“an issue of evil – pure evil”

“I was a stranger and you . . . you treated me like chattel.”

Legal immigrants come to the U.S. to better their circumstances. Many immigrants entering the U.S. illegally are doing so for the same reason.

And, there are those illegal immigrants seeking new circumstances for their nefarious deeds. Pedophiles, rapists, drug dealers, MS-13 gang members, and terrorists also want in.

And the sick:

The CDC specifically cites the possibility of the cross-border movement of HIV, measles, pertussis, rubella, rabies, hepatitis A, influenza, tuberculosis, shigellosis and syphilis. Chris Cabrera, a Border Patrol agent in South Texas, warned: “What’s coming over into the U.S. could harm everyone. We are starting to see scabies, chickenpox, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections and different viruses.” Some of the youngsters illegally entering our country are known to be carrying lice and suffering from various illnesses. Because there have been no medical examinations of undocumented immigrants, we have no idea how many are carrying infectious diseases that might endanger American children when these immigrants enter schools across our nation.

Talking about the realities of illegal immigration is not fear-mongering or xenophobia. Who and what is crossing the border affects everyone (except for a small minority who live in gated communities, e.g., Fort Pelosi, Washington D.C.) The effect of open borders will be coming to a town near you. In fact, the venal thinking behind open borders has already migrated into our lives.

The Democrats passage of H.R. 1 is an assault on humanity. From voting to gender to increased taxes, H.R. 1 imposes a Progressive ideology on America. HR 1 reveals the Hideous Strength underlying “the most progressive bill in U.S. history”.

Along with H.R.1, an open borders policy will bring about a dilution of Judeo-Christian values in America. Values will be then be reconstituted to that which Big Brother Tech ordains and enforces through dependency.

Humanity is threatened by the evil attached to policies. As always, there are government policies which slow the spread of evil and there are policies that rapidly deploy evil. The stolen 2020 election fostered the latter.

With the construction of the wall and a wait-in-Mexico policy among others, the previous administration throttled the flow of illegal immigration. The many deleterious effects of unbridled illegal immigration (e.g., human trafficking) that we are seeing today were held in check.

 The current “border crisis”, acknowledged by those involved except for the Biden administration, is growing exponentially. The reason?

The Biden administration, via EOs, canceled the previous administration’s policies. Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki spins the canceling EOs to the world as moral high ground.

What you won’t hear from Press Secretary Jen Psaki is that the massive inflow of illegal immigrants is the low-cost labor force that Globalist’s require. To compete in the world market of consumerism, a cheaper labor force is required to sustain profits and their vision of a techno-utopia.

Allowing an incursion of illegal immigrants is hawked by a mawkish Christianity as compassionate. But what is happening is not humane. It is not Christian. To wit: the hardest hit by lower wages and a massive labor pool are the minorities – Blacks and Hispanics. But that is of no concern to Globalists and the virtue signalers they encourage.

Rather, the open border policy is diabolical, evil. Illegal immigrants are being used by Globalists including the Catholic church Globalists to shore up their Globalist agenda. That agenda first and foremost is the Great Reset – a dehumanized mankind made to service and accommodate centralized power. The Communist Chinese party is a prime example of this agenda in action.

The Globalist Elite need minions – blissfully ignorant and pliable “proles” – to grow the P in their P&L and to sustain a techno-utopia. That is why you will hear Progressives, secular and religious, pushing for open borders and illegal immigration. The Biden regime is now Executive-ordering the takeover and repurposing of humanity.

Biden, called the “Migrant President” by the very concerned president of Mexico, is actually the Human Trafficking President.

The cartels will literally tell these people, ‘If you have a minor with you we’ll give you a lower price of $3,200,’” he told War Room, Friday. “’We’ll give you safe passage.’”

On top of child smuggling, “we have all these pedophiles, rapists, and kidnappers being released into the United States,” Hernadez said. “This is not a Republican issue, not a Democrat issue.

This is an issue of evil.

Cartels Are Selling Children for $3,200 at Biden’s Open Border – Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

If they don’t pay their debt then the cartel has the information about where they’re going, but more importantly, they have the information on their families in home countries,” Jones said. “From there, they can start the threats and hold them accountable through debt bondage, a form of human trafficking. Either pay or we’re going to come after your family.

