The First “Oh Well”


Christmas gives me the blues and I don’t mean the Johnny Mathis singing “Blue Christmas” blues.  I mean the whole consumer blitzkrieg-droned carol-endless line-crass sentimentality blues called The Holidays. Blah! Bummerbug! If Santa Claus never makes it to town that’s OK with me.

 Black Friday came and went unnoticed. As will Cyber Monday.  I have what I need and so does every else. That’s my guess but you wouldn’t know it by the mindless occupiers waiting to purchase the newest doll or device that would tell them they are special. And speaking of mindless occupation…

When you have someone like Obama Claus who pushes a food stamp agenda instead of a jobs agenda and trades free cell phones for votes and redistributes taxpayer monies to his crony friends in the green energy business and supplies weapons of mass destruction to Mexican drug lords and completely ignores murderous threats to our own Libyan Embassy and you have something so tangible as the unread but tax-mandated Obamacare what else do you really need?  Perhaps a Big Gulp to choke down your last union-made and destroyed Twinkie?  51 % of voters voted for this Godless Xmess. 

I recently saw a tee-shirt which had the imprint, “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”  “Merry Christmas kids!” as my very angry mother would yell at us when we had behaved so badly that Christmas was on the verge of being banished from our household forever.

People in Chicago also voted to put Jesse Jackson Jr, back into office! This boggles the mind! Happy Holidays! 51% of you got what you wanted.

Oh, well. I’ll be home for Christmas while I still have private property.

Realities From My Father

OK.  Tell me why the President of the United States would decide to weaken the work requirements related to welfare

 The obvious answer:  political gain.  But there may also be a not-so obvious reason.

 A President who thinks that eighteen holes of golf is work enough has now decreed that laboring to obtain an otherwise free benefit is no longer required.  Yet, free lunches, there ain’t no such thing.  You the taxpayer are paying for someone to sit on their ass and collect welfare. 

 By presidential fiat just months before the November presidential election Obama has told us in effect that he doesn’t want the beneficiaries of welfare to have to strain themselves on the way to the 7-Eleven.  Lifting that bottle of Jack or that can of malt liquor is work enough. Am I being cruel?  No.  You’ve been to the 7-Eleven and seen the line waiting to buy lottery tickets.  Is this a generalization?  Perhaps, but you can fill in your own eyewitness accounts. Obama by fiat diminishes individual effort and seeks to replace it with the collective effort (to win reelection.

What may not be so obvious a motive for this fiat by Obama, who is rabidly anti-colonialism (see Obama 2012, the movie), is his desire to denigrate the Protestant work ethic in America. Beyond political gain he may have decreed this because of his or his father’s own ill-will towards American missionaries. One can only speculate based on the familial and national dysfunction found in Obama’s book, Dreams From My Father.

   Obama may very well have thought that American missionaries who were sent over many years from U. S. churches to foreign countries like Africa brought with them free-market enterprise, capitalism and the Protestant work ethic along with the Gospel.  Because of Obama’s learned hatred of colonialism there would be little wonder when later Obama would sit within ear shot of the black liberation theology rants of “Rev.” Jeremiah (“God Damn America”) Wright.  For Obama those “colonizing-looking” missionaries may have appeared to be bringing with them the shackles of Americanism.  To Obama and Wright those falsely perceived “projected” purveyors of slavery via work ethic are anathema.  And from Obama’s speeches one can readily tell that Obama detests anything American and especially the individual effort which produces human flourishing. Work is just to be a caged sideshow event outside Obama’s big circus tent of government. Obama’s Big Government Show does not need you to work.  It just needs your ticket to the show (your vote).

This is the screwed up thinking born out of Obama’s father’s dreams.  And, it is now America’s nightmare.

 I learned about work from my father.  He showed by his example how to support himself and his family.  There were times when my dad worked at two jobs. He did what he had to do.  He provided for his family and for his future.  He also paid taxes and donated ten percent of his earnings to our local church.  I’ve followed in my father’s footsteps (see my previous post). Obama on the other hand has no idea about what I talking about here.

 Obama’s father spent his time drinking and womanizing. Obama’s “founding fathers”  Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright and mentor Frank Marshall Davis, a radical poet and former Communist, taught Obama how to radicalize what he felt inside.

 Obama has learned nothing from his father except how to hate that mechanism that promotes cultural and material exchange and success via the marketplace.  He hates the hard work that supports it. He lives in the valley of the shadow of colonialism.

