The World as It Shouldn’t Be

Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices, we are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions our history, we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation to provide the kind of future we all want desperately for our children.” -Michelle Obama, during the 2008 presidential campaign in a speech given in San Juan, Puerto Rico on May 14, 2008. (Emphasis mine)

Michele’s words scared the heck out of me. They should have terrified every American who heard them. Michelle Obama, in a brief moment of candor, expressed in hopey-changey terms the radical transformation of life as we know it (as the high priests of Marxist social stratification and dialectical materialism dictate).

To bring about change that undoes all the worked-out good that has gone on before and which ignores the evil that such idol worship brings to bear on humanity, the pagan priests of the conflict theory idols work to invoke animus and segregation among people groups. Theirs’ is a religion of stratification struggle. Stratification struggle, they believe, will lead to revolution and revolution will lead to “the kind of future we all want desperately for our children”.

Using identity politics and divisive COVID and climate scientism, the priests of Marx-Baal-Gaia divide people into stratum of race, gender, sexuality, vaccination status, and climate crisis belief. You are considered an infidel and a “denier” if you do not bow and pray three times a day to the “right side of history” where these religious fanatics claim to be. For, they are waging an unholy war against western civilization and against humanity itself in the service of their idols.

Serving conflict theory idols, of course, benefits politicians, professors, and talking heads. Each group requires victims and a cause to save from oppressors. And, each group seeks the self-righteousness halos generated in the process. Most important for these pagan priests, though, is the power they believe is conferred onto them by the gods to force others into worship of their gods.

“It is not the truth of Marxism that explains the willingness of intellectuals to believe it, but the power that it confers on intellectuals, in their attempts to control the world. And since…it is futile to reason someone out of a thing that he was not reasoned into, we can conclude that Marxism owes its remarkable power to survive every criticism to the fact that it is not a truth-directed but a power-directed system of thought.”
― Roger Scruton, A Political Philosophy: Arguments for Conservatism

High priestess Michelle O said we are going to have to make sacrifices. Tell me, what sacrifices have Barack and Michelle made? None whatsoever. And that is because the priests of Marx-Baal-Gaia do not make sacrifices. For, they are our betters, and we are just mouth breathers. You and I are to make sacrifices, especially of our offspring.

As we have witnessed lately, the priests and servants of the prince of darkness are very concerned about the abolition of the continual human sacrifice – especially of black children – to Molech. The latest abortion ruling has them scrambling to set up new altars. There are, of course, many other ways “we” make sacrifices to the idols Michelle worships.

For example, we can let our children be exposed to sexual deviancy and critical race theory in schools. We can speak non-sense pronouns to address others. We can allow males to participate in our daughter’s sports.

We are going to have to make sacrifices. So, forsake the family unit and make the state the parent. That requires bypassing common sense, letting go of any firmly-held Christian belief and pooh-poohing any fact-checking effort. Just accept whatever the state says about COVID and climate change . . . about anything.

We are going to have to make sacrifices, ergo, we must endlessly affirm homosexuality and be accepting of depravity so as to not come across as phobic and judgmental (Only the high priests of Marx-Baal-Gaia are allowed to be judgmental). We certainly must not fuss about our borders being open to opportunists and felons and gangs and terrorists. We must never balk at the mass immigration flooding the job market and depressing the wages the lower class depends on – let them eat food stamps!

We are going to have to make sacrifices, so, let’s give away America’s sovereignty and security. And, let’s become liberty-and-mind-devoid serfs of the elite class – globalists. Change We Can Be Lost In.

Such is the “fundamental transformation” that Barrack Obama -the Saul Alinsky community agitator – and Michele we’re talking about. And you should know by now that the American Marxist’s goal isn’t to implement policies that promote individualism and self-sufficiency (or prosperity, for that matter). The goal is to move into a different place as a nation by fostering government dependency and collectivization. And, that was the same goal of murderous communist regimes. Each regime, of course, had to break a few eggs to make an omelet. But where is the omelet?

For the kind of future we all want desperately for our children, Progressive priests of Marx-Baal-Gaia go backward into history. They go there to reclaim the ideology that tears down, alienates, scourges, purges, ‘gulags’, and generates show trials like the Jan. 6 commission. They claim authority over history, the present, the future, and nature.

The megalomaniacal Barry Soetoro (aka Barrack Obama) decided that the earth needed his “fundamental transformation” special touch. To entice the dull of mind and grab the attention of thousands of universities students re-birthed through a denier-or-believer stratification process into climate activists, the Marxist Moses promised to slow the rise of the oceans.

Upon winning the Democratic nomination for presidency in June 2008, Obama promised to hold back the seas and heal the planet. After his election, though, he decided not to slow the seas and heal the planet. Instead, he proceeded to show Jeremiah Wright “God Damn America” contempt for the world as it was.

During his presidency, Barack recited the “world as it should be” mantra in every nation he visited. On tour, he blamed the United States for the world’s woes and promised a future where the planet would heal from American domination.

What Obama failed to articulate was that in his “world as it should be” there is a class of power elite that rule over useful eaters who possess limited rights, are unarmed, are forced to share the wealth, and whose numbers are controlled via abortion and government-run healthcare. Obama never disclosed that his anti-American world would be gender neutral, militarily weak, antagonistic toward white males, Western Civilization, and prosperity, Muslim friendly, success adverse, and racially volatile.

Barack Obama’s ‘World as It Should Be’ by Jeannie DeAngelis

In a June 6th 2021 interview, Barack Obama said that Joe Biden was finishing what he started. And so it is that the “fundamental transformation” revolution is now devasting America. The Biden regime is finishing off America. The Biden regime is more of a threat to Americans than Vladimir Putin or COVID:

The Biden regime mandated federal employees to get the COVID jab against their will.

The Biden regime told us to shut down businesses and our churches.

The Biden regime restricted Americans’ breathing on federal transportation through

unscientific mask mandates.

The Biden regime weaponized the Department of Justice to target parents at school board meetings and label them as “domestic terrorists”.

The Biden regime is at war with fossil fuels. Biden imposed a draconian green agenda that crippled domestic production of oil and natural gas. His energy policy sent prices soaring. “Price gougers”, and not dictator Biden, are to blame for the high costs.

The Biden regime is determined to save the planet by culling CO2-producing humans through abortion and by culling business that are not ESG compliant.

The Biden regime “recently sold roughly 1 million barrels from the emergency fund to a Chinese government-owned gas giant that continues to purchase Russian oil.

The Biden regime is more concerned about what the Chinese Communist Party thinks than what Americans think.

The Biden regime and its cabal of global grifters care more about what the World Economic Forum, the U.N., and international laws says than what the U.S. Constitution says.

