They Hate You

I’ve been reading a lot of realist fiction lately but I can’t ignore the grim reality of the hatred directed at Americans by the Left. This hatred is manifested with tactics no different than the “irregular warfare” used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to impose its will:

“The three warfares are the coordinated use of public opinion, psychological, and legal warfare methods to “stifle criticism of the Chinese Communist Party, spread positive views of China,””

Elsa Kania, an adjunct fellow with the Technology and National Security Program at the Center for a New American Security writes in a 2016 China Brief article about The PLA’s Latest Strategic Thinking on the Three Warfares. She says that “the application of the three warfares is intended to control the prevailing discourse and influence perceptions in a way that advances China’s interests, while compromising the capability of opponents to respond.”

She goes on to describe the three non-kinetic warfares and their functions:

2015 Science of Military Strategy:

The [2015 National Defense University (NDU) SMS] provides an overview of public opinion warfare, psychological warfare, and legal warfare and guidance regarding their implementation. According to the text, public opinion warfare involves using public opinion as a weapon by propagandizing through various forms of media in order to weaken the adversary’s “will to fight” (战斗意志), while ensuring strength of will and unity among civilian and military views on one’s own side. Psychological warfare seeks to undermine an adversary’s combat power, resolve, and decision-making, while exacerbating internal disputes to cause the enemy to divide into factions (阵营). Legal warfare envisions use of all aspects of the law, including national law, international law, and the laws of war, in order to secure seizing “legal principle superiority” (法理优势) and delegitimize an adversary. Each of the three warfares operates in the perceptual domain (认知领域) and relies upon information for its efficacy. (Emphasis mine.)

These tactics look very familiar. “Irregular warfare”, employed with aggression and deceit (“Force and fraud are the cardinal virtues of war.” –Hobbes), are at work in the Left’s attack on Americans. We are all well aware of one assault close to home.

During COVID (the spread of the China virus) we were subjected to the coordinated force of propaganda to influence and control public opinion. There was propagandizing through various forms of media in order to weaken the adversary’s “will to fight” against what we were told to believe.

There was also the psychological balkanizing that divided the nation into those who “follow the science” and “science deniers” and the “vaxxed” and “anti-vax”.

And there was the legal warfare of COVID mandates that put people in jail or quarantines and closed churches and businesses and put people out of work if not vaxxed. All done to delegitimize an adversary to what we were told to obey.

We were subjected to coordinated fraud in the messaging about the (flu-like) virus’ transmission and effects and the effectiveness of the COVID vaccine and the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Multiple doctors and epidemiologists who spoke out against the narrative were silenced in the media and elsewhere. Force was used to stifle criticism and to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to “the science” and the purveyors of “the science”, the Left’s medical-pharmaceutical industrial complex (Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, CDC, NIH, big pharma et al.).

Each of the Left’s three warfares employed during COVID operated in the “perceptual domain and relied upon [the control of] information for its effectiveness.”

We continue to be subjected to the Left’s three-fold attack with the “force and fraud” climate crisis narrative. Public opinion is being swayed by climate crisis propaganda: “We need to act now to avoid catastrophe.” “Irregular warfare” is being used against fossil fuels, LNG, agriculture, and anyone who opposes the Left’s narrative.

The fact that nuclear power, a carbon-free and a safe energy source that can produce huge amounts of reliable electricity, is not mentioned by the Left should be an indicator that climate is not an issue – controlling you is. (There is no climate crisis. See video below.)

We continue to be subjected to the Left’s “irregular warfare” with its fraudulent narrative of Trump as a threat to “Democracy”. The apoplectic Left, desiring to influence and control public opinion, wants to put the fear of Trump into their viewers and readers. The want viewers and readers to hate Trump.

The psychological warfare element of this attack includes exacerbating internal disputes to cause the enemy – the Right – to divide into factions. Hence, the Left will showcase never -Trumpers like David French to speak against Trump.

The third element of the Left’s threefold “irregular warfare” is used to “delegitimize an adversary.” This is the reason for the lawfare being waged against Donald Trump. The Left is desperate. They have tried unsuccessfully to keep him off the ballot. They have sought to disqualify him. They are seeking to bankrupt him. The Left will use any means necessary to take down Trump through “legal warfare.”

About this, George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley notes:

“It’s becoming increasingly difficult to deny that we have a legal system now that is being heavily distorted by politics and you cannot look at all of these cases and see blind justice, you see the opposite,” Turley told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow, a former Trump administration official. “You see a justice that is being weaponized, and in many ways the Democrats fulfill the narrative of President Trump. He is now right. No matter what they thought about it at the beginning, they proved him to be right with this pile-on from Florida to Georgia, to Washington, D.C., to New York and most of the public gets it.”

The Left’s MSNBC and CNN and the NYT and WaPo and other media outlets of their ilk are so afraid that Trump will win in November that they are pulling out all the stops. They accuse Trump of promoting a lie (the stolen 2020 election) and calling illegals “animals” (Trump was talking about the murderer of Laken Riley). They will 24/7 you with “Trump is a threat to Democracy and our way of life. We will all become victims if Trump is elected (and blah blah blah).”

We continue to be subjected to the Left’s public opinion influence and psychological warfare via its constant fear-mongering. The Left conjures up end-of-the-world narratives, whether of COVID, climate, Trump or of people who don’t buy what they are selling.

Those who are taken in by Left don’t understand that they are targets of two elements of “irregular warfare”: influence of public opinion and psychological warfare. One reason they buy in is that the legal warfare component is directed at Trump and anyone connected with him. Another reason may be how they feel about the Left’s talking points: “I love the way you lie.”

A key component of the Left’s warfare against Americans is balkanization. The Left seeks to divide us into warring factions. There are those in the media who delight in dividing us rather than uniting us. They live for this. It is how they gain their power, their influence and their money. It is how they destroy America. As Jesus knew to be true, “if a kingdom is divided in two it can’t last.”

And so it is that the above media outlets present authors who foster division by writing that white Americans and Christian Nationalists (whatever they are) are a dangerous threat to “Democracy!”

The Left, to “delegitimize an adversary”, wants to put the fear of whites and of Christians who love their country into their viewers and readers – as if hating them along with Trump was a necessary condition for protecting “Democracy!”

Following the MSNBC promotion of the hectoring book White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy published on February 27, 2024, came another screed published April 2, 2024 supposedly from a Christian, Sojourner’s Jim Wallis: The False White Gospel: Rejecting Christian Nationalism, Reclaiming True Faith, and Refounding Democracy.

Progressive Wallis was on MSNBC promoting his platitudes and inviting all who can be persuaded to reject and help dismantle a false gospel that propagates white supremacy and autocracy . . . and Christian Nationalism (whatever that is)

One Amazon commenter on White Rural Rage wrote something that applies to both books: “This book helps to explain the startling divide in America by showing just how profoundly uninterested such people are in understanding or accepting the views of anyone who does not accord with their own orthodoxy and must therefore be dismissed as anti-democratic.”

And from a review of White Rural Rage by Maria-Katrina Cortez:

Waldman and Schaller portray rural people as passive, unthinking agents in the democratic process. Though “rage” features prominently in their title, they use the word fewer than ten times in the text, and only to belabor their claim that Republican leaders intentionally manufactured rural voters’ anger, as though these Americans would not be concerned about their situations without external manipulation.

And here’s Nicholas F. Jacobs writing in What Liberals Get Wrong About ‘White Rural Rage’ — Almost Everything – POLITICO

“In an interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, [author Tom] Schaller gave this unvarnished assessment of the rage he sees overflowing in the heartland. Rural whites, he said, are “the most racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-gay geo-demographic group in the country.” He called them, “the most conspiracist group,” “anti-democratic,” “white nationalist and white Christian nationalists.” On top of that, rural whites are also “most likely to excuse or justify violence as an acceptable alternative to peaceful public discourse . . .

“But the thing about rage — I’ve never found it.

“The problem with this “rage” thesis is much larger than the fact that my research, and that of others, is being misinterpreted and misunderstood. What the authors are getting wrong about rural America is exactly what many Democrats have been getting wrong for decades — and appear to be doing so again in this critical presidential election year.”

The following is my response to the red meat those authors threw to the ravenous Left:

“What is inadmissible, both morally and scientifically, is the hubris that pretends to understand the behavior of human agents without for a moment listening systematically to how they understand what they are doing and how they explain themselves.”
― James C. Scott, Two Cheers for Anarchism: Six Easy Pieces on Autonomy, Dignity, and Meaningful Work and Play

They hate us. They hate God.

When spoken of from the High Chairs of Hubris and Condescension, those of us who love God and our family and our country and not what proceeds from the mouths of the elites are not just called “bitter clingers” and “deplorable”. We are called “extremists.” We are called every name in the Left’s style book. And therefore, more force and fraud are needed to be applied. Hence the shaming books of the fellow traveler intelligentsia.

One would think that loving God, loving your family and loving your country would be all good. But the Left hates all that. Leftist elites love themselves and the sound of their condescension.

How far will the Left go? Students of history know. History tells us that the Left will use any means necessary, including injustice, famine, show trials, gulags, and murder to get their way. How far did the Left go this week?

The Biden regime just convicted a 71-year-old great-grandmother on federal misdemeanor charges for entering the Capitol more than three years ago for ten minutes.

Biden regime just proved once and for all that the US government is the most corrupt organization in the world, and it’s not even close… – Revolver News

“Without God, there’s no justice.” -71-year-old great-grandmother Rebecca Lavrenz who faces four federal misdemeanor charges for entering the Capitol more than three years ago during the Fedsurrection. She spent about 10 minutes inside.

Wearing a red scarf and a white hat to the rally, which she said she attended by herself, Lavrenz encountered a group of people praying outside the Capitol, and she joined them for about an hour and a half.

“It was a patriotic, joyful time to be around so many people who love their country,” she said. “I felt a strong presence of the spirt of God fall over me, and I started crying.”

At one point, she took the microphone to speak about a document that became known as the 1620 Mayflower Compact. Included in the agreement that pilgrims had signed before they set foot on American soil was that the country would be dedicated to the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith.

“My mission in life is to know God and make his ways known and restore the country back to its godly foundation,” Lavrenz said. “Without God, there’s no justice.”

71-Year-Old Grandma Convicted on All Charges by DC Jury After Praying in Capitol on Jan. 6 | The Gateway Pundit | by Randy DeSoto, The Western Journal

This post is meant to alert you to the Left’s three-pronged warfare directed at Americans. There is more that could be said, but there is enough here, I believe, for the reader to understand the hatred directed at us.

I haven’t even mentioned the Biden inflation and the cost of living or how hard it will be for our children to buy a house and property because of the human-hating financial policies of the Left.

I haven’t even mentioned that the Biden regime’s human-hating open border policy will drive wages down for minorities and put Americans out of work. It is a policy that allows in deadly fentanyl and deadly gangs and deadly terrorists and deadly diseases to kill people. You won’t hear or see any of this from Rachel Maddow. All you’ll hear from her is “orange man bad.”

The Left hates us. And so does the Satan.


I see the Left – its hatred and evil schemes – depicted in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. Having control and imposing its will are essential to the Left, as in the story. Violence, mental and physical, are their means.

In the novels Dr. Peter Teleborian is the psychiatrist at St. Stefan’s Psychiatric Clinic for Children. Teleborian is a sadist who abuses his patients.

The child Lisbeth Salander was committed to St. Stefan’s after she tried to kill her evil father for beating and raping her mother. While in the clinic Teleborian kept Lisbeth strapped down each night for over a year and tried to force feed her psychiatric drugs. Salander later described him as the most evil man she ever met.

Lisbeth is later released from the clinic and put under guardianship. Her guardian suffers a heart attack and she is given another legal guardian – Nils Bjurman.

At their second meeting Bjurman informs Salander that she has to give over access to all of her bank accounts. Her first guardian Palmgren allowed her to control her own finances but Bjurman wants to control every aspect of her life.

Bjurman, to prove who’s in charge, molests her and forces her to pleasure him sexually. Because of her previous problems with the police, Lisbeth decides to take matters into her own hands. At their next meeting, she comes prepared with a hidden video camera. But, to her horror and dismay, she realizes she has misjudged Bjurman; he attacks and brutally rapes her.

Then The Section, an ultra-secret division of the government that reports to no one, tries to have Lisbeth recommitted to Dr. Teleborian’s clinic. This was to be done to protect the members of The Section. Dr. Teleborian is assigned by The Section to write a false report about Lisbeth Salander.