 Beyond this, Obama, in Howard Zinn-Noam Chomsky-like fashion defines America as the pompous ass that needs to bow the knee to the ever-gracious world – the same world that spits out Osama Bin Laden and Khalid Sheik Mohammed, North Korea’s Kim Il-sung, Iran’s Ahmadinejad and countless terrorists and tyrants and those who support them.  And like Zinn and Chomsky Obama thinks America has a big head.  But what Obama and these other “big heads” don’t realize is that they are projecting their own dysfunctional personalities onto America.

 Obama sees nothing exceptional about America. He sees America as the throw-away packaging that holds his own political gain.

 Obama:  why work so hard trying to reach for the stars when you can easily reach for your food stamps in the voting booth?


What does the 2012 Obama Presidential election campaign look like?   A collective of special interest groups (big labor unions, homosexuals, women on birth control who can’t afford to pay the five dollars every month to buy it even though they attend prestigious colleges, etc.), limp-wristed faux Indian progressives like Elizabeth Warren, extremely wack radicals like Van Jones, giant ‘plasticized’ Hollywood egos craving attention, Wall Street deep-pocket Super-Pac cronies, Green Energy Money Launderers, Occupy Whine Street-ers and all the disenfranchised “not-ready-to shovel” for their lunch people.


Jesse Lee Peterson speaks w/ Dr. Dinesh D’Souza, NY Times Bestselling author of “The Roots of Obama’s Rage” and President of The King’s College. D’Souza’s new film, “2016: Obama’s America” – Love Him, Hate Him, You Don’t Know Him!

More of Less?

You have a choice in November.  You could choose more of the same deficit leadership or you can choose wisely. 

You can choose Obama’s anti-capitalist Marxist socialism which seeks to “materialize” everything in its path including you.  Obamacare is only the beginning of this dehumanizing process. You can choose to exalt redistributive materialism to the neglect and hurt of your own soul.

You can choose more bureaucracy and more IRS agents and less control of your own life and property. You can choose to increase government’s monopoly and its power grab of the private sector.  You can choose to be just another cog in the collective. You can choose sameness for the sake of egalitarianism.

  You can choose Obama’s class and race warfare, a malignant stratifying of people into special interest groups. One civil war in this nation wasn’t enough, right?  One nation under Obama?  It will never happen!  Obama works to polarize the nation, to make some people more favored than others thereby tossing justice by the wayside.  You can choose more rancor and strife and less community. 

You can choose more voter fraud, more Black Panther intimidation.  You can choose more Eric Holder and his Fast and Furious lying.  And you can choose more injustice and less rule of law. 

 You can choose Obama’s devotion to special interest groups such as the environmentalists and his own circle of friends (Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s Solyndra’s buddies, etc.).  You can choose favoritism over equal opportunity.

You can choose more homosexuality and with it bullying disguised as “Diversity.” You can choose less family values when you vote for Democrats.

 You can choose his “You didn’t build that” rhetoric and decide that you really are too stupid to build anything on your own.  You can choose Obama’s shaming you into submission and less his offer of incentives to even try to succeed.

 You can choose more abortions and more food stamps and more bureaucracy and more people telling you what to do, what to eat, what to drive and how to spend your money.  You can choose endless higher taxes, more casinos, ever-increasing debt.  That’s the Obama way.

 You can choose to pay for Obama to play more golf so that he can relax while he’s thinking about the millions of people who are out of work.  (BTW: Obama has played more than 100 rounds of golf in three and one-half years compared to Bush’s 25 rounds in eight years! And, Obama has had only one cabinet meeting so far this year.  It is now the end of July!) You can choose more of same insipid leadership and less vision. Or, you can choose wisely.

 Per the unspoken rhetoric of Obama and Democrats like Elizabeth Warren, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi they are counting on the rich to succeed.  They hope the 1% will provide enormous tax revenues to pay for all of their Great Society gambling debts. These Democrats promote class warfare against the very rich believing that the middle class will benefit. But nothing happens in isolation.  The middle class will suffer if the very rich are no longer able to invest their money. This type of over-arching economic thinking is lost on the Democrats.  They are only looking for the short-term power and money grabs.

 These political fat cats want to control free enterprise thereby keeping individuals from creating wealth which aids human flourishing.  In so doing they can keep their hands in till.  They gain access to their “fair share” in the pea and shell game of government. This is called “Progress” but “political corruption” is its true name.