The Biden regime signed several multi-trillion-dollar spending packages that have led to a four decade high in inflation and increased the national debt to over $30 trillion.

The Biden regime allowed and continues to promote voter fraud and stolen elections.

The Biden regime continues to promote racism by insinuating that Black Americans are incapable of getting an ID for voting and are unable to take care of themselves and therefore they must vote Democrat.

The Biden regime uses identity politics – social stratification politics – to divide and denigrate Americans. Example: “This a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

The Biden regime’s American Rescue Plan “would provide a $90 billion bailout to multiemployer unions, “guaranteed” to keep eligible pension plans solvent until 2051.” While we struggle, our tax dollars are being used to bailout union pension plans (and Democrat voters).

The Biden regime’s open-border policy is profiting cartels and enabling human trafficking, smuggling, rape, death and . . . the flooding the U.S. job market to lower wages.

The Biden regime has involved American money in the Ukraine-Russia conflict even though America has no vital interest in this war.

The Biden regime is prolonging the war in Ukraine with shipments of weapons to Ukraine at a cost of $800 million U.S. taxpayer dollars and another $300 million more in military aid. And again! President Joe Biden signed a $40 billion aid package to Ukraine. Ukraine is the 3rd most corrupt country in the world. Who is the money going to? That money is needed here in America!

The Biden regime’s Reckless Words Underscore the Dangers of the U.S.’s Use of Ukraine As a War Proxy

 . . .the Biden administration is doing exactly that which former President Obama warned in 2016 should never be done: risking war between the world’s two largest nuclear powers over Ukraine. Yet if any pathology defines the last five years of U.S. mainstream discourse, it is that any claim that undercuts the interests of U.S. liberal elites — no matter how true — is dismissed as “Russian disinformation.” 

The Biden regime on May 15 celebrated Peace Officers Memorial Day by blaming cops for fueling “distrust” in minority communities.

(The above list includes points from Yes, Biden And Company Are Intentionally Destroying America – COSAction (

The campaign slogan Change We Can Believe In became the impulse for many to abandon critical thinking, capitalism, the Constitution, and Christ. For them, a hopey-changey future was in the offing. So, the load-bearing beams America rested on would just have to be replaced with found boards – reaction-based ad hoc social justice – until, until, until . . .

And while the state media continues to promote Change We Can Believe In policies, OBiden’s legacy will be seen as one of failure, exceedingly poor judgment, and staggering incompetence. And worse! When you serve idols, you make decisions that degrade and dehumanize yourself and those around you. (e.g., Hunter Biden and the god of hedonism). You make the world as it shouldn’t be – like the idols you worship.


To whom will you liken me and make me equal
    and compare me, as though we were alike?
 Those who lavish gold from the purse
    and weigh out silver in the scales—
they hire a goldsmith, who makes it into a god;
    then they fall down and worship!
 They lift it to their shoulders; they carry it;
    they set it in its place, and it stands there;
    it cannot move from its place.
If one cries out to it, it does not answer
    or save anyone from trouble.

-Isaiah 46: 5-7

The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths, but do not speak; they have eyes, but do not see; they have ears, but do not hear, nor is there any breath in their mouths.

-Psalm 135:15-17


You know what’s coming, right?

Now that many, out of fear, bent the knee to the ill-conceived COVID mandates, “the world as it should be” conjurers will expand their breadth of control. They will certainly produce more fear porn (“This latest variant is the mostest baddest lethalest worsetest yet!”; “If we don’t act now on climate change, we are toast!). In keeping with the bloody history of totalitarianism, the intelligentsia – politically connected radical socialist atheists – continue to tend to the extremes.

Theywill use digital technology, including your smartphone and/or an impregnated digital device, to monitor and control your body, your money, and your behavior. Did you really think that the rollout of 5G UW was so that you could know what your sous vide machine or refrigerator was doing? The Ultra-Wideband is the harness that will soon rein you in.

The coming ‘social credit score’ system will mandate that all social media users be given a ‘truth score’ that pre-determines the accuracy of their posts. With face recognition, you will not be able to buy anything if your face matches someone with a bad social credit score.

In “the world as it should be”, Artificial Intelligence will be controlling you. You will be a slave to AI that is programmed by the worshippers of Marx-Baal-Gaia. The disconnected from reality will be connected to and controlling your reality.



Informed Dissent:

EXCLUSIVE: Paramedics speak out about empty hospitals, probable vax injuries during COVID | News |

Changes to periods after Covid vaccines may be common, survey suggests (

“A How-To Guide in Subverting a Democratic Superpower from Within” – Reviews of Dr. Birx Book Reveal Her Deceiving Ways and Incompetence in the White House (

11 Times The World Economic Forum Proved It Was Sketchy AF | Evie Magazine

Sunday Strip – by Robert W Malone MD, MS (

Understanding Inflation – Milton Friedman

Murdered because #BlackLivesMatter to Allah

dallas police officers


The “Hate your white neighbor, love your black heart” religion:

“Jeremiah Wright declares that the God he worships is the same as Allah, the God of the Muslims. At the same time, Wright is preaching that the God of the “slaver” and “oppressor” (read white society collectively) is a “different” God. That is, implying that white America and the white race collectively worship Satan, which is a tenet of Black Liberation Theology.

It is a theology which confronts white society as the racist Antichrist, communicating to the oppressor that nothing will be spared in the fight for freedom.”, quoted from “Black Theology and Black Power” by James H. Cone (1969), page 135.

Black Liberation Theology teaches the genocidal Black Nationalist cult concept that white society, America and the traditional Christian church are all part of the Antichrist system and the black man is the “manifestation of God on earth.” The uniqueness of the divinity of Jesus is denied. Jesus is a prototype that any man can potentially achieve. A revolutionary black messiah or messiahs will led the destruction of the Antichrist and his tool, the American constitutional republican system, in their scenario of the imminent end times and create a Utopia on earth, the biblical millennial kingdom on earth, which will be a physical kingdom, not a spiritual kingdom. This could be seen as the same, then, as the Muslim Caliphate, the earthly kingdom that the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda seek to establish.” (emphasis added)


Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

Juxtaposed! News ™ Hot Off the Wire – Climate Control


News Anchor: “Good evening.  I am Mary Summers and this is Juxtaposed! News ™ Hot Off the Wire.

We start tonight’s broadcast with a look at climate change.  Dudley Waters has our report from DC.”  Obama UN

Live Cam w/reporter:The Senate approved a $1.1 billion Zika virus spending bill. The Obama administration then directed that a half a billion dollars from the fund Congress set aside to deal with international infectious diseases be used to help fund a UN agency recently founded to fight climate change.  Here is Senator James Lankford to talk about the spending bill.”

