Fourth of July Americana Without a Fifth of Jackboot Alchemy

Empty the bottled witches’ brews – the potent eye-of-newt-baboon-blood admixture of COVID scientism and the wool-of-bat-tongue-of-dog-nihilism-cultured Marxism – down the toilet. Turn off the media cauldron . . .


There. Now, pour yourself a tall cool glass of Simply Lemonade. Cut yourself a piece of apple pie. Kick back and enjoy some Americana. Reanimate your imagination.

You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. – Mark Twain

Samuel Clemens, using the pen name Mark Twain, gave America two major classics of American literature: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The lives and values of people living in the American South during the middle of the nineteenth century are conveyed through Twain’s choice of imagery, vernacular, relaxed diction and characters. Twain’s small-town realism: what is seen through the eyes and imaginations of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.

A Stamp printed in USA shows the painting “Tom Sawyer”, by Norman Rockwell (1894-1978), American Folklore Issue, circa 1972

If you were ever a kid, and I suspect that most of you have been so inclined, you will connect with the antics of Tom Sawyer. You’ll relate to Tom’s larger-than-life imaginings and his dashed realizations. Like Tom, you may have acquired experienced-based knowledge and also consequences with each twist and turn of an adventure.

You’ll remember being bored during summer vacation and being both bored and lonely during a bout of the measles. And you’ll recollect more, as you listen to and read . . .

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, Chapter 22

TOM joined the new order of Cadets of Temperance, being attracted by the showy character of their “regalia.” He promised to abstain from smoking, chewing, and profanity as long as he remained a member. Now he found out a new thing—namely, that to promise not to do a thing is the surest way in the world to make a body want to go and do that very thing. Tom soon found himself tormented with a desire to drink and swear; the desire grew to be so intense that nothing but the hope of a chance to display himself in his red sash kept him from withdrawing from the order. Fourth of July was coming; but he soon gave that up —gave it up before he had worn his shackles over forty–eight hours—and fixed his hopes upon old Judge Frazer, justice of the peace, who was apparently on his deathbed and would have a big public funeral, since he was so high an official. During three days Tom was deeply concerned about the Judge’s condition and hungry for news of it. Sometimes his hopes ran high—so high that he would venture to get out his regalia and practise before the looking–glass. But the Judge had a most discouraging way of fluctuating. At last he was pronounced upon the mend—and then convalescent. Tom was disgusted; and felt a sense of injury, too. He handed in his resignation at once—and that night the Judge suffered a relapse and died. Tom resolved that he would never trust a man like that again.

The funeral was a fine thing. The Cadets paraded in a style calculated to kill the late member with envy. Tom was a free boy again, however —there was something in that. He could drink and swear, now—but found to his surprise that he did not want to. The simple fact that he could, took the desire away, and the charm of it.

Tom presently wondered to find that his coveted vacation was beginning to hang a little heavily on his hands.

He attempted a diary—but nothing happened during three days, and so he abandoned it.

The first of all the negro minstrel shows came to town, and made a sensation. Tom and Joe Harper got up a band of performers and were happy for two days.

Even the Glorious Fourth was in some sense a failure, for it rained hard, there was no procession in consequence, and the greatest man in the world (as Tom supposed), Mr. Benton, an actual United States Senator, proved an overwhelming disappointment—for he was not twenty–five feet high, nor even anywhere in the neighborhood of it.

A circus came. The boys played circus for three days afterward in tents made of rag carpeting—admission, three pins for boys, two for girls—and then circusing was abandoned.

A phrenologist and a mesmerizer came—and went again and left the village duller and drearier than ever.

There were some boys–and–girls’ parties, but they were so few and so delightful that they only made the aching voids between ache the harder.

Becky Thatcher was gone to her Constantinople home to stay with her parents during vacation—so there was no bright side to life anywhere.

The dreadful secret of the murder was a chronic misery. It was a very cancer for permanency and pain.

Then came the measles.

During two long weeks Tom lay a prisoner, dead to the world and its happenings. He was very ill, he was interested in nothing. When he got upon his feet at last and moved feebly down–town, a melancholy change had come over everything and every creature. There had been a “revival,” and everybody had “got religion,” not only the adults, but even the boys and girls. Tom went about, hoping against hope for the sight of one blessed sinful face, but disappointment crossed him everywhere. He found Joe Harper studying a Testament, and turned sadly away from the depressing spectacle. He sought Ben Rogers, and found him visiting the poor with a basket of tracts. He hunted up Jim Hollis, who called his attention to the precious blessing of his late measles as a warning. Every boy he encountered added another ton to his depression; and when, in desperation, he flew for refuge at last to the bosom of Huckleberry Finn and was received with a Scriptural quotation, his heart broke and he crept home and to bed realizing that he alone of all the town was lost, forever and forever.

