Choose Your Advent

We have entered a time to reflect on incarnational reality – the presence of God both with us and within us.

The Nativity by Gari Melchers

With awe we marvel at the birth of Jesus and the reversal of power. God humbly took on the appearance of man and became man’s servant.

We remember our own birth from above which opened our eyes to the reality of the kingdom of God on earth. Two realms – heaven-and-earth – together in our temple being.

We now acknowledge that new creation poured into well-worn no longer flexible ways of religion that have stretched to the limit and become brittle will be lost in the process. New wine needs new wine skins, for new wineskins are able to expand by grace as needed.

And we admit that the inappropriateness of trying to redeem things with a new unshrunk patch of legalism will cause more damage than what it attempts to fix.

We accept that new creation means the renewal of the present world rather than its abandonment and replacement by some other kind of world altogether.

We retell the course of events before Advent and the promises fulfilled.

We contemplate ultimate purposes and ultimate or final things.

We acknowledge the darkness that surrounds us and remains with us. We turn once again to the True Light that defies the darkness. We light candles and say “The Light of Christ”.

We sing “Joy to the World” with the longing and expectation of the world being put right with the return of the King as he establishes his reign of justice, mercy and peace.

But hold on. I wonder what sort of advent we’ve fallen into.

Recall this advent advert?

“The Great “Reset”, nee “Build Back Better”, is the scheduled advent of a man-made new world order and, we are told, a “better future”. Should we hope that with this advent things will be put right? Will the “The Great “Reset” bring joy to the world? Will it bring justice, mercy and peace? Will it bring relief from the burdens of life? So far, the Build Back Better Plan/Inflation Reduction Act has created more burdens.

Will the arrival of “The Great “Reset” bring peace on earth, goodwill toward men? Or will it, like critical theory and The Accuser, constantly find fault and offer no hope of forgiveness and redemption? Will it promote more ill will, division, and hate?

Will the arrival of “The Great “Reset” advance beauty and truth and goodness? Or will we recoil in horror at its manifestation? Will it be antihuman? Will it be Beastly?

With the arrival of “The Great “Reset” will the darkness that surrounds us now increase? Human forces and agencies were not able to contain the Gerasene demoniac.

What is the telos of “The Great “Reset”? Will it be like the kingdom of God on earth which turns everything upside down – power, privilege and wealth. Or, will it promote a world where the loudest, strongest, wealthiest, and most privileged people prey on the less fortunate.  Will it be the Californication of America?

Will the arrival of “The Great “Reset” be good news that will cause great joy for all the people? Or, will this advent be the start of a countdown to the collapse and the end of the world? Will human trafficking end? Will drug trafficking end? Will justice be blind? Will depression and suicides decrease? Will it be a time of depopulation?

Herod the king, in his raging,
Chargèd he hath this day
His men of might in his own sight
All young children to slay.
-Coventry Carol

Will the arrival of “The Great “Reset” mean that the meek, the mournful, and the merciful are held in contempt so the rest of the world can have the “right” to ease and comfort?

Should we hope that with the advent of the New World Order that things will be put right? Should we expect justice, mercy and peace? Or should we expect pseudo-justice, pseudo-mercy and pseudo-peace in the form of pseudo-religion? Socialist activist and communist party leader in Italy Antonio Gramsci is one of many who promoted the latter:

“Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. … In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches, and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.”

Do you want the infiltration of schools, universities, churches, and the media and the transformation of the consciousness of society in the New World Order? Have you already joined this religion? What sort of advent have you fallen into?

Maybe you should take a look at the advent of the man-made New World Order:

Here’s the best summary video I’ve seen of the advent of the NWO and what is coming for you, me, and our children and grandchildren. It begs the questions “Why was I born at this time?” and “Which advent do I choose?”

To put things right, per a globalist worldview, the UN has an 2030 goal agenda. The virtuous-sounding goals touch on and seek to monitor and control, through digital technology, every aspect of human life for a “better world”. But, DO NOT Be Fooled!

To exist in the UN’s 2030 NWO society, people will have to submit their biometrics to the digital industrial complex. Each will be assigned a digital carbon footprint identity to monitor and control their behavior. Freedom, human agency and human dignity will be a thing of the past. Religions will be replaced with materialism.

Digital socialism and communism with centralized assets and resources will ration out resources to each person deemed socially responsible. The world court, world police, and the world health organization will control everyone via digital currency and digital IDs.

UN’s 2030 agenda goals:

The oldest liturgical prayer that we know: “Come, Lord Jesus!”

This advent, you can either pray the incarnational prayer “Come, Lord Jesus!” or the Globalist prayer “Come, Klaus Schwab!”



“Most people, I believe, do not comprehend the way in which each of us is inevitably caught up in what theologian Ched Myers has called the “war of myths” – a battle of overarching stories that claim to explain life (what it’s about, where it’s going, and what its purpose is).” – Iain Proven, retied E. Marshall Shepherd Professor of Biblical Studies (Old Testament) at Regent College.

The contemporary world has been shaped in part by two important and potent myths. Karl Jaspers’ ‘axial age’ myth as narrated by Karen Armstrong and others and the myth of the ‘dark green golden age’ as narrated by David Suzuki and others. Both myths contend that to maintain balance we must return to the idealized past. In this lecture, Iain Provan engages critically with both myths, explaining why we should not embrace them and why it matters if we do. This was recorded at the University of British Columbia Graduate and Faculty Christian Forum.

A Critical Examination of Two Myths That Drive Culture: The Axial Age | Regent Audio

Iain Provan Examines Two Cultural Mythologies | ubcgcu

A Critical Examination of Two Myths – Iain Proven


Tucker’s opening monologue:

“We have a ruling class in the United States defined by its hatreds. Not its loves, not its hopes, but by its hatreds. They hate all kinds of people, large groups of people: the deplorables, the bitter clingers, America’s entire blue-collar population, the unfashionable people. They’re hated by the people who run our country.

But no one is hated more by them than a man called Alex Jones.”

Tucker Carlson Drops Must-See Interview With Alex Jones (


Defying the dark

Neil Oliver: ‘…this year, of all years, it matters to defy the darkness in every way you can’ 

Neil Oliver: ‘…this year, of all years, it matters to defy the darkness in every way you can’ – YouTube


Informed Dissent:

“I thought about safety, security, good jobs, good education — all that stuff is very important to my family and my community,” she recalled. “And when I broke down those values between Democrats and Republicans, to me it was obvious who stood up for my values.”

Why black, Latino and Asian voters are leaving Democratic Party (


(Nov. 19, 2023) A groundbreaking study by Drs. Denis RancourtMarine Baudin and Jérémie Mercier found 17 million people died worldwide after the Covid “vaccine” rollout.

“We calculate the toxicity of the vaccine for all ages,” explained Dr. Rancourt, “given the number of doses given worldwide to conclude that 17 million people would have been killed by this vaccine.”

Staggering 17 Million Deaths After Covid Vaccine Rollout -Drs. Denis Rancourt, Marine Baudin & Jérémie Mercier – Bright Light News

The paper is based on 17 countries in the Southern Hemisphere and equatorial region. A definite causal link is shown between many peaks in all-cause mortality and rapid vaccine rollouts. The authors quantify the fatal toxicity risk per injection, which is exceedingly large in the most elderly.

COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere – CORRELATION (


The peer-reviewed study, published in the journal Epidemiology and Infection on Nov. 13, analyzed mask use among 3,209 individuals from Norway. Researchers followed them for 17 days, and then asked the participants about their use of masks. The team found that there was a higher incidence of testing positive for COVID-19 among people who used masks more frequently.

Higher Incidence of COVID-19 Found Among Consistent Mask-Wearers: Study | The Epoch Times


Between 2021 and 2022 when most of the now-fully vaccinated world got jabbed, cancer deaths skyrocketed, particularly among young people, according to data from the United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Government data shows young people now dying of cancer at “explosive” rates following COVID vaccine push –


Build Back Better’s Good News, so far:

The Next Few Minutes

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

― Zbigniew Brzezinski, 1970 quote from Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era

A totally controlled society will arrive in the next few minutes. It will be made possible by advanced digital technology that asserts “almost continuous surveillance over every citizen” and maintains “up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen”. Authoritarians will take what we have allowed and use it for their purposes.

“There will come a time when it isn’t ‘They’re spying on me through my phone’ anymore. Eventually, it will be ‘My phone is spying on me’.”

― science fiction author Philip K. Dick

Biometrics, facial recognition systems, eye sensors and voice scanners record and track our unique physical characteristics. We have allowed our personal data and privacy to be plundered with our use of Smartphones, Smart home technology, and telemetrics in our cars. Smart devices are designed to interact with their environment using context awareness.

Context-awareness is a system or system component’s ability to gather information about its environment at any given time and adapt behaviors accordingly. Cameras, microphones and Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) receivers, radar and LIDAR sensors are all potential sources of data for context-aware computing. A context-aware system may gather data through these and other sources and respond according to pre-established rules or through computational intelligence.”

Note the last bit. “Computational intelligence” is AI or “Artificial Intelligence” (Thank you Kamala Harris!).

Digital gizmos, marketed to the end user as a means of greater control, convenience, and increased productivity and efficiency, will be used by a centralized system that is contextually aware of the end user and will “respond according to pre-established rules or through “computational intelligence.”

The “more controlled society” will be here in the next few minutes. Our individual privacy will be obliterated in the next few minutes. Smart devices will turn on us. Our future is being programmed for us. The digital controlling apparatus – a Big Brother police state with “pre-established rules” – is being completed as I write this.

Why isn’t any of this all over the news? Why aren’t we hearing about FedNow and the July launch of the central bank digital currency infrastructure? Why aren’t we hearing about 15-minute cities and social credit scoring systems like what is being used in Communist China? Why aren’t we hearing about being controlled with digital currency, digital IDs, biometric IDs, facial recognition, biased AI, and one’s internet history? Isn’t the media supposed to be exposing what is actually going on?

“The way things are supposed to work is that we’re supposed to know virtually everything about what they [the government] do: that’s why they’re called public servants. They’re supposed to know virtually nothing about what we do: that’s why we’re called private individuals.”

― Glenn Greenwald

Is what I am saying science fiction? Alarmism? Conspiracy theory?

“. . . a beast of a system is quietly being built that will be used to surveil humanity, severely limit human freedom, and coerce and control human behavior. This is not an isolated pet project by a handful of bad actors; it’s a coordinated movement to control and weaponize our data.”- They’re constructing the perfect beast: Who is able to make war with him? | Stand for Health Freedom (See pdf article below.)

In the next few minutes our world will be reconstructed and restricted with digital technology. Human dignity will be reduced to data bits and bytes. We are entering a new era of dehumanization – digital dehumanization.

You will definitely want to watch the videos below so you are informed and so you can take precautions. And so you can tell your representatives, with specific knowledge, that you do not consent to a digital takeover of your life.


On Wednesday, July 26, 2023 I attended webinar Two Sides of the Same Coin –
Digital IDs and CBDC.