Senator Lankford: Last week, the Senate passed legislation to address and prevent the spread of the Zika virus. However, the Senate failed to pay for it, and instead approved a $1.1 billion “emergency” spending supplemental bill that is not subject to the budgetary caps that were agreed to last year.

james-lankfordWhile congressional inattention to the budget crisis is inexcusable, it is even more disturbing that the Obama administration already has the authority to pay for a Zika response from existing agency budgets, but chose not to.

I’ve said several times on the Senate floor, over the last two weeks, that the Zika virus is a serious threat and should be dealt with responsibly by funding immediate vaccine research and aggressive mosquito population control.

The threat to adults from Zika is relatively small, but the threat to pre-born children is very high. Our national priority rightly focuses on protecting the life of these young children in the womb, since each child has value, no matter their age or size.”

Live Cam w/reporter: “Thank you Senator.  For more on climate change, here is Patsy Loggins.

Live Cam w/reporter: “Thanks Dudley WatersI am here in Jakarta where Secretary of State John Kerry just wrapped up his speech on climate change.  Here are some of his remarks.

Video: “When I think about the array of global climate – of global threats – think about this: terrorism, epidemics, poverty, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction – all challenges that know no borders – the reality is that climate change ranks right up there with every single one of them. This is not opinion. This is about facts. This is about science. The science is unequivocal. And those who refuse to believe it are simply burying their heads in the sand.”

Kerry went a step further with his assaults on climate change deniers, likening them to members of the Flat Earth Society, adding that “we should not allow a tiny minority of shoddy scientists and science and extreme ideologues to compete with scientific fact.”

“And let there be no doubt in anybody’s mind that the science is absolutely certain,” said Kerry. “It’s something that we understand with absolute assurance of the veracity of that science.”

Live Cam w/reporter: Kerry’s speech took on an alarming tone regarding Indonesia, which he called “one of the most vulnerable countries on Earth. Listen in.”john-kerry-indonesia

Video: “But I wanted to start right here, in Jakarta, because this city – this country – this region – is really on the front lines of climate change,” said Kerry. “It’s not an exaggeration to say to you that the entire way of life that you live and love is at risk.”

Live Cam w/reporter: “Back to you, Mary.”

News Anchor: “Thanks Patsy. After the break, an eyewitness account of one man calming the seas.

News Anchor: “Welcome back.  We turn now to a Juxtaposed! News exclusive: an eyewitness account of rising seas calmed by…we are ready to go to Shirley Goodness at the Sea of Galilee.

JesusCalmsSea1Live Cam w/reporter: “Thanks Mary.  I am by the Sea of Galilee waiting for Simon Peter.  Hold on he’s coming now.  Simon…catch your breath first.  Now Simon tell us what happened out there.

Simon Peter: “Yeah, well, I have this fishing business called UTrawl. Get the camera over here. My boat, she is a beauty!

Live Cam w/reporter: “Simon, can you tell our audience what happened last night?”

Simon Peter: “Sure, I…just wanted to…well, what happened was that we, I mean me and my buddies, spent the day listening to Jesus talk about his kingdom.  Jesus would say stuff like, “This is what God’s kingdom was like,” and then he would go on and tell a …what did you call it John, a meta..?”

John: (Leaning in to the camera) “A metaphor.”

Simon Peter: “That’s John. Can they see my boat?”

Live Cam w/reporter: “Yes Simon, what happened last night?”

Simon Peter: “Well, in the evening we were all kind of tired and Jesus said, “Let’s get in your boat, Peter,” -that’s the one right over there – and let’s go to the other side. Jesus was exhausted so he lay down on a boat cushion and fell asleep.

While he was sleeping me and the guys talked about what he had said that day.  You know, we never heard anyone talk like that before. I’ve heard a lot of fish tales in my time but this guy – I think he wrote the book about truth.

Anyway, I love being on the water at night, the air is so clean and my boat glides along in the breeze.  But then last night, Whew! a big windstorm came up just like that! Bam!  The waves were breaking in on us and my boat quickly began to fill with water. Jesus was sleeping so soundly that he didn’t notice the water soaking his clothes.  We finally woke him up. We were…they were…a little frightened. You know, the others were going, “Teacher, we’re going to drown Don’t you care?” I just let them.”

Live Cam w/reporter: “Simon, weren’t you scared that you would lose everything, your business?

Simon: “I was scared for my business, of course.  But, I’ve seen so many storms in my time.  This storm, this one, this one was a doozy! I was starting to have a Jonah moment.”

Live Cam w/reporter: “What’s a Jonah moment?”

Simon: “A Jonah moment?  I’m sure your viewers have heard about the prophet Jonah.  No?  Well, Jonah is on a boat and a storm comes up and the crew are praying to God for mercy.  They want to throw “Jonah the jinx” overboard to settle with God.  So Jonah is thrown overboard and the seas calm down just like that. Snap!”

Live Cam w/reporter: “Did they throw you overboard last night?”

Simon: “NO!  But I saw them looking at me so I got Jesus up. And after Jesus got up, he rubbed his eyes and then looked at the storm and shouted, “Silence! Shut up!” Now, I have said some choice words to the weather in my time but what happened next…the wind died down just like that!  Bam! And there was flat calm. What happened was no meta…

John: (Leaning in to the camera) “Metaphor.”

Simon: “Yes, John, move back so they can see my boat.  Then Jesus turns to us and says, “Why are you scared? Don’t you believe yet? I think Jesus was calling us “deniers.”

I heard the other guys talking.  They were saying stuff like, “Who is this?” and “Even the wind and the sea do what he says!”JesusCalmsSea

Live Cam w/reporter: “Wow!  That is amazing! You must be happy to be alive!”

Simon: “I know the guys are. I am just happy that my baby didn’t sink in that storm.”

Live Cam w/reporter: “Anything you want to say before we go, Simon?”

Simon: “You don’t see this kind of thing every day but I saw this with my own eyes. Maybe someday I’ll … John is calling what happened a “sign.”  I call it “all in a day’s work for …what did Jesus call us John?”

John: (Leaning in to the camera) “Fishers of men.”

Live Cam w/reporter: “Back to you Mary.”

News Anchor: “Thanks Shirley. When we return we’ll hear about the possibility of Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the DOJ pursuing civil action against so-called climate change deniers.”