The Section harbored and protected the evil Zalachenko, ex-Russian spy who defected to Sweden. Alexander Zalachenko is Lisbeth’s abusive father.

We later learn that Dr. Teleborian kept thousands of child porn photos on his laptop. He is arrested during Lisbeth’s trial.

Looking at the nature of the people on the Left and their way of doing things with the caveat “for your own good”, it is easy for me to see similarities to the evil characters above.


They hate you. They hate your children. “Irregular warfare” is being waged in our public schools:

Public school “experts” are trashing traditional education in virtue and citizenship in favor of victimhood and dependency. The inheritance of Western Civilization has been officially discarded by irresponsible intellectuals, determined to advance their “progressive” ideologies. These ideologies, pushing kids to discover “their own truths,” are generally varieties of “subjectivism” or “relativism.” Critical theory deliberately undercuts our natural commonsense, the shared foundation of a free society, by teaching children that their homes, communities, and even their own physiology are their worst enemies, the foes of their real identities. Ideologues do this by “reducing” our natural experience of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty to “no more than” materialistic “animal instincts” (Modernism), that then give rise to oppressive “social constructs” (Postmodernism), and, presto, an epidemic of anxiety.

 Joseph Woodard, Rediscovering the True, Good, & Beautiful ~ The Imaginative Conservative


They hate you. The Open Border Means Open Season on You – thanks to gov’t paid NGOs like Catholic Charities and others; thanks to Mayorkas and Democrats in need of votes who ignore what is happening.

Illegals are coming, not to assimilate but to plunder.

Another gang threat is unfolding thanks to Biden’s open border, but this time they’re going after American elites… – Revolver News

Violent, heavily armed Venezuelan illegals found squatting in the basement of a US home… – Revolver News

Nearly 1,000 ‘Gotaway’ Illegals Crossed Southern Border on Easter Sunday. (

Illegal immigrant charged in ‘horrific’ child sex crime arrested by ICE after police let him go (

If you allow people from all over the world to come here by the millions in violation of our laws, you make no effort to screen them for infectious diseases and you push them into our largest population centers, you are going to see outbreaks of disease. People are going to die. The health of all Americans is going to be negatively impacted.

That’s exactly what is happening now. U.S. cases of tuberculosis, a deadly infectious disease have soared to their highest level in a decade, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). After 27 years of declining tuberculosis rates in the United States, cases of the disease started to climb again in 2020. They have continued to rise every year since.

TB Is Back – Thank Joe – by Sam Faddis – AND Magazine (

Chicago Woman Demolished Migrant City Committee With Powerful Speech (


They hate you by ignoring you.

Ben Berquam Interviews Devon Jones And Mark Carter Live From The Migrant Crisis In Chicago (


How far will the Left go to dismantle the USA?

Under OBiden’s reign of terror – No Coincidence Infrastructure destruction:

Train derailments

Supply chain crisis

Food processing plants mysteriously exploding & catching on fire

Planes falling apart in the sky

Ships crashing into bridges

Watch: Something very strange is happening to bridges in the US—the third incident in 7 days… – Revolver News


2024. What does it mean when Americans vote for the destruction of their country? For the destruction of their own children through abortion?

If you consume what is fed from the above media outlets you may be living in a bubble the Left has created for you. You won’t see the destruction of civil society and justice within our land. You will learn, instead, to blame Trump and those on the right for problems.

The following is from a statement from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, “on the scandalous proclamation of March 31 as ‘Transgender visibility day’ by ‘president’ Joe Biden.”

All humanity is awakening from a slumber that has lasted far too long:

-the lives of the innocent are threatened by abortion, euthanasia, manipulation, and abuse;

-the health of citizens is deliberately compromised by experimental serums revealed to be a biological weapon of population decimation;

-the total moral corruption of the top echelons of civil authority, enslaved to criminal lobbies in a global coup, is now evident;

-the increasingly arrogant display of Satan worship by the media and the world of culture and entertainment show us a world awash in execrable perversions that cry out to Heaven for vengeance;

-the mad provocation of a world conflict claims lives in order to bury the horrendous sexual and financial scandals of a power that is now the enemy of its citizens.

Archbishop Viganò: Biden must be recognized as excommunicated after ‘Trans Day of Visibility’ declaration – LifeSite (


They hate you. The Left’s medical-pharmaceutical industry’s reign of terror:

Multiple laboratory studies now confirm that Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is heavily contaminated with plasmid DNA. The latest analysis finds that one dose of the Pfizer vaccine typically contains over 200 billion DNA fragments. These DNA fragments can incorporate into the DNA of the vaccinated individual and interfere with the expression of oncogenes and tumor suppression genes. This DNA contamination has cancer implications for millions of people who were manipulated to take part in this biowarfare experiment. (Emphasis mine.)

One Dose of Pfizer’s Covid “Vaccine” Contains Over 200 Billion DNA Fragments That Can Incorporate Into Human DNA, Causing Cancer – Discern Report

New American Daily | Vaccine-laced Food Is Here (


The Left’s Central Planning’s reign of terror:

Small chains and mom-and-pop businesses simply can’t compete.  Larger chains raised prices but have also been forced to reduce employees and labor costs through automation, but the layoffs are just getting started. 

Mass Layoffs Begin At California Fast Food Chains As $20 Minimum Wage Law Takes Effect | ZeroHedge


The Biden regime’s geopolitical reign of terror:

Mr. Blinken just announced World War Three

 If your situational awareness is well-tuned, you can put together a political weather report from the swirl of events that otherwise seem to confound the degenerate simps who pretend to report the news. Events are tending in the direction of self-reinforcing, ramifying chaos, and the people running the show are obviously insane as they do everything possible to hurry chaos along.

Vectoring Dangerously – Kunstler


The Left hates you:

Batya Ungar-Sargon, author of Second Class

Batya Ungar-Sargon Explains The MAGA Philosophy That The Left Can’t Understand (


The 2024 election comes down to a choice: for those who love you and what you love or for those who love power and control.

Must watch: The description of how Officer Diller’s family welcomed and embraced President Trump is incredible…. – Revolver News


The Josh Hammer Show

The Democratic Party Hates Democracy

Politics, law, and culture collide as Newsweek Senior Editor-at-Large Josh Hammer charts a path forward for American conservatism and exposes the woke Left. A voice for the New Right, Hammer delivers blistering commentary and weekly interviews with today’s top conservative thinkers.

The Democratic Party Hates Democracy

Series – The Josh Hammer Show (


Presentation starts at 7:35.

Onstage at the Reagan Library with David Mamet (

Podcast here:

David Mamet | The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute (

The arc of political change: David Mamet, Whittaker Chambers, Ronald Reagan – The New Neo


Don’t accept the Left’s propaganda regarding climate:

Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) English (


They’re Coming!

We are entering a season of celebrating Good News – the birth of a good King, the King’s establishment of a good kingdom and the King’s means for new creation. But hold on. Have we been invaded by body snatchers?

They look like us. Exactly like your loved ones or even possibly yourself. Replacement people. Exact copies yet devoid of empathy and humanity.

The 1978 film version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers takes place in San Francisco. The plot involves Matthew Bennel and Elizabeth Driscoll. Both work for the Health Department. Elizabeth is the first to suspect that something strange is going on. She awakes one morning to find her boyfriend Geoffrey being cold and distant and doing odd things. And it’s not just him. Everyone now seems strange to her.

Elizabeth Driscoll:
I keep seeing these people, all recognizing each other. Something is passing between them all, some secret. It’s a conspiracy, I know it.

Matthew Bennel:
There can’t be a conspiracy!

Elizabeth Driscoll:
Matthew, I’m telling you something is going on here.

Matthew suggests they speak to his friend, pop-psychiatrist David Kibner. They drive over to the bookstore where Kibner is promoting his new book. On the way they encounter “They’re coming!”

Dr. David Kibner:

Elizabeth, could you please tell me, in your opinion, what is going on?

Elizabeth Driscoll:

People are being duplicated. And once it happens to you, you’re part of this… thing. It almost happened to me!”

Kibner confirms that several of his patients are claiming that their spouses are not who they seem to be. But he puts it down to mass hysteria until Jack and Nancy Bellicec, Matthew’s friends, discover a mysterious embryonic adult-body resembling Jack in the mud spa they run.

Elizabeth Driscoll:

I have seen these flowers all over. They are growing like parasites on other plants. All of a sudden. Where are they coming from?

Nancy Bellicec:

Outer space?

Jack Bellicec:

What are you talking about? A space flower?

Nancy Bellicec:

Well why not a space flower? Why do we always expect metal ships?

Jack Bellicec:

I’ve NEVER expected metal ships.

Together they figure out that humans are being replaced with flawless biological copies who are emotionless. The cold unthinking replicant has one quest – its survival. It must bring others into the fold . . . of the alien plant pods.

How does replacement happen? Organically over time. Strange spores drifted to earth from space. Mysterious pods began to grow. The pods begin replacing the dominant species by spawning emotionless replicas. The original bodies disintegrate into dust after the duplication process. The pod people outwardly resemble the people they have replaced, but are completely empty and soulless.

This happens to San Francisco’s residents one body at a time – when the citizen falls asleep near the pod. The ‘Podified’ then distribute the pods for more replication.

Spores en route to your home.

A ‘Podified’ Professor David Kibner explains the why of Pod Life:

“We came here from a dying world. We drift through the universe, from planet to planet, pushed on by the solar winds. We adapt and we survive. The function of life is survival.”

And so it is that when the credits roll, apparently there are no more humans left in San Francisco. Alien pods have consumed human’s emotional individuality for their survival. Only hollow replacement clones and a screech remain:

Pod people, alike as “two peas in a pod”, have a collective mindset and are extremely persistent. They want to replace humanity with a replicant humanity for their own survival. So America be warned. Pod people – They’re coming! Welcome to 2024 and communism.

Body Snatchers have invaded Progressive San Francisco. We see empty and soulless people acting in weird parasitic ways for the survival of the Left’s Pod People collective.

These had been lulled into replacing their humanity with an invitation for mindless wellbeing. We watch a ‘Podified” Elizabeth Driscoll try to pacify Matthew into acceptance:

“There’s nothing to be afraid of. They were right. It’s painless. It’s good. Come. Sleep. Matthew.”  

People who fall asleep with media ‘pods’ wake up different people. These are the people Leftists want.

Leftist’s want Pod people who are devoid of individuality and filled with a collective consciousness. Free will and human agency are to be subsumed to create a monolithic culture. Take away one’s voice (except for the screech) and one’s power, and one’s free will and you have compliant Pod people.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers? There are several indicators:

Artificial Intelligence or AI-based transhumanism is the closest method akin to Pod metamorphism. See Transhumanism is Satanism with a Brain Chip | Timothy Alberino talks with Joe Allen (

And, Joe Allen: Transhumanism and the Bio-Digital Convergence (

The mRNA vaccine has certainly altered healthy bodies. See below and previous posts.

Abortion is body snatching.

And so is transgenderism. See Inside the Transgender Empire.

Queer theory and critical race theory seek to Pod people with an alternate universe.

And there is Google which plants pod seeds. People who search with Google wake up as different people. For Google’s strange seeds drifted into cyberspace from the deep state. Mysterious pods begin to grow and take over minds. See The Big Brother of Silicon Valley video below.

We know that Joe Biden is a Pod Person: ANOTHER LIE! Joe Biden Claims He “Taught at the University of Pennsylvania For Four Years” – Biden NEVER Taught a Single Class (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

And, the Biden regime is made up of body-snatching Pod people U.S. Suicide Rate Hits 80-Year High Under Biden Govt.

(One disturbing aspect of the movie I noticed is that the men, including the male lead, disbelieve and gaslight the females. I don’t know if this was intentional or just indicative of society.)



The Big Brother of Silicon Valley – YouTube


Jesus’s announcement of the Kingdom of God. What did that mean?

This podcast explores the Gospel of Mark’s introduction to Jesus and his basic message and mission.

God’s Kingdom Has Arrived (

God’s Kingdom Has Arrived (


Informed Dissent:

Moderna Admits mRNA COVID Shot CAUSES CANCER – Billions Of DNA fragments Found In Vials (Video) » Sons of Liberty Media

A whistleblower from New Zealand has gone public with vaccine data from the New Zealand Ministry of Health.