“WASHINGTON — In June, the WHO announced it is looking to adopt the European Union’s Digital COVID Vaccine Certificate (EU DCC) model for its proposed “Global Digital Health ID” as part of the new pandemic treaty. Furthermore, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is beavering away on a plan to establish a global Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) which when combined with a Global Digital ID will transform the way the international, national, state, and local economies function; enable non-representative, unaccountable, centralized, global governance; and promote the establishment of a social credit score like that oppressing citizens in Communist China.

Already in Europe, many of the proposed policies in the text are being rolled out by public health agencies and institutions. For example, the use of a “European Digital ID,” initially intended to track COVID vaccine status is rapidly expanding — and becoming mandatory — for many services like banking and transportation.”

Webinar | Two Sides of the Same Coin: Digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currency (

Co-Host and Moderator

Frank Gaffney, Executive Chairman of the Center for Security Policy; Vice-chair for the Committee on the Present Danger: China; Host, Securing America with Frank Gaffney on RAV, and author of “The Indictment: Prosecuting the Chinese Communist Party and Friends for Crimes Against America, China, and the World”

Co-Host and Panelist

Reggie Littlejohn, Esq., President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, Co-Chair of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force; Member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China, Graduate of Yale Law School.
— TOPIC: Trapped in the Digital Gulag by Digital IDs and CBDCs


Nick Corbishley, Journalist, Author of “Scanned: Why Vaccine Passports and Digital IDs Will Mean the End of Privacy and Personal Freedom”
— TOPIC: Digital IDs, A Prerequisite for CBDCs

Kevin Freeman, Host of “Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman”; President, National Security Investment Consultants Institute; author, “Secret Weapon”, “Game Plan,” “According to Plan,” and “Pirate Money: Discovering the Founders’ Plan for Economic Justice and Defeating the Great Reset” (soon to be released).
— TOPIC: Disrupting CBDC with the money used by Pirates

Leo Hohmann, Veteran Investigative Reporter; Author, “Stealth Invasion”; Contributor, FrontPage Magazine, LifeSite News, Zero Hedge, the Drudge Report, Technocracy.News, Canada Free Press, Global Research, The Gateway Pundit, World Net Daily
— TOPIC: The Beast System Is Coming Whether You Want It Or Not


Action>>>>Remind your lawmakers to protect your First Amendment right to free speech by signing Stand for Health Freedom’s petition at link below.

They’re constructing the perfect beast: Who is able to make war with him? | Stand for Health Freedom


Ownership in a Digital Economy. Nothing You Own is Really Yours. A Digital Kibbutz?

Have a Nice Future Podcast Nothing You Own is Really Yours

(Example to consider: new cars operate with telemetric software that is owned by the car company. Telemetric software monitors and controls the car. If globalists/WEF has its way with car companies, “15-minute cities” and Green Energy restrictions mean your car will not operate if you go beyond the boundaries set for you.)

Nothing You Own is Yours


“The New Agenda” / “Agenda 2030” coming to a phone near you!

All new Samsung Galaxy phones come pre-installed with the UN Agenda 2030 app.
“We are working on getting back on track for the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda” it says.
Time to stop buying Samsung phones.

Are you ready for “The New Agenda”? – by Peter Imanuelsen (

“The New Agenda” / “Agenda 2030” coming to a town near you!

Destruction of the environment and of life forms in the name of Climate Change comes from the UN Agenda 2030 that nobody voted for.

The Dutch government wants to seize 3000 farms to meet new climate goals.
Ireland plans on slaughtering 200 000 cows to meet new climate goals.

Immanentizing the eschaton:

Bill Gates push for DIGITAL ID with $1.27 billion donation to Agenda 2030 ”Global Goals” (


Who’s in control?

Puppet Masters of the Pandemic. Part 1: What Did The CIA Do in Wuhan?” (

The above is worldwide control. Below, a discussion about what’s going on in the U.S. – the CIA is a world power that is not accountable to congress or the citizens of our country. Topics include virus/vaccine control, de-population agenda, WEF, Henry Kissinger, and more.

Puppet Masters of the Pandemic: Part 2. How The CIA and Global Oligarchy are Building the New Normal (


Don’t wait. Start now. Do not relent…Tell your representatives today that you will not abide digital tyranny!
…Silence Is Assent.
…Compliance Is Consent.
…Cooperation Is Suicide.
…Obedience Is Cowardice.


Let’s take a close look at the Life Skills of the administrative state.

BROWNSBURG, Ind. — Four staffers at a Brownsburg elementary school, who investigators say told a 7-year-old student to eat his own vomit or failed to report the incident, have now been terminated or have resigned from their position with the school.

At a Brownsburg Community School Corporation meeting on Monday night, the school board approved the termination or resignation of four staffers involved in a lunchroom incident where a special-needs student was mistreated and subjected to eating his own puke.

According to court documents, the lunchroom incident occurred on Feb. 16, although the school said officials weren’t aware until the late evening of April 12.

According to the Brownsburg Police Department, Seymour advised a 7-year-old Life Skills student that, if he vomited, he would have to eat whatever he threw up.

The child, on a tray provided by Taylor, indeed vomited, at which point Kanipe provided the child with a spoon.

Brownsburg school staffers fired after 7-year-old student forced to eat his own vomit | Fox 59

BROWNSBURG, Ind. — A law firm representing the family of a 7-year-old special needs student who was told to eat his own vomit by school staff at Brown Elementary revealed that the student’s family wasn’t notified about the abuse until two months later when media reports shed light on the incident.

[Attorney Catherine Michael of Connell Michael Kerr LLP] said the family has only been provided limited information about the abuse but was shown a video that shows the child being provided a spoon by Debra Kanipe, a Life Skills instructional aide at Brown Elementary. In the video, both Kanipe and Sara Seymour, a Life Skills teacher, stand on each side of the student as the child is told to eat his own vomit off a lunch tray. (Emphasis mine.)

Brownsburg special needs student told to eat his own vomit by school staff (

“The 7-year-old student is challenged by autism, memory issues and communication, according to [Attorney] Michael.

Attorney hired by parents of Brown Elementary student |

The attorneys for the special needs student in Brownsburg say this whole situation is part of a much bigger problem.

You may remember the story of a seven-year-old boy at Brown Elementary School who police say was forced to eat his own vomit by two school staffers on February 16th, all while three others stood back and watched, never reporting the situation.

Attorneys for the family, Catherine Michael and Tammy Meyer, say this doesn’t surprise them and isn’t anything new.

“Special education abuse is actually becoming far more common,” says Catherine Michael on WIBC’s Kendall and Casey show, “we’re talking about this case now, but Tammy and I have handled many cases where unfortunately, it’s not caught on camera.”

Attorneys for special needs Indiana student says abuse is a big problem | 95.3 MNC (

Radio interview of attorneys:

Kendall & Casey – 08/02/2023 on 93.1 WIBC (FM) Indianapolis

Catherine Michael & Tammy Meyer talk about Brownsburg Special Needs abuse case (1:03:20);

(Extra:  31:00:00 Mike Pence skewered)

Kendall & Casey – 08/02/2023 – YouTube



Informed Dissent:

COVID propaganda timeline, March-April 2020 (

The Unwitting Coup: Was the Response to COVID Effectively a Coup by the Western Intelligence Community? (

COVID-19 Vaccines and Informed Consent (

God help us:

NIH Appoints Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo as Replacement for Dr. Fauci as New Head of NIAID – Known Advocate for COVID Lockdowns, Vaccine and Mask Mandates, and Critic of Hydroxychloroquine | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Dr. Robert Malone explains to Grant Stinchfield why the Government is tracking Americans who do not have the Covid-19 vaccine.

How the Government is tracking Unvaxxed people — and Why (

Farage says small businesses that won’t go cashless are having accounts shut down – David Icke


Fundamental Trans-formation

WOW: Award-Winning Barack Obama Biographer Drops Several “Eyebrow-Raising” Claims About Ex-President in Interview Including that Obama FREQUENTLY Fantasized about Gay Sex to Former Girlfriend | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

Obama biographer: Barack ‘repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men’… – Revolver News


Climate Change Madness:

Climate Change Obsession Is a Real Mental Disorder – WSJ

The World Health Organization’s Climate Neurosis – WSJ

Bernie Sanders Now Asking DOJ to Prosecute People in the Fossil Fuel Industry for Dissenting on Climate Change | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

It Ain’t So Easy Being a Green – YouTube

Why EVs Are ‘Piling Up’ at Dealerships, Despite Massive Taxpayer Subsidies – Foundation for Economic Education (

“The globe is boiling! The globe is boiling!”

Earth just experienced its lowest temperature in 6 years.

The Concordia Research Station in Antarctica recorded a provisional low temperature of -117.76ºF (-83.2ºC) on July 25, marking the world’s lowest temperature in six years. 

ESG supports slavery.

“Ze humans are to blame.”

The Truth About the Left’s Climate Fearmongering – YouTube

What you don’t know won’t hurt you?

Wikipedia may delete entry on ‘mass killings’ under Communism due to claims of bias (

Note the media’s script . . .

Donald Trump’s Lawyer Handles Hostile Liberal Reporters with Pure Class – YouTube

A Flood of Devastating Disorder

It has been said by those who have gone on before us that in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. The Left, with its love of death and taxes and underworld ideology, have added to what is said to be certain: racism and climate change.

Racism’s certainty, as claimed by those who seek to benefit, is the Heart of Darkness inherent in all white people from time immemorial – a sweeping generalization that ignores vast accounts of reality. (Union troops killed in action: 110,000. Total dead: 360,000. Wounded: 275,200. And you need reparations? You need your head examined!)

As wielded by the Left, racism is that which does not accord with that which comes out of the Left’s mouth or pen. That is a well-documented documented certainty. A charge of racism is meant to silence dissent and to proclaim the above forgone conclusion. For, one is even deemed “racist” just for opening one’s mouth in utter disbelief upon hearing the Left speak.

Regarding the other certitude candidate, the Left is working the climate change apocalypse narrative up to a fever pitch of do-or-die certainty. Do what you are told or the world will end. This they know, for The Science tells them so. The media and classrooms are the Sunday Schools of the climate religion.

“Climate realists should gird their loins in preparation for the pending onslaught of stories in the mainstream media proclaiming this or that seasonal weather event is being enhanced by anthropogenic climate change to some degree somehow or other.

For the past two decades, every year as winter wanes and spring springs, the media has engaged in its contemporary rite of spring: climate fear.”

 – H. Sterling Burnett, PhD, [Fill in the Blank Climate Crisis] Season Is Here

The first day of spring this past week and, lo and behold, rain is forecasted. Heavy rains and flood warnings are noted for certain areas. Low lying areas, flood plains, areas close to existing water and sewer systems that cannot handle the runoff will see flooding, as expected.