Here are Your Juxtaposed! News™ Top Stories:


Obama Spent Money on Climate Change Over Zika Emergency

Obama Raided $500M for Zika to Finance UN’s Green Climate Fund

John Kerry Mocks Climate Change Deniers

Jonah 1:15

Matthew 8:23-27

Mark 4:35-41

AG Lynch: DOJ Has Discussed Whether to Pursue Civil Action Against Climate Change Deniers


Food for Trough


“The ruling class’s appetite for deference, power and perks grows.” From Angelo M. Codevilla’s America’s Ruling Class –And the Perils of Revolution

nancy-pelosiWho are these Ruling Class Orcs?  Who are these aggressive scavengers and opportunistic Kulakovores?  They are Ruling Class America and the minions who do their hunter-gatherer bidding.  They are the Democrats and Republicans who accrue power unto themselves; they are the political parties that refuse to elect a person of principle. They are the un-elected:  the bureaucrats, the administrative state, the regulators, the social engineers, the ones whose careers are dependent on the government.   They are the ones who have no boundaries but will set boundaries for you. They are the ones with secret servers, the ones who call themselves “saviors of the planet” and those in the confident “know”.

sebelius3They are the Progressives, the elitists, the “living Constitutionalists” and those who are a law unto themselves, the “settled science” purveyors, the “green agenda” evangelists, the followers of the Scientism cult, the denigrators of religious convictions as “irrational”, the high priests of secularization, the climate change Inquisitors,  the #SJW, #BlackLivesMatter, the LGBT, the gerrymandering, the feminists, the abortionists, the eminent domain Dishonest Johns, the Democratic Socialists, the diviners of what is best for you, the Barbara Boxers, the union bosses, the public school educators, the “It takes a village” people, those offended by “Merry Christmas”, the ones who come between you and your children, the ones who tell your kids what to eat in school, the establishmentarians, the deniers of viewpoints other than their own, the ones who say “Are you kidding?” when questioned about a Constitutional basis for their enacted laws, those who  deem “this is for your own good”, those of the Unconstrained Vision, the initiators of unintended consequences, the federal workers, the EPA and DE, the Lois Lerners, the Commissar State, the Saurons, the Sarumans…all those bent over and feeding from the government trough.mccarthy




Agitate the masses


What is in said trough? Kulaks. Heaps of Kulaks.

“They called us kulaks because we had a house with a galvanized iron roof and four horses, three cows, and a fine orchard by the house.  The first thing in the orchard was a spreading apricot tree, and there would be heaps of apricots on it every year.”  From Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s short story Apricot Jam


Kulaks? We have property. Some of us have mansions but most have enough to call home.  We marry, have children, raise children, have grandchildren and bury (and not discard) loved ones. We are Pro-life even knowing that life is hard.  We push and prod ourselves and our charges to excel, succeed, to grow out of adolescence into maturity. We pray and prepare. We worship our God and we rejoice with others when a sheep is found. We sweat, blister and toil. We provide and protect. We shoot bows and arrows and guns but not at each other. We take off our hats when we see our nation’s flag in a parade. We tear up when America the Beautiful is sung.  We thank veterans for their service. We appreciate. We have dignity and values that were not handed down to us from government. We base our decisions on right and wrong and not on what our friends let us get away with saying.

Many of us believe that there are God-given laws and precepts that define our responsibilities and our freedoms. We sing “Amazing Grace” not for money or show but because we know sinning first hand and will admit it in a song and on our knees. Many of us are in the Kingdom of God and some of us are in the Fellowship of the Ring seeking to overthrow the world view of this age. We give thanks. Gratitude defines us. Whining is abhorred by us. We help out neighbor. We utterly detest government’s intrusion into our lives. Aspirations and love move us, not government mandates. We kulaks are the country class.


“Describing America’s country class is problematic because it is so heterogeneous. It has no privileged podiums, and speaks with many voices, often inharmonious. It shares above all the desire to be rid of rulers it regards inept and haughty. It defines itself practically in terms of reflexive reaction against the rulers’ defining ideas and proclivities — e.g., ever higher taxes and expanding government, subsidizing political favorites, social engineering, approval of abortion, etc. Many want to restore a way of life largely superseded. Demographically, the country class is the other side of the ruling class’s coin: its most distinguishing characteristics are marriage, children, and religious practice. While the country class, like the ruling class, includes the professionally accomplished and the mediocre, geniuses and dolts, it is different because of its non-orientation to government and its members’ yearning to rule themselves rather than be ruled by others…

Nothing has set the country class apart, defined it, made it conscious of itself, given it whatever coherence it has, so much as the ruling class’s insistence that people other than themselves are intellectually and hence otherwise humanly inferior. Persons who were brought up to believe themselves as worthy as anyone, who manage their own lives to their own satisfaction, naturally resent politicians of both parties who say that the issues of modern life are too complex for any but themselves. Most are insulted by the ruling class’s dismissal of opposition as mere “anger and frustration” — an imputation of stupidity — while others just scoff at the claim that the ruling class’s bureaucratic language demonstrates superior intelligence. A few ask the fundamental question: Since when and by what right does intelligence trump human equality? Moreover, if the politicians are so smart, why have they made life worse?” (emphasis added) From Angelo M. Codevilla’s America’s Ruling Class –And the Perils of Revolution.  Read it and weep, kulaks.

kulak family

“As long as anyone can remember, our family lived in the village of Lebyazhy Usad in Kursk Province. But then they put an end to the way we thought to live. They called us kulaks because we had a house with a galvanized iron roof and four horses, three cows, and a fine orchard by the house.  The first thing in the orchard was a spreading apricot tree, and there would be heaps of apricots on it every year.” …Before they deported us as kulaks, they tried to make us tell them where we had hidden our goods.  Otherwise, they said, we’ll chop down your apricot tree. And they chopped it down.” From Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s short story Apricot Jamkulaks_news



Here’s government overreaching to binge on you.  Chomp, chomp, chomp…

High School Demands End to Off-Campus Christian Lunch Group

Six million perish


Guess Who Came to Dine on You? Part Two

The Ruling Class Cannibals!

Who are these Kulakovores?  They are Ruling Class America and the minions who do their hunter-gatherer bidding.  They are the Democrats and Republicans who accrue power unto themselves.  They are the un-elected:  the bureaucrats, the administrative state, the regulators, the social engineers, the ones whose careers are dependent on the government.   They are the ones who have no boundaries but will set boundaries for you. They are the ones with secret servers, the ones who call themselves “saviors of the planet” and those in the “know”, Progressives, the entitled, the “living Constitutionalists”, those that are a law unto themselves, the “settled science” purveyors, the “green agenda” evangelists, followers of the Scientism cult, the #SJW, #LGBT, #BlackLivesMatter, the gerrymandering, the eminent domain Dishonest Johns, the union bosses, the public school educators, the “It takes a village” people…the Hannibal Lecturers. hannibal lector

Obama finger gun







The power-hungry…

They came for your body parts, your eminent domain:

The Ruling Class Cannibals endorse Planned Parenthood.  The slaughter of the innocents provides these Cannibals with body parts to increase their food supply. They care more about the environment.




Warning:  the video below is graphic.  Watch the first minute if you can’t take any more.


solyent green

They came for your independence, your guns:

The Ruling Class hates independence.  The Collective would rather you meekly join the others in their Solyent Green plant.

Guns, in American history, have been the last resort to thwart tyranny.  If I haven’t revealed approaching tyranny to you in these posts then you are a minion of the Ruling Class Cannibals.

Tyranny for Ruling Class Cannibals is not being able to have complete control over your flesh, not being able to cause a thrill go up your leg, not being able to throw you in a boiling pot at will.

Obama gun control extrapolated means that you are to be protected at a whim of the Ruling Class Kulakovores.  Good luck with that, dead men walking.


They came for your values (and for your reprogramming):

Churches refusing to perform same-sex marriages may be denied liability insurance

Baker forced to make gay wedding cakes, undergo sensitivity training, after losing lawsuit


And did I mention…

They came for your wealth: tax1

The Ruling Class Cannibals love to tax people to death before consuming them. But the RCC will never be taxed like their meal tickets. These headhunters have tax havens where they hide their money away from the RCC’s chopping block.

World leaders deny wrongdoing


They came for your sanity: reason

Scientific proofs and absolute-based reason are not benchmarks for the RCCs. Political outcomes are.

Competitive Enterprise Institute Targeted by “AGs United For Clean Power”

Climate Scientism is Made of Green Cheese

Move Over Santa and “Settled Science”, the Lord Has Come…

Climate Apocalyptic-ism & The WannaBe Oppressed


They came for your laws:

The Ruling Class Cannibals want to determine who lives and who gets eaten alive, whose convictions are deemed worthy and given the “dignity” thumbs up and whose convictions are deemed too morally restrictive and impertinent to an overreaching court and thus requiring a thumb down.  Progress and not permanence is of the essence to these fast foodies.

The Ruling Class Cannibals seek to replace the U.S. Constitution and the laws derived from tried and true classical Judeo/Christian/Greco/Roman thought for the International House of Pancakes law.  Such an overturning of our legal foundation would allow these flesh-eaters to season the pot by appropriating the multicultural concepts of relativism, nihilism, animism and kulakcannibalism that the rest of the blood and flesh world bring to the table. To wit, Andrew C. McCarthy’s The globalist legal agenda

[U.S. Supreme court Justice Stephen Breyer’s latest book] The Court and the World is similarly a call for judicial supremacy, this time under the guise of international “interdependence.” The courts are once again pitched as an enabling agent of democratic choice, but on a supra-national scale.

The world, though, is a very undemocratic place—though perhaps no more undemocratic than Supreme Court diktats that remove controversies like abortion and “same-sex marriage” from democratic resolution.

How to explain the difference between progressive pretensions to “activate” liberty—i.e., to vouchsafe “the right of all persons to enjoy liberty as we learn its meaning,” as Justice Anthony Kennedy vaporously put it in imposing same-sex marriage on the nation—and progressive judging’s actual affect of curtailing our freedom to live as we choose? This inversion of democracy, it turns out, flows naturally from Breyer’s inversion of the judicial role—a philosophy of judging shared by a working majority of his Court, the bloc of five unelected jurists whose edicts control ever more of what was once democratic space.

“[O]ur American judicial system,” he contends, should “see itself as one part of a transnational or multinational judicial enterprise.” Inconveniently (but, alas, not insuperably), the only “judicial enterprise” licensed by the Constitution, from which federal judges derive their authority, is the protection of Americans from overreach by our government and the remediation of other harms inflicted by third parties in violation of laws enacted by our elected representatives.

Interpreting the law as written—an intellectual challenge that is vital to the rule of law even if not sufficiently stimulating for many a robed social engineer—is not so much an enterprise as a discipline. In our system, it is supposed to be the politically accountable branches that get to do the enterprising. Nor does the discipline of judging take on a “transnational or multinational” character merely because some small percentage of the parties implicated in legal disputes is of foreign extraction—even if, as Breyer rightly observes, modern technology has made the percentage larger by making the world smaller.

What does Breyer see as the objective of this global judicial enterprise? The advancement of “acceptance of the rule of law itself.” This “rule of law,” you’ll no doubt be shocked to learn, bears an astonishing resemblance to the rule of lawyers—in particular, the judges along with the army of equally unelected transnational progressive lawyers who urge them on.

International law is especially fertile soil for growing this empire.

Of course the courts are vital, but in their place. That is not the place envisioned by Justice Breyer: global maestro. American courts, however, are a core component of our government and thus the servant, not the master, of our people. They ensure our rule of law. Thus fortified, it is the United States, not a congeries of jurists and international law professors, that remains the indispensable force for good in a troubled and dangerous world.” (emphasis added)

Please read the article in its entirety The globalist legal agenda by Andrew C. McCarthy


They came for your land.

Ruling Class Cannibals will tell you that social justice means that what you own is not yours, it is to be taken from you – create an injustice in order to create social justice. Your delicious ends justify their means.

May I offer you a wafer-thin Kulak, sir?

May I offer you a wafer-thin Kulak, sir?

They came for you as dessert:

A wafer-thin mint for the Ruling Class Cannibals? You will be up-chucked but they’ll take you.




Ruling Class Cannibalism doesn’t fall far from the limb:

At Ithaca College, The Left’s Kids Devour Their Parents


Kulakovores are dismissive of any life force beyond themselves, as in “What difference, at this point, does it make!” hillary-what-difference-does-it-make-o


“Evil Free Zones”

As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart. Proverbs 27:19


Why would a Kingdom of God centered blog write about gun control? For the reason that the Spirit of Lawlessness pulls the trigger of a gun and also pulls on multiple political triggers in a Democracy.

For the reason that the Spirit of Lawlessness involves malignant narcissism which can be characterized by an unsubmitted will, the essence of lawlessness and the earmark of evil.


Within hours after the shooting in Roseburg Oregon at Umpqua Community College President Obama went to his shooting range (the bully pulpit) and began posting targets of the 2nd Amendment.

The president projected that we as a nation are making a political decision to support gun violence: “This is a political choice that we make to allow this to happen every few months in America.” He went on to say, again projecting, that we a nation have become “numbed” by these events, that “Somehow this has become routine”. And, what caught my attention even more so during his remarks, “We collectively are answerable to those families who lose their loved ones because of our inaction.” (I will not show any video of Obama. He is not worthy your time.)