And that night there came on a terrific storm, with driving rain, awful claps of thunder and blinding sheets of lightning. He covered his head with the bedclothes and waited in a horror of suspense for his doom; for he had not the shadow of a doubt that all this hubbub was about him. He believed he had taxed the forbearance of the powers above to the extremity of endurance and that this was the result. It might have seemed to him a waste of pomp and ammunition to kill a bug with a battery of artillery, but there seemed nothing incongruous about the getting up such an expensive thunderstorm as this to knock the turf from under an insect like himself.

By and by the tempest spent itself and died without accomplishing its object. The boy’s first impulse was to be grateful, and reform. His second was to wait—for there might not be any more storms.

The next day the doctors were back; Tom had relapsed. The three weeks he spent on his back this time seemed an entire age. When he got abroad at last he was hardly grateful that he had been spared, remembering how lonely was his estate, how companionless and forlorn he was. He drifted listlessly down the street and found Jim Hollis acting as judge in a juvenile court that was trying a cat for murder, in the presence of her victim, a bird. He found Joe Harper and Huck Finn up an alley eating a stolen melon. Poor lads! they—like Tom—had suffered a relapse.

  • Source: Twain, M. (1876). The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Hartford, CT: American Publishing Co.

Chapter 22 | The Adventures of Tom Sawyer | Mark Twain | Lit2Go ETC (


America has been undergoing a hostile takeover by the Wicked WOKE. Since the ‘60s this red army has infiltrated our education systems. From elementary through graduate school, it has promoted an infighting America. Using Marxism’s class warfare, identity politics and now Critical Race Theory, one is taught to hate America, hate Capitalism and even your own white skin color. What is the Wicked Woke’s motivation?

 . . . if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. Mk. 3:25

The military is being subjected to Marxism and CRT. To get first-hand insight, read Lt. Colonel Matthew Lohmeier’s book Irresistible Revolution; Marxism’s goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military. Lt. Colonel Lohmeier was sacked from his command following this book. This man has courage that many in leadership lack!

Businesses are now submitting to cultural Marxism. The over a century old engineering company I work for is now celebrating the division of the company into identity groups via the tokenism of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives (DEI). Apparently, the adult owners and managers are being led by the nose by the new recruits once matriculated in indoctrination classes.

American history is tortured into saying America is a racist country (vide anti-American Communist sympathizer Hannah Jones’ 1619 Project).

People are waterboarded by the media into feelings of panic and terror with a constant deluge of “pandemic” counts, deaths and variants, mask wearing mandates, lockdown mandates, vaccination as salvation, a Jan. 6th narrative, racism behind every bush, and an impending climate change apocalypse.

Just the other day the Biden regime’s Energy Sect. Jennifer Granholm was on CNN. When asked a leading question, Granholm suggested that the building in Florida may have collapsed because of climate change. Why instill fear in people? Why provoke anyone to think that their building may collapse at any moment due to climate change? Why? Fear is used for political ends.

Through relabeling and redefinition of terms, the NSA and FBI pronounce white Americans who love their country “White supremacists”. This now ‘allows’ them to spy on American citizens with impunity.

We will soon be made to lease our homes. The global elites (Warren Buffett’s Berkshire-Hathaway Real Estate included?) are buying up housing and real estate. You will be forced to rent and accept their lease terms, including their progressive Marxist agenda. Private property will be taken away.

The Biden regime and Democrats in Congress aim to spend enormous amounts of taxpayer money. In doing so, our country will be headed for financial ruin – hyperinflation, market collapse and the dollar will lose its standing as the global reserve currency. Our children, grandchildren and their children will suffer great hardship because of their out-of-control spending.

Our constitutional republic is being destroyed by those who cry “Our Democracy is under attack!” while increasing their censorship of what Americans can and cannot say.

When the Biden regime took over the White House in Jan. of 2021, our constitutional republic was subjected to malicious attacks. One of the puppet dictator’s first acts was to abolish what he called the ‘offensive’ 1776 Commission. He also restarted the racial sensitivity reprogramming of American citizens.

Below is a copy of what the Biden regime abolished and what militant ideologues continue to pillory as being “lies” and “propaganda”.

Turn off the media cauldron. Download and read the 1776 Report to your family.