New Zealand: a COVID vaccine administrator has gone rogue and turned into a full-blown whistleblower, revealing, for the first time, the actual number of deaths related to a “bad batch” of the Pfizer vaccine.

COVID vaccine database administrator goes rogue, reveals how many people actually died from Pfizer jab… – Revolver News

The New Zealand Government is Hiding Something; The same Tyranny is coming to the U.S.:

Emergency Broadcast – NZ Police Raid Whistleblower’s Home | Liz Gunn (

Liz Gunn and the whistleblower: Operation M.O.A.R. – The Mother of All Revelations | New Zealand Loyal (

Professor Dr. Didier Raoult and colleagues pioneered the use of hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin for treatment of COVID-19 disease.

Conclusion (Fauci lied people died)

Although this is a retrospective analysis, results suggest that early diagnosis, early isolation and early treatment of COVID-19 patients, with at least 3 days of HCQ-AZ lead to a significantly better clinical outcome and a faster viral load reduction than other treatments.

Outcomes of 3,737 COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin and other regimens in Marseille, France: A retrospective analysis – PMC (


Pod people:

Lindsey Stirling – O Holy Night (Official Music Video) – YouTube

You and Euaggélion

We are entering a season of celebrating Good News. But hold on. There are some, the same some since before 2016, who are now heralding a disastrous 2024.

Today, at the top of media’s Richter scale of catastrophic “Oh Nos!” and bumping “climate crisis” to number TWO is word of a disastrous new year as speculated in The Economist magazine article Donald Trump poses the biggest danger to the world in 2024  !!!!

To add to the hysteria known as Trump Derangement Syndrome, unhinged Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s Morning Joe said that Trump “will end democracy as we know it.” Wow!!! What a power calculus!!

Joe, hyperbolizing on a New York Times Op-Ed [“Trump’s Dire Words Raise New Fears About His Authoritarian Bent”] went beyond calling Trump an authoritarian. He implied that Trump’s a murderous fascist: “he will imprison” “he will execute” enemies if reelected. Scarborough knows this because of “his past”. (I’d like to see those press clippings. Anyone?)

N.B.: MSNBC is where people go to completely lose all touch with reality because Orange Man Bad.

Here’s Mika man:

Trump Acquitted of Inciting Insurrection, Even as Bipartisan Majority Votes ‘Guilty’ – The New York Times (

And there’s more from the ‘sound and fury, signifying nothing’ MSNBC:

“Former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Inside” that “everybody should vote for” President Joe Biden if they wanted democracy to survive.” Wow!!! Again!!!

Before we exit the land of the unhinged, there’s another unbalanced MSNBC political contributor who weighs in on Trump: former Democrat U.S. Senator of Missouri, the very rich Claire McCaskill.

McCaskill claims that Donald Trump is “even more dangerous” than dictators Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler!!! In the process of loathing Trump, McCaskill also has to mock MAGA supporters. You should know that the schtick of MSNBC contributors – our hoity-toity betters – is making their viewers feel superior to the deplorable hoi polloi.

The above insanity should tell you that the Left – Wokes, LGBTQ+ mafia, Antifa, the climate overwrought, BLM, race hustlers and all – are terrified of Trump. And they want you to be terrified of him, too. They see their world, supported by the vast administrative State that sustains their power and control over America, as threatened by Trump. For, in Trump’s next term, he will begin to pull apart the leviathan deep state apparatus that destroys Democracy and America itself.

That and the Left’s constant lawfare against Trump is an indicator to me that Trump is the right man for the job. He’s about saving what’s left of our Republic – namely, the Constitution, free speech, the right to bear arms, religious freedom, and due process which prohibits the states from depriving “any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” (14th Amendment).

The Left, on the other hand, want to abandon all that. The Left wants to seize life, liberty, and property and create a system of producing and distributing collectively owned goods via a centralized government that plans and controls the economy. The left’s economic reforms increase centralized state control to the extent that private ownership becomes virtually impossible.

See Mao’s Great Leap Forward for one example of the effects of collectivization. A Progressive’s collective communist State means that all labor, money, and production go to the State and the State determines who benefits and who must go without based on political loyalty.

And see North Korea for the Left’s brand of “Democracy!” which the braying MSNBC crew says is under threat and not because of their dictatorial ways but because of the guy who wants to keep them from their dictatorial ways.

Trump has also shown that he wants to ensure our country’s sovereignty. And that means a closed border with legal immigration. He also wants to safeguard America from another war. The Left, under the Biden regime, has shown us that open borders with constant war and anarchy are its will.

Another indicator that Trump is right for the WH job is that there are those, not just domestically but internationally, who want Trump and those around them out of the picture, e.g., Iran-linked hitmen. Trump is bothering all the right (evil) people.

Going forward, I sure don’t want someone representing me in the WH who folds or capitulates under pressure. I sure don’t want appeasers and accommodationists like members of Congress. I sure don’t want someone who, at one time in Indiana, looked the part of a respectable Christian leader but turned out to be a squish: Don’t Ever Forget That Mike Pence Threw Religious Liberty Under the Bus | National Review

Results, not presentation, earn my respect.

And though New Yorker Trump could always pick out better words and phrasing to explain his thoughts and his frustrations with the stolen 2020 election, he wasn’t chosen to be president in 2016 and 2020 and once again in 2024 because he’s a poet laureate or a pastor or a prefab politician. Trump’s a producer for the American people.

The firing-on-all cylinders low-inflation economy (before the subterfuge of COVID) and the strong dollar Trump delivered – both are being destroyed by the Biden administration’s willful neglect of the American people as are the times of peace Trump fostered.

But MSNBC stands by their man Biden . . .

Since President Biden took office in January 2021, Americans have faced increasingly higher prices for food, gasoline, and other common household items. And while prices have been going up, wages have been going down, placing additional stress on family finances. This, per The Biden Inflation Tracker. This per Full-Time Nurse and Mother Breaks Down as She Discusses Tough Financial Struggles Under Bidenomics — Family Living ‘Paycheck-to-Paycheck’ Despite Decent Income (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Since Biden took office Home sales fell to a 13-year low in October as prices rose (,

Since the illegitimate President took office in January 2021, our southern border has been invaded. Biden-Mayorkas have allowed in (6 million +) all kinds of illegal immigrants including narco-terrorists, gangs, CCP migrants, Hamas terrorists, and more unsavory types along with fentanyl and disease. 2024 will be disastrous as the effects of the open border hit home.

Under the corrupt, compromised, incompetent, and incorrigible Joe Biden, Americans now risk getting pulled into wars on three major fronts: Europe, the Asia Pacific and the Middle East. That didn’t happen under Trump.

But MSNBC stands by their man Biden . . .

Unlike those who are “ashamed” or “embarrassed” by Trump and want to condemn his unrefined ways as being beneath them, my working life was spent in the real world outside the cloisters of academia, religious organizations, and armchair punditry. I learned which people get things done and what needs to get done.

As a business partner in a multi-million-dollar manufacturing enterprise for many years, I found out who was needed and what was needed to bring success to both employees and the bottom line. The things that Trump got done during his first term allowed me to get things done in the Kingdom of God.

N.B.: There are imperfect people like Trump and tax-collector Matthew in the kingdom of heaven. (Mk. 2:15-17). So, it is best for the offended and the ‘high-minded’ to stick with the gospels and to stay away from tea leaves.

Consider a Trump economy. With a thriving economy, I am able to support myself and give to help others in need in a closely tied relationship. But under a Leftist Joe Biden economy, disposable personal income shrinks. Financial survival kicks in. And worse.

You should be aware that Leftists are intent on neutralizing Christianity and its charity. As mentioned above, the Left wants everything to be funneled through the State and the State to be the only effect on society. This is what Progressives do. They make everyone and everything dependent on ruling class ‘good will’. And that is the substance of State media’s MSNBC and their ilk.

So, while the prophets of Baal, enflamed with Trump Derangement Syndrome, shout louder and slash themselves with swords and spears in the hope that viewers will pay attention to their frantic prophesying and let their fire rain down on Trump, let’s turn to the Good News that has already come down from the heavens with its fire poured out through the Holy Spirit.

The beginning of Mark’s Gospel (εὐαγγέλιον or euaggélion – literally, “God’s good news.”):

This is where the good news starts – the good news of Jesus the Anointed King, God’s son.

Everything in Scripture (and specifically Isaiah 40-55) up to this time pointed to the Kingdom of God on earth. Mark writes (vs.14-15):

After John’s arrest, Jesus came into Galilee, announcing God’s good news.

“The time is fulfilled!”  he said; “God Kingdom is arriving! Turn back and believe the good news!”

“Turn back”? When Jesus launched the long-promised kingdom of God on earth, allegiances and lifestyles began to change direction, as he began to talk about and show what that meant.

Jesus spoke of kingdom of God in parables and directly, as in Matthew 5-7. He showed what the kingdom of God meant – unclean spirits are cast out (Mk. 1:39), people are healed (Mt. 4:23), there is restoration (Lk. 15) and resurrection (Jn. 11:38-44). And, that the kingdom of God on earth was a fulfillment of the Law and Prophets (Mt. 5:17-18).

When he taught his disciples how to pray, he prayed

May your kingdom come,

May your will be done

As in heaven, so on earth

I wonder. Is that prayer being realized? Instead of allegiance to King Jesus the ultimate restorer and to the kingdom of God on earth, have the followers of Jesus become accommodationists of the world to fit in and find ease?

Have the followers of Jesus understood what the good news is? Have they reduced the gospel (euaggélion) to the formulaic four spiritual laws and an escape from the world into heaven?

Below are two podcasts that offer an understanding of the Good News and the kingdom of God on earth. Download and listen as you enter the season of celebrating the birth of a King who brought us good news and a kingdom.

But the holy ones of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever—forever and ever. Daniel 7:18

We, the King’s holy ones, are to herald the good news of God’s Kingdom with a new way of life to a world that sees answers in profoundly short-sighted ways rather than in the Way of King Jesus. And then . . .

Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying,

“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord
    and of his Messiah,
and he will reign forever and ever.”
Rev 11:15


On Earth as it is in Heaven

Anglican Bishop, and New Testament scholar, N.T. Wright makes clear, Jesus’ good news wasn’t about giving advice, or founding a new religion, or even where a soul goes when the body dies. Jesus was inviting his hearers into a new way of understanding Israel’s ancient story and the cosmic significance of its sudden fulfillment.

Reading Scripture with N.T. Wright

Reading Scripture with N.T. Wright

Trinity Forum Conversations | Reading Scripture with N.T. Wright (


Jesus and the Kingdom of God

Jesus bringing the Kingdom of God to the world looks much different than what his friends, family members, and Jewish community thought.

Jesus and the Kingdom of God

Jesus & the Kingdom of God (


Informed Dissent:

A year of determination, the help of world-renowned doctors, and this mother’s research exposed the world to the known toxins in the Covid-19 vaccines that nearly killed her son.

“In 2021, after my then 21-year-old son went from running miles a day to walking with a cane, diagnosed with a rare, catastrophic blood disorder, this mom knows it is time for vaccine injury victims & families to ignite an intelligent, rational conversation about what the mRNA vaccines put into our bodies. We don’t buy food or health products without reading the labels and knowing the ingredients, and it’s time we do the same with the vaccines for our children.”

The Shot Heard Around The World – A Mother’s Anthem (

Livestock raised in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are routinely given a range of veterinary drugs to prevent disease, and some of those drugs could potentially impact the health of those who eat their meat.

Common Drug Used by Pork Industry Has Human Cancer Risk (

Thousands of vials of biological substances — including some labeled “HIV” — and a freezer marked “Ebola” were found inside a secret Chinese-owned biolab in California which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and FBI initially refused to investigate, according to a House committee report released Wednesday. 

Pathogens labeled ‘HIV’ and ‘Ebola’ found inside illegal Chinese-owned biolab in California (

“This is really a massive cover-up. And I suspect it’s because there’s many more links to the funding, and there was probably discussion of the funding,” says Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky).

HHS and NIH More Secretive Than CIA on COVID Origin Documents: Sen. Rand Paul | EpochTV (


Brace Yourself For What’s Coming in 2024 – Victor Davis Hanson – YouTube

Victor Davis Hanson Warns America: ‘Brace Yourself for What’s Coming in 2024’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Lies for the Taking

“Let us not be charlatans and let us state openly that you can’t figure out anything in this world. Only fools and charlatans know and understand everything.”

 – Anton Chekhov, responding to a reader who had complained about the ending of Chekhov’s story “Lights”, from Anton Chekhov’s Life and Thought: Selected Letters and Commentaries

There’s an old curse that goes something like “May you live in interesting times.” Well, we certainly live in interesting times. High drama, not peace and tranquility, seems to be what is desired by many and readily offered by “fools and charlatans”. Our world is vexed with constant convulsive commotion.

Why would some seek the dramatic instead of peace and tranquility? I’ll answer with conjecture so as to not be considered a fool or charlatan: there seems to be, by the amount of anger and discontent portrayed in the media, to be many unhappy people in the world.

Could it be that unhappy people have a need to remain unhappy? Could it be that unhappy people thrive on passion-evoking conflict to give them something to rage against and to feed their emptiness? A melodramatic life has a history – a story of critical moments that can be exploited and readily referred back to. The unhappy never let a crisis go to waste. And misery loves fellow travelers.

A prosaic life, on the other hand, has no dramatic history. Someone I just came across on social media noted the difference:

“When I look at the world on social media, life has never been worse.
When I look at my real life (family, career/finance, general enjoyment, etc), life has never been better.”

Is high drama readily offered by “fools and charlatans? Here’s Bill Nye: “It’s very difficult to tie any specific weather event to climate change, but if you like to worry about things, this is a great time.”

“After Tropical Storm Hilary hit California this week, MSNBC ran to TV children’s show host Bill Nye to hype climate change, a typical move by the far-left cable news outlet. . ..

Meteorologist Ryan Maue responded:

Meteorologist Blasts MSNBC for Trotting Out TV Stooge Bill Nye to Hype Climate Change After Tropical Storm in California (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Dog bites man. Not news. Man bites dog. Front page news.

Westerly winds dry out non-native grass on Maui. Not news. Downed power line sparks wildfire. Westerly winds cause rapid spread of wildfire. Climate Change!!!!

Below, some of the Lies for the Taking being served up for the frustrated unhappy people who desire to bring everyone down to their level of misery. (Conjecture?)

(See previous posts for links that debunk many of the lies coming out of the mouths of “fools and charlatans”.)

The Lies of the Climate Concerned:

We’re all gonna die unless . . .

King Charles III has launched a catastrophe countdown clock. It will tick until 2030, a year in which he predicts “serious consequences” if the world doesn’t effectively address “climate change.”

King Charles climate doomsday clock is pure green insanity (

“As President Joe Biden prepares to visit Maui, the Hawaiian island devastated by the deadliest wildfire in U.S. modern history, lawmakers and climate groups are begging the White House to do more to prevent future climate-related disasters.

Their argument: If the latest environmental catastrophe won’t spur the president into action, what will?”

Activists and Members of Congress Are Exploiting the Hawaii Fire, Urging Biden to Declare a ‘National Emergency Over Climate Change’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Humans to Blame for Hawaii Fires, but Not How you Think – Heartland Institute

Humans to Blame for Hawaii Fires, but Not How You Think – The Heartland Institute

Here’s Tedros, Director-General of the World Health Organization, with more climate crisis fear porn to bring about centralized control.

The Lies of the Optics Concerned – Maui:

“While en route to Maui, three weeks after the wildfire that devastated the Hawaiian island began, White House spokesperson Olivia Dalton said President Joe Biden will “make sure that he communicates to that not only have we been there since day one, has he been there since day one.””

3 Weeks Since Maui Fires Began, Biden Claims He’s ‘Been There From Day 1’. (

“It’s all about me . . .

SICK! Joe Biden Lies About His House Burning Down to Maui Wildfire Victims, “I Almost Lost my ’67 Corvette and My Cat” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

Couple Who Survived Maui Fires: ‘Biden Has Really Failed Us’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Maui coverup: where in the world are all the children? – Revolver News

Maui, Yellowknife, Teneriffe, Rhodes: Who is Behind the Spate of Wildfires Caused by Arson? | The Gateway Pundit | by Richard Abelson

FEMA orders COVER-UP of Lahaina death and destruction

The Lies of the “Concerned” about COVID:

Dr. Gottlieb is connected to the FDA, to Pfizer, to the CIA, and more. See Dr. Malone’s article at link below for more on the “pretty concerned” Dr. Scott Gottlieb.

Dr. Malone writes . . .

“Propagation of Fear porn based on fake news and hype is now a validated method for Big Pharma to control governments and their populations. But are people buying it this time around?

“One of my primary care physician colleagues wrote this to me yesterday:

“Who would’ve thought that Covid would resurge as a concern for so many! I’m getting bombarded with calls and request for ivermectin, folks who are testing unnecessarily. Absolute panic out there once again.

“So, yes- the fear porn is working.”

COVID-19: Eris or Pirola? – by Robert W Malone MD, MS (

To further the suggestion that another lockdown scare is in the forecast, yesterday the US Department of Health and Human Services announced funding of $1.4 billion to “support the development of a new generation of tools and technologies to protect against COVID-19 for years to come” according to a press release” (Emphasis mine.)

Biden Administration Announces Massive $5 Billion COVID-19 Funding Called “Project NextGen” | The Gateway Pundit | by Brian Lupo

How do we prepare for the typical fall flu season? With “a physician that will help you determine the correct dosing of Vitamin D3 and zinc, as well as be willing to prescribe multi-drug, early treatment protocols against COVID, and one that isn’t going to pressure you or your family into unnecessary shots.”

COVID-19: Eris or Pirola? – by Robert W Malone MD, MS (


“We employ doctors who aren’t afraid to utilize effective, simple, and safe treatments for viral infection through the intelligent use of prescription medicines that have been around for years, and in some cases, decades. By focusing on the pathology of the toll that viral infections take on the human body, we’ve discovered that some off-label medicines can be more consistent, effective, and safe than new experimental treatments.”

Premium Early Treatment Pack (

Masks Won’t Save You – But Here’s A Way To Get The Critical Medications That Can | The Gateway Pundit | by Promoted Post

Weekly Update Archives – Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (

The Lies That Mask the Truth about Masks:

HYSTERIA 2.0: Scientists call for the return of face masks as they raise alarm over new COVID variant BA.6 that has a “lot of MUTATIONS” –

“Scientists” are even clamoring for the return of masks.

“We’ve already been over everything you need to know about “Eris” here. Long story short, “Covid” is just another made up name for the flu, and the “variants” are coats of paint they slap on the narrative to try and keep it looking fresh.

“In that same article I theorised Eris’ existence was a need to keep Covid alive, and that is part of it…but I also missed something obvious: The next round of Covid “vaccines” hits the shelves next month.” (Emphasis mine.)

Is This The Real Reason “Eris” Cases Are Spiking? | ZeroHedge

Taxpayer money given to big Pharma . . .

Next generation of COVID-19 vaccines and therapies gets a $1.4 billion boost | Nebraska Examiner

“American hospitals made more money than ever during Covid, thanks to special government subsidies, a new study shows.”

Covid was very profitable for hospitals – by Alex Berenson (

Yale professor scoffs at the idea that mask mandates are based on science –

The Science Is Settled for Now on COVID-19

Face Masks Lack of Safety and Ineffectiveness Research | GreenMedInfo

36 Abstracts with Face Masks (Lack of Safety and Ineffectiveness Research) Research

“In short, Eris is what happens when people refuse to panic about climate change.”

Everything you need to know about Covid’s “Eris” Variant – OffGuardian (

BREAKING: Insider Says Lockdowns & Masks RETURNING This FALL?!! | Elijah Schaffer’s Top Picks (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Elijah Shaffer

The Biden administration has announced a plan to encourage all Americans to receive a Coronavirus booster shot during the upcoming fall season to respond to an apparent wave of infections.

Despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noting a rise in virus-related infections and hospitalizations, the White House highlighted that the overall infection rates remain relatively low.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the overall levels of COVID-19 in the country are very low. (Emphasis mine.)

Santa Monica, which is in Los Angeles County, has an extremely low rate of COVID-19 hospital admissions.”

“Positivity rates for the COVID-19 test are similarly low across the country, including in California.”

But that doesn’t stop fools and charlatans imposing mask mandates and people going along with the drama.

Here We Go: Lionsgate Studio Reinstates Employee Mask Mandate Despite Very Low COVID Cases | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Do Not let them do this to your children. Say “NO!” to masks and mandates.

“College students and others across America should be preparing for mass protest against mask mandates citing a First Amendment right to engage in political speech, which refusing to wear a mask can be construed as in any environment attempting to mandate it.
The second they mandate wearing a mask, it’s a political issue, so refusing to wear one in such a condition can be construed wholly as a political statement. The First Amendment provides strong protections for political speech.” – James Lindsey (Emphasis mine)

The new Covid regulations are a test. Are we unified in our distrust of them? Will we fight each other? Are we still controllable? Will we take it? Overreact? They will come in waves of escalating provocations that take more and more while making less and less sense.

NIH Study Suggests N95 Covid Masks May Expose Wearers to Toxic Compounds Linked to Seizures, Cancer | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

“They are lying when their lips moving about how much they care about you and your little life and your paper constitutional rights.”

The Lies of the Government and the WHO

Dr. Robert Malone details some of the lies in his Substack post, who’s responsible for them and more:

“A brief list of some of the COVID lies we have heard over the last couple of years (with thanks and acknowledgment to Dr. Scott Atlas):

-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has a far higher fatality rate than influenza virus by several orders of magnitude

-Everyone has a significant risk of death from COVID-19.

-No one has immunity, because this virus is new (“novel”) and so expedited vaccine development and deployment is essential.

-Everyone is dangerous and spreads the infection

-Asymptomatic people are major drivers of the spread of disease.

-Locking down- closing schools and businesses, confining people to their homes, stopping non-COVID medical care, and eliminating travel will stop/eliminate the virus.

-Masks will protect everyone and stop the spread.

-Immune protection can only be obtained with a vaccine.

-Natural immunity conferred by infection and recovery is short lived and inferior to vaccine-induced immunity.”

“Who was responsible for these lies?

Deborah Birx (who was trained by Anthony Fauci).

She wrote virtually all official White House guidance to state Governors.

This usurped constitutional authority of states to set public health policies.

Anthony Fauci

Francis Collins”

The Lies of the COVID Vaccine:

White House says all Americans should get boosted against Covid-19 this fall – Sharyl Attkisson

They claimed it would prevent the disease. FALSE.

They claimed it would prevent spread. FALSE.

They claimed it would prevent hospitalization. FALSE.

Maybe everybody just got it in the wrong arm?

The Lies of Ukraine:

“If We Press This With Russia, It Will Reach Us Here In The US” – Col. MacGregor Tells Tucker Why The Ukraine War Must End Now | ZeroHedge

The Lies of An Election Not Stolen:

MUST SEE: Documentary “Let My People Go” By David Clements About the Stolen 2020 Election to Be Released in October 2023 | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Brian Kemp, Who Met With Suspected Chinese Spy Leader, Fights Against An Audit In Georgia – National File

The Lies of Joe “No Joke” Bidenomics:

Joe, you’ve turned the high interest, high inflation economy hose on the poor and middle class.

The official lies – Bidenomics Is Working: The President’s Plan Grows the Economy from the Middle Out and Bottom Up—Not the Top Down | The White House

Not a lie: “The President took office determined to move beyond these failed trickle-down policies and fundamentally change the economic direction of our country.” (Emphasis mine.)

Promoting the Lies of Bidenomics: ‘Bidenomics’ is working – which means Biden and the Democrats may win too | Robert Reich | The Guardian

Questioning the Lies of Bidenomics: President touts ‘Bidenomics’ though new poll shows just 34% approve his handling of the economy | AP News

No conspiracy theory: Bidenomics is high inflation and high interest rates – for Democrats and Republicans; people going back to work after COVID is not creation of new jobs.

Bidenomics Fail: Americans Increasingly Forced to Dip Into Retirement Accounts to Make Ends Meet, Major Bank Reveals | The Gateway Pundit | by Johnathan Jones, The Western Journal

‘Bidenomics’ Just Lost America its AAA Debt Rating in Historic Downgrade. (

BIDENOMICS: US Housing Affordability at an ‘All-Time Low’. » The National Pulse+

Gary Varvel: Bidenomics is working as intended (

Things are bass ackward in the Biden economy:

The U.S. dollar has been so mishandled and degraded under the Biden regime – by Janet Yellen, Jerome Powell and Congress – that countries are turning to other currency.

What is BRICS? Group of world leaders that considered making a new currency meet to discuss economy – CBS News

COMMUNISM THREATENS AMERICA: Brazilian President Lula da Silva Pushes to Weaken the Dollar and Create Single Currency with China and BRICS Countries | The Gateway Pundit | by Fernando de Castro

Explained: Why India & Other BRICS Nations Want To Create A New Currency For Trade Payments (

ghazibousselmi on X: “BRICS Summit 2023: Putin’s address Not so veiled inflamed message to the globalist communist leaders of the west: You are destroying, we are building. You are de-industrializing, we are modernizing industry. You are decimating your economies via Covid & Climate crises, BRICS…” / X (

The Lies of Green Jobs:

‘Dirty’ Industry Workers Aren’t Transitioning To ‘Green’ Jobs, Study Finds | Your Wyoming News Source (

The Lies of “Misinformation”:

Coming to the U.S.:

The man posts things critical of the mainstream narrative on social media.

Someone anonymous reports him to the police.

The police reports him to the health system.

Two “health care workers” and two police officers arrive at his door the same day he shares one of my posts about government surveillance.

They drag him away and forcibly lock him up.

He is not allowed fresh air.

He is not allowed to have his lawyer present at a meeting.

Norway LOCKED man in psychiatric ward for questioning mRNA shots (

A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century – Tablet Magazine

The Lies of the Media

The COVID Lie That Started It All – YouTube

The Lies of Respectability:

There’s a pervasive attitude held by many Washington insiders – respectability. Put in a turn of phrase from Princess Bride, they would say “We are men of respectability, MAGA doesn’t become us.”

The “respectable” hoity-toity see themselves as morally and intellectually superior over the rather distasteful hoi polloi. They are disconnected from the common folk. They relate to them with contempt, with sneering media comments, and through opinion pieces – prescriptions as to how the little people should think and act – like them.

The “respectable” see themselves as lofty and undeniably important – as ruling class. Washington and the media abide them because they are controlled opposition.

Who are these “respectable” people? They include National Review writers, Bill Kristol, David Harsanyi, George Will, Jonah Goldberg, David French, Mike Pence, Indiana Senator Todd Young, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Chris Wallace, and Bret Baier.

Three presidents – Nixon, Reagan, and Trump – were threats to the administrative state that had incubated during FDR’s three terms and has grown enormously since. The administrative state reacts aggressively when its tentacles, that reach into all sectors of society, come under attack.

And so it was that Nixon was assailed with Watergate and left office. Reagan’s focus on the Cold War may have been the reason why Washington didn’t mess with him.

Today, with unjustifiable impeachments and indictments, a hostile constantly sniping media, and a stolen election, Trump has been mercilessly attacked by the leviathan administrative state that wants not only to maintain its status quo but, even more so, wants to increase its scope of influence over every citizen.

The “respectable” people mentioned above are in on the attack. Justice for them is that which leaves them feeling smug.

‘You’re Wrong’ With Mollie Hemingway And David Harsanyi, Ep. 59: ‘Rich Men North Of Richmond’

The Lies that Indict Saying Contesting Elections is a Crime:

Common knowledge. Hillary Clinton contested an election. Al Gore contested an election. Stacy Abram contested an election. Amy Klobuchar contested an election. And others. None of these were indicted.

“The victims this time are Trump and his friends. But it could be you next time, and it will be. “A boot stomping on a human face forever,” as Orwell said. Again, it’s happening now, and it can kill America as we know it.” (Emphasis mine.)

Prosecutorial Bolshevism – The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Attorney Robert Barnes Shreds The Trump Indictments With The Duran | The Gateway Pundit | by Larry Johnson

“The Democrats are so far out of line that I can barely comprehend it. They’ve created an incredibly tenuous racketeering charge and indicted lawyers who were legally representing their clients for practicing law. This is beyond the pale.

“The Democrats and the Fulton County DA are criminalizing the practice of law.”

Law Professor Jonathan Turley: Effort to Bar Trump From Ballot is ‘Single Most Dangerous Constitutional Theory’ Ever | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance


“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice, nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his lawsuit.

— Exodus 23:1-3

If you have been on the receiving end of a lie, you know that lies are meant to manipulate. We’ve recently seen that lies pervert justice and indict. We’ve also seen that lies are involved in stealing elections, defrauding voters and dividing the public.

Lies used politically are meant to produce homogenized thought. Lies were used during COVID and now with the Climate Crisis narrative. And what better fear porn drama can be conjured up than a campaign to “combat online misinformation” (that works to keep truth from getting a foothold)?

Who better to deliver the fear porn drama of lies than know-it-all “fools and charlatans” or as they’re called today “the experts”? They were paraded out for the COVID “pandemic” and for the Climate “crisis”. And now for the COVID “variant crisis”.

In this post I haven’t even listed the lies of the WEF such as Eating lots of meat is bad for the environment and Why eating less meat is the best way to tackle climate change and worse.

If you accept and submit to the lie, you’re in the club. If you reject the lie, then the lie has set you up to fail and power sweeps in to “correct” you. If you don’t accept the lie, you’re considered to be an extremist, a cult member: on X: “John Kerry now says you’re in a “cult” if you disagree with his views on climate change.” / X (

Lies set you up to fail – being called names, being indicted, exclusion, etc. – if you do not accept them.

Lies blend contexts, as if they were the same thing, e.g., slavery at one time in the U.S. and all whites are racist.

Lies project onto others. (Watch CNN & MSNBC for examples.)

Lies create anxiety. (“Is he or she telling me the truth? What should I believe?)

Lies oppose human growth and well-being.

Lies destroy the spiritual growth of others and work to preserve and protect a sick world, the world of the unhappy.

When a lie is found out you may find yourself cursing the lie and the liar. Or you may vote for more lies and more drama, interesting times being desired.

“Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.”
― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century – Tablet Magazine


Mask mandates will not fly; tell your lawmakers we will not comply.

Mask mandates, and even Covid jab mandates to attend school seem to be returning in some states. And the rumor mill is churning that even more are coming down the pike from the Biden administration.

Regardless if these rumors are true or not, or if more colleges and more hospitals follow suit, one thing remains the same: We will not comply.

Mandatory medicine and mandated interventions such as social distancing and mask-wearing have no place in a free society. Citizens have the right to make responsible decisions about what is best for themselves and their children based on their own unique circumstances.

Email your lawmakers now to urge them to do their part to make sure that mask-wearing remains voluntary. Use link below.

ACT NOW: Mask mandates won’t fly. Tell your lawmakers we won’t comply. | Stand for Health Freedom

Face Masks Lack of Safety and Ineffectiveness Research | GreenMedInfo

36 Abstracts with Face Masks (Lack of Safety and Ineffectiveness Research) Research

I sent the following Word Doc, composed from the Stand For Health email to lawmakers, to the Governor of Indiana and Indiana’s Health commissioner. Use the document to send to anyone in your state that needs this message.


Dissemination of Lies


Normalization of Lies

“Assault on free speech”: Jordan Peterson social media training controversy explained as psychologist loses court battle (


Lies for the Taking:

Biden Lies And Says Taliban Helping Us Fight Al Qaida – His Lies Are Going To Get A Great Many People Killed (

Jake Sullivan Biden’s National Security Advisor Was At The Heart of the Russiagate Lies (


The Climate Cult is Satanic.

Future or climate killer?

The German government has embarked on an advertising campaign to brand mothers as ‘climate killers’.
You absolutely know that this is all part of the ‘depopulation agenda’.

The only solution to the alleged “Climate Crisis” the Left will accept is Communism. What a surprise.

Property tax means you never own your property. It means you rent it from government.

Truth, beauty and happy go together.

By the Riverside by Belgian artist Emile Claus 1920

I support Hillsdale College.

Honor Code – Hillsdale College

Hillsdale College – Developing Minds. Improving Hearts.

Boost the Truth and Nothing but the Truth

The video below – Uniformed Consent – is an in-depth and candid look into the Covid 19 narrative, who’s controlling it, and how it’s being used to inject an untested, new technology into almost every person on the planet. The narrative is not about the virus. It’s about the vaccine.

From my perspective, I witnessed mass communication platforms via digital technology boost the narrative, the agenda, the mandates, the lies, the censorship, the tracking, and ultimately the experimental mRNA vaccine into humans. The media, sponsored by big pharma, facilitated the formation of fear and psychosis. The public was to fear COVID, fear alternative voices and medicines, and fear what would happen if non-compliant. Fear and more fear and fear on top of fear was generated, as were compliance slogans. The vaccine was and is touted as the “safe and effective” solution (“You need not fear if you do what you are told”.).

Problem reaction solution.

Do no harm . . . people dropping dead . . . from the vaccine.

Boost the Truth and Nothing but the Truth so Helped by God.

State of the Stewardship

If you have ever gardened you know that stewardship of the garden matters.

Now that mask mandates are being discarded in blue states ahead of mid-term elections and the troll Anthony Fauci is back in his hole, and the COVID-political vortex is dying down, it is time for a State of the Stewardship accounting.

Exposed recently: piles of toxic waste – noble lies, half-truths, and flat-out lies – have been dumped into our lives. So-called stewards of science, media and capitalism have poisoned the soil of our lives and have done so with impunity.

A FOIA request by TheBlaze forced Pfizer to unmask documents it tried to keep hidden for 75 years. We learn from those documents that the Biden cartel took $1 billion of your tax dollars and paid, via HHS, nearly the entire corporate media to push the deadly vaccine, and hide its adverse effects.

In response to a FOIA request filed by TheBlaze, HHS revealed that it purchased advertising from major news networks including ABC, CBS, and NBC, as well as cable TV news stations Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, legacy media publications including the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post, digital media companies like BuzzFeed News and Newsmax, and hundreds of local newspapers and TV stations. These outlets were collectively responsible for publishing countless articles and video segments regarding the vaccine that were nearly uniformly positive about the vaccine in terms of both its efficacy and safety.

The propaganda was perpetrated by the national  COVID-19 Public Education Campaign which “aims to connect with Americans from a wide range of backgrounds. . . .to build confidence in vaccines, . . . Through a nationwide network of trusted messengers . . . The Campaign uses products . . . such as . . .Comprehensive vaccine confidence ads created for multiple platforms (radio, TV, social, digital, print, out-of-home”” to increase public confidence in and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines, . . .”

Interesting correlation:

Just the other day I went through company training about cyber security. I learned the following:

Phishing is the act of sending email that falsely claims to be from a legitimate organization. This is usually combined with a threat or request for information: for example, that an account will close, a balance is due, or information is missing from an account. “Act first, think later!” And,

Vishing is a form of phishing using a telephone to the prospective victim.

So, based on these definitions and the above revelation . . .

Vaxxing as a form of phishing using media with its pretense of legitimacy to cajole and threaten its victims to “Vax first, think later!”

We also learned about some of the effects of the toxic waste dumping: The Pfizer Vaccine Only has 1,291 Side Effects!  The adverse effects include everything from heart attacks to strokes to ALS to paralysis to clots.

Nurse Reads 9 Pages of Adverse Effects that Pfizer Concealed from Everyone – DailyClout

Evil stewards have manipulated, deceived, misled, scammed, and lied to us. We have been cajoled to accept things that are not true e.g., two weeks to flatten the curve; a one size fits all response is required for COVID; the vaccine is effective. Toxic waste has been dumped into the landscape with the effect of hurting and killing many.

Because of toxic stewardship, people who could have avoided the hospital and death were told by government authorities that readily available lifesaving therapeutics would not work. “Go home,” they were told, “and wait until things get bad before coming to the hospital”.

Because of wrong-headed and willful authoritarian stewardship, life has been turned upside. People have lost jobs. Businesses have closed. People, young people, have committed suicide. Parents and grandparents have died with no family by their bedside.

Follow the stewards of “the science”? No. Instead, follow the profit motive that propagates a vaccine narrative that dumps happy talk into our lives. Ask yourself. Do any of the vaccine PSAs contain risk information?

The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth. Prov. 15:22


A recent TV PSA says that getting vaccinated means going back to normal. Implicit in that ad: you do not control normal. And, “normal” compared to what? Healthy soil or a landscape of contaminated soil?

Apparently, “normal” requires a controlled opposition. And, a controlled opposition requires a mediated atmosphere. Hence the masks, the mandates, and the media blitz of a COVID doomsday model over the past two years.

Hence the climate change doomsday model being marketed now to replace the COVID crisis. Again, “Act first, think later!”

Hence, the fascistic ideological programs that impose regulations on what we say, think, accept and live by:  DEI, CRT, ESG, LGBTQXYZism. A handful of people – who do not know you or care what you think and hold to be true- want to tell you how to steward your life.

 I was a loyal Soviet citizen until the age of 20. What it meant to be a loyal citizen is to say what you are supposed to say, to read what you are permitted to read, to vote the way you are told to vote and, at the same time, to know that all this is a lie. In fact, the reality is different, but the reality you can discuss only with your friends and the family.

Activist Natan Sharansky: ‘Moral Behavior Is the Most Profitable Behavior’ – Knowledge@Wharton (

Now consider, for example, ESG. Do you know that ESG will be controlling your life in the near future?

ESG is the acronym for Environmental, Social, and (Corporate) Governance, the three broad categories of interest for what is termed “socially responsible investors.”

“Each of the three elements of ESG investing – environmental, social, and corporate governance – comprises a number of criteria that may be considered, either by socially responsible investors or by companies aiming to adopt a more ESG-friendly operational stance.”

Everyone will be affected by ESG. From the link:

Using ESG metrics is an extended version of Marxist Critical Race Theory- scoring, reshaping, and mastering the financial world using Marxist tactics. It is form of control. Not only do they want to control what companies do by mandating adherence to green, social justice, and approved political views, but they want to control the entire supply chain that even supports the company. In essence–they will control everything. Only those companies who align with their ideology will be allowed access to banks, receive financing, and participate in our nation’s financial processes.

Big Banks are going in this direction. Credit card companies are going in this direction. McDonalds has joined the ESG mob. Companies that want to appear to be socially responsible and environmentally conscious in the eyes of social justice Pharisees will seek to avoid or minimize reputational risk. And that means avoiding you, if necessary, to appear socially conscious.

Consider that your bank account – business or personal – or your credit accounts will be cancelled because your “reputational risk” (ESG language) doesn’t fit with the globalist’s metrics scoring, reshaping, and mastering the financial world.

(Side note:  The means to control is creeping in everywhere.

Last fall, OSHA was demanding a list from companies of over one-hundred employees: who was vaccinated and who wasn’t and being tested. When I submitted my religious vaccine exemption document to my employer last fall, I asserted four exemptions:  from vaccines, masks, testing and being put on a list.

I had become aware prior to that time that ADP and other payroll services were offering to put vaccine status on pay statements. I did not want my vaccine status to be known and to later have it be considered an ESG-type “reputational risk”.)

Controlled opposition will come about through the takeover of your property. This will occur through digital technology that people have taken into their lives with abandon. How, you ask?

Stewards of the U.S. dollar are devaluing the dollar with printing-press dollars and, with terrible foreign policy, the dollar’s demise as the world’s reserve currency.  There is now talk of a central bank digital currency.

A cash-less digital currency means that you will become a slave and your property will be under the control of the fascistic One World system – do what they say ESG and otherwise or you will not have access to your accounts.

The coming “normal” requires a controlled opposition. So, you and I will be managed and controlled by unjust and unfaithful stewards who currently mismanage our resources.

We can fight ESG:

Use local banks or credit unions instead of big banks. Hold gold, silver and precious metals. Crypto? Crypto may soon be regulated by you know who.

The ‘genius’ argument to BANNING ESG that America may need – Glenn Beck


I remember the stewardship of the milquetoast Jimmy Carter (1977-1981). UGH. I remember the gas lines, the hapless foreign policy, Carter’s “Malaise Speech” and the misery contained in the misery index.

Jimmy Carter (D) quoted the misery index extensively during his 1976 Presidential campaign to unseat Ford, even though Ford actually presided over a declining Misery index. Carter, on the other hand, presided over an increasing misery index of his own, starting his term at 12.72% and increasing to levels well above Ford’s highs. Carter’s misery index peaked at 21.98% in June of 1980.  His misery index was still above 20% come November 1980, so Reagan (R) was able to use Carter’s own words and the misery index against him in the following election and make Carter a rare one-term President.(emphasis mine)

U.S. Misery Index – Inflation + Unemployment (

I remember the Jimmy Carter years because the misery being produced by the Kackle and Hide-n stewardship of the U.S. economy makes its so. Stewards of the U.S. economy have created the highest inflation since January 1982.

3-10-22: The gas station down the street has the price of regular gas at $4.59+/gal. During the last administration the cost of gas at the same station was around $2.29/gal.

Why does the Biden regime want to shut down U.S. oil and gas production and make the U.S. – you and me – dependent on foreign sources for both? Does it make any sense whatsoever to hamstring America energy production for climate change whims? Where is the discussion?

On his first illegitimate day in office, “lunch bucket” Joe signed an executive order to shut down the Keystone pipeline thereby choking off U.S. energy independence and eliminating over 10000 jobs. Did anyone hear a discussion about doing this? Was there talk about the intended and unintended consequences on the majority of Americans? Or, was this done to appease others?

Did Biden make this mindless decision so as to look good in the eyes of his globalist superiors and to throw a bone to a handful of climate and environment fanatics? Forcing everyone into EVs is insanity.

The 1.5 trillion dollars Omnibus bill is an orgy of spending. The U.S. does not have the money to spend. This bill is reckless and irresponsible stewardship of taxpayer money. The bill will add to the national debt and make future U.S. citizens globalist slaves to that debt. The stewards of appropriations in Congress are terrible money managers. They have disregarded their fiduciary responsibility to U.S. citizens.

The Left – Progressive democrats and many on the Right – want people to believe that they are the magnanimous ones. They offer you all kinds of goodies – single payer healthcare, student loan payoff, COVID stay at home money, and yadda yadda yadda – with all kinds of rights. It cost Progressives nothing to offer other people’s money and rights that effect the rights of others.

Look around. Consumer prices have risen 7.9% compared to last year. Commodity prices have increased. We are likely to see a recession in the third quarter of this year.

During the last administration, America was energy independent, inflation was low (see above) and misery was going away. “Orange man bad” stewardship of America was positive and life affirming. Under the Biden regime, the stewardship is reckless, careless and destructive. The Regime has no clue about the common man – there is a massive disconnect between us and the Progressive Left.

 President Joe Biden told Congress Tuesday evening in his State of the Union address to pass legislation to lower insulin prices — after he suspended, and then rescinded, former President Donald Trump’s executive order to lower them.

Joe Biden’s Plan to Defeat Inflation: ‘Lower Your Costs’ (

As under the COVID “public health” stewardship, we will continue to witness Democide.

Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to others. Prov. 12:15


A controlled opposition requires messaging and stewardship that subverts.

This past week the woman’s professional network at my company invited me to celebrate International Woman’s Day (IWD):

Happy Women’s Day! Annually, March 8th is celebrated as international women’s day; a global holiday to commemorate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. This year’s theme is Break the Bias. Thank you to all of you for continuing to break the bias. Today – celebrate by writing a thank-you note to a fellow employee that inspires you by breaking the bias or write yourself a love note praising yourself for who you are and how you break the bias (or bonus point for doing both).

When you go to the Break the Bias link you get the following gobbledygook meant to warm the cockles of your heart.

Imagine a gender equal world.

A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.

A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.

A world where difference is valued and celebrated.

Together we can forge women’s equality.

Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.

A week or so before IWD, the Women’s Professional Network met for a Community of Practice (COP) session. The topic was the stewardship of your mental health. Apparently now, using the IWD messaging, one is to blame others for the stewardship of your sorry life. Finding-fault-with-others Marxism is rampant.

I’ll #BreaktheBadNews: IWD is a meaningless participation trophy recognizing a Leninist-feminist approach to life: forsake your family and live for some ideological notion of equality.

(I wonder. Does “equality” mean that males can participate in women’s sports?)

Note to self: More of the feel-good break-the-bank-money is being appropriated by the stewards of equality in Congress for more messaging effluence:

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden said Tuesday that he will ask Congress for $2.6 billion for foreign aid programs that promote gender equality worldwide, more than double the size of last year’s request.


Many people, stewards of their property, put fences around their yard. Many put alarm systems on their property. Many put up chicken wire around their gardens to keep rabbits out. People protect what they have and what they want to see flourish. But, the current unfaithful stewards of America do not protect what we have. They don’t seem to care if Americans flourish.

Often on social media: an open borders policy is touted as being humane and a magnanimous Christ-like gesture. But a one-sided open borders policy is leaving America exposed to whatever.

Would you leave your computer open to a computer virus? The operating system could be exposed to malicious software.

Such a virus could alter the way a computer operates. It is designed to spread from one computer to another. The virus operates by inserting or attaching itself to a legitimate program or document in order to execute its code. In the process, a virus has the potential to cause unexpected or damaging effects, such as harming the system software by corrupting or destroying data.

The virus is capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs to many other networks. Some viruses use your information and some lock up your computer with ransomware. One is held hostage by the virus.

An open borders policy is an attack not only on your health of your own operating system, it is a pernicious attack on the sovereignty and operating system of a nation.

An open borders policy is not about helping refugees fleeing bad circumstances as advertised. An open borders policy is about corrupting America and holding it hostage for globalist purposes.

Politically bent unjust stewards (where is the justice if Americans are exposed to all kinds of injustice?) have put in place an open borders policy which leaves Americans unprotected and at the mercy of whoever and whatever comes in.

Americans, many of us, are generous fair-minded people. We welcome those immigrants who come in lawfully and want to assimilate. The open orders policy is not American. Rather, it is a globalist one-world tactic to dilute American values and produce a subservient class of people for the currently-being-fabricated globalist community of worker ants.


If you have ever gardened you know that stewardship of the garden matters . . . if you want things to flourish.

This post has been a brief accounting of the current state of stewardship. All told in this ledger, the current stewardship has been inept, negligent, cruel and manipulative. And deadly.

The people who presented themselves as the source of truth about a fabricated pandemic continue to present themselves as climate change experts, economic experts, cultural experts, and foreign policy experts. This kind of stewardship should scare the heck out of you.

Media, as we learn above, serves the interests of the intelligentsia and globalists because there is status and money to be had by doing so. Truth is no longer a journalist’s bread and butter. Insta-“Likes” are. The media, with a profit and status-as-power motive, facilitates the degradation and servitude of humanity by promoting the templates of globalization that are repugnant to most people.

The current stewards -our ‘betters’ the intelligentsia – include university know-it-alls, Progressive politicians, Progressive Jesuits, globalists, members of the World Economic Forum, and their ilk. These would have us submit to the jab of cultural repudiation.

We are to forsake what we hold to be true and value including the garden stewardship commission given to us by God in Genesis. Without question we are to accept the jabs of their moral effluence. These stewards cultivate the same lie that’s been around since the garden: “Do this. It’s for your own good.”

If we resist it is because we know better or feel instinctively that something is wrong and we need more information.

The wise don’t make a show of their knowledge, but fools broadcast their foolishness. Prov. 15:23

And while the typical thing is for shrewd snake-like stewards to blame others for the bad and even horrific outcomes of their stewardship, we must see through their lies and hold these stewards legally and voter- wise accountable – politicians, office holders, the media, and church leaders. Don’t go along to get along.

I recommend that after every State of the Union speech that there be a State of the Stewardship speech.

Humankind has been entrusted with the responsibility to tend to God’s kingdom on earth. We, as stewards, will be held accountable.


The Parable of the Talents –  Matthew 25:14-30  Find out about the “worthless slave”.

The Parable of the Dishonest ManagerLuke 16: 1-13


Personal note: I do not like being lied to or manipulated. So, I haven’t watched CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ABC, CBS, NBC or any of the legacy media. I will not read the NYT or any newspapers except for the comic and crossword puzzle sections.

I watch Real America’s Voice and read credible(actual journalist) sources.


War room: We discuss Ukraine, the economy, polling, voting, and more.  



Informed Dissent:

Massive Study of 145 Countries Finds Huge Increase in Death Following Vaccinations – DailyVeracity

Senior Epidemiologist Apologizes to Daughter’s Generation For “Morally Wrong” Lockdown Measures – Summit News

PART 2: Maajid Nawaz: How Our Elites Destroyed Public Trust and Created a Recruiting Ground for Extremism (


Clearing the air of climate change apocalypse: an intelligent conversation on cost benefit analysis, fracking, energy innovation, the Paris accords and more:

Crowdsourced Mania

“Feelings don’t care about your facts!” Titania McGrath[i]

The recent trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has exposed a fixation on narratives instead of facts. Narrative suggestions come from the hypnotic media: As you listen to our voices, you become more confident in your ability to synthesize all the wisdom learned here today, and integrate it into your life in a meaningful way.

And so it was that the media’s Rittenhouse hypnotic suggestions penetrated the subconscious mind of its willing subjects and provoked a response that bypassed rational thought.

Among the things the media prompted viewers to subliminally take in: Rittenhouse killed two black BLM protestors, he crossed state lines, the gun was illegal, this was about white supremacy, laws must change since Rittenhouse wasn’t convicted, those who were involved were “mostly peaceful protestors” . . . and when you wake up you will use your social justice activism to denounce Kyle Rittenhouse, racism, white supremacy, and the system of justice that would find him innocent.

The suggestive narrative constantly repeated by the media and mindlessly reasserted on social media (allowed by biased “fact-checker” algos) was patently false (based on facts, video evidence and the testimony of one of the white prosecution witnesses). This didn’t matter to the narrative-obsessed SJWs. They are still clamoring for a one-racialist-narrative-fits-all-white-men justice.

Through the power of repeated prompting, the media was able to get simple-minded and hypnotically induced SJWs to crowdsource their prejudiced justice and direct their anger at Kyle Rittenhouse, white males, guns and, of course, the verdict.

Miranda Devine debunks the ten heinous lies about Kyle Rittenhouse.

It should be obvious to most that crowdsourced social justice is a kangaroo court of a media-tized mob looking for a lynching. For some, the crowdsourced narrative is a way for a celebrity to appear relevant – “My fans don’t care about your facts and neither do I”.

The Father of Lies narratives include “the Build Back Better Bill costs nothing”, “We must act on climate change now or the world will end”, “The pandemic of the unvaccinated”, vaccines protect from COVID, masks protect from COVID, the 1619 Project, CRT and DEI, “There certainly is not an open border.” (Jen Psaki), “health care is a right”, Trump colluded with Russia to win in 2016 and might be a Russian agent, the 2017 tax cuts were only for the “rich”, the CCP virus came from a wet market.

My next post will look at the The Great Narrative Initiative that we will be forced upon us.


Do you feel socially isolated? Do you live with fear and free-floating anxiety? Does life lack purpose and feel meaningless? Do you stay home and watch whatever TV dishes out? The breakdown of individuals, of families, of the military, and of society through media narratives and government mandates is intentional. The fear porn is intentional. We are to being manipulated to become the controlled opposition kulaks dependent on the narratives (and largesse) of the globalist elites.

Consider that when everything is made political then discussion and debate shut down in families, churches, places of business – everywhere people gather. People become tribal. Division and strife are the means to install totalitarian order.

The globalist-controlled media is in the business of making things political and selling its suggestive narratives to instill crowdsourced mania for its own purposes.


Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccines, discusses the phenomena of mass formation psychosis and the coming totalitarianism based on it. He expresses the need for intentional local communities to deal with the lies and with the COVID variations now being produced by the vaccinated.


What do you think?  My church is asking me for a donation to help pay off a mortgage it took on. The mortgage is on a refurbed parsonage turned church facility. Should I donate? Or, should I donate to Patriot Freedom Project?

There is a great evil going on in our country today. The FBI and the DOJ have become weaponized against American citizens. The unlawful detention of J6 political prisoners is being used to strike terror into the hearts of those who don’t swallow the political narratives being shoved down our throats. Media narratives, like the Rittenhouse narrative, are produced to support the weaponized lies.

Here is what Patriot Freedom Project says:

The political prisoners are suffering inhumane disgusting unsanitary conditions in these jails! Some of the J6 detainees are VETERANS and ACTIVE MILITARY who are being horribly mistreated. This is not the American Way! We are supposed to live in a country where you are innocent until proven guilty! These men should be out on bond so they can support their families. Sadly, this government wants to continue to exact revenge on Donald J Trump so badly, that his supporters have now become collateral damage.

The Patriot Freedom Project provides legal, financial, emotional, and moral support to the J6 political prisoner families. The project has been able to help the families pay many bills and cover the costs of various emergent financial needs. It has also been able to supply back-to-school needs for the J6 children.

Should I donate to a building project narrative meant for more Bible teaching OR donate to help free political prisoners and their families from the J6 narrative produced by a weaponized FBI and DOJ and their media toadies?

“The spirit of the Lord is upon me

Because he has anointed me

To tell the poor the good news.

He has sent me to announce release to the prisoners

And sight to the blind,

To set the wounded victims free,

To announce the year of God’s special favor.” -Jesus reading from Isaiah 61


Episode_1430 – Waukesha Terrorism And Austria Totalitarianism
Episode_1431 – The Vaccinated Dr. Robert Malone On Desantis And Vaccines
Episode 1441 – Dr Malone Peter Navarro On Vaccine Resistant Variants Supervirus



Informed Dissent:

There Are Now 365 Studies that Prove the Efficacy of Ivermectin and HCQ in Treating COVID-19 — Will Anyone Confront Fauci and The Medical Elites on Their Deception? (

World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court – Indian Bar Association

A Judge Stands up to a Hospital: “Step Aside” and Give a Dying Man Ivermectin – by Mary Beth Pfeiffer – RESCUE with Michael Capuzzo (

We are killing our kids. Does anyone care? – by Steve Kirsch – Steve Kirsch’s newsletter (

Due to the Seriousness of the New Omicron COVID Variant the Biden Admin Has Decided to Leave the US Southern Border Completely Open (

Reaching for the Mark of the Beast – by Joe Allen – SINGULARITY WEEKLY (

UPDATE: South African Doctor Who Discovered “Omicron” Variant Says There’s Nothing to Worry About – Only Mild Symptoms (VIDEO) (

[i] Titania McGrath is a world-renowned millennial icon and radical intersectionalist poet committed to feminism, social justice and armed peaceful protest . . . ; Titania McGrath, SJW Parody Account, Suspended by Twitter – National File; Titania McGrath Quotes (Author of Woke) (

Manipulated to Follow the Course of This World

There is a passage in C. S. Lewis’ novel That Hideous Strength (published in 1945) that foreshadows the media manipulation going on today. I’ll begin with some background from my post Genealogies of Straw?

The narrator in C.S. Lewis’ Space Trilogy novel That Hideous Strength tells us about one of the central characters Mark Studdock. He is a young academic, a sociologist, and a member of the Progressive Element at Bracton College. He is an ambitious, self-centered and shallow intellectual who has come into the service of the National Institute of Coordinated Sciences (NICE). He believes NICE will serve the best interest of humanity through progress at any cost. Once he stopped hemming and hawing about joining the organization he is welcomed into the inner circle. But he soon finds that he has committed himself to a hellish organization which plans to re-do humanity by force so that only the best humans (in NICE’s view) remain. He is made aware that the tentacles of the organization are growing.

 Before the passage I quote below we learn that Mark is pressured to write newspaper articles that conceal what N.I.C.E. is up to. At one point he questions Miss Hardcastle, the sadistic leader of the N.I.C.E.’s corrupt police force, about which newspaper – “Left or Right” –is going to print the “rot” he is being asked to write. Miss Hardcastle answers.

“Both, honey, both,” said Miss Hardcastle. “Don’t you understand anything? Isn’t it absolutely essential to keep a fierce Left and a fierce Right, both on their toes and terrified of each other? That’s how we get things done. Any opposition to the N.I.C.E. is represented as a Left racket in the Right papers and a Right racket in the Left papers. If it’s properly done, you get each side outbidding the other in support of us – to refute enemy slanders. Of course we’re non-political. The real power always is.”

“I don’t believe you can do that,” said Mark. “Not with the papers that are read by educated people.”

“That shows you are still in the nursery, lovey,” said Miss Hardcastle. “Haven’t you realized that it’s the other way around?”

“How do you mean?”

“Why you fool, it’s the educated reader who can be gulled. All our difficulty comes with others. When did you meet a workman who believes the papers? He takes for granted that they’re all propaganda and skips the leading articles. He buys his paper for the football results and the little paragraphs about girls falling out of windows and corpses found in the Mayfair flats. He is our problem. We have to recondition him. But the educated public, the people who read the high-brow weeklies, don’t need reconditioning. They’re all right already. They’ll believe anything.”

Mark, the academic sociologist, balks at such an inference. And Hardcastle responds “…Don’t you see that the educated reader can’t stop reading the high-brow weeklies whatever they do? He can’t. He’s been conditioned.”

 Anyone who spends time reading and watching the media, and I presume a large portion of the population here in the U.S does., is susceptible to its manipulation. Is this news to anyone? TV commercials and internet popup adverts are created to manipulate the viewer and reader to go after what is being offered, or to at least carry a jingle and a phone number and an image around in their head. Subliminal manipulation is used constantly to sway thinking.

Similar manipulative influence is used by Progressive Element’s TV news/political opinion programs and on its news and opinion websites where news is swapped for narrative. The talking heads of these shows and websites hope to affix their narrative in the minds of the viewer and reader with an endless repetition of lies, innuendos, slander, and charged words: “Racist!” Sexist!” “Homophobe!” “Islamophobe!” “Nazi!”. These words are intended to produce hate for the ‘enemies’ of the Progressive Element’s agenda. It induces an effect on the viewer and reader not unlike those who take part in INGSOC’s Two Minutes Hate as described in George Orwell’s 1984 (published in 1949).

The Progressive Element’s desired outcome-based control of others using terror and ideological fiction is characteristic of totalitarianism. This manifestation of political evil is not new nor Progressive. It is characteristic of what came before as expressed by Hannah Arendt in her 1951 Origins of Totalitarianism. Arendt, a German-born American political scientist and philosopher wrote about the horrific events of her own day: the totalitarian regimes of Soviet Stalinism and the rise of Nazi Germany that brought about the annihilation of millions. Referring to the citizenry who allowed such horrors, Arendt found a “mixture of gullibility and cynicism… is prevalent in all ranks of totalitarian movements”. And, so was lying. Here are three quotes coming out of Hannah Arendt’s understanding of the forces at work during those times to de-legitimize truth and to de-humanize the hearer: 

Why the constant, often blatant lying? For one thing, it functioned as a means of fully dominating subordinates, who would have to cast aside all their integrity to repeat outrageous falsehoods and would then be bound to the leader by shame and complicity.

In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and nothing was true… The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.

The result of a consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is not that the lie will now be accepted as truth and truth be defamed as a lie, but that the sense by which we take our bearings in the real world—and the category of truth versus falsehood is among the mental means to this end—is being destroyed.

The talking head’s mocking and sneering of the ‘enemy’ is echoed in social media by the viewers of Sixty Minutes Hate. Internalized totalitarianism, often disguised as a push for social justice, demands control of the conversation, of people’s thoughts, of people’s behavior and of people’s property. With terror-mongering (e.g., “The world will end in 12 years if we don’t do something about climate change”; “Democracy will end if we don’t wrest control of it from those in power”) and with endless repetition one’s understanding of reality is swapped for the socially constructed reality. Shadow banning on social media sites is meant to keep opinions opposed to the Progressive Element’s agenda out of sight and mind.

Societal manipulation done by academics and the elites of the ruling class is used by totalitarian regimes (North Korea most notably today) to produce servitude to its agenda:

 “Apart from the massacres, deaths and famines for which communism was responsible, the worst thing about the system was the official lying: that is to say the lying in which everyone was forced to take part, by repetition, assent or failure to contradict. I came to the conclusion that the purpose of propaganda in communist countries was not to persuade, much less to inform, but to humiliate and emasculate.”

Anthony Daniels, The Wilder Shores Of Marx: Journeys In A Vanishing World

Big tech uses societal manipulation. Machine Learning Fairness algorithms are used by Google to put Google’s thumb on the scale of searches in order to skew search outcomes toward the social justice their narrative demands. Enter “Men can” and “Women can” into the Google home page and see what immediately shows up. Men are portrayed negatively or neutral and even as being able to have babies. Women are shown as compassionate and as powerful corporate and civic leaders – positively. One can imagine what Google’s Machine Learning Fairness algorithm does to skew political and cultural (the LGBTQ in particular) searches.

No matter where you lie on the political spectrum you will want to listen to the video and read the research of Dr. Robert Epstein, Why Google Poses a Serious Threat to Democracy, and How to End That Threat. Beyond newspapers, you and I are being manipulated by the princes of the power of the air – Big Tech. Dr. Epstein stated at the senate community hearing that Google’s manipulation affected a range of a minimum of 2.6 million to 10.4 million votes in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Liberal Professor Warns: Google Manipulating Voters ‘on a Massive Scale’

You can be sure that what comes out of Hollywood is societal manipulation. The entertainment you watch is manipulated. You are taking in pagan and Progressive notions of life meant to shape your world view. One example: 7 Moments That Made ‘Frozen’ the Most Progressive Disney Movie Ever


Because of the incessant and ubiquitous manipulation impelling one to follow the course of this world, because the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience (Eph. 2:1-3) to produce hatred, vindictiveness, greed and a lust for power, a follower of Christ must set their mind on things above (Col. 3:1-2) to gain their bearings in this world. One way to deal with the manipulative narrative is to do what Jesus did to Peter when Peter took Jesus aside and began to rebuke him. Jesus rebuked Peter: Get behind me Satan! You’re trying to trip me up! You’re not looking at things like God does! You’re looking at things like a mere mortal!” Jesus put his Father’s words in front of him and put man’s manipulative narrative – avoid pain, suffering and death – behind him.

The father of lies has been around since the Garden of Eden. He lies and he wants you to be a party to his lies. The Evil One is behind manipulative narratives as Jesus makes clear when he denounces the Judeans and their narrative, one of evoking their Abrahamic lineage as proof of the rightness of their narrative.

“You are from your father – the devil! And you’re eager to get on with what he wants. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he’s never remained in the truth, because there is no truth in him, because he is a liar – in fact, he’s the father of lies!” (Jn. 8:44)

The teachers of the law and the religious leaders in Jesus’ day wanted to control the narrative of what the law said, how it was to be applied, and of who had say-so with regard to the law. They clearly had expectations of a Messiah who would overthrow the Romans and of a man as not as repulsive as John the Baptist and of a man not as conciliatory as Jesus. Truth showed up one day in the marketplace and revealed their manipulative narrative (Matt. 11;15-17) regarding John the Baptist and of himself:

“If you’ve got ears, then listen!

“What picture shall I give you for this generation? Asked Jesus. “It’s like a bunch of children sitting in the town square, and singing songs to each other. This is how it goes:

‘You didn’t dance when we played the flute;

You didn’t cry when we sang the dirge!’

The narrative of the teachers of the law and the religious leaders clearly had its expectations. And when those expectations were not met the crowd would have Jesus crucified. The same deference to popularized and propagandized narratives with expectations based on ideological fiction is true now. And the same totalitarian impulse, like in Stalin’s and Hitler’s time and, today, within the Progressive Element, desires that you be in the thrall of their narrative, to dance to its music and to sing its songs. And in servitude to Big Brother’s narrative you will soon hear “‘You dance when we say dance! You sing when we say sing! Or, else! for totalitarianism and the evil behind it are never satisfied. Both seek to control outcomes with lies and manipulation and then with force.

Copy-cat Revenge


“How many children around the globe, we continue to ask, are growing up with “jihad,” “war,” “crusade,” “revenge,” “hatred” not only inscribed in their names but woven into the very fabric of their lives! For reconciliation to take place, the inscriptions of hatred must be carefully erased and the threads of violence gently removed. This, I think, is one important lesson of Jesus’ proclamation of the reign of God”.  – from Miroslav Volf’s book Exclusion and Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation


“Here Comes Revenge”

Little grave I’m grieving, I will mend you
Sweet revenge I’m dreaming, I will end you

I’ve been here since dawn of time
Countless hatreds built my shrine
I was born in anger’s flame
He was Abel, I was Cain
I am here
I’m hell unbound
Burn your kingdom to the ground
To the ground

Here comes revenge, just for you
Revenge, you can’t undo
Revenge, is killing me
Revenge, set me free
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth
A life for a life, it’s my burden of proof
Revenge, just for you
You ask forgiveness, I give you sweet revenge

I return this nightmare, I will find you
Sleepless, cloaked in despair, I’m behind you

Man has made me oh so strong
Blurring lines of right and wrong
Far too late for frail amends
Now it’s come to sweet revenge
Desperate hands
That lose control
Have no mercy on your soul
On your soul

Here comes revenge, just for you
Revenge, you can’t undo
Revenge, is killing me
Revenge, just set me free
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth
A life for a life, it’s my burden of proof
Revenge, just for you
You ask forgiveness, I give you sweet revenge

Here comes revenge, just for you
Revenge, you can’t undo
Revenge, is killing me
Revenge, set me free
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth
A life for a life, it’s my burden of proof
Revenge, just for you
You ask forgiveness, I give you sweet revenge

Sweet revenge

 -Metallica, Here Comes Revenge


Revenge has media backing. Entertainment media is suffused with violent images of revenge. Is not most of what is called action and drama cable programing and movies about taking revenge? Gladiator and Kill Bill come to mind but there are hundreds of revenge programs and movies. Tough guys and gals go settle scores via jihads, wars, crusades, etc., and pander to the basest of emotions for entertainment dollars. Revenge is valorized. 

Revenge is shown as what the character (and the viewer vicariously) must do to obtain closure. So, the ‘victim’ becomes the avenger. After killing the perpetrator, the avenger walks off mollified that he or she has justifiably killed another. Yet, in reality, taking revenge is never the end of the story. Revenge never brings the curtain down. How is this impulse for revenge, as depicted so often on the screen of black box, inscribed into our lives?

On Twitter a while back I engaged a woman in a conversation. As the thread became about control gun around a school shooting, I jumped in with a reply and stated that the media and those who consume those things are also blameworthy. I said that what is shown on TV and in movies and video games reinforces the idea that violent revenge is the answer to injustice.

In her replies to me, the woman was adamant that the media was benign. She replied with several of her Google search findings which she felt supported her position. I could tell from her responses that she also had a vested interest in saying the media was harmless. I learned that the kids she was caring for played video games. I ended the conversation with her mentioning that the sheer volume of programing that depicts violent revenge as the answer to a wrong must influence a person’s behavior subconsciously. She was resistant to the notion.

What I wanted to add: commercials are made to influence consumer behavior. The hourly and daily repetition of the same commercial will soon have a person, in Pavlovian response, finishing its jingle or its phone number or reciting the words of its comical product sketch at the office. Clearly, those who want to influence behavior use the media. The nightly newscasts that talk about “gun violence” are meant to stir up emotions against guns and their owners. Consider what the volumes of violent revenge images in the media do to the viewer, especially to the lone viewer and to the viewer with unresolved anger at some perceived offense? The scenarios do not depict reconciliation. The scenarios depict anger and rage fulfilled.

Consider also the effects of the news media’s attention to mass killers.

Most copycats have their private agenda in a rampage killing but seek to tie it in to other events that received a lot of publicity. In this way, they bask in the reflected publicity, so to speak. In many cases, the rampage killer wants to commit suicide but opts to take others with him…it is difficult to escape the conclusion that copycat killings are partly inspired by the publicity surrounding the original. Quote from Copycat Killings: Making sense of the senseless


As I thought about revenge and the incessant revenge depictions, the image that came to my mind was the one invoked by Jesus:

You heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you: don’t use violence to resist evil! Instead, when someone hits you on the right cheek, turn the other one toward him.  Matthew 5: 8-39

As I try to wrap my mind around those words, I come to some conclusions:

A slap of my face would be a stinging rebuke. A slap of my face means someone is in my face about some matter and it is personal.  A slap of my face is a challenge prodding me to answer back with equal force or to walk away in shame. A slap in my face is a show of power.

A person acting out ‘An eye for an eye’ revenge says to himself, “There is no God who will hold the other accountable and therefore I must avenge myself.” Or, “There is a God but he is off somewhere. I will have my vengeance.” A person acting out revenge says to himself, “I am not responsible for what happens next.”  A person acting out revenge says to himself, “I will not stop the cycle of violence until I have conquered the other and have brought them to their knees.”

A person acting out revenge rejects the words of Scripture…

Don’t take revenge, my dear people, but allow God’s anger room to work. The Bible says, after all, ‘Vengeance is mine; I will replay, say the Lord.” Romans 12: 19


I am told by Jesus to turn my other cheek into the line of fire. Doing so is the real show of power – restraint with the knowledge that God sees the offense. My Father in heaven, who also sees me when I pray in secret, will make things right. How can I be sure? Jesus, with servant-restraint, made it clear as he stood before Pilate that there is a Kingdom not of this world where he reigns as king. Jesus let Pilate know that there was a new power in town and with it comes a new justice system based in truth.

How can I be sure? Jesus endured whipping and slapping and mocking – evil’s stinging rebukes – and yet Jesus did not retaliate. Jesus did not call down angels to annihilate his accusers and torturers. Revenge would not reconcile the world to himself.

This is how it came about: God was reconciling the world to himself in the Messiah, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting us with the message of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:19


Turning the other cheek is about the ministry of reconciliation. To take revenge is to reject reconciliation. To not forgive as a means of revenge is to reject reconciliation. To copy-cat violence back onto another is to reject reconciliation. To take revenge with words is to reject reconciliation.

The message of reconciliation will be offered out of red swollen cheeks. Keep that image in mind and reject the images of revenge. The inscriptions of hatred must be fully erased and the threads of violence yanked from the media. End “sweet revenge”.


Interactive media has influence over you if you let it. Added 6/19/2018:

What is gaming disorder?

Gaming disorder is defined in the draft 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as a pattern of gaming behavior (“digital-gaming” or “video-gaming”) characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences.

For gaming disorder to be diagnosed, the behaviour pattern must be of sufficient severity to result in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning and would normally have been evident for at least 12 months.


Looking at Life in All the Wrong Ways


“It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out.”

-Screwtape, a senior demon, writing to his nephew Wormwood, also his apprentice. From C.S. Lewis’ “The Screwtape Letters”



Foods for thought?

The package of corn chips found in the health foods aisle noted how not un-good the contents were to eat: “No Artificial Ingredients” “No Artificial Flavors” “No Preservatives” “Certified Gluten Free” “NON GMO Verified”.

The package of drama found on the cable channel noted how not inhuman the program was: “For Mature Audience” “Adult themes” “Adult Language” ….


“Fantasy covets the gross, the explicit, the no-holds barred display of the unobtainable; and in crisis of the display the unobtainable is vicariously obtained.

Hard-core pornography provides another instance. Indeed, modern society abounds in fantasy objects, since the realistic image, in photograph, cinema and the TV screen, offers surrogate fulfillment to all our forbidden desires, thereby permitting them…The ideal fantasy is perfectly realized, and perfectly unreal – an imaginary object which leaves nothing to the imagination.” – from Fantasy, Imagination and the Salesman, Roger Scruton’s “Intelligent Person’s Guide to Modern Culture”


The fantasy objects removing the sacred from our view? A short list:

Movies and cable TV programs showing ‘snuff films’, violence, mutilation, slaughter, wanton sex, promiscuous sex, misogyny, the profane.

Video games engaging you in violence, mutilation, slaughter, wanton sex, promiscuous sex, misogyny, the profane.

Movies which employ special effects to convey a larger than life experience titillation while offering nothing of value for real life.

Social media – each media element readily offered and responded to, and obtained remotely, removing one from true community towards self-isolation

Animation – the shadowland of phantom cels

Marriage as a secular convention to secure benefit from another up to and including the commodification of the partner’s wealth, insurance, emotional dependency and sexual organs.

Socialism as Utopia

The Social Justice Narrative of “Diversity” and it cognates, wrought by the iron fist of “equality”

Homosexuality, the phallic and misogynistic, and its associated bacchanalia (e.g., Gay pride parades)


Imagination gathers up the hard-won gold of reality, submits it to the refiner’s fire, allows it to be molded and then offers the higher karatage gold as sincere praise to God.

Fantasy gathers up the hard-won gold of reality for smelting and casting into the golden calf of ephemerality, of likeness, of certainty…


“The contrast here is between the active work of the imagination, which points to a God beyond the sensory world, and the passive force of fantasy, which creates its own god out of sensory desires…”

– from Fantasy, Imagination and the Salesman, Roger Scruton’s “Intelligent Person’s Guide to Modern Culture”



The Adoration of the Golden Calf 1633-4, Nicolas Poussin


One wonders:   does the left brain seek certainty and see fantasy as that certainty while the right brain is dismissed as flaccid and unreliable?