No, President Obama, we are not collectively responsible for what happens. I am NOT responsible for the Fast and Furious “event” murder of a border patrol agent during your administration’s gun-running operation under DOJ Eric Holder (a program initially created to generate 2nd Amendment opposition in its wake). And, I am NOT responsible for the murder of American Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans by your State Department’s dereliction of duty.

An individual, whether it be Chris Mercer-Harper or Eric Holder or Hillary Clinton, is responsible for his own behavior and not the American people as regarded with your projected ennui. And, it is apparent that some of the electorate and some your administration (Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, to name just a few) may be just as lawless as you are Mr. President with your disregard for immigration laws.

Trigger warning: Obama’s crass politicizing and professorial shaming of the nation from the bully pulpit is the “routine” that we have become accustomed to. He’s pulling on the emotional triggers of many.

Obama’s invocation of the use of a political process – our unwieldy Democracy – to create a pretense of public safety was decidedly meant to corral in-the-moment public concern, anger and even a rush-to-judgment conviction. And, as Obama stated, he “will politicize” this sad and heartfelt event and, therefore, seek to turn the emotional reactions into a bold-faced law. Yet, even a passionate pseudo-democratic plea for authorization to amend law and make us feel good in the moment can never effect moral change and remove the lawlessness in the hearts of men or from our society.

Obama’s rhetoric in much of his speeches uses a well-known Collective device called the Goldstein Effect” so as to align our focus with his. It’s a given: Obama and Schumer Democrats will project an incident of one evil gun user onto all gun owners. The  anti-gun mouth runners will provide the “Two Minutes Hate” directed at the object of their loathing-the person with a gun.

Whether its guns, money, land or your business, the Collective very much seeks to take away your private property. Your right to be a gun owner and your right to protect yourself is of no value to them. So, they entomb you and your children in a “Gun Free Zone” (and thereby making you totally dependent on LEOs that this administration will not defend).

And, what law/s would stop a Chris Mercer-Harper or an Eric Holder or a Hillary Clinton from doing what they want to do anyway? Lawlessness prevails in the hearts of some men, whether on the street or in the White House.

Instead of carte blanche additions of more useless gun laws and the correlated loss of freedom there should be a serious debate and reflection about underlying causes of gun violence. Sadly, the social media format is “routinely” hype, hyperbole and ad hominem and not a debate forum. And, Obama is social media all the time.


Something to think about from Matthew’s Gospel Chapter 26, vs. 50-52: In the garden of Gethsemane, when soldiers approached to take Jesus into custody and to the High Priest Caiaphas, a disciple pulled out his sword and cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant. Jesus said, “Put your sword back in its place.”

Jesus, at this point in time, knew that his “hour” had come and that he had to proceed without resisting. Prior to that time Jesus must have also known that Peter was carrying a sword in his belt. Jesus did not tell him to take off the sword and get rid of it. He knew the sword was in “its place.”

“Put your sword back to where it belongs!” Jesus said to the disciple, “People who use the sword die by the sword!”

With a group of possibly twelve centurions standing nearby waiting to arrest Jesus I would have no doubt that the soldiers, fully armored and carrying swords, knew exactly what Jesus meant. And what Jesus said may have been a common saying among the soldiers of that time.

The understanding I get from this passage is that if you live “by the sword”-with the understanding that conflicts, whether internal or external, are only resolved by violent means to an end-then those who do so will meet a violent end.

God’s Kingdom purposes are not accomplished through violence or the preceding unsubmitted will of those that created the conflict in the first place.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for theirs is the Kingdom of God.”


At some point Chris Harper-Mercer turned away from looking into spiritual truth and disengaged from it and reality, perhaps by spending extended amounts of time alone in a darkened room on 4chan or on some just as enthralling and dehumanizing internet site.

Harper-Mercer’s deed appears to be a reflection of his time spent alone and online and a growing sense of powerlessness that he was “encouraged’ online to reverse with force.

A quotation from his Facebook account simply read: “When all the pleasures of the world have diluted, the only thing left that is pure is power.”

Dr. M. Scott Peck author of People of the Lie: the Hope for Healing Human Evil wrote, “… the only power that Satan has is through human belief in its lies.” Therein advances the evil that we must confront and be free of.

“As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.” Proverbs 27:19



“I’m sure the gunman realized there really wasn’t much there to stop him,” said Coleman, a former police chief at Texas A&M in San Antonio. In today’s environment, you need armed police officers on these campuses in my opinion.”

“Time to talk about gun free zones”

“Gun-free zones presume the good intentions of those entering the zone. And the overwhelming majority have such good intentions. But for those who have bad intentions, gun-free zones turn schools and other locations into shooting galleries. The good people are unarmed, the evil person is armed.”

-William A. Jacobson, clinical professor of law at Cornell Law School and publisher of Legal Insurrection website.

Gun-free zones put “good people … at the mercy of evil people”

Mental Illness or Moral Illness or a Life Well-Lit

The Moral Arithmetic of Lawlessness

Hearts of Darkness


Added: 10-4-2015

This astounding finding should be an integral part of the gun violence debate:

Robert Whitaker author of Anatomy of an Epidemic asks the question, here paraphrased…

Is there a correlation between the increase of prescribed psychotropic medications over the past twenty-five years and the current epidemic of disabling mental illness? He notes that the disabled mentally ill place a significant burden on society.

Curiouser and Curiouser

From the Big Bang to the Black Rabbit Holes of Moral Relativism

Have you noticed that many of the well-coifed commentator’s these days now use the phrase, “The fact of the matter” to preface their comments? This is empiricism trying to counter relativism’s cynicism.

Modern day liberals, pundits of the ersatz, consider themselves open-minded individuals. They are proud of their openness to all things. So open-minded are they in fact that when truth is encountered it is immediately short-circuited bypassing their AND/OR gates, never residing in memory. Truth is discharged from their feel good capacitors. Truth, for them, is just one of many options. Truth is not the warm and fuzzy logic they want to be plugged into. Truth is electrifyingly absolute.

“As a rule, only very learned and clever men deny what is absolutely true. Common men have less brains, but more sense.” -William T Stance, an epitome found at the beginning of Roger Kimball’s book “The Fortunes of Permanence: Culture and Anarchy in an Age of Amnesia”.

These open-minded folk are so welcoming to come and go Change that they post a “For Rent” sign on their foreheads for all to see their obeisance to the gods Openness, Diversity and Equality.

House built on sandy soil.  Erosion.

Oops, there goes another foundation!

These open-minded folk are also the ones who so voraciously attack the First Amendment as a mistake-a mistake to let people speak their minds. Go figure. But this thinking works in the Rabbit Hole known as Asinine.

Let’s take a look at only some of today’s Ass-saults on Absolutes.