From the 1776 Report Conclusion:

Identity politics is fundamentally incompatible with the principle of equality enshrined in the Declaration of Independence.

Of note, Dr. Carol M. Swain was the Vice chair of the President’s 1776 Commission. You will want to go to her website to watch the video From GED to PH.D: the Carol Swain Story. (I doubt that she is “black enough” per the racist standard set by Joe Biden and the rest of the race hustlers.)

Here is a website to promote American History: 1776 Project Pac.

“What to the slave is the Fourth of July?’ This Frederick Douglass quote is from his oration on July 5th, 1852 – 76 years after the founding of the country.


Unlike President Wilson (see “The Meaning of Liberty”) who progressively sought to bring the Declaration up to date, President Coolidge affirms the enduring veracity of human equality, inalienable rights, and the consent of the governed—“those old theories and principles which time and the unerring logic of events have demonstrated to be sound.” 

Calvin Coolidge’s Speech on the Occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence


Welcome to all of the countries accessing my blog:

Islam, the “Lunatic Left” and Their Problem with Truth


“See here,” Jesus continued, “I’m sending you out like sheep surrounded by wolves. So be shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” Matthew’s Gospel 10: 16


Clarion Words heard in Anne Marie Waters’ talk at “Dangerous Words 250” Free Speech conference, October 1, 2016

“…truth is now the enemy…”

“…but free speech matters so that we may tell the truth.”

“…Islam will not provide mutual respect…”

“…war on words, language neutralized, object reality is threatened…”

Sharia Watch U.K.

The “Jay Report” mentioned in the video: “Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham, 1997-2013 – Alexis Jay OBE”

“The purpose of those who argue for cultural diversity is to impose ideological uniformity.” ― Theodore Dalrymple


“How can one respect people as members of the human race unless one holds them to a standard of conduct and truthfulness?”

― Theodore Dalrymple, Not With a Bang But a Whimper: The Politics & Culture of Decline


[Theodore] Dalrymple on Decadence, Europe, America and Islam:

PB: How do you explain that when society has problems with Islam it is mainly with the young men and not with the young women?

RD: I think the young women are not strongly Islamist on the whole. In fact, many of them are very anti-Islamic, or would be if they had the opportunity. I also believe that the main interest of Islam for young men in Western countries is the predominance that it gives them over women. I will give you the reasons why I have come to that conclusion, and I accept that they are not scientifically foolproof. There could be arguments against them.

Guess Who Came to Dine on You? Part Two

The Ruling Class Cannibals!

Who are these Kulakovores?  They are Ruling Class America and the minions who do their hunter-gatherer bidding.  They are the Democrats and Republicans who accrue power unto themselves.  They are the un-elected:  the bureaucrats, the administrative state, the regulators, the social engineers, the ones whose careers are dependent on the government.   They are the ones who have no boundaries but will set boundaries for you. They are the ones with secret servers, the ones who call themselves “saviors of the planet” and those in the “know”, Progressives, the entitled, the “living Constitutionalists”, those that are a law unto themselves, the “settled science” purveyors, the “green agenda” evangelists, followers of the Scientism cult, the #SJW, #LGBT, #BlackLivesMatter, the gerrymandering, the eminent domain Dishonest Johns, the union bosses, the public school educators, the “It takes a village” people…the Hannibal Lecturers. hannibal lector

Obama finger gun







The power-hungry…

They came for your body parts, your eminent domain:

The Ruling Class Cannibals endorse Planned Parenthood.  The slaughter of the innocents provides these Cannibals with body parts to increase their food supply. They care more about the environment.




Warning:  the video below is graphic.  Watch the first minute if you can’t take any more.


solyent green

They came for your independence, your guns:

The Ruling Class hates independence.  The Collective would rather you meekly join the others in their Solyent Green plant.

Guns, in American history, have been the last resort to thwart tyranny.  If I haven’t revealed approaching tyranny to you in these posts then you are a minion of the Ruling Class Cannibals.

Tyranny for Ruling Class Cannibals is not being able to have complete control over your flesh, not being able to cause a thrill go up your leg, not being able to throw you in a boiling pot at will.

Obama gun control extrapolated means that you are to be protected at a whim of the Ruling Class Kulakovores.  Good luck with that, dead men walking.


They came for your values (and for your reprogramming):

Churches refusing to perform same-sex marriages may be denied liability insurance

Baker forced to make gay wedding cakes, undergo sensitivity training, after losing lawsuit


And did I mention…

They came for your wealth: tax1

The Ruling Class Cannibals love to tax people to death before consuming them. But the RCC will never be taxed like their meal tickets. These headhunters have tax havens where they hide their money away from the RCC’s chopping block.

World leaders deny wrongdoing


They came for your sanity: reason

Scientific proofs and absolute-based reason are not benchmarks for the RCCs. Political outcomes are.

Competitive Enterprise Institute Targeted by “AGs United For Clean Power”

Climate Scientism is Made of Green Cheese

Move Over Santa and “Settled Science”, the Lord Has Come…

Climate Apocalyptic-ism & The WannaBe Oppressed


They came for your laws:

The Ruling Class Cannibals want to determine who lives and who gets eaten alive, whose convictions are deemed worthy and given the “dignity” thumbs up and whose convictions are deemed too morally restrictive and impertinent to an overreaching court and thus requiring a thumb down.  Progress and not permanence is of the essence to these fast foodies.

The Ruling Class Cannibals seek to replace the U.S. Constitution and the laws derived from tried and true classical Judeo/Christian/Greco/Roman thought for the International House of Pancakes law.  Such an overturning of our legal foundation would allow these flesh-eaters to season the pot by appropriating the multicultural concepts of relativism, nihilism, animism and kulakcannibalism that the rest of the blood and flesh world bring to the table. To wit, Andrew C. McCarthy’s The globalist legal agenda

[U.S. Supreme court Justice Stephen Breyer’s latest book] The Court and the World is similarly a call for judicial supremacy, this time under the guise of international “interdependence.” The courts are once again pitched as an enabling agent of democratic choice, but on a supra-national scale.

The world, though, is a very undemocratic place—though perhaps no more undemocratic than Supreme Court diktats that remove controversies like abortion and “same-sex marriage” from democratic resolution.

How to explain the difference between progressive pretensions to “activate” liberty—i.e., to vouchsafe “the right of all persons to enjoy liberty as we learn its meaning,” as Justice Anthony Kennedy vaporously put it in imposing same-sex marriage on the nation—and progressive judging’s actual affect of curtailing our freedom to live as we choose? This inversion of democracy, it turns out, flows naturally from Breyer’s inversion of the judicial role—a philosophy of judging shared by a working majority of his Court, the bloc of five unelected jurists whose edicts control ever more of what was once democratic space.

“[O]ur American judicial system,” he contends, should “see itself as one part of a transnational or multinational judicial enterprise.” Inconveniently (but, alas, not insuperably), the only “judicial enterprise” licensed by the Constitution, from which federal judges derive their authority, is the protection of Americans from overreach by our government and the remediation of other harms inflicted by third parties in violation of laws enacted by our elected representatives.

Interpreting the law as written—an intellectual challenge that is vital to the rule of law even if not sufficiently stimulating for many a robed social engineer—is not so much an enterprise as a discipline. In our system, it is supposed to be the politically accountable branches that get to do the enterprising. Nor does the discipline of judging take on a “transnational or multinational” character merely because some small percentage of the parties implicated in legal disputes is of foreign extraction—even if, as Breyer rightly observes, modern technology has made the percentage larger by making the world smaller.

What does Breyer see as the objective of this global judicial enterprise? The advancement of “acceptance of the rule of law itself.” This “rule of law,” you’ll no doubt be shocked to learn, bears an astonishing resemblance to the rule of lawyers—in particular, the judges along with the army of equally unelected transnational progressive lawyers who urge them on.

International law is especially fertile soil for growing this empire.

Of course the courts are vital, but in their place. That is not the place envisioned by Justice Breyer: global maestro. American courts, however, are a core component of our government and thus the servant, not the master, of our people. They ensure our rule of law. Thus fortified, it is the United States, not a congeries of jurists and international law professors, that remains the indispensable force for good in a troubled and dangerous world.” (emphasis added)

Please read the article in its entirety The globalist legal agenda by Andrew C. McCarthy


They came for your land.

Ruling Class Cannibals will tell you that social justice means that what you own is not yours, it is to be taken from you – create an injustice in order to create social justice. Your delicious ends justify their means.

May I offer you a wafer-thin Kulak, sir?

May I offer you a wafer-thin Kulak, sir?

They came for you as dessert:

A wafer-thin mint for the Ruling Class Cannibals? You will be up-chucked but they’ll take you.