Overwhelmed Mexican Alien-Smuggling Cartels Use Wristband System to Bring Order to Business (cis.org)

The Mexican government is concerned that President Biden’s asylum policies are encouraging illegal immigration and providing revenue to drug cartels through human trafficking across the US border.

Mexico says Biden asylum policies boost illegals, cartels (nypost.com)

Should the administration fail to address the weaknesses in U.S. law that serve as a magnet drawing foreign nationals to enter the United States illegally, I will be writing a lot more about recoveries of human remains, rather than rescues of migrants in distress. I don’t want to.

An unnamed Mexican official recently quoted in Reuters stated: “Migrants have become a commodity” for smuggling gangs. “But if a packet of drugs is lost in the sea, it’s gone. If migrants are lost, it’s human beings we’re talking about.” That is eminently self-evident.

Simply telling migrants “[t]hey need — they need to wait”, as Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas did on March 1, is not a deterrent, or a life-saving strategy. In fact it’s not a strategy at all.

Do Biden’s Border Policies Now Have a ‘Body Count’? (cis.org)

The Migrant Crisis Isn’t Just At The Border, It Stretches To Central America (thefederalist.com)

The Biden Administration Is Releasing COVID Positive Illegal Aliens into the United States by Katie Pavlich (townhall.com)

“Episode_7946 Biden is the President Of Human Trafficking”.

By Day 48, Biden’s White House Had Made Major Progress in Destroying America. (thenationalpulse.com)

Totalitarianism is a “Critical to Society” Disease

The things I had read in Orwell’s 1984, I deemed were true in a world of facile resistance.

Orwell’s 1984 has become Orwell’s 2021.

If you watch the mainstream media you would get the impression from the case numbers, positivity rates, death tickers and PSAs it presents that the Pandemic apocalypse is upon us. You will also get the impression that you had better do what you are told – stay home, don’t gather, wear a mask, get a vaccine – or else you will die or cause another’s death or be arrested or fined or your neighbor will turn you in and the COVID Stasi will come to your house and take you away.

The doctors in the videos below present a powerful antidote to the hype, misinformation and fear-mongering that is being used to remove our freedom and to control us – “the virus of truth.”.

“The lockdown has caused more harm than the virus.”

“Stand up to the Satanic theory imposed on the world.”

“No need for fear”

“You can take off the mask.”

“We see no evidence of a medical pandemic… .it looks like a plan-demic.”

“…remove the politicians who are doing more harm than good.”

“Somebody’s worried because we are telling the truth.”

“The media is the virus.”

h/t, see the video above @ Stop World Control: PROOF that the pandemic was planned with a purpose… (stopworldcontrol.com)

Thanks to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) their bioweapon “gain of function” experiment was released in the world. The CCP is responsible for the lives lost.

Pandemic, Wuhan, Dr. Yan

Globalists (big-tech oligarchs, big pharma, corporations, Wall street, media, etc.) are taking advantage of the pandemic. Their “gain of function” experiment with a Public Health Crisis is meant to produce the Great Reset of economies and social and world order.

‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’ Dr. James Fetzer (You will want to read what’s on this link.)

Totalitarianism is a Critical to Society Disease

Related Links:

Doctors for Truth: Tens of Thousands Medical Professionals Suing and Calling for End to COVID Tyranny (humansarefree.com)

640 Doctors Claim that “COVID-19 is a Global Scam” (featured.tv)

Added 1-17-2021:

You will want to see the video at the link below. You are being warned by medical doctors against receiving the vaccine. Doctors are being intimidated and arrested for speaking out.



[Dr. Ari] Joffe has authored a peer-review academic paper titled COVID-19: Rethinking the Lockdown Groupthink that finds the repercussion harms caused by the COVID lockdowns are ten-times greater than any benefit that can be perceived.

Canadian Doctor: The “Cure” for Covid is Roughly Ten Times Worse Than the Disease

Added 1-28-2021:

I will not take the vaccine. Here’s why …

Dr. Dolores Cahill, professor of molecular genetics, School of Medicine at University College Dublin, and chairwoman of Irish Freedom Party: