Totalitarianism is a “Critical to Society” Disease

The things I had read in Orwell’s 1984, I deemed were true in a world of facile resistance.

Orwell’s 1984 has become Orwell’s 2021.

If you watch the mainstream media you would get the impression from the case numbers, positivity rates, death tickers and PSAs it presents that the Pandemic apocalypse is upon us. You will also get the impression that you had better do what you are told – stay home, don’t gather, wear a mask, get a vaccine – or else you will die or cause another’s death or be arrested or fined or your neighbor will turn you in and the COVID Stasi will come to your house and take you away.

The doctors in the videos below present a powerful antidote to the hype, misinformation and fear-mongering that is being used to remove our freedom and to control us – “the virus of truth.”.

“The lockdown has caused more harm than the virus.”

“Stand up to the Satanic theory imposed on the world.”

“No need for fear”

“You can take off the mask.”

“We see no evidence of a medical pandemic… .it looks like a plan-demic.”

“…remove the politicians who are doing more harm than good.”

“Somebody’s worried because we are telling the truth.”

“The media is the virus.”

h/t, see the video above @ Stop World Control: PROOF that the pandemic was planned with a purpose… (

Thanks to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) their bioweapon “gain of function” experiment was released in the world. The CCP is responsible for the lives lost.

Pandemic, Wuhan, Dr. Yan

Globalists (big-tech oligarchs, big pharma, corporations, Wall street, media, etc.) are taking advantage of the pandemic. Their “gain of function” experiment with a Public Health Crisis is meant to produce the Great Reset of economies and social and world order.

‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’ Dr. James Fetzer (You will want to read what’s on this link.)

Totalitarianism is a Critical to Society Disease

Related Links:

Doctors for Truth: Tens of Thousands Medical Professionals Suing and Calling for End to COVID Tyranny (

640 Doctors Claim that “COVID-19 is a Global Scam” (

Added 1-17-2021:

You will want to see the video at the link below. You are being warned by medical doctors against receiving the vaccine. Doctors are being intimidated and arrested for speaking out.



[Dr. Ari] Joffe has authored a peer-review academic paper titled COVID-19: Rethinking the Lockdown Groupthink that finds the repercussion harms caused by the COVID lockdowns are ten-times greater than any benefit that can be perceived.

Canadian Doctor: The “Cure” for Covid is Roughly Ten Times Worse Than the Disease

Added 1-28-2021:

I will not take the vaccine. Here’s why …

Dr. Dolores Cahill, professor of molecular genetics, School of Medicine at University College Dublin, and chairwoman of Irish Freedom Party:

Under the Cover of Crisis

For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. -Jesus, Mark 4:22

I ain’t blind and I don’t like what I think I see. – Takin’ it to the Streets, The Doobie Brothers

“Moreover, he knew nothing yet well enough to see it: you cannot see things till you know roughly what they are.” –C.S. Lewis, The Space Trilogy

Having trouble seeing things today? Do you “know roughly what they are” – the dark forces at work in the world today? You and I should know them well enough to see to them for what they are – opportunists of evil. To wit, opportunist evil doers act according to the following scheme:

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. – Former Chicago Mayor and Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel

You hear and read about these opportunists every day. Ruling class elites, tech giant CEOs, Fortune 500 CEOs, Democrat pols, mainstream icons and gatekeepers – globalists all. They are the gods. We are the peons. They look down on us. They want us to look up and pray “Thy elite will be done on earth as it is boardrooms, college classrooms and political backrooms.”

The crisis has presented an opportunity. Social engineering. The globalist elites are testing the resistance of people to a One World authority. They are doing this under the rubric of mitigating a “public health crisis.” Healthy political and social immune systems are being worn down.

You know what the evil opportunists are doing. Power is being transferred from the people to the state. State licensing is gutting small business with threats of revocation. Wealth is being transferred from the middle class to the wealthy (who do not bear the financial brunt of the lockdowns). Civil liberties are being trashed. People are being forced to kneel to the will of the state. The state had help from evil opportunists – sheep in wolves’ clothing -to make it all-powerful.

Globalist health organizations (the CDC, the WHO, and the NIH) are lockdown enablers. (see video below)

The Progressive state media (the NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News) are re-educating the masses. The public is now being subjected to a 24/7 exposure to case numbers, positivity rates, death tickers and PSAs. The useful idiots of these media orgs want you to believe that contracting COVID-19 is a death sentence.

You will not find reported the number of those who have recovered (the word on the street is 99.9%). You will not find the number of cases to mortality rate reported. You will not find year over year mortality rates and causation. The latter was analyzed, graphed and posted on the internet only to be quickly retracted and removed  “The article may have contributed to the spread of misinformation about COVID-19.” You and I are not allowed the whole truth.

The following quote is from the posted Johns Hopkins News-Letter A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19

The CDC classified all deaths that are related to COVID-19 simply as COVID-19 deaths. Even patients dying from other underlying diseases but are infected with COVID-19 count as COVID-19 deaths. This is likely the main explanation as to why COVID-19 deaths drastically increased while deaths by all other diseases experienced a significant decrease.

In other words, COVID-19 death counts replaced ‘typical’ causes of death counts. You and I are being manipulated by the media and health organizations.

The article noted that “in contrast to most people’s assumptions, the number of deaths by COVID-19 is not alarming. In fact, it has relatively no effect on deaths in the United States.” You and I are to be terrified and run into the arms of globalists. They are the gods who will save us.

(I am 68. I am not concerned about contracting the virus. If I do, my body will deal with it. My body will build immunity to the virus. I will not be taking the vaccine. In liberal parlance, “MY BODY, MY CHOICE!”

I am not a science denier. I am an engineer.  I am also a Christian. I put my life in the hands of God and not in the hands of fortune-telling scientists who are subjects of Lucifer.)

You and I should know the evil opportunists well enough to see to them for what they are. Social media publishers are like the wardens of Europe:

“The blunt fact is that most Europeans have freedom of speech at the discretion of their governments.” Molly McCann, The Big Tech Occupation – The American Mind

As you are aware, there has been election fraud. Our Republic is now in crisis. Per Rahm’s tactic, media has taken control of free speech to manipulate your understanding of the crisis. Social media curators will edit you out. That is, if you post evidence of election fraud or about the communist china-compromised Biden family. Then, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube will ban you at their discretion. This is how censorship happens in a free-speech Republic. Media (and government) take control of free speech during a crisis. They publish their narrative – “consensus.”

Your evidence, opinions, values, and beliefs are stripped from their naked public square. Your voice is de-valued just as Democrats had no problem disenfranchising your vote with election fraud. Social media publishers have no problem dismissing election fraud evidence just as the mainstream media says “nothing to see here, move on”.

As you know, social media platforms have no problem inviting you into their world. They have commercial and political purposes. But you enter their world. You may be considered a virus if you don’t say the things that agree with their body politic. They may quarantine you. To remain in their world, you must be inoculated. The GroupThink vaccine works to inure one against the negative effects of censorship. The GroupThink vaccine causes one to react against actual journalism.

(A conservative blog was recently ‘de-platformed’ by WordPress for unknown ‘content’ violation. Questioning things and offering a countervailing opinion is apparently a ‘content’ violation. Is my WordPress blog next?)

Do you see the thinking behind censorship? It’s the logical relation of Orwell and Protagoras: some men are more the measure of all things.

You don’t need to be a Christian to be concerned about what is happening though. Big Tech tyranny must be stopped at all costs. The only way for that to happen is for us to exit their data silos and digital panopticons. – Then They Came for Christians: A Warning

You and I should be aware. Globalist-driven social media sites push to “obtain the future we want.” In other words, they want utopia. They curate to fashion the collective story of pluralism and peace. They promote the Great Reset.

While most of the ordinary citizenry are languishing in government-created poverty due to the mandatory shutdowns, the pompous Davos elites are busy exploiting the pandemic as an opportunity to push their Marxist agenda on everyone else. –What Is “The Great Reset”?

I have heard opportunist evil doers blame President Trump for pandemic deaths. Why? Globalists connected with China don’t want you to point a finger at China. A media narrative was created to deflect blame.

You should listen to this whistleblower! Chinese ophthalmologist and virologist Dr. Lei Meng Yan put the lie to the Communist Chinese Party’s propaganda: the virus exists in nature; the nature origin theory. Her white paper (below) shows that the virus was generated by the CCP. The virus is a weapon.

Note: Dr. Yan has fled China. Her mother, still in China, has been arrested. The CCP is very angry with Dr. Yan.

“The scientific evidence and records indicate that the current pandemic is not a result of accidental release of gain-of-function product but a planned attack using an Unrestricted Bioweapon. The current pandemic therefore should be considered as a result of Unrestricted Biowarfare.” From the paper SARS-CoV-2 Is an Unrestricted Bioweapon: A Truth Revealed through Uncovering a Large Scale, Organized Scientific Fraud & @ 15:28 in the video below.

Near the end of the above video (@21:00), a question is asked: “Why is there hesitancy in the science community …ten months into this, why does it take you Dr. Yan, to report on a bioweapon?”

There is a reason why there is a hesitancy in the “silence” community. In the next video, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in biological engineering, talks about crisis opportunists. Big pharma and those in cahoots with them are pushing a vaccine mandate. You will find out why. Note: there are effective drugs already available, i.e., Ivermectin.

Did you know that Archbishop Viganò sent an open letter to President Trump about the globalist takeover? Here is an excerpt:

The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups.

full text: Archbishop Viganò’s Open Letter to President Trump: GREAT RESET – Taylor Marshall

Under cover of crisis evil opportunists are becoming ascendant. The billionaire aristocracy, the technocrats, oligarchs and the “dark green” religionists are moving into place. The rich globalists and their foundations are setting up state capitalism and totalitarian control. You are to be serfs and worker bees in their programs.

Did you know? The growing resistance to globalism is not about Trump. It is not about populism. It is not about Republicans and Democrats. We are fighting against evil opportunists and the dark spiritual forces that employ them. Everyone who loves freedom, including the Chinese diaspora, is resisting. Join the fight. The world is watching.

Evil is crouching at the door. Arm yourself with the sword of the spirit – the word of God. (and check out these sites to avoid the globalist narrative and censorship.)

Citizen Free Press


The National Pulse

Populist Press

Real America’s Voice

One America News

The Epoch Times

Alternate social media site:


Alternate video site:


Added 12-16-2020:

Made in China

No more suppressing the truth, no more controlling the narrative…. China has caused coronavirus the deaths.

Josh Phillips of The Epoch Times w/a documentary about the CCP Wuhan virus, a synthetic (not naturally mutated) virus designed for cross species transmission.