Ruling Class Cannibalism doesn’t fall far from the limb:

At Ithaca College, The Left’s Kids Devour Their Parents


Kulakovores are dismissive of any life force beyond themselves, as in “What difference, at this point, does it make!” hillary-what-difference-does-it-make-o


The Words of the Constitution Made Flesh

Antonin Scalia died on Saturday, Feb. 13. 2016

Married fifty-five years, nine children, thirty-six grandchildren

A preserver of the permanent

God Rest His Soul

My father, Antonin Scalia

Justice Scalia eulogized as devout believer 

Antonin Scalia's law clerks await his body at the court - photo, Legal Insurrection

Antonin Scalia’s law clerks await his body at the court – photo, Legal Insurrection

Justice Scalia’s Honor Guard

Finger Pointing Ideologues like Soft Targets

finger pointing ideologue

“A fanatic is one who entrenches himself in invincible ignorance.” Oswald Chambers


Holster That Finger Obama  Obama finger gun5

The recent messaging out of the White House is that “gun violence” was behind the massacre in San Bernardino, Ca. This verbal smokescreen is notable in its attempt to obscure the truth. What should have been said by the White House: “This Bloodshed was caused by Islamists acting out Quran 8:12”.

Quran 8:12“I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

As you can read, these words are not spiritual “rah-rahs” to foster a closer relationship with Allah (unless Allah is demanding your sacrificial death in the process!). No, these words were written to inflame hearts to do battle against infidels in a certain battle.

Enter Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, two modern day warriors of Islam. Farook and Malik took these inflammatory words out of context, loaded them with vengeance and directed them against soft target gun-free ‘infidels’ gathered for a party in California. A cache of guns, ammunition, pipe bombs and Qurans would be their means to carry out the call to violence stated in Quran 8:12. It was this ‘scripture’ that had been loaded into the psyches of Farook and Malik. It was this ‘scripture’ and a personal commitment to Jihad that destroyed truth and love before any trigger was pulled.

Obama finger gun2

The recent messaging out of the White House is that “gun violence” was behind the massacre in San Bernardino, Ca. Obama, using his personal commitment to “radical transformation”, took his words out of the San Bernardino massacre context, loaded them with guile and then finger-pointed not at the intents and motives of fanatical mass murdering Islamists.  Rather, Obama finger-pointed at his projected political enemies – the ‘infidel’ citizens of the Second Amendment endowed and the “bitter clingers”… the soft targets not willing to be sitting ducks.  Obama finger gun4


Whether it’s wealth or blame or guns, Obama is the Redistributor-in-Chief:

Obama Guns-to-Terrorist-590-LI

Cartoon link:


Added 12-20-2015:


“Evil Free Zones”

As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart. Proverbs 27:19


Why would a Kingdom of God centered blog write about gun control? For the reason that the Spirit of Lawlessness pulls the trigger of a gun and also pulls on multiple political triggers in a Democracy.

For the reason that the Spirit of Lawlessness involves malignant narcissism which can be characterized by an unsubmitted will, the essence of lawlessness and the earmark of evil.


Within hours after the shooting in Roseburg Oregon at Umpqua Community College President Obama went to his shooting range (the bully pulpit) and began posting targets of the 2nd Amendment.

The president projected that we as a nation are making a political decision to support gun violence: “This is a political choice that we make to allow this to happen every few months in America.” He went on to say, again projecting, that we a nation have become “numbed” by these events, that “Somehow this has become routine”. And, what caught my attention even more so during his remarks, “We collectively are answerable to those families who lose their loved ones because of our inaction.” (I will not show any video of Obama. He is not worthy your time.)

No, President Obama, we are not collectively responsible for what happens. I am NOT responsible for the Fast and Furious “event” murder of a border patrol agent during your administration’s gun-running operation under DOJ Eric Holder (a program initially created to generate 2nd Amendment opposition in its wake). And, I am NOT responsible for the murder of American Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans by your State Department’s dereliction of duty.

An individual, whether it be Chris Mercer-Harper or Eric Holder or Hillary Clinton, is responsible for his own behavior and not the American people as regarded with your projected ennui. And, it is apparent that some of the electorate and some your administration (Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, to name just a few) may be just as lawless as you are Mr. President with your disregard for immigration laws.

Trigger warning: Obama’s crass politicizing and professorial shaming of the nation from the bully pulpit is the “routine” that we have become accustomed to. He’s pulling on the emotional triggers of many.

Obama’s invocation of the use of a political process – our unwieldy Democracy – to create a pretense of public safety was decidedly meant to corral in-the-moment public concern, anger and even a rush-to-judgment conviction. And, as Obama stated, he “will politicize” this sad and heartfelt event and, therefore, seek to turn the emotional reactions into a bold-faced law. Yet, even a passionate pseudo-democratic plea for authorization to amend law and make us feel good in the moment can never effect moral change and remove the lawlessness in the hearts of men or from our society.