TV viewers will again see pictures of flooded streets and videos of some reporter dude flapping his jaw in flapping rain gear in a flapping storm. No one likes flooding. Some have incurred it and have dealt with it. We can’t control weather but we can control what we do with the weather given us. But hold on! Climate bookies are telling us the stakes have been raised.

 “Never before extreme weather” is being forecasted based on the certainty of assumptions:

The hydrological cycle is expected to intensify with global warming, which likely increases the intensity of extreme precipitation events and the risk of flooding. (Emphasis mine)

How climate change is making record-breaking floods the new normal (

As global warming increases the likelihood for more extreme weather events to occur, risks will expand beyond the high-risk areas known today. More extreme flooding must be expected, and for the towns and cities where flooding has already occurred, theirs will no longer be a ‘once in a lifetime’ risk but now far more frequent. (Emphasis mine)

Climate change impact on flood and extreme precipitation increases with water availability | Scientific Reports (

Will the risk of flooding in your area soon be media-ascribed to an anthropogenic-caused risk level of RED based on the transmission of rain drops in your area? Anything is possible as we have seen with the COVID plandemic. Flatten the curve of that nonsense.

H. Sterling Burnett, PhD recommends that “when you see stories this year claiming climate change is causing an apocalypse of allergies, maple syrup disappearance, floods, hurricanes, drought, and wildfires, check the facts. It will make you feel better. The Heartland Institute provides the fully referenced data on these and other extreme weather trends at and”

Climate Change Weekly #465: [Fill in the Blank Climate Crisis] Season Is Here – The Heartland Institute

Here’s a podcast discussing green imperialism and what myopic climate activism does to poor

Manmade extreme flood conditions, not of the hydrologic kind, are upon us. Economic flood waters, digital flood waters and cultural flood waters are rising quickly around us. They are devasting in nature.

Economic Flood Waters:

Food costs, fuel costs, declining and stagnant wages, high interest rates, the inverted yield curve, and increasing levels of personal debt are some of the major indicators of the catastrophic effect of the reckless control of the economy.

The Fed is ‘trying’ to get the flood waters of inflation under control while the Biden regime along with Democrats and feckless Republicans are flooding the economy with massive inflationary spending. The $1.7 trillion Omnibus bill is the latest torrential rainfall. More dollars are chasing fewer goods. The dollar is being devalued. It makes perfect nonsense.

U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen and chair of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell are incompetent in their roles. They should never have been put into their respective positions.

When it comes to inflation incompetence, look no further than Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. In her powerful position, Ms. Yellen is supposed to advocate sound economic policies that help the American people. But when millions of hardworking families were struggling with out-of-control inflation not seen in 40 years, Ms. Yellen helped pave the way for the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which had nothing to do with reducing inflation. Even Paul Krugman at The New York Times admits: “The strategically misleadingly named Inflation Reduction Act is mainly a climate bill.”In Biden’s incompetent Cabinet, how has no one been fired or asked to resign? – Washington Times

Jerome Powell has no economic background. Both Yellen and Powell talk the talk as they are Washington insiders. They are also puppets of the Biden regime and that doesn’t bode well for Americans who are under water. And there’s this:

Growing Distrust Of Federal Reserve Heightens Concerns Of Incompetence (

The Federal Reserve is supposed to monitor the nation’s banks for risk. Is it up to the job? (

The same person who said “inflation is transitory” and later admitted that she was wrong is now saying “the banking system is sound” even though After SVB collapse, almost 190 new banks could fail, says new study (

From now on, moral hazard rules.

The End of Market Discipline for Banks – WSJ (

The people entrusted to secure the U.S. dollar and the financial system are incompetent and politically biased and that means that low and middle class people like you and me will be soon overwhelmed by the extreme financial events pouring out of bad decisions.

For people who are acutely aware of their debts, higher rates intensify the woes, said Ashley Agnew of Centerpoint Advisors in Needham, Mass. “It feels more like a punishment than an interest rate,” she said.

Fed hike: Here’s how much rates for credit cards, car loans and mortgages have jumped – MarketWatch

The following three screen shots from Data Visualization | The Biden Inflation Tracker | The Heritage Foundation:

Under the Biden regime . . .

All of the above financial flood waters didn’t have to rain down on us, but the Biden regime brought the devastating disorder of the green new deal upon us starting on day one: Biden executive orders: The 17 things Joe Biden did on Day One (

BIDEN ECONOMY: Federal Government Spending UP 40% Since 2019 as Inflation Soars and Recession Looms | The Gateway Pundit

Keep in mind: the people who are mishandling the economy and bringing about the managed decline of the country are some of the same people who call you names and want to control the climate.

Digital Flood Waters:

We immerse ourselves in digital streams. We own handheld devices for texting, paying, playing, watching and talking. We are walking data streams. And driving data streams.

Late model cars have digital tracking. It’s there for “roadside assistance” and to track your wear and tear on the car. Drive Safe & Save type apps used to monitor your driving habits and to automatically record trips. The app will give you feedback about your acceleration, braking corner, speeding and distracted driving. The insurance company rewards you (premium discount) for being enrolled in their data stream.

Panera Bread to Introduce Palm Scanners Next Month that Will Store its Customers’ Biometric Data for its Loyalty Program and Cashless Payment | The Gateway Pundit

Biometric screening at airports is spreading fast, but some fear the face-scanning systems (

To Enjoy an “Easier and Better Life With Smart Home Devices” we buy smart TVs, smart appliances, smart thermostats, smart cameras, smart locks, smart security systems, smart speakers, etc. etc. We are embedded in data streams and may have them embedded in us. And that’s a problem.

There are enormous risks in involved with online data. For example, at the end of last year I learned that the company I had been working for had received a ransomware attack. I received a letter from the company saying that my personal information had been stolen. The company set me up with a credit monitoring company but my personal information is out there in the cyber underworld.

There are home title thieves who can go online and steal your title and leave you holding enormous debt and no title.

On the receiving end of your data are people and/or AI systems monitoring you. Neither consider you a person. You are a data stream that for one, can be monetized and for another can be controlled to be the perfect consumer. You already know this and go along with it with every click.

So, you should know that when the Fed comes out with Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and replaces physical cash, your whole life will then be a data stream not under your control.

Your purchases of food and gas, of everything, will be monitored and controlled by ESG AI algorithms who don’t give a hoot about you and your situation. A social credit system will be employed to the end that you will be made to submit to whatever the gods of this world decide atop the DAVOS ziggurat.

Many have been seduced by the programmable digital world. Many spend their time knee deep in digital streams. But the manmade digital flood that is coming will overtake them. They will be left hanging on to whatever non-digital flotsam you can find to hold on to.

Below is a brief summary of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and how they can be wielded against society to enforce ESG compliance. From Digital Dollars – The Heartland Institute:

A digital dollar’s threats to privacy and freedom are real.  First, the government could easily block transactions.  This already happens as government pressure has led banks and PayPal to cancel accounts.  The Canadian government blocked funding for the Freedom Convoy truckers.  A CBDC empowers government micromanagement of our transactions.

Second, digital dollars could have expiration dates or automatically lose value.  This undermines money’s ability to serve as a store of value, or let people hold onto purchasing power.  Non-counterfeit money represents unconsumed production, the accumulated pay you never spent.  It should not expire, ever. (Emphasis mine.)

The Unified Commercial Code (UCC) is being modified to accommodate digital assets:

The Proposed 2022 Amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code: Digital Assets (

Tell your representatives that you do not want CBDC and to kill UCC modification bills. Tell your representatives that you are not all happy with the managed decline of America that they are taking part in.

US Senator Ted Cruz tries again with new bill to block CBDC (

Cultural Flood Waters:

Here’s the CDC’s advice about Floodwater After Disaster or Emergency:

Open wounds and rashes exposed to floodwater can become infected. Vibrios, for example, are naturally occurring bacteria that live in certain coastal waters and can cause skin infections when an open wound is exposed to them. This can happen during floods. To protect yourself and your family: Avoid exposure to floodwater.

It is difficult to avoid the bacterial flood waters of our culture. Without proper borders, it flows in and infects.

The culture’s bacterial flood waters have entered our home via TV, the internet, and smartphones. Children are babysat by TV programs that infect and wound young susceptible minds. It is no different for teens and adults, as they passively invite in the bacterial flood waters with its deteriorating effect on their being.

Bacterial flood waters have entered our education systems via the degenerate sponsors of CRT and the sexualization of children. Our school children are becoming infected with gay porn that is promoted in the classroom and in school libraries.

Elementary school teacher says confusing kids about gender is ‘the goal’ – Alpha News

Bacterial flood waters have entered our churches via “acceptance” and “inclusion” policies and via mega church structures that hid sin. Catholic congregations are becoming infected by priests who promote open borders and homosexuality. Moral failings, abuse, toxic internal structures, and the utter hypocrisy of leadership as seen in mega churches like Hillsong and Willowcreek reveal the church has been infected with the cultural bacteria.

Sewers have backed up from torrents of hedonism that rain down on us from the digital clouds. One is easily infected, via devices, with the bacterial sewer water of a hedonistic lifestyle. “You need such and such or so and so to be truly happy. Click here.”

Those who practice abortion, homosexuality, and “affirming care” leading to permanent mangling of children’s bodies have crossed a cultural Rubicon, unaware that they have been led there by Malthusians.

Those who are forced to use pronouns that do not match a person’s gender are being forced to lie to their neighbor.

Our culture has been infected by bacterial flood waters brought about by the manmade deluge of the misuse, disordering and dysfunction of Nature – a product of cultural climate change activism.

Gay Iconoclasm: Holding the Line against the Radical LGBT Agenda

The massive flood of illegal immigration created by the Biden regime’s manmade open border policy is altering the cultural landscape of our country. The U.S. will soon be covered in the flood waters of economic opportunists (not refugees), terrorists, gangs, drugs dealers, pedophiles, criminals, and fentanyl.

As such, the U.S. will become a third world country – just what the fundamental-transformation-hate-America ideologues have so desired. Then U.S. citizens will be ordered around like Venezuelans are dictated to by Nicolás Maduro and Brazilians by CCP controlled Lula de Silva.

The open border’s flood of illegal immigrants is not being done as an act of compassion and generosity on the part the Left. It is being done to destabilize America. It is being done to flood the zone of American’s resolve against a New World Order leadership that wants to own America, with those who come in depending on government, aka the Biden regime.

A very brief history of back in time:

In the beginning the cosmos, established by God, was non-ordered. The primary act of creation was bringing into existence the ordering of the material cosmos and human society. God brought order to our world and at the same time left non-order for humans to “subdue and rule”, i.e., work with God to bring about order.

“God didn’t produce a ready-made world. The Creator has done something cleverer than this, making a world able to make itself.” – John Polkinghorne

Disorder stands in opposition to order. Disorder works to move the center of order from God to man who says “I will order life my way”. Order and the yet-to-be-ordered are affected by the inherently evil disorder. Chaos – out of order – ensues, as evidenced in our world today. Human disorder flooded the days of Noah and is flooding our lives today.

“The suffering and evil of the world are not due to weakness, oversight, or callousness on God’s part. But rather, are the inescapable costs of a creation allowed to be other than God.” – John Polkinghorne

Hyperbole was used by a Hebrew author to describe a devastating flood just like other Ancient Near East (ANE) account authors did. For example, reading these accounts one gets the idea that the flood was universal and covering the earth. But there is no geological record of such a worldwide flood. The flood is certainly wide-ranging in its devastation, so it is not a local flood either. Hyperbole was used to make important theological points.

In ANE accounts the gods were dependent on humans to supply their needs. They became unhappy with unruly mankind and decided to flood the earth and wipe away mankind. A remnant was saved to continue serving the gods’ needs.

The Hebrew flood account can be understood as a God “order-bringing event” to the creation he once ordered. Noah is to be the order-preserving remnant.

“The connection of Noah’s name to the flood suggests that besides being presented as an act of judgement, grace and deliverance, the narrator is recounting this event as a sort of “reset button.” God uses non-order (the waters) to eliminate disorder (pervasive violence) and then to reestablish optimal order (even as he recognizes that disorder remains [Ge. 8:21]).” – Tremper Longman III & John Walton, The Lost World of the Flood, Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate, 118

What I see happening in our world today is similar to the ANE accounts of the flood. The gods of this world, who are dependent on humans to supply their needs, specifically wealth and power, have become unhappy with mankind. Mankind is too independent and not organized the way they want. They have decided to flood the earth and bring about a Great Reset: “We will order life our way”. A flood of disorder, they assume, will wipe away the God-ordered world. But they are off center . . .

The human mind may devise many plans,
    but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established. -Proverbs 19:21

The climate apocalypse narrative is hyperbole. It is being used as hyperbole to produce a theological point: that transformational change, not of the climate but of humanity, away from the image of God, is necessary. The gods of this world will use any means necessary, including and not limited to the above, to bring about devasting disorder that they believe leads to a New World Order.

As we have seen, the NWO gods used “The Science” for the COVID plandemic to move people to a place of submission. Consider the devastating disorder brought upon people with mandates and the untested mNRA DNA altering vaccine.

They are now using “The Science” in the climate change narrative for the same reason. “The Science” will be used again and again to bring about the NWO.

Now, because I don’t accept NWO theology and won’t submit to NWO gods does not mean that I reject science. That is an oft used criticism used by NWO gods to say that I’m not thinking straight or that I’m not thinking about the right things. I don’t reject science. I reject the NOW’s “The Science” hyperbole.

Having said all this, what are you prepared to do . . . about devastating disorder?


Climate Change – What is the science behind this?


Alarmism? I guess that I am somewhat inured to it. The year the United States detonated the world’s first thermonuclear weapon, the hydrogen bomb, on Eniwetok atoll in the Pacific, I was born. There were Duck and cover drills in my elementary school.

I have lived with a heightened state of alarm brought about by the prospect of nuclear war, the state of the Cold War, and the burgeoning unrest centered around the Viet Nam War. And, there was and continues to be the alarming outcomes brought about by the economic mishandling of policy makers.

And there was the end of the world eschatology alarmism of The Late Great Planet Earth and later, the Left Behind series.

I don’t know of anyone on the earth who is omniscient or all knowing. And that includes scripture and science prognosticators. False prophets abound. They over promise and under deliver.

All of the above situations and alarms were manmade.

On another familiar subject . . .

My own experience with flooding goes way back to the time my father was mayor of a suburban Chicago village. Continuous rain flooded a creek that runs from the Wisconsin border down into the Des Plaines River and right through the eastern section of the village.

The flooding caused significant damage to commercial and residential property. The overflow of the creek’s waters blocked the main throughfare through the village, preventing commerce.

Illinois Senator Charles Percy came down to meet with my father. The two of them got into a row boat to survey the damage. State monies came later to shore up the creek, to pay for the damage, and to help with storm water management. A year later a tornado hit our village and tore up some apartment buildings. Extreme weather happens.

The village was situated on a flood plain. Our basement flooded every spring until my father put in a sump pump. He saw what would happen again and adapted.


Informed dissent:

Notice the increase. These terms and “white supremacy” are used more and more to silence dissent and to program you to react the same way.

Former CDC Director: “This pandemic was caused by SCIENCE”… – Revolver News

12ft | Court blocks COVID-19 vaccine mandate for US gov’t workers | AP News

Significant birth rate drop in most heavily Covid-vaccinated European countries | Sharyl Attkisson

Children Dying at Highest Rate in Decades, Researchers Warn – Slay News

Research shows that, for Europe, C19 “Vaccines” kill 3-4 times more than C19 Disease (

View the video in the following link . . .  and don’t let them get away with it.

Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice (Video) (

A Letter to Dr Andrew Hill | Dr Tess Lawrie | Oracle Films (

U.S. Doctors Admit Tens of Thousands Killed During The “Pandemic” By Putting Them On Ventilators – Nwo Report

What Ed Dowd says here is the most powerful assessment of the humanitarian catastrophe wrought by public health authorities (& those who control them) via their demonstrably & increasingly insane policies of mass toxic vaccination with denial of effective, cheap early treatments. -Dr. Pierre Kory

Informed Dissenter:

These “public health” hoodlums (Fauci & Bowser) come to the hood to push vaccines but not Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin to save lives.

Watch: Fauci, DC Mayor Bowser Rejected As They Promote COVID Vaccine Door-to-Door (

[VIDEO] One guy from the hood looks Fauci in the eye and demolishes 3 years of propaganda in 37 seconds flat… – Revolver News

Mind control is extremely dangerous to our democracy:


The “ESG” Climate Report:

Boost the Truth and Nothing but the Truth

The video below – Uniformed Consent – is an in-depth and candid look into the Covid 19 narrative, who’s controlling it, and how it’s being used to inject an untested, new technology into almost every person on the planet. The narrative is not about the virus. It’s about the vaccine.

From my perspective, I witnessed mass communication platforms via digital technology boost the narrative, the agenda, the mandates, the lies, the censorship, the tracking, and ultimately the experimental mRNA vaccine into humans. The media, sponsored by big pharma, facilitated the formation of fear and psychosis. The public was to fear COVID, fear alternative voices and medicines, and fear what would happen if non-compliant. Fear and more fear and fear on top of fear was generated, as were compliance slogans. The vaccine was and is touted as the “safe and effective” solution (“You need not fear if you do what you are told”.).

Problem reaction solution.

Do no harm . . . people dropping dead . . . from the vaccine.

Boost the Truth and Nothing but the Truth so Helped by God.

Bit By Bit

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. Revelation 22:1

In his farewell address sixty-one years ago, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, warned the nation.

“. . . we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military–industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.”

Today, we must stand against both the massive military–industrial complex that stands ready to generate kinetic military action to sustain itself AND the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the bio–industrial complex also ready to sustain itself.

As I write this, a conjunction of medical, scientific, industrial, and economic cohorts is being formed to bring about the r-evolution of mankind (Man 2.0). And with it comes the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power. Joe Biden, who Is not in control of his own faculties, issued a recent executive order (in parallel with World Economic Forum efforts) facilitating the re-engineering and control of bodies and brains and society.

Reading past the executive order’s sales pitch – “to advance biotechnology and biomanufacturing towards innovative solutions in health, climate change, energy, food security, agriculture, supply chain resilience, and national and economic security” – we get a sense of what the bio-meddlers are up to.

The order states . . .

We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers; unlock the power of biological data, including through computing tools and artificial intelligence; and advance the science of scale‑up production while reducing the obstacles for commercialization so that innovative technologies and products can reach markets faster.

And from the executive order’s Sec. 13.  Definitions.

(b)  The term “biotechnology” means technology that applies to or is enabled by life sciences innovation or product development.

(c)  The term “biomanufacturing” means the use of biological systems to develop products, tools, and processes at commercial scale.

(d)  The term “bioeconomy” means economic activity derived from the life sciences, particularly in the areas of biotechnology and biomanufacturing, and includes industries, products, services, and the workforce.

(j)  The term “key R&D areas” includes fundamental R&D of emerging biotechnologies, including engineering biology; predictive engineering of complex biological systems, including the designing, building, testing, and modeling of entire living cells, cell components, or cellular systems; quantitative and theory-driven multi-disciplinary research to maximize convergence with other enabling technologies; and regulatory science, including the development of new information, criteria, tools, models, and approaches to inform and assist regulatory decision-making.  These R&D priorities should be coupled with advances in predictive modeling, data analytics, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, high-performance and other advanced computing systems, metrology and data-driven standards, and other non-life science enabling technologies. (Emphasis mine)

(k)  The terms “equity” and “underserved communities” have the meanings given those terms by sections 2(a) and 2(b) of Executive Order 13985.

The disastrous rise of misplaced power? A LifeSite news article comments on a major concern for all of us:

Raising further privacy-related questions is Executive Order 14081’s establishment of a “Data for the Bioeconomy Initiative,” which calls for “biological data sets,” to include “genomic” (gene-related) information deemed critical for societal advances.

The Executive Order further calls for a “plan to fill any data gaps” and “make new and existing public data “findable” and “accessible.” This proposal raises the question of whether and how individuals’ genomic information might be publicly disclosed, and whether it would be done so only with informed consent.

if you used 23andMe you can be pretty sure that your DNA data will not remain private. Going forward, nothing about you will remain private as the executive order requires filling “any data gaps”. Are you willing to be “findable” and “accessible”?

1945. C.S. Lewis came out with the final book of his space trilogy. In the prescient That Hideous Strength we learn of the National Institute for Co-ordinated Experiments (N.I.C.E.) N.I.C.E. is a scientific and social engineering agency and a front for dark supernatural forces. There are significant parallels of N.I.C.E. activity to what is happening today.

Henry F. Schaefer III, Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry at the University of Georgia, describes the workings of N.I.C.E. in C. S. Lewis: Science and Scientism:

The aims of the NICE, according to Lord Feverstone (who was Weston’s co-conspirator Dick Devine in the first book of the space trilogy) include “sterilization of the unfit, liquidation of backward races (we don’t want any dead weights), selective breeding. Then real education, including prenatal education. By real education I mean one that has no ‘take-it-or-leave-it’ nonsense. A real education makes the patient what it wants infallibly: whatever he or his parents try to do about it. Of course, it’ll have to be mainly psychological at first. But we’ll get on to biochemical conditioning in the end and direct manipulation of the brain.” Lewis was certain that a union of applied science and social planning with the power of government would result in the loss of freedom and individuality.

Mary Cuff, in That Hideous Strength: A Prophecy for Our Times, comments that Lewis wrote about the transformation of the main character who was in the ghastly hands of technocrats:

Importantly for us, while the N.I.C.E.—our era’s Sodom and Gomorrah—meets a fiery and bloody fate, Lewis is more interested in showing the arc of redemption for modern Adam and modern Eve. Jane and Mark spend most of the novel physically apart from each other, and yet they creep ever closer to that original harmony between man and woman. When Mark is suddenly confronted with the horrifying reality of the N.I.C.E., it is his relationship to the absent Jane that stirs his nobler instincts and allows him to discover both his manhood and his humanity. 

Are you willing for technocrats to transhuman you? Are you willing to be tinkered with? To be genetically modified along with the crops? Are you willing to be used as a biotech R&D project, just as humans were used as lab rats for the biotechnology of the mRNA jabs? Are you OK with someone messing with your DNA?

This executive order isn’t about making new and improved artificial limbs or pace makers. This order is about eradicating the imago Dei in human beings and replacing it with coded genetics and AI that serves the elites. This executive order is about abiding in stakeholder programs and not abiding in the True Vine. For, there is no mention of God anywhere around this order. Have you ever heard Klaus Schwab acknowledge God? Where do you think such “progress” comes from?

Self-referential humanists view themselves as gods. With access to tremendous wealth, they are able to exploit technology for their own ends. With such means they believe that they can achieve immortality via genetic engineering. With such means, they come to see themselves as transcendent – all-seeing, all knowing, and all powerful- and above death itself.

As gods, they demand your servitude, your praise and your worship. As the Transhumanist Psalm says . . .

For it was the WEF who reformed my inward parts;

WEF put me together in its genetics and molecular biology lab

I praise WEF, for I am genetically and socially remade.

Wonderful are your stakeholder programs,

That is what you would have me say.

With growing digitalization, do you see that app by app, rung by rung, command by command, and bit by bit we are being programmed for The Great Reset? With each input and AI response you and I engage in, we are being coded (trained) to execute certain functions in certain ways within a “stakeholder” program designed “to make positive change” as decided by the gods among us.

Globalist programmers chose the variables, the syntax, the keywords, decision making, the loops, the arrays, the functions. Data type “Human” is being concatenated with data type “Machines”. Our God-given high-level programming code is to be rewritten and compiled down into the lowest-level software to create an executable stakeholder program activated via an imbedded machine interface. With digitization driving everything, the once secure border between human and machine becomes an open border where “the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist”.

I choose the crystal clear “river of the water of life” over a murky and mucked up data stream.


Science can only describe things on a physical level. On that level we are complex chemical machines . . .

“A self-balancing, 28-jointed adaptor-based biped; an electro-chemical reduction plant, integral with segregated stowages of special energy extracts in storage batteries, for subsequent actuation of thousands of hydraulic and pneumatic pumps, with motors attached; 62,000 miles of capillaries….”  -R. Buckminster Fuller, US architect & engineer (1895 – 1983) 


Follow Joe:

Joe Allen on Twitter: “WHY “TRANSHUMANISM” IS THE ISSUE OF OUR AGE Technocracy is rising all around us. We’re watching a cultural revolution. If LSD was a precursor to the PC… If ubiquitous TVs are a precursor to the Metaverse… If 24/7 screen time is a precursor to neurotech…” / Twitter



Informed Dissent:

Trends in COVID Anxiety – by Robert W Malone MD, MS (

Booster Nations – by Robert W Malone MD, MS (

Tell your congressman no more money for bad CDC policy and no more data collection | Stand for Health Freedom

Dr. Paul Offit, one of the world’s most respected vaccine experts, is now officially an anti-vaxxer! (

Study Reveals Masking Kids In School Made ‘No Significant Difference’ In Stopping COVID Spread. (

Transgender Surgery- Common Sense and Decency are Needed (

“It’s big money”.. what they aren’t telling you about the shock video promoting trans mutilation of children… – Revolver News

Dr. Malone – Inventor of the mRNA tech that was used by Pfizer and Moderna to develop their covid injections:

“The more DOSES you receive…, the HIGHER your RISK for INFECTIONS, DISEASE and DEATH compared to the unvaccinated.”

Florida Versus Davos – The American Mind

Digital Harassment, Intimidation:

Biden Regime Moves Forward with US Central Bank Digital Currency So They Can Ban, Censor and Shut Down Accounts of Boisterous Conservatives and Starve Them Out (

“e” is for Evacuate:

Good Grief Green Energy:

The Global ‘Green Energy’ Push is Causing Fertilizer Shortages and Threatening The Human Food Supply. (

(WATCH) Power Problems | Sharyl Attkisson

Policies Pushing Electric Vehicles Show Why Few People Want One – WSJ (


Liberal Logic: Martha’s Vineyard Calls 50 Illegal Immigrants a “Humanitarian Crisis” – But 4.2 Million Illegal Immigrants Crossing a “Secure Border” (

No, No, No! to ESG:

Elon Musk [ESG] “has been weaponized by phony social justice warriors.”

Analysis: Musk’s ESG attack spotlights $35 trillion industry confusion | Reuters

The ESG Investing Backlash Arrives – WSJ

Financial Advisor IQ – Peter Thiel-Backed Startup Rolls Out ‘Profits Over Politics’ ETF

DRLL ETF Alert: What to Know About the New Anti-ESG Fund for Energy Stocks | InvestorPlace

Economic Disaster:

WARNING SIGNS: Estimated GDP by Atlanta Fed CRASHES 1 FULL POINT This Week! (

Defeating the Marxian Panopticon | Michael O’Fallon, Charlie Kirk, James Lindsay

Conform! or Be Scorched!

Or, Joe Biden Defends “Democracy!” in Front of a Fiery Furnace!

Every week I shop at a local chain-supermarket. Lately, I’ve noticed that the store’s employees- cashiers, greeters and some of PT shelf stockers – wear a “STRONGER TOGETHER” tee shirt.

Three things came to mind after seeing the ‘sloganized’ employees this week. The first, a scene from Office Space. Joanna (Jennifer Aniston) is being scolded for not having enough “flair”. Her commitment to unity with the other flair-wearing employees and to supporting diversity of “flair” was flagging.

The second: the groupthink messaging “We’re all in this together” by the media during the days of COVID adverts.

The third was a reminder of the greengrocer’s sign as described in Václav Havel’s 1978 essay The Power of the Powerless. From the opening of section III:

The manager of a fruit-and-vegetable shop places in his window, among the onions and carrots, the slogan: “Workers of the world, unite!” Why does he do it? What is he trying to communicate to the world? Is he genuinely enthusiastic about the idea of unity among the workers of the world? Is his enthusiasm so great that he feels an irrepressible impulse to acquaint the public with his ideals? Has he really given more than a moment’s thought to how such a unification might occur and what it would mean?

I think it can safely be assumed that the overwhelming majority of shopkeepers never think about the slogans they put in their windows, nor do they use them to express their real opinions. That poster was delivered to our greengrocer from the enterprise headquarters along with the onions and carrots. He put them all into the window simply because it has been done that way for years, because everyone does it, and because that is the way it has to be. If he were to refuse, there could be trouble. He could be reproached for not having the proper decoration in his window; someone might even accuse him of disloyalty. He does it because these things must be done if one is to get along in life. It is one of the thousands of details that guarantee him a relatively tranquil life “in harmony with society,” as they say

The greengrocer’s sign is intended to signal conformity and to avoid trouble. But it’s not the way you say it, it’s more the way you mean it. Havel translated the slogan as: “I am afraid and therefore unquestioningly obedient.”

As I learned, the “Stronger Together” tee shirt is part of the chain-supermarket’s campaign to encourage “teams to show their commitment to unity and supporting diversity”. Perhaps the tee shirt “flair” is also intended to signal conformity and to avoid trouble. The campaign, by its own admission, caters to identity politics. It also adds window-dressing “flair” – DEI & ESG signage- to its corporate websites.

What does a slogan do for you? No doubt, the company will benefit from the tee’s virtue signaling Wokeness in the form of goodwill and sales.

Come to think about it, don’t the slogans “We’re all in this together” and “Stronger Together” imply that something needs to be overcome? I wonder. Is non-conformity to be overcome? Hmmm. Communists demand conformity. And when the ‘official’ flair doesn’t get worn and the ‘official’ signs are not posted, then vilifying, intimidation and coercion follow.

“When you are not with where the majority of Americans are, then, you know, that is extreme” -WH press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre


Something Wicked This Way Came

Leftists are bullies, as are their diktats “DEI” and “ESG”. They want their way with you. Conform or be called “extremist”. You see this acted out by disciples of Saul Alinsky, a Marxist community organizer and compiler of bullying tactics.

Hillary Clinton and Obama, now Biden’s handler, studied and practiced Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. And though it is common knowledge when dealing with people that it is more effective in being nice and amenable than being mean and spiteful, Alinsky’s Tactic of demonizing your opposition was used by them (“basket of deplorables”, “bitter clingers”)

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” (Rules for Radicals, Tactics, p. 127)

There is no defense for scorn. It’s irrational and it’s meant to be infuriating – to create anger and fear. It’s meant to provoke a heated response. It’s meant to pressure the enemy into concessions. Basically, it’s bullying.

The Biden regime continues to call 75 million of us Americans “extremists”, “semi-fascists”, “extremists”, a “threat to democracy” and, a “Threat to the country”.

Obama and the Leftists running the Biden regime are not happy that millions of us don’t conform. We don’t put on the required flair. Some of us wear MAGA and FJB gear. We don’t display the right signs. Some of us put “Let’s Go Brandon” in our windows and yards and on our bumpers.

Many of us refused the jab. Many of us showed up at school board meetings and denounced the curriculum and practices of the school board. Many of us voted – in democratic fashion – only to have our votes disenfranchised by the fraudulent acts of others. Most of us know without a doubt that the election was stolen.

Oh yes, the Left loves them some controlled opposition. They love the “good Republicans” – the Liz Cheneys, the Adam Kinzingers, the David Frenchs – and not the MAGA “extremists”. They promote milquetoast Republicans in elections. They love those who cower before them. They love those who put the conforming slogan/sign in the window and say to themselves “I am afraid and therefore unquestioningly obedient.”

“Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have. (Rules for Radicals, Tactics, p. 126)

I have long understood that Leftists do not care about hypocrisy. As self-referential nihilists, Leftists have no concept of shame. The Left does what it does by any means necessary. The Left says “to hell with truth, justice and the American way”. Hillary Clinton and Obama and the puppeteers of Biden have shown this to be true.

The Bulliest of Pulpits:

Continuing the ridicule and disenfranchisement of half the nation, community disorganizer Biden gave a menacing and divisive speech this past Thursday. With clenched teeth and fists, dictator Biden used his “Soul of the Nation” speech to trample on half the nation.

Biden stated that he “will not let anything tear us apart” but, c’mon man, the speech was intended to ridicule and stigmatize opponents and create an us-and-them- “extremists” continuum.

With Marines standing at attention behind and on each side of Biden, the optics were meant to instill angst and fear – “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.”

His handlers, the Central Executive Committee, wanted everyone to know that the Communist Party of America cares about Democracy! Social Democracy! Democracy! Social Democracy! Democracy!  . . . for those who conform to the will of the Party.

Here’s Biden in total projection mode:

And, here’s Biden BS-ing (what’s disturbing is that people are clapping for his spin on the state of the economy):

As I’ve said, the Left has no shame. Continuing the divisive rhetoric with blatant lies is one of the Left’s henchmen:

And now some commentary:

He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit is better than he who takes a city (Proverbs 16:32).

The optics of the speech instantly became a source of Internet chatter with the weird red background that made the President look like he was giving a stump speech from Dante’s Inferno. Indeed, it almost had that High Chancellor Adam Sutler look from V for Vendetta

-Jonathan Turley, Semper Sigh: Biden’s Use of the Marines Violated Long-Standing Federal Policies and Regulations – JONATHAN TURLEY

“People shouldn’t be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.”
― Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

Mr. Trump and his followers, believe it or not, are essentially antifascists: They want the state to stand aside, to impose the least possible interference and allow market forces and entrepreneurial energies to work. Freedom isn’t fascism. Mr. Biden and his vast tribe are essentially enemies of freedom, although most of them haven’t thought the matter through.

Biden’s Speech Had It All Backward – WSJ

The globalist world has no future. Or rather: the future it intends to give us is the darkest and most terrifying that the human mind can conceive. The future it presents to us is false and unrealizable. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

In everyone there is some willingness to merge with the anonymous crowd and to flow comfortably along with it down the river of pseudo-life. This is much more than a simple conflict between two identities. It is something far worse: it is a challenge to the very notion of identity itself.Václav Havel

Conform or be scorned! Conform or be thrown into the fiery furnace! Conform or be thrown into the lion’s den! Conform or be sawn in two! Conform or be destitute! Conform or be flogged! Conform or be persecuted! Conform or lose your job, your business, your church, your military status.

Václav Havel told us what the greengrocer’s sign really said. I will tell you what Biden’s Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! speech really means:

Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform! Conform!

“If the world hates you,” Jesus went on, “know that it hated me before it hated you. If you were from the world, the world would be fond of its own. But the world hates you for this reason: that you’re not from the world. No: I chose you out of the world.

“Remember the word I said to you: servants are not greater than their masters. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you too. But they will do all these things to you because of my name, because they don’t know the one who sent me.” Jesus, as recorded in The Gospel According to John 15:18-21

Informed Dissent:

Ivermectin: The Truth (

Trends in COVID Anxiety – by Robert W Malone MD, MS (

Here’s how the vaccine is causing those weird “blood clots” (

(REPORT) Germany: 1 in 25 insured individuals treated for Covid shot adverse reactions | Sharyl Attkisson

(UPDATED) Exclusive Summary: Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns | Sharyl Attkisson

Stop CDC Expansion!

The CDC costs Americans too much. | Stand for Health Freedom

The Corruption of Medicine – Heather Mac Donald

“The post–George Floyd racial reckoning has hit the field of medicine like an earthquake. Medical education, medical research, and standards of competence have been upended by two related hypotheses: that systemic racism is responsible both for racial disparities in the demographics of the medical profession and for racial disparities in health outcomes. Questioning those hypotheses is professionally suicidal. Vast sums of public and private research funding are being redirected from basic science to political projects aimed at dismantling white supremacy. The result will be declining quality of medical care and a curtailment of scientific progress. (Emphasis mine)

I readily imagine that by placing barely competent or even incompetent doctors and clinicians on staff based on DEI initiatives, that health care costs and insurance costs will skyrocket because of malpractice. All for the malpractice of DEI.

De-Energize the Insanity:

“the Green New Deal means poverty” “The real threat to people is not global warming, but global cooling, otherwise known as winter.” (8:24)

Start at 7:30

The Collapse is Coming to a Town near You:

Tucker Carlson: Things are falling apart every quickly – Bing video

Western leaders are madder than I thought – The Post (

Colorado utility company locks 22,000 thermostats in 90 degree weather due to ‘energy emergency’ | Fox Business

Farmers are Under Attack by the Greenies:

Sounds About Right:

Women Are Disproportionately Hurting Our Country, by Dennis Prager | Creators Syndicate

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò:

‘Never expect the truth from the Great Reset advocates. For where there is no Christ, there can be no Truth, and we know how much they hate Our Lord.’

‘Through the Great Reset, they want to erase Western Christian society in order to establish a liberal-communist synarchy on the model of the Chinese dictatorship, in which the entire population is controlled and maneuverable at will.’

‘ . . .  the globalist world has no past to show us to confirm the greatness of its ideas, its philosophy, its faith.’

Abp. Viganò: Globalist doctrine is essentially ‘satanic’; we must ‘rebuild’ Christendom – LifeSite (



Christian Nurse Sues CVS After It Fires Her for Not Distributing Abortion Pills –

No One expects the California Inquisition:

California COVID misinformation bill targets doctors spreading false information (

No One expects the Canadian Inquisition:

According to a recently posted ad, the Ministry is searching to recruit a battalion of Climate “Pollution” Officers, a unit within the coldly named “Environmental Enforcement Directorate.” (1984 Alert!)

EXCLUSIVE LEAK: Trudeau installing weapons armouries, interrogation rooms for Ministry of Climate Change – The Counter Signal

Enforcement Officer – Environmental (pollution) Enforcement – Development Program – inventory – Calgary, AB –

“I’m the canary in the coal mine”

De-Transitioner testifies on ‘medical horror’… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Lori Bigfoot – Come to Chicago to abort your children:

Science Says:

“state of transition”

Secular humanists cannot turn water into wine. “Fundamental transformation” and “Build Back Better” are their stated beliefs that they can. To show authority over creation, Progressives coerce humanity into accepting all kinds of don’t-believe-your-eyes change. For instance . . .

They’ve changed the definition of vaccines. They’ve changed the definition of gender. They’ve changed the definition of marriage. They’ve changed the definition of women’s sports. They changed the definition of recession. They’ve changed who’s responsible for the double-digit inflation. They’ve changed the definition of racism. They’ve changed legal immigration to illegal immigration. They’ve changed history. They’ve changed perceptions about the Ukraine-Russo war. They’ve changed concerned parents of school children into “domestic terrorists”. They’ve changed blind justice into a one-eyed social justice monster. They’ve changed science into scientism. And, they’ve changed humans . . .

It appears that the secular humanists at the FBI have fundamentally changed the DOJ. It appears that FBI agents were involved in coordinating J6 and making it look an insurrection for political purposes. (Why didn’t Pelosi and the Capital police secure the area as Trump requested?) It appears that the FBI set up J6. And it appears that secular humanists don’t give a damn about people.

Bloody Hill Full Documentary on Vimeo

A video from an American viewpoint:

John Rich


Stand for Health – Protect Informed Consent


Informed Dissent:

‘The Vaccine will eventually be known as biggest scandal in medical history’… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

‘Concerned for humanity’: Alabama embalmer discovers strange clots in people since release of COVID vaccine (

‘Sudden adult death syndrome’ means killed by the Vaccine… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

‘Doctors & Scientists’ Episode: 39 Corporate Capture: The Truth About the Biopharmaceutical Industrial Complex With Dr. Robert Malone – ‘Doctors & Scientists’ With Brian Hooker, Ph.D. – CHD TV: Livestreaming Video & Audio (

Dr. Malone – Inventor of the mRNA tech that was used by Pfizer and Moderna to develop their covid injections:

“The more DOSES you receive…, the HIGHER your RISK for INFECTIONS, DISEASE and DEATH compared to the unvaccinated.”


Going along to get along can be deadly:

Will physicians EVER speak out? – Steve Kirsch’s newsletter (

The Ensuing Chaos:

Panama: Descent into Chaos – Michael Yon

Europe is Crashing Fast into Freezing Winter Followed by Famine – Michael Yon

True Biological Threat:

Your DNA can be used against you . . .

Biowarfare and the Brave New World (

Don’t Shop Believing:

We connect your business with freedom-loving consumers who are passionate about spending money in alignment with their values.

Home – PublicSq.

Shame on You:

Fourth of July with an Eye on the Horizon

“Good riddance!” That’s what I said leaving the Progressive pothole that is Illinois. I moved to a “less restrictive state” per a co-worker who lives in Indiana. “Enough Already!” of the growing idiocracy with its pagan overlords.

Cook County and Chicago are going to hell under DEI Progressives – the intersectional Lori Lightfoot and Soros-sponsored AG Kim Foxx.

The governor, the multidimensional J.B. “Jelly Belly” Pritzker, put Illinois at the bottom of the economic barrel. Per the Illinois Policy Institute website:

In a new report on America’s 50 governors, Gov. J.B Pritzker was ranked 47th because of the harm he’s done to the state economy. Voters saved him from a lower rank by rejecting his ‘fair tax.’ . . .

The American Legislative Exchange Council’s rankings are in the 2021 report on Economic Freedom: Grading America’s 50 Governors. The report ranked Pritzker overall at No. 47 – fourth from the bottom – by using a combination of Pritzker’s policies and the state’s economic performance under his leadership to form a list of 12 criteria. . ..

Economic performance was mainly held back by Illinoisans moving out of the state. Illinois lost population during 2021 in 81 of 102 counties.

2022 is where I come in . . ., I mean, where I go out! I rejected Jelly Belly’s progressive income tax. I rejected his progressive ways. And, I rejected his tyrannical, unscientific, and unconstitutional COVID mandates.

“All of this was in the pursuit of one goal and one goal only — saving as many lives as possible,” the empathetic poser said of his pandemic restrictions.

One opinion piece comments that [Pritzker] shut down businesses, churches, schools and everything nonessential, except abortion clinics, liquor stores and marijuana shops.

Do the politicians ever consider that losing one’s job may lead to despair, which may possibly lead to suicide? Kids not going to school and seeing their friends may lead to depression.

The left, always worried about abortion being illegal one day, kept the clinics open. I wonder why the governor and health department don’t tell us how many children died from abortion the way they touted the deaths of COVID.

Chicago’s mayor Lori Lightfoot fined churches for defying Jelly Belly’s stay-at-home orders. (The heathen delight in exercising their will on others And, the heathen rage . . . ‘F*** Clarence Thomas!’: Chicago mayor unleashes tirade against SCOTUS justice at Pride Parade | Daily Mail Online)

It took churches going to court to put a stop the ‘empathetic’ Jelly Belly’s draconian ways with Illinois churches:

It is a stunning victory for Elim Romananican Chuch, Pastor Cristian Ionescu, and Logos Baptist Ministries. These two Churches have been fighting alone on behalf of all churches in the state. They’ve been staying steadfast and have endured resistance and harassment from the local and state government. They’ve been given fines, had their church parking blocked by police, had their building surrounded by No ‘Parking’ signs, were publicly excoriated by governmental officials, and most recently were declared a ‘public nuisance‘ by the city and threatened to be locked out of their building, and even having it destroyed.

But hours after the two Romanian churches filed an emergency injunction pending appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, the governor backed down and failed to offer a response to the appeal, instead releasing new “
guidelines” for churches. 