These snake-oil salesmen, the Democrats, will tell they have a cure for society’s ills:  higher taxes.  They believe that if they can just throw more money at a problem that the problem will magically go away.  This “lets-be-reasonable” irrational thinking is exactly the same type of thinking behind the extensive guns laws passed by the City of Chicago, the strictest gun laws in the nation.  Their shot-gun approach to passing guns laws has not resulted in a decrease in violent gun-related crime in this city. Rather, Chicago’s murder rate is the highest in the nation.  But the Democrats of the state of Illinois aren’t saying much about that.  No. Now they want to throw more gun laws at the bullets. More of less. That is the Democrat’s answer to our dying culture.  Maintaining political power is more important than the people on the streets. They march in your parades while backtracking on your best interests.

 The only tools in Obama’s “community organizer” bag are raising taxes and blaming others. That’s all you’ll ever get from Obama and the Democrats. That, and more casinos.  You can vote for more of the same anemic leadership, more scapegoating and less vision. You can vote for more economic stagnation, more radicalism, more of less.

You can also choose European style top-down government and place yourself at the bottom of another list.  You can choose a culture of dependence for yourself and your kids. Our national debt is the insurance policy of our nation’s ongoing slavery to debt.  Obamacare is just the name on one of the policy brochures.

  With your vote you can choose Democrats and the decline of America. You can choose more of the same devastation to individual liberty. You can choose the monopoly of government.

 The Democrat party is the party of less liberty.  You can vote for less liberty but in doing so our nation, without your individual dynamic of liberty put to good use, would soon implode and become the vacuum that totalitarianism rapidly fills without ever asking for your vote.

  I’ll leave you with this interesting statement from Chairman Mao on April 30, 1971:

 “China should learn from the way America developed, by decentralizing and spreading responsibility and wealth among 50 states.  A central government could not do everything.  China must depend upon regional and local initiative.  It would not do [spreading his hands] to leave everything up to him [Mao].

You can choose more of this:

Obama in focus:


Here is Father Robert A. Sirico making it perfectly clear why capitalism is GOOD.  (There is a surprise at the end of the video, too.)

A Return to Failure is Not a Step Forward

 Three and a half years into Obama’s presidency it would be naïveté and simplemindedness to blame George Bush for the economy’s problems.  During his term as president Obama, the Amateur, has taken all the wrong actions or no actions at all when action was called for.  His reign of malignant incompetency has passed the onerous Dodd-Frank act and Obamacare legislation further crippling our nation. And, Obama has surrounded himself with incompetent and partisan people who promote racial strife, class warfare and division – a second civil war has been forced onto our nation.

Obama is a president who is proud of the fact that more people of this nation are on welfare and receiving food stamps than at any time in our nation’s history.  He encourages dependence on government  Yet, one would think that an American president would work to produce the opposite effect – more people able to care for themselves.  Instead, Obama’s incompetence and his top down government policies are forcing our nation into indentured servitude fit for his plantation.  Obama and the government will become your taskmasters.  As once free people of a great nation you become slaves beholden to the whims of the masters. A political civil war must be fought to oust the slave market creators – Obama and the Dems.

If you voted for Obama in 2008 here are only some of the overall economic effects of his Hope and Change administration.  These are economic facts and they do not convey the pain, the suffering and the lost hope that millions of the unemployed feel:

From the post “The Great Obama Welfare State:”

 Much has changed in America since Barack Obama was sworn into office as the 44th president of the United States on January 20, 2009.  In less than 1,000 days as chief executive of the U.S., President Obama’s failed policies and initiatives have resulted in a dizzying array of dismal economic statistics.  As it stands now, Obama appears headed toward an economic legacy that may very well surpass Jimmy Carter in its level of failure.

Government dependence, which is defined as the percentage of persons receiving one or more federal benefit payments, is at a staggering 47%, its highest level in American history, while 21 million households are reliant on food stamps. 

According to the August employment report from the Department of Labor, the nation’s unemployment rate remained at 9.1% with a total of zero jobs added to the economy during the month.  Among demographic groups, Latinos had an unemployment rate of 11.3%, while African-Americans posted a rate of 16.7%.  For blacks, that represents the highest unemployment rate for this group since 1984 and a rate more than double that of whites (8%).