Obama’s rhetoric in much of his speeches uses a well-known Collective device called the Goldstein Effect” so as to align our focus with his. It’s a given: Obama and Schumer Democrats will project an incident of one evil gun user onto all gun owners. The  anti-gun mouth runners will provide the “Two Minutes Hate” directed at the object of their loathing-the person with a gun.

Whether its guns, money, land or your business, the Collective very much seeks to take away your private property. Your right to be a gun owner and your right to protect yourself is of no value to them. So, they entomb you and your children in a “Gun Free Zone” (and thereby making you totally dependent on LEOs that this administration will not defend).

And, what law/s would stop a Chris Mercer-Harper or an Eric Holder or a Hillary Clinton from doing what they want to do anyway? Lawlessness prevails in the hearts of some men, whether on the street or in the White House.

Instead of carte blanche additions of more useless gun laws and the correlated loss of freedom there should be a serious debate and reflection about underlying causes of gun violence. Sadly, the social media format is “routinely” hype, hyperbole and ad hominem and not a debate forum. And, Obama is social media all the time.


Something to think about from Matthew’s Gospel Chapter 26, vs. 50-52: In the garden of Gethsemane, when soldiers approached to take Jesus into custody and to the High Priest Caiaphas, a disciple pulled out his sword and cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant. Jesus said, “Put your sword back in its place.”

Jesus, at this point in time, knew that his “hour” had come and that he had to proceed without resisting. Prior to that time Jesus must have also known that Peter was carrying a sword in his belt. Jesus did not tell him to take off the sword and get rid of it. He knew the sword was in “its place.”

“Put your sword back to where it belongs!” Jesus said to the disciple, “People who use the sword die by the sword!”

With a group of possibly twelve centurions standing nearby waiting to arrest Jesus I would have no doubt that the soldiers, fully armored and carrying swords, knew exactly what Jesus meant. And what Jesus said may have been a common saying among the soldiers of that time.

The understanding I get from this passage is that if you live “by the sword”-with the understanding that conflicts, whether internal or external, are only resolved by violent means to an end-then those who do so will meet a violent end.

God’s Kingdom purposes are not accomplished through violence or the preceding unsubmitted will of those that created the conflict in the first place.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for theirs is the Kingdom of God.”


At some point Chris Harper-Mercer turned away from looking into spiritual truth and disengaged from it and reality, perhaps by spending extended amounts of time alone in a darkened room on 4chan or on some just as enthralling and dehumanizing internet site.

Harper-Mercer’s deed appears to be a reflection of his time spent alone and online and a growing sense of powerlessness that he was “encouraged’ online to reverse with force.

A quotation from his Facebook account simply read: “When all the pleasures of the world have diluted, the only thing left that is pure is power.”

Dr. M. Scott Peck author of People of the Lie: the Hope for Healing Human Evil wrote, “… the only power that Satan has is through human belief in its lies.” Therein advances the evil that we must confront and be free of.

“As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.” Proverbs 27:19



“I’m sure the gunman realized there really wasn’t much there to stop him,” said Coleman, a former police chief at Texas A&M in San Antonio. In today’s environment, you need armed police officers on these campuses in my opinion.”

“Time to talk about gun free zones”

“Gun-free zones presume the good intentions of those entering the zone. And the overwhelming majority have such good intentions. But for those who have bad intentions, gun-free zones turn schools and other locations into shooting galleries. The good people are unarmed, the evil person is armed.”

-William A. Jacobson, clinical professor of law at Cornell Law School and publisher of Legal Insurrection website.

Gun-free zones put “good people … at the mercy of evil people”

Mental Illness or Moral Illness or a Life Well-Lit

The Moral Arithmetic of Lawlessness

Hearts of Darkness


Added: 10-4-2015

This astounding finding should be an integral part of the gun violence debate:

Robert Whitaker author of Anatomy of an Epidemic asks the question, here paraphrased…

Is there a correlation between the increase of prescribed psychotropic medications over the past twenty-five years and the current epidemic of disabling mental illness? He notes that the disabled mentally ill place a significant burden on society.

SCOTUS’ Judicial Reviews-A Wax Museum

Abraham Lincoln’s first inaugural address, speaking here about SCOTUS:

“And while it is obviously possible that such decision may be erroneous in any given case, still the evil effect following it, being limited to that particular case, with the chance that it may be overruled and never become a precedent for other cases, can better be borne than could the evils of a different practice. At the same time, the candid citizen must confess that if the policy of the Government upon vital questions affecting the whole people is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court, the instant they are made in ordinary litigation between parties in personal actions the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having to that extent practically resigned their Government into the hands of that eminent tribunal.” (emphasis added)


Here’s a link to an essay challenging the long-held practice of considering the Supreme Court as the final arbiter of Constitution’s meaning. This theory is not supported by Constitution itself.