It is 2015 and truth and its consequences can be hard to swallow. Truth and its consequences can be abstracted into “Am I a victim of uncontrollable influences?”

Here is a portion of Vanity Fair’s May 2015 article “Civil War at NBC News” written by Bryan Burrough about NBC’s Brian William’s deliberate lack of Total Recall scandal:

“[Deborah] Turness [head of NBC] and the other executives who had gotten involved quickly became frustrated, as they would remain for days, with William’s inability to explain himself. “He couldn’t say the words ‘I lied,’ “recalls one NBC insider.

We could not force his mouth to form the words ‘I lied’. He couldn’t explain what had happened. [He said,] ‘Did something happen to [my] head? Maybe I had a brain tumor, or something in my head? He just didn’t know. We had no clear sense what had happened. We got the best apology we could get.

And that was a problem…”

Brian Williams-post truth

Brian Williams-post truth

It is 2015 and you can Tune in, toke up, smile big: Introducing The First Church of Cannabis.

(Bill) Levin, a 59-year-old carpenter, started the church on March 26, 2015, to push the limits of Indiana’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which prohibits the government from “substantially burdening” anyone’s right to exercise his or her religion. Earlier this year, the controversial bill sparked protests from gay rights groups claiming it would allow for businesses to discriminate against gays and lesbians citing religious beliefs. (Emphasis mine)

The First Church of Cannabis is Epicurean in all in its smoke and mirror glory. Who needs a church with the living true God when the inaccessible uncaring-what-you-do god of Epicurus will do?


Speaking of “gay rights” it is 2015 and most Americans greatly overestimate the percentage of the LGBT self-described “queer” population. Perhaps this is due to air deprivation-the loud sucking in of all the air from the planet by the LGBT ‘community’ in order to replace it with the exhaust of revved up Epicurean narcissism:

“PRINCETON, N.J. — The American public estimates on average that 23% of Americans are gay or lesbian, little changed from Americans’ 25% estimate in 2011, and only slightly higher than separate 2002 estimates of the gay and lesbian population. These estimates are many times higher than the 3.8% of the adult population who identified themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender in Gallup Daily tracking in the first four months of this year.” (Emphasis mine)

Of course the LGBT ‘community’ will refute the accuracy of this poll by saying that another 30% of the population is still in the closet (waiting to be coaxed out of the closet and into a confused symbolism state-the LGBT ‘light’ of gay).


It is 2015 and moral relativism’s apotheosis is a “fundamental transformation” POTUS with a bully pulpit.

Barack Obama’s latest political foray into untruth is his national domestic and foreign policy of fatalism-“AGW, this is settled science”. This populist scientism qualification is severely lacking in the facts due diligence requires asserting “settled science”. Obama’s stipulation is meant to shunt away the requisite evocative questions inherent within a democratic political process. In Obama-speak “Settled science” means “Settled issue”: “I said IT and therefore it must be true since I have enough power and sycophantic cohorts to proclaim it to be true”.


It is 2015, June, and Pastor Saeed Abedini has been in an Iranian prison for three years while Obama negotiates his own legacy.


It is 2015 and where we once had two distinct naturally evolved sexes-“He created them male and female”- we now have the amorphous word “gender” bandied about. The political winds of “Diversity” are uprooting millennia of family trees-naturally evolved binary sex procreations and ‘recreating’ traditional marriage in its own image with a frenzy to will to power one’s self-‘right’-ness… but never righteousness.


It is 2015 and have you noticed that multiculturalism is all the rage? You don’t hear the word “multiculturalism” proclaimed in public but one can see its assault on America and its devastating effects under Obama’s lawless immigration fiat.

Multiculturalism insists that all cultures and all religions are of equal value. Multiculturalism insists that there is no difference between Judeo-Christian beliefs and those of radical Muslim imposed Sharia Law. Per Obama and the Progressives all groups must be co-opted in order to dilute your white European background vote and shore up non-Western Democrat votes for the next election. “Divide and conquer” is his conscious mantra.

Multiculturalism is passive-aggressive toward America. Multiculturalism genuflects to the god “Hyphen”.

It is 2015. Have you noticed that we are no longer Americans? We are now hyphenated groups: African-Americans, Asian-Americans, and Hispanic-Americans. Many of these and other groups live a hyphenated life of one foot in and one foot out, having forsaken adopting the American settler’s values. “They are coming to America” for the handouts that only Big Brother can give and know full well that American values are ‘flexible’ according to who is in power, ergo kindled ethnocentricity melts the pot holding them.


It is 2015 and women now have added their maiden name to their married name-one foot and in one foot out of the marriage.


It is 2015 and I am reminded of Alexis de Tocqueville’s prescient warning about soft despotism. I apply it now to our 2015 morally relativistic “activist” judiciary that

“extends its arm over society as a whole; it covers its surface with a network of small, complicated, painstaking, uniform rules through which the most original minds and the most vigorous souls cannot clear a way to surpass the crowd; it does not break wills, but it softens them, bends them, and directs them; it rarely forces one to act, but it constantly opposes itself to one’s acting; it does not destroy, it prevents things from being born; it does not tyrannize, it hinders, compromises, enervates, extinguishes, dazes, and finally reduces each nation to being nothing more than a herd of timid and industrious animals of which the government is the shepherd.”


It is 2015 and moral relativism’s tyrannical belief system has taken modern man captive and placed him in chains within a dark but fire lit cave.

As pushed in Epicurus’ time an individual’s sensory feelings, his inner sanctum response to the self-projecting chimeras on the cave wall, have become a socialism everyone must share to ease pain or else. To make this a personal reality each Atlas must shrug off the moral cornerstone with which one needs to plumb line truth and then replace it with the Objectivism of ‘rational and ethical’ egoism or, better, self-interest à la carte à la cave.

The modern listener is now tuned into the frequency, “The fact of the matter” and “This is settled science” to reassure his free-floating cave-wall derived angst. At the same time leaving the cave of self-pity is not an option and thereby Democracy in a cave is denied the daylight of truth.

We say, “if Barack Obama’s scientism can make us a victim of say AGW in a society of victims then the scientism proposed becomes ‘truth’ for me, a willing adherent to the new criterion-moral relativism. And victimization means I am therefore oppressed and in need of Big Brother to take my Whole World in His Hands”.

Moral relativism as a formula for life and not yet atheistic (atheism would come after Christianity began) was tossed around during the time (BC) of the Greek philosopher Epicurus. The “atomists’ of that era believed in a distant out-of-sight-out-of-touch god. They believed that one’s own sensory feelings and close kowtowing friends would better serve their introspective needs. Scientism, born during The Enlightenment, is moral relativism’s distant cousin.