When Obama took office in January 2009, the nation’s unemployment rate stood at 7.8%, a rate higher than the historic norm, yet far below the current rate, and above any rate during the Bush administration.  Since June 2009, six months into Obama’s term, the nation’s unemployment rate has been at or above 9% during 25 of 27 consecutive months.

The economic numbers are especially poor for the demographic groups that most supported Barack Obama at the polling booth in November 2008.

Take Wayne County, Michigan, for example, where President Obama made a Labor Day economic speech.  This county, which includes the city of Detroit, voted for Obama at a rate of 74% in 2008.  It has been estimated that Detroit’s “Real Unemployment Rate” might be upwards of 45%, and Michigan remains the state with the dubious honor of having the highest unemployment rate.


These woeful economic figures have come during a time in which we have experienced the most government involvement in the economy since the days of FDR and government spending without parallel in our nation’s history.

The list of taxpayer-paid government bailouts and government spending under the Obama administration is seemingly endless and has resulted in our national debt now above $14.7 trillion.

President Obama has thrown billions upon billions of dollars at the U.S. economy with nothing to show for it.  His so-called stimulus policies have been, in fact, contractionary and his presidency stands to be remembered as nothing short of an economic failure. (emphasis mine)

 Can anyone in their right mind believe that any of the above is good?  Can anyone in their right mind vote for Obama and Democrats again?

In November vote for anyone but Obama and you will go Forward. End the growth of failure now.

The Grim Repeater

Wall Street Journal, Thursday, April 19th, 2012:

Wonderland by Daniel Henniger, Deputy editor, editorial page,

 It’s 1936 All Over Again

The Obama 2012 campaign is channeling the ghost of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the Depression.

 With a small group of credulous millionaires joining him at a White House séance the other day to support the Buffett Rule, the Conjurer-in-Chief called forth the spirit of Ronald Reagan, who the president averred would have supported his magic tax on “millionaires.” There have been 43 other presidents of the United States. The last one you would associate with Barack Obama is Ronald Reagan.…

FDR’s 1936 speech, however tough and accusatory, had Roosevelt’s natural personal buoyancy. Barack Obama has no such gift for popular uplift. Reagan and Bill Clinton had it, and it was an underestimated piece of George W. Bush’s two successful presidential runs.

Barack Obama is, frankly, a pretty grim guy. He does try to mitigate the downer mood—”This is also about growth”—but ultimately his audiences always hear about the ditch someone else put them in and the superhuman effort “we” have to make to pull out of this deep hole.

Barack Obama is grim because he believes, and has always believed, that dark forces are actively at work in America to shaft the middle class. So do his closest supporters. So you run on anger and antipathy.

Can you re-run Roosevelt’s Depression strategy without Roosevelt? In tough times, some voters will buy it. But I don’t think enough will to produce a majority of the beleaguered.

Barack Obama is asking people to cast a less-than-hopeful vote in November. Resentment is not something most people in 21st-century America carry around in the front of their heads. Once Barack Obama stirs it up, as he’s doing now, he has to sustain it for six months. He is asking people to vote out of something resembling, well, depression. (emphasis mine)

Mr. Fair Share Slow Jams Recovery

 Yeah, this is so funny Mr. POTUS.  Millions are out of work and you are on the Jimmy Fallon late night show exercising your smirk.

  Somebody should tell Obama that we are headed toward a double dip recession just as Britain and much of the European continent is already experiencing.  Rioting in the streets will not be far behind…

 November 2012:   Replace Obama with a President.  Can I get an Amen?

No News Here: Friday the Thirteenth, 2012 Edition

US education failure poses a national threat:   Wow! And just think what the failing US education system (thanks to the teacher’s union, its lobby and liberal universities) does for the election process:  A lack of critical thinking which leads to populist voting which in turn leads to stage one laws being enacted which in turn leads to bureaucracy which in turn leads to totalitarianism (in a nutshell). (Leads to totalitarianism because people will be too stupid to know any better and they will have given up all of their freedom to the intellectual elite contingent that has been anxiously waiting for that day when you say “I can’t do this anymore.”

Diversity looks a lot like the North Korean Supreme People’s Assembly:  Liberal colleges and universities are cranking out Obamatons with their eager beaver looks and stunning lack of critical thinking. Do they have Che and COEXIST stickers on their bumpers?

Activist Judges are not Inactive:  Ruth Bader Ginsberg Associate Justice of SCOTUS fame during one of her “teaching moments” at an “Arab Spring” conference:  “I would not look to the U.S. Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012.”  

 This in spite of the fact that our Constitution has been the template that has supported her free range blather all of her life. Now, instead of fidelity to the U.S. Constitution, RBG prefers a constitution based on International Law (basically, One World humanism administered by ad hoc panels made up of hand-wringing liberals).

 Like Obama and the Dems, RBG is on a much higher humanitarian plane than the rest of us crass peons. She’s at altitudes where there is little or no oxygen.

The franchised system of bureaucracy known as Obamacare will cost a lot more than expected:  Also, did you know that with Obamacare coverage will be mandated but care will not? You didn’t?  Well, you know that according to Nancy Pelosi, another high-flying Democrat, “We needed to pass the bill to find out what was in it.” 

Not the Scooby-Doo ending:  Voting for Democrats is voting for the decline of America and the rise of totalitarianism and the likes of the Supreme People’s Party and its chief Defense Minister, Fear.

better yet,

Voting for Democrats is like shooting yourself in the right foot and then shooting yourself in the left foot just to be sure you’re being fair.

Fuzzy Logic has more No News Here: <<<

The Denigration of Herman Cain by MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell

In this MSNBC interview (<< linked here) by their paid attack dog Laurence O’Donnell,  one can clearly see the progressive left’s blatant condescension toward a black man with a different point of view than that of the myopic and biased MSNBC. 

Is this interview part of the “LEAN FORWARD campaign of MSNBC?  If so, LEAN FORWARD is defined by haughtiness, hypocrisy, intra-racial profiling, as promoting segregation, racism and a complete unwillingness to consider another point of view.  MSNBC’s LEAN FORWARD campaign is just a relabeling of the Plantation Politics established by the Democratic Party to suppress Black Americans, keeping them dependent on government. In short, the campaign promotes the economic slavery of millions of Black Americans.

MSNBC’s constant personal attacks on Herman Cain, Sarah Palin and others reveal that these people on the Left have nothing to offer anyone except hatred and an insidious reneging on the promise of the civil rights movement.

Is Herman Cain not black enough for you Laurence? Is his character not sufficiently pasty liberal white?

America doesn’t deserve a man like Herman Cain or a man like Laurence O’Donnell and for two totally opposite reasons:  Cain is a man who has lived the American Dream. Herman wants to make that dream possible for everyone.  He is to be honored for this.  Laurence O’Donnell, on the other hand, is a man who has lived the American Dream and still wants to berate the man who has succeeded against enormous odds and in spite of the color of his skin. Herman has not relied on the liberalism’s pretentious altruism and largesse for his achievements.  O’Donnell deserves dishonor.

Where is the defense of Herman Cain by Jesse Jackson,  Al Sharpton and Maxine Waters?  Oh, that’s right. These three Democrats seek to benefit from the race card being played and Herman Cain, a Republican, does not.

Angels & Devils – Saul Alinsky Style: #Occupywallstreet

Did you vote for Obama??!! Do you really want “the political paradise of communism”? Do you want the overthrow of our country by youth who use Google, iPods, iPads, iPhones, Facebook, Blackberries etc. – all corporation created products – to demonstrate against Capitalism and the Free Market? How do you feel about the hypocrisy and absurdity of this situation?

You should know that the recent Wall Street Day of Rage in this Obama moment are pages right out of Saul Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals (1971). Here are excerpts from Rules for Radicals:

In this book we are concerned with how to create mass organizations to seize power and give it to the people; to realize the democratic dream of equality, justice, peace…. “Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.’ This means revolution.” p.3
A Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage — the political paradise of communism.” p.10
An organizer working in and for an open society is in an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does not have a fixed truth — truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing…. To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma, he can respond to the realities of the widely different situations….” pp.10-11

Rules of Radicals book dedication:

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history… the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”

Alinsky tactic:  “One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other.” (pps.127-134)

Obama’s connection with Alinsky:

“Obama learned his lesson well. I am proud to see that my father’s model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday.” –Letter from L. DAVID ALINSKY, son of Neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky.

The demonstrating zealots with their electronics products, in keeping with their anti-corporation/anti-Capitalism theme, will have to discard those products created by the subject of their collective anger and begin to “bang on the drum all day” in order to communicate.

To wit, a 10-5-2011 update:





BTW:  Student loan forgiveness by the government makes perfect sense to these kids because of Obama’s dealings with Solyndra. Apparently, Obama thinks our country has money to burn. Obama has set a poor example for our youth.

God help us everyone.