness. Oh but he sounds so smart in delivering his dismal message.”

“This is where modern technocracy starts to resemble the old gnostic paganism where a certain elitist class of people have access to secret knowledge that the common folks just aren’t able to tap into.”

-Leo Hohmann

Yuval Noah Harari spills the beans: ‘We just don’t need the vast majority of the population’ – LeoHohmann.com


Survival of the Elitist: Adapt or Become Extinct

Harari: What Do We Do With The Useless Eaters? – YouTube

Yuval Harari and dehumanization via technology

Technology will make humans “meaningless and worthless”

“drugs and computer games” will keep people occupied

Yuval Harari, historian and futurist, gay Israeli and WEF advisor, @ 1:09:  keeping useless people happy with drugs and computer games

Population Control: History Of This Anti-Human Agenda – In The Tank #407 – YouTube

Population Control: History Of This Anti-Human Agenda – In The Tank #407 – The Heartland Institute

Population Control: History of This Anti-Human Agenda


The TRUTH about their secret globalist agenda (rumble.com)


Informed Dissent:

Remedy – The Truth About Vaccines Presents REMEDY

‘Serious Doubt’ Raised About COVID-19 Vaccine Safety After Forced Release of 15,000 Pages of Clinical Trial Data (theepochtimes.com)

Leaked Report Confirms Myocarditis Cases Spiked in US Military Following Forced COVID Shots – As Gateway Pundit Has been Reporting now for Over 2 Years | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Dr. David E. Martin – Covid Was An Act Of War Against The Human Race – London Real

“So how did this get so out of hand?

A handful of factors played in to the psychosis that led most of humanity into believing that what happened in early 2020 was worthy of the fastest rollup of power in human history, and has Congress up in arms strategizing on legislation to prevent the “next one,” surely via more centralization of power.”

The myth of a deadly Covid virus strain (dossier.today)

The Flu did not disappear, it was simply rebranded as Covid. With further commentary from the longtime lead scientist of the CDC’s molecular diagnostic laboratory.

How the Flu “disappeared” during Covid (dossier.today)

Govt. Study: Flu Shots Not Effective in Elderly–Potentially Deadly | Sharyl Attkisson

Rand Paul: “Bill Gates Is Largest Funder Of Trying To Find Viruses In Caves And Bring Them To Big Cities” – Summit News

“. . . what we discovered in the process is that they weren’t pure mRNA. They actually had a lot of DNA in the background.”

The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery ⋆ Brownstone Institute

12ft | Nolte: NY Times Reports Coronavirus Deaths Overcounted by 30% … on Paragraph 17

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