Scientism is the politics of fact. Where science is about seeking truth in the form of verifiable fact, scientism is about seeking consensus about how you feel about the facts. These feelings are Epicurean sensory feelings superimposed onto verifiable fact-“How will this fact affect me”.


I could go on giving examples of this post’s rubric but it is Sunday and I must go to my church to remove the impurities of Moral Relativism from my mind, heart and soul. Come join me.

Curiouser and Curiouser, to be continued…

Some things to ponder:

When everything in life is valued by the same lowest common denominator as the Progressives would have it does value retain value? Are we not animals at the lowest common point? Ergo, isn’t socialism basically the exalted rights of certain animals on the Animal Farm to determine the rights of the others? See de Tocqueville quote above.

Is it OK for teachers groups to have seminars decrying white privilege while at the same time affirmative action denies other races (e.g., Asians trying to enter Harvard) equal opportunity? Is “white privilege” really Black on-demand-privilege projection?

“Justice: by any and all means necessary.” Is it OK to place Black-American ethnocentrism over every other race while demanding diversity, equality, egalitarianism and justice? Isn’t “Justice: By any and all means necessary” spoken by a Black-American District Attorney a call to lawlessness and anarchy under our country’s rule of law?

Isn’t the application of discrimination of one race over another called racism? Inequality?

It is 2015 and the erosion of moral relativism is washing away the sand foundation of society’s structure.

“What Americans call “liberalism” is the ideology of western suicide.” -James Burnham, Suicide of the West


It is 2015 and WordPress has informed me that it is my six-year anniversary blogging with WordPress. Inconceivable!


Humanity Thrives on Moral-Guided Free Market Economics and Acts of Creation

In response to the collectivist ideologies of Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren and their proposed free market epitaph “You didn’t build that…” I offer two videos that provide insights about our humanity, creation, transcendence and economics. Epicurus, by the way (see previous posts regarding Epicurus), knew about humanity at a base level. Epicurus withdrew from transcendent.
The first video includes an interview with Rev. Robert A. Sirico of the Acton Institute. I first heard this interview while watching Fox Business’ Varney & Company. It contains a surprise ending.

In the second video Rev. Robert A. Sirico speaks at Creighton University about his conversion from Marxism and socialism and his reckoning of justice with a God-given humanity and transcendence. He speaks of going on to embrace a morals-directed free market economics which in the act of creation produces a bigger pie for all to share in.
Transcendence takes acknowledgement and submission to the Sublime. It takes one to be faithful in small things. .And, what you create-“build”-transcends all the output of man-made ideologies and political jingoisms. Grab some coffee first before you sit back and enjoy truth.

“Imagine” Juxtaposed

Previous posts attempted to expose the Epicurean influence on modernity: the exclusion of God from the garden of good and evil and replaced with Darwinian materialism under the influence of man-made reasoning: “cogito ergo sum”.

The posts also revealed the inclusion of ‘reasoned’ or ‘rational’ people into the high-horse club of scientism. This exclusive club is governed by those who have the power, perhaps the raison d’état, to control the inputs and outputs of desired ‘truth’. “What is truth?” Pilate asked (when he thought he had the force of the whole Roman empire to define it.)

As I wryly mentioned in my previous posts the above either/or, God/science dichotomy came, at first, philosophically, from what I call Epicurus’ “High-Horse” Mal-ware. This mal-ware has since been downloaded over the centuries into each century’s modern man’s psyche. The devastating effect of the Mal-ware was to disable the AND gate of your truth tables. It was not to be used in queries.

Now, like the historically recorded scene of two thieves each hanging on cross with Jesus hanging between them, I offer a similar juxtaposition of two end results, two disparate “Imagines”.

One “Imagine” is Epicurean, God dismissed, materialistic, nihilistic and personified in the likes of former atheist Christopher Hitchens, materialist Barack Obama and fatalist Beatle John Lennon:

 The other “Imagine” is God-inclusive. Here, God is the nucleus, the epicenter of being and meaning. Here, God and science coexist as Lion and lamb, creation being the sublime work of His hands, His signature found in the molded clay.

God’s Kingdom, now begun on earth, has become a dwelling place for all who see His light and follow it. True reality is made known to His followers by the Holy Spirit. The earthly spectrum of sodium street lights, of tungsten lights, of neon lights, of mercury lights, of halogen lights, of xenon lights, lights all of which enable us to see our way on earth are sourced from the Prism of Eternal Light.

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” C.S. Lewis

At His appearance we will then know Him as He knows us. That Eternal Light you see is Love, not short-lived Epicurean fireworks and party favors. 


Footnote: The above song by MercyMe was played during my son’s funeral service, about fourteen years ago. Justin was eighteen when the Lord took him home in a freak car accident. The police reported that it was a clear, sunny and dry day in Texas as Justin drove down a frontage road and lost control of the car. No other cars were involved. No drugs or alcohol were involved according to the Police report.

 Justin had recently graduated from high school. The afternoon of his death he was driving back from his girlfriend’s house. We don’t know why this happened. We just know that we will see him again and this is not final. The Joy that only God’s True Love can give replaced the deepest loss I have ever experienced.  Physics caused the physical death. But, Justin lives on.

 Sure there is pain, loss and evil in the world. But God is greater than any of these, if you let Him be God in your life.

Back On Earth

America's Christmas gift to the world - How to kill a dictator!

America’s Christmas gift to the world – How to kill a dictator!

Joy to the world! “The Interview” will be released, 

Let earthlings view this crap,

Let every one call it “Freedom”,

And Sony and Clooney chime in,

And Sony and Clooney chime in,

And Sony, and Sony and Clooney chime in.






Joy to earth, the “Frost” movie reigns  

Control Your Climate Change or Elsa!

Control Your Climate Change or Elsa!

No More Mr. Nice Gay

No More Mr. Nice Gay

Let LGBTers their fantasies employ

While diversity chills society

Repeat just “Let It Go”,

Repeat just “Let It Go”, 

Repeat, repeat just “Let It Go”.


Front & back door man Al Sharpton

Front & back door man Al Sharpton

No more let race relations grow

Nor love disperse our hate

Sharpton comes to make the money flow, 

Far as his race is found

Far as his race is found 

Far as, far as his race is found. 



Obama rules our world with Executive Fiat, 

(Spoken like a true dictator)

(Spoken like a true dictator)

And makes lawlessness his,

The mandates of his Imperialism,

And wonders of his lies

And wonders of his lies

And wonders, and wonders of his lies.





“The Interview” poster-wikipedia

Elsa’s Ice Palace

“No End In Sight” photo–Washington Post

“Al Sharpton and gay rioter photos–Common & domain.