The time has come to pass a Natural Marriage Amendment to the Constitution so as to define “Marriage” as between one man and one woman and nullifying unnatural and specious rights.

How do we get laws rectified these days? Certainly, immoral and unjust laws are being enacted and reinforced through Congress and the Judicial and Executive branch.

Do we continue to support abortion because government says it must take money out of your personal taxed income to support Planned Parenthood?  At what point do the good people get fed up and rebel against this government? After a trillion aborted babies? After a nation’s moral culture is destroyed by the moral lawlessness of homosexuality? What does it take for good people to act?

“A decline in courage may be the most striking feature which an outside observer notices in the West in our days. The Western world has lost its civil courage, both as a whole and separately, in each country, each government, each political party, and, of course, in the United Nations. Such a decline in courage is particularly noticeable among the ruling groups and the intellectual elite, causing an impression of loss of courage by the entire society. Of course, there are many courageous individuals, but they have no determining influence on public life….” Excerpt of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s speech at Harvard, June of 1978, “A World Split Apart”


The U.S. House of Wax

The U.S. House of Wax

Thomas Jefferson to Spencer Roane, Sept.6, 1819; re U.S. Constitution Article 1, Section 8, Powers of Congress, Clause 18

“The constitution, on this hypothesis [the court seeking public approbation], is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist, and shape into any form they please. It should be remembered, as an axiom of eternal truth in politics, that whatever power in any government is independent, is absolute also; in theory only, at first, while the spirit of the people is up, but in practice, as fast as that relaxes. Independence can be trusted nowhere but with the people in mass. They are inherently independent of all but moral law.” Thomas Jefferson (emphasis added)


SCOTUS & SSM: The Fix Is In


There is a dividing line. There is a heaven and earth difference between man’s image imprinted on man’s laws (and coinage) and God’s image imprinted on man himself. The practice of homosexuality crosses the line. Homosexuality is a sin that defiles the unique imprint of the image of God on you as a person. Homosexuality is a superscription of σάρξ -sárks, properly, flesh (“carnal”), merely of human origin or empowerment.

Man was created with the superscription of God. From the Gospel according to eyewitness Mark, Chapter 12, vs.14-17:

“Teacher,” they said, “we know you are a man of integrity; you don’t regard anybody as special. You don’t bother about the outward show people put up; you teach God’s way truly.

“Well then: is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not? Should we pay it [taxes], or shouldn’t we?”

He [Jesus] knew the game they were playing. “Why are you trying to trap me? He said. “Bring me a tribute-coin; let me look at it.”

They brought one to him.

“This image, “he asked, “whose is it? And whose is this superscription?”

“Caesar’s, they replied.

“Well then, “said Jesus, give Caesar back what belongs to Caesar-and give God back what belongs to God!”


What do you give back to God? Yourself. You give back to God your obedience to abstain from sexual immorality (and its promotion) in any form.

Your created image is inscribed with a God-bound conscience and not with Caesar’s image. Your created image is meant to be a temple of the Holy Spirit and not a temple for Eros and Himeros. Your created image is meant to be a tribute back to God.


Added 9/5/2015:

From MLK 50 Years Ago: A Just Law Is a Man-Made Law That Squares With the Law of God:

“One may well ask: How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?” wrote King. “The answer lies in the fact that there are two types of laws: just and unjust. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that ‘an unjust law is no law at all.’ (emphasis added)

Unjust laws and unjust rulers, ignoring God and/or claiming supremacy over God, demand obeisance and a bending of the will towards evil:


Bow to Illiberal Kowtow?

political correctness

On June 1, 2014 I posted Label Me In Christ.

 In that post I talked about how conversations are quickly shut down with name calling and labeling.  The Left ~ Progressives, Democrats, et al will use what ever means necessary to shut down any conversation that veers near the truth, reality or simple common sense. Below is what others are saying about the Left’s desired Utopian Caliphate ~ a place where their Sharia Law of Intolerance exists.


From Benjamin Weingarten’s post at The Blaze, April 14, 2014:

America’s Submission to Islam and the Censorship of the Left


For a free society to endure requires open and honest debate on ideas. The progressive Left claims it supports freedom of speech, but ask yourself on the following issues, are we free to talk or does the Left stifle debate:

The more areas of speech we circumscribe, the less freedom remains.