Governor J.B Pritzker, the draconian Governor who has been imposing unconstitutional restrictions on churches in the state by forbidding them from opening, has folded his hand and removed all restrictions on churches that had been previously implemented.

The churches in my area didn’t join in the court fight. They just went along to get along.  One church used Romans 13 as the cover for its cowardice. I stopped attending that church because of that attitude.

(The Romans 13 passage is not Paul’s treatise of the church and state. Rather, it is a directive to the Christians in Rome to not be involved in riots and get thrown out of Rome because of them.)

The church submitted believing that submission to a governing authority was required per scripture. Yet, no church should obey these unconstitutional and irrational mandates and especially when a priest preaches that faith in God and not fear is the mandate for a Christian. Bending the knee to the mandates was a show of cowardice and lack of discernment for the sake of going along to get along.

Senators Durbin and Duckworth and representative Lauren Underwood -Democrats all- support the opposite of what is good and right and just. They support Progressive Leftist narratives that do not represent me one iota let alone the kingdom of God. I’ve written to each over time about policy directions they were taking. And that is how I know about their Leftist stance– from their responses. They echo what one would hear on MSNBC and CNN, and even Fox News, these days.

Progressives, like the Illinois snakes, beguile and charm their naïve voters with talk of saving lives, of saving the planet, of absolving you of responsibility by paying off your student loan and of hating people who disagree with them. They will even convince their disciples to hate their own country for the sake of their self-serving vision. They are a destructive bunch who believe that their ends justify their ad hoc social justice means.

They break the rules and cheat. They bully all the educational, medical, entertainment, and all other institutions into oppressing all of us normal people. They rig speech, social media, apps, search browsers, the internet, the work place, the schools, the universities, the movies, tv, the media, the magazines, Hollywood, and the “medical experts” against people like you and me. People are terrified to openly say what they think and dissent because they know that the democrat mob will come after them. And though these snakes talk about saving our democracy, they want nothing to do with democracy. They want their way. They want total control.

 They work the agenda of the 45 Goals of Communism, including . . .

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural and healthy.”

Enter Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. She has a “long record” of letting child porn offenders “off the hook” during sentencing.

Durbin pushed through the Supreme Court nomination of this pagan DEI choice. She enters the court with a progressive zeitgeist that keeps her from defining what a woman is or when life begins.

Like Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot, local rep. Lauren Underwood is a token DEI Democrat. She repeats what she is told to repeat on the Democrat plantation.

In March 2020 the so-called COVID “pandemic” became the means for social engineering across the globe and in Illinois. “Public health and “hospital capacity” were given as the reasons to shut down society and rework it. Irrational anti-human COVID mandates – lockdowns, masks, social distancing – were imposed, not in the service of Mankind, but in the service of the state. As a result, life was subverted to such a degree that state media became the voice of an idol telling us how to serve the state, telling us how one should live and move and have their being:

Wear the mask. Don’t question it.
Lock down the church. Don’t question it.
Take the experimental DNA-altering aborted fetal tissue vaccine. Don’t question it.
Accept the election results despite the rampant irregularities. Don’t question it.
Support Congress sending $40 billion to Ukraine. Don’t question it.
Hand over your guns. Don’t question it.
Attack, demonize, and destroy anyone who questions it.

It should be obvious by now that the state wants to re-birth each us to be its offspring. Hence the manipulative talk of paying off student debt and the constant pandemic and climate change fear porn and the gushing DEI/Pride propaganda. Hence the alienation and atomization process of the mandates. You must be separated from the past, from your tradition, from your family, from your property, and from your identity. You are to receive everything from the state as its offspring.

The impetus to move out of Illinois had been growing in me for several years. My workplace is located in Chicago so I stayed. The final straw came during the 2+ years of idiotic and destructive COVID edicts imposed by J.B. “Jelly Belly” Pritzker. My company played along with the mandates, and so it was that started working from home. I continue to work from home in my new home state.

Why move to Indiana? For one thing, Indiana is a less taxing state (marginal tax rate of 3.23%) than Illinois (marginal tax rate 4.95%). Qualified Hoosiers may get a refund if Indiana has enough budget surplus at the end of the fiscal year.

In Ill Annoy, the Illinois Policy Institute notes . . .

Gov. J.B. Pritzker has added more than $5.24 billion in new or higher taxes and fees since taking office. Despite all that new revenue, the nation’s highest taxed state remains a fiscal mess unable to balance a budget for 21 years.

Illinois has the second highest property tax rate behind New Jersey.

Indiana, a “less restricted state”, is # 6 behind New Hampshire, Florida, Nevada, Tennessee and South Dakota according to the overall freedom ranking. It remains to be seen if Indiana will remain less restricted and free or if it will become another Progressive pothole like Illinois. It concerns me that Indiana’s Gov. Holcomb attended the WEF in Davos.

Before my departure, I wrote to the three reps mentioned above: “I am an American. I refuse to be a slave to the Democrat party and to the state and to the World Economic Forum. I refuse to be controlled opposition. I am leaving Illinois for good.”

This message, I have no doubt, fell on deaf ears just like Democrat James Carville’s words to Democrats during an election: “It’s the economy stupid!” The Biden regime is not hard of hearing. It just ignores humanity for the sake of a draconian green agenda. You can’t help noting the destruction the regime is wreaking on the U.S. economy.

While you take in the Fourth, keep watch on the horizon. Look for the pagan hordes coming for your children. See the ghost in the machine coming with AI transplants into your body. See the amassing army of barbarians – globalists – who are bringing about a worldwide famine and chaos in their self-aggrandizing pursuit to “save the planet” and to make you conform to their pagan ways. They are coming for your property and your person.

Consent of the governed” is a phrase found in the United States Declaration of Independence. J.B. Pritzker and a host of other democrats disregarded the consent of the governed with the mandates. They disregarded democracy when they stole the election. These are intent on making people their dependent offspring.

Being the offspring of God, I do not think that the Divine Being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by man’s skill and imagination. (Acts 17:28-29) The state is not a divine being, though it acts like one. The globalist state would have you make sacrifices to its image: “you will own nothing and be happy! -Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum.

So, I say to Illinois Democrats and globalists “July 4th is about liberty stupid!” To the rest I say, “Keep your eyes on the horizon.”


God selects those who will do battle for him. In the account recorded in Judges chapter 7, God works with Gideon to select soldiers to do battle against the Midianites.

Starting with 32,000 soldiers,10,000 remain after the “fearful and trembling” are sent packing. Still not the right amount and quality of soldiers. The final number of soldiers, chosen by a water test, is 300. God chose the alert soldiers, ones who drank and kept an eye on the horizon and the enemy. The self-indulgent water drinkers were told to go home. A good explanation of all this is here: Gideon’s Doglike Lappers (

So he brought the troops down to the water, and the Lord said to Gideon, “All those who lap the water with their tongues, as a dog laps, you shall put to one side; all those who kneel down to drink, putting their hands to their mouths,[c] you shall put to the other side.” The number of those who lapped was three hundred, but all the rest of the troops knelt down to drink water. Then the Lord said to Gideon, “With the three hundred who lapped I will deliver you and give the Midianites into your hand. Let all the others go to their homes.”



Steve Bannon with Archbishop Viganò. A Fundamental Interview, Absolutely Must Read. : STILUM CURIAE (


Informed Dissent:

This 4 min video should be mandatory viewing for all parents considering vaccinating their kids (

MSN quietly deleted a story revealing that severe COVID-19 is rarely found in the unvaccinated –

Thousands Of Kids Injured, Disabled By COVID Jab | NaturalHealth365

Immune Imprinting, Comirnaty and Omicron (part 1) (

The FDA’s proposed “Future Framework” is the worst idea in the history of public health (

Testimony and Remarks, Pandemic Response (

SHF’s oral public comment at FDA’s meeting on COVID shot strain replacement | Stand for Health Freedom

Marxism: “You Will Own NOTHING and Be Happy” (

Failed and Murderous Biden regime Policies:

The Infiltration – Alberto Rivera Explains Jesuit Control in the USA & Communism 1976 (

Biden Hears a WHO!

In the bizarre tale Biden Hears a WHO! the spectacular citizens of Freeville are forced to deal with the elephant in the room – WHO. In order to bring about “One Health”, WHO makes a pact with many nation states. WHO goaded them with “A pandemic’s a pandemic, no matter how small”. But the citizens of Freeville want nothing to do with WHO – “No, nothing at all”.

“To a WHO with a needle, everything looks like a pandemic” Freeville citizens say to themselves. They refuse to join the collective One Health World Order. They want to remain citizens of Freeville. So, they make as much noise as they can so that their voices can be heard. WHO creatures respond.

Biden, commander-in-chief jackass, listens only to WHO and ignores the cries of the citizens of Freeville. He said that he would kick the mayor of Freeville in the teeth if he didn’t join the collective. And the other animals who are in cahoots with WHO are furious that the citizens of Freeville do not want to join their collective. They protest. “Why should they remain free and their contagion affect us?”

Wild asses threaten to kick up a storm in Freeville. Donkeys say they will bray loudly in Freeville so as to drown out the voices of its citizens. And rhinos make it a point to needle them until they give in.

The mayor of Freeville, a rhino himself, is very, very afraid of what might happen. He wants to join the collective. But the citizens of Freeville with one loud shout say “NO!”

Now, I wish I could tell you that Biden Hears a WHO! ends well for the citizens of Freeville. Alas, the spectacular citizens of Freeville are forced into the “One Health” collective. They lose Freeville and their citizenship to WHO and say with all their might “A human right’s a human right, no matter how small”.


An Australian Cartoonist lost his job with the cartoon

Who’s involved with WHO:

Global leaders unite in urgent call for international pandemic treaty (

Here’s a snarky article affirming a handing over of sovereignty to the WHO for “better coordination, unity and to end suffering” (and realistically, to end the freedom to suffer as one wishes):

The WHO To Discuss Global Pandemic Treaty At World Health Assembly May 22-28 (

“The global pandemic response had relatively little coordination, little unity . . .

In a commentary published in The Lancet on May 16, a team of authors, most of whom are from the U.K., wrote that “the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted profound weaknesses in the global governance of health; inadequate preparation, coordination, and accountability hampered the collective response of nations at each stage.” They asserted that “Changes to the global health architecture are necessary to mitigate the health and socioeconomic damage of the ongoing pandemic, and to prepare for the next major global threat to health.” They indicated that “success will require clear demarcations of responsibility with a parsimonious role for international institutions. Although a pandemic treaty or alternative new instrument or process cannot solve all that is wrong with global health, it can deliver targeted improvements if supported by effective and clear global governance.” (Emphasis mine)

The WHO’s Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly starts tomorrow and goes through to May 28th, 2022. You can watch LIVE at this link.

And here’s an eye-opening article:

On May 22nd, the World Health Assembly — which is the governing body of The World Health Organization — will meet in Switzerland to discuss next steps for its ‘pandemic treaty [and its] quest to use public health to expand The WHO’s power over sovereign states,’ Daniel Horowitz reports for TheBlaze.

How the WHO’s ‘pandemic treaty’ could CONTROL governments – Glenn Beck


Stand for Health Freedom

The WHO is creating the public health equivalent of a “one world government” with both their IHR amendments and the pandemic treaty. Our membership in the WHO doesn’t give this globalist organization the right to violate our civil liberties, human rights, and medical freedom.

Join Stand for Health Freedom’s Co-founder, Dr. Joel Bohemier for a GreenMedInfo Special Report. His guests, SHF’s Executive Director, Leah Wilson and Policy Analyst, Valerie Borek will bring you the latest update and what you can do to take action.

Don’t miss out! Monday, May 23 @ 12:30PM EST



In the following links is a sample email that you can send to your representatives and a petition to sign:

Stop Vax Passports – Stop Vaccine Passports

Petition: STOP VACCINE PASSPORTS – Stop Vax Passports




I waited in line at the grocery store this morning so could I pay $20 more for the same groceries I paid for just two months ago. A guy in the next line was wearing a tee shirt. On the back it said “Legalize Freedom”.


Isn’t it rather odd that those who are so concerned about democracy dying are the same people who want everyone to renounce democracy for the tyranny of the WHO?


Informed dissent:

Another Study Confirms Wearing Masks Increases COVID Infection (

Understanding monkeypox so you don’t go bananas:

In my opinion, based on currently available information, Monkeypox is a virus and disease which is endemic in Africa, emerges sporadically after transmission into humans from animal hosts, and is typically spread by close human contact. It is readily controlled by classical public health measures. It does not have a high mortality rate. Unless there has been some genetic alteration, either through evolution or intentional genetic manipulation, it is not a significant biothreat, and has never been considered a high threat pathogen in the past. -Dr. Robert Malone

Monkey Pox – by Robert W Malone MD, MS (

Monkey Pox outbreak traced back to Gay Pride island festival…

‘Sexual form of monkeypox’ blamed for global spread of virus (

The Bidenista economy:

Breaking Report: Dow Jones Is Down 8 Consecutive Weeks – This Has Not Happened in 90 Years! (

WHERE IS THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA? Gas Prices Reach Another New All-Time Record High at $4.593/Gallon — 11th Straight All-Time Record High in 11 Days (

And then there’s Nicolle Wallace”

“The Typhoid Mary of Disinformation”: Nicolle Wallace. Nobody Spreads it More Relentlessly. (

Unfair for the Common Man

A dictionary defines “workaround” as a strategy or technique used to circumvent a defect or other problem in a program or system. Applied to politics, workaround describes a solution to a problem that bypasses the normal or established process which is considered to be obstacle to a desired outcome.

Progressives, with their aversion to the normative and Western tradition, see the Constitution, Christianity and common sense as problems that require workaround solutions. So, a strategy of the-ends-justify-the-means is employed by Progressives to produce a desired outcome – “Change we can believe in”. 

These outcomes are often generalized and peddled with high-sounding platitudes: to save the planet, to ensure public health and public safety, to bring about social justice with diversity, equality, and inclusion.

The Left’s workaround solutions invariably involve forcing functions – a process or constraint that coerces a certain outcome. The Left’s outcome skews normal off course never to return.

The Obamacare individual mandate was justified using the Constitution’s commerce clause as workaround. The court decided that any decision to not to act related to commerce is an act and a person can be therefore required to do what the government says you must do. Wow.

The Left’s most in-your-face work around and forcing function: the stolen presidential election.

Joe Biden, once his junta took over the office of president, shut down oil and gas lease sales from the nation’s vast public lands and waters. The decision, based on computer models of climate cost estimates and not on reality and certainly not on the needs of Americans, ended America’s energy independence. And this after the economy was shut down with despotic COVID mandates.

Americans – everyday folk driving to work to feed their family, low-income families struggling to make ends meet, supply-line truckers requiring diesel fuel to deliver goods –  are now forced to pay for oil, gasoline and diesel fuel at record high prices. (Heh, heh. That will teach Americans to stop using fossil fuels!)

By comparison, Americans were energy independent, working and flourishing under the previous “Orange man bad” administration. Now, Americans of all color, gender and creed are suffering high inflation, food shortages, diesel shortages, price hikes, baby food shortages, the ignominy of the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, a southern border overrun by who knows what, and the stiff-armed indifference of a globalist agenda under an illegitimate president. Forced upon Americans is the inept Joe Biden intent on surrendering America to globalism by whatever means necessary including the Great Reset.

Work arounds have been used by the Progressives all along to produce the outcomes they so desire – sweeping, overly broad power for the actualization of their elitist utopian dreams.

A crisis provides the opportunity for workarounds. A crisis of late has Progressives plotting a way to keep their beloved workaround– the killing off of offspring at will – in place.

Fearing SCOTUS overturning a ruling of the unconstitutional declaration of Roe v Wade – that a woman has a Constitutional right to abortion – Democrats recently talked of packing the court. Not so recently, President Roosevelt, frustrated with the Supreme Court, talked about the same work around.

When Roosevelt-directed laws of the New Deal program had been struck down by unanimous and near-unanimous SCOTUS votes, he talked about adding justices to the court. That did not happen thankfully.

But Roosevelt did expand the size and scope of the U.S. government and its role in the economy. The expansion has continued and its Leviathan tentacles workaround to reach into our daily lives and even into our bodies.

In September 2021, the Biden regime directed the regulatory authority of the Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to write a rule requiring employers with at least 100 workers to force employees to get vaccinated or produce weekly test results showing they are virus free.

OSHA fast-tracked and bypassed their rule making process using a type of peremptory decree called “emergency temporary standard”. The ETS is supposed to protect workers from a “grave danger” i.e., excuse of emergency to regulate first and explain later.

OSHA had never used this authority to mandate a vaccine of any kind. (And why did they not mandate highly effective protocols like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin?)

January 2022, the Supreme Court blocked the enforcement of the sweeping Covid-vaccine mandate that would have impacted 84 million Americans. The majority concluded that Congress had not given OSHA such broad authority to enact a de facto vaccine mandate. While OSHA has the authority to regulate workplace safety, justices reasoned, in this case, it was attempting to use that authority to issue a sweeping rule to address a public-health issue in which the threat is not limited to the workplace.

In a previous Supreme court case, “a group of Alabama real estate agents asked the Supreme Court on Thursday to block a federal moratorium on evictions that was imposed because of the COVID-19 pandemic . . .

The Alabama Association of Realtors urged the Supreme Court to intervene on an emergency basis and lift that stay order, telling the justices that “Congress never gave the CDC the staggering amount of power it now claims.”

The staying opinion stated “We expect Congress to speak clearly when authorizing an agency to exercise powers of vast economic and political significance.”

Congress, our supposed representatives in our constitutional republic, are handing over to agencies – the “administrative state” – overly broad powers.  (This is likely done by our reps so as to distance themselves from their henchman.) If our courts were to adopt a posture of utter deference to claims of emergency, they’d leave OSHA and the “administrative state” in a position to order around the nation by diktat. (See 2021-2022)

The latest work around is incredibly alarming and a call to action!

The latest work around is a threat to the sovereignty and sanctity of your body!

Congress, our court system, our nation’s sovereignty and our own health choices will be circumvented by the Globalist World Health Organization (WHO). Globalists – driven by the will to power to control everything and everyone like the machinations of an evil villain in a James Bond movie – want world domination. They will start with control of your body.

You see, the Globalist One World Order considers you to be their property to do with as it will to save the planet, to bring about world peace, and blah, blah, blah.

The Biden Regime is handing over our nation’s sovereignty as you read this post. Like all evil, it is happening in the shadows. You won’t hear about this in the subservient media.

The following is from the article #StopTheWHO: How You Can Take a Stand Against International Health Regulation Amendments

Key Issues to Understand

On January 18 2022, the United States Department of Health and Human Services proposed amendments to the IHR. These amendments give control over the declaration of a public health emergency in any member state to the WHO Director-General – even over the objection of the member state. The Director-General communicated the text of the proposed amendments on 20 January 2022, via a circular letter to State Parties.

The proposed IHR amendments also cede control to WHO “regional directors,” who are given the authority to declare a Public Health Emergency of Regional Concern (PHERC). Moreover, the proposed amendments allow the Director-General to ring an international alarm bell, by unilaterally issuing an “Intermediate Public Health Alert (IPHA).”

Properly understood, the proposed IHR amendments are directed towards establishing a globalist architecture of worldwide health surveillance, reporting, and management. Consistent with a top-down view of governance, the public will not have opportunities to provide input or criticism concerning the amendments. This, of course, is a direct violation of the basic tenets of democracy and can be compared to the separate new pandemic treaty. (Emphasis mine.)


The Globalist/Collectivist Cabal want to control your health, your agency, freedom and your property! And the Biden regime is all in!

Please take seriously the severity of this existential threat to everything free people hold dear. Do everything in your power to pass this report on to others and to find ways to communicate with and to influence people to stop empowering WHO to take over our national sovereignty and freedom. -Dr. Breggin

>>>>Go to | Blog, read the entire article. Sign the petition! Tell your reps today that you oppose this!

Here is Dr. Breggin explaining what is going on right now:

Dr. Breggin: Biden Handing Over U.S. Sovereignty To WHO (

Do you understand? A public health emergency may be a virus or climate or gun ownership or your opinion. . . anything that Globalists conjure up. You thought the last 2+ years were bad under the “public health emergency” workaround diktats? Just imagine if the World Health Organization (which serves the interests of Globalists and the CCP) is given the authority to run our lives! Do you have any idea how people are treated in China? Communism is a workaround forcing function of humanity done not for the sake of the common man but for the sake of adherence to the few.

ACT NOW! Download and read the PDF.

#StopTheAmendments, #StopTheTreaty, and #StopTheWHO


“When I say that evil has to do with killing, I do not mean to restrict myself to corporeal murder. Evil is that which kills spirit. There are various essential attributes of life — particularly human life — such as sentience, mobility, awareness, growth, autonomy, will. It is possible to kill or attempt to kill one of these attributes without actually destroying the body. Thus we may “break” a horse or even a child without harming a hair on its head.

Erich Fromm was acutely sensitive to this fact when he broadened the definition of necrophilia to include the desire of certain people to control others-to make them controllable, to foster their dependency, to discourage their capacity to think for themselves, to diminish their unpredectibility and originalty, to keep them in line. Distinguishing it from a “biophilic” person, one who appreciates and fosters the variety of life forms and the uniqueness of the individual, he demonstrated a “necrophilic character type,” whose aim it is to avoid the inconvenience of life by transforming others into obedient automatons, robbing them of their humanity.

Evil then, for the moment, is the force, residing either inside or outside of human beings, that seeks to kill life or liveliness. And goodness is its opposite. Goodness is that which promotes life and liveliness.”
― M. Scott Peck, People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil


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With #StopTheWHO: Action Steps!

#StopTheAmendments, #StopTheTreaty, and #StopTheWHO