It would seem to me that what we have today, as opposed to the pluralistic and dynamic society that the American experiment requires, is totalitarianism masquerading under the banner of tolerance.

What we have today…is totalitarianism masquerading under the banner of tolerance.

What the Left’s intolerance reflects is that despite its moral relativism — a world without objective truths in which there is no such thing as good and evil — the Left believes there are judgments to be made, that certain values and ideas are superior: its own.

What separates the devils from the angels is simply whether or not you agree with them….

Yet despite the Left’s adherence to secular humanism, it finds common cause with Islamic supremacists.

Leftist secularists may not approve of religion, but like Islamic supremacists they have an overarching ideology that requires the stifling of all dissent.

In the final analysis, just like the Islamic supremacists, the Left wants us to all become their dhimmis. (emphasis mine)


More of the illiberal liberal intolerance:

The Shame of Brandeis by Charles C. W. Cooke, National review Online

Photo from

A commencement speaker with a difference: Robert Frost, 1956

A commencement speaker with a difference: Robert Frost, 1956.

Filibusters – Serendipitous Teaching Times –Nuked By The Dems

Below are some significant Constitutional concerns broached by Sen. Rand Paul during his 13-hour filibuster speech.  Excerpts from a Cato Institute Commentary by Nat Hentoff, the article appeared on on March 19, 2013:

 And despite the tremendous national impact of Sen. Rand Paul’s 13-hour filibuster speech, how much of its startling details even registered for long? Meanwhile, the Republican from Kentucky was teaching many of us what we never realized — on just how subservient we are becoming to the state.

 As I wrote last week, Paul said he was concerned that Americans targeted for suspected terrorist ties would be destroyed in America itself. He revealed in an editorial in The Washington Times: “The president said, ‘I haven’t killed anyone yet, and I have no intention of killing Americans. But I might’ ” (“Rising in defense of the Constitution,” Rand Paul, Washington Times, March 8).

 I have a complete transcript of Paul’s 13-hour speech, including his follow-up to this presidential contempt for the separation of powers: “What if the president were to say, ‘I haven’t broken the First Amendment yet; I intend to follow it, but I might break it.’

 ”Later, Paul said: “Presidents, Republican and Democrats, believing in some sort of inherent power that’s not listed anywhere … For a hundred years or so, power’s been gravitating to the president — and the executive branch.”

 And dig this from Rand Paul: “One of the complaints that you hear a lot of times in the media is about there is no bipartisanship in Congress. (But) if you look at people who don’t really believe in much restraint of government as far as civil liberties, it really is on both sides.”

Regarding Obamacare, a huge thorn in our side:

 “When we passed Obamacare, it was 2,000-some-odd pages. There have been 9,000 pages of regulations written since. Obamacare had 1,800 references that the Secretary of Health shall decide at a later date. We (the people) gave up that power. We gave up power that should have been ours, that should have been written into the legislation. We gave up that power to the executive branch … many of whom we call bureaucrats, unelected.”

 Perhaps you remember this from a congressman to Paul during his 13-hour speech: “They say the United States is the battlefield (against terrorism) now … This battlefield being here at home means you don’t get due process at home … Is that what we’re moving toward?”

 Paul got more penetratingly specific: “The question is, if the government is going to decide who are sympathizers (with terrorists), and people who are politicians with no checks and balances are to decide who is a sympathizer, is there a danger really that people who have political dissent could be included in this?” (emphasis mine)

 With the help (?) of the IRS’ Lois Lerner we now know the answer to this question.

You can hear more of Rand’s Consititutional concerns, including Obama’s flippant attitude to the droning of Americans, for yourself:

What is the point of our democracy if one person ramrods arbitrary laws and rules with demagoguery down the throats of Americans? And, Obama has told us that he is doing so at the whim of “fundamentally transforming the nation.” Shouldn’t “we the people” be involved in deciding what “transformation” takes place?

Obama’s antinomianism is a characteristic of the moral relativists of the Left who pronounce “the ends justify the means.” The ends do NOT justify the means and especially when the means and the ends are tyrannically enforced on unknowing and unwilling Americans.

Moreover, Obama knows that he has no fully justifiable legal, moral and intellectual grounds for doing what he does apart from Congress and “we the people.” He is a maverick greater than any McCain. He is a loose cannon. (from my comment to Legal Insurrection’s post “An increasingly dangerous presidency” by William A. Jacobson)

Added 12-